Showing posts with label nsa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nsa. Show all posts

Friday 28 June 2013

Spy Agencies Set Up Corrupt Financial Institutions

This is a must listen for those who like intelligent analysis from an Oxford PhD. My post of a few days earlier outlined the historical association of spies and corrupt international banks for laundering drugs, toppling countries and lots lots more going back at least a hundred years.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Is The NSA Trolling Ed Snowjob? (Is the CIA Trolling Julian?)

This morning I thought I'd write an explanation of why I think Julian Assange is both real and not what he says. I wanted to suggest that he might have started out on one trajectory and then changed course to another. I've tried to approach his mother to do interviews but that line of contact has now ceased and so while I believe Julian Assange's intentions are good I don't think he's in charge of the full game and any message carrier/whistleblower  who doesn't speak up about the 9/11 fairy tale can't be on the level because the evidence is so overwhelming.

I also think Edward Snowden may not be all he says he is. Both China and Russia have said no thanks to the most valuable information available and one they both offer large incentives for. If Ed Snowjob's information isn't good enough for Russia or China it isn't good enough for me. I've learned nothing I didn't know about before. I know more potential scenarios about hidden technology than most, and I also know more bullshit stories than most so take that caveat with my claim too. 

Edward Snowden is also on record as being the kind of sly fascist who would kill someone who leaks information. He said this only three years ago. 

That's not very cool is it?

The hypothesis I'm offering doesn't address the question of why would this pseudo-leaking or post modern limited hangout be made in the first place? One idea could be we're looking at internal tensions being played out between the CIA and the NSA both of whom Ed Snowjob worked for.

I think the answer is it's a PR trap to make Russia and China look bad. Syria is worsening and the only thing that is stopping the American's doing an Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya on Syria is the Western people's support for China and Russia. We don't trust our own governments any more and realise the old enemy is keeping the ship on an even keel

This is just an hypothesis and my thanks to Darren for articulating what I've been wanting to say about Julian and Edward for some considerable time with the Star Trek clip above. It demonstrates how complex the situation both Wikileaks and Snowden are in. I'm always open and positive towards all new information and ready to change my mind, but until Julian or Snowden talk about the fake 9/11 attacks it's no more real than the stuff we already know. Both may be naive but it's an intelligence test failure to be on the wrong side of history with respect to 9/11.

This is information warfare and truth is your only weapon. 

The above stands as mine.

Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello - "I'll Pay For Snowden's Flight"

Tuesday 25 June 2013

NSA Blackmailing Obama, Petraeus, Lawyers & Judges?

The mainstream media are ignoring Russ Tice because he is revealing information that gets to the heart of the matter. We all knew the Borg was watching everything we do on the internet, we all knew London and the US are spying on everyone and cheating at everything during G8 summits but not everyone knew that the NSA has a budget seven times larger than the CIA because they have the ability to blackmail everyone. This machine can run a planet if the planet doesn't rise up and claim their humanity. This is clear.

Monday 24 June 2013

The Anglo American Spy Establishment Works For The 1%


Great care is taken to program the consumer classes into believing that MI6 is a sexy superior type of spy.

The reality is that MI6 are probably senior to the CIA and are protecting the Queen and the GovCorp™ elite who surround a black spider at the centre of the black sticky cobweb, that is sucking up the entire data stream of humanity to blackmail it. 

It's a system that has worked well in corrupting the political elites who are promoted if they rape children.

This information is available from MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson's biography. The above video has just been released and is essential research to acquire an informed picture of how the matrix really works.

Saturday 22 June 2013

NSA Wiretapped A Young Obama Running For Illinois Senator

Regular readers will know that I claim politics is run by a spook-blackmailed paedophile power nexus, at its most toxic.

We now learn above that Obama, like judges, lawyers and politicians all over the USA was wiretapped by the NSA from the get go. 

I'm not saying he's a child rapist of course, but the accusations that Barack Obama is bisexual are reasonably well founded. There are no girlfriends, claims of drug use with homosexual  male prostitutes and no witnesses to his Columbia University years.

I'm not saying any of these things are bad but I am saying they are blackmail issues so what has Obama U Turned on? Guantanamo, CIA, Habeus Corpus... the list goes on.

The above video is an update. I'm psychic.

Monday 17 June 2013

Dr Richard Sauder - The NSA's Pre-Crime Blackmailing Machine

The NSA spying scandal disturbed me not because I didn't know. It's old news probably leaked to distract from the war that Obama has just declared on Syria. It disturbed me because in the back of my mind Dr Richard Sauder a respected Deep Underground Military Bases researcher (DUMBs) had an Ayahuasca vision of a machine that controls humanity. If you haven't got time to listen to the whole interview (covering both topics) you can skip to the The Machine part here. It's well worth a listen.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

Turnkey Totalitarianism - Ed Snowden - NSA Whistleblower

The NSA can smear anybody, anytime, anywhere. They can go back into your emails and find any small disagreement with old friends and throw mud at any person they wish to. Edward Snowden has joined the ranks of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. People who are being punished by the totalitarianism of the American National Security state.

It's not what they snoop on. It's what you wont say in public or private from now on that the NSA has control over you. Judging by how little some have said already I can see humanity turned into a timid and enslaved prison planet. Do the right thing. Speak up, speak clearly, speak with your heart.

Sunday 9 June 2013

171 American sailors were wounded and 34 killed by Israel On USS Liberty

Israel attacked USS Liberty on LBJ's nod (remember him, the guy who took over JFK?). Israel machine gunned the lifeboats that had the wounded American servicemen. That's a war crime but LBJ was very much in hock to the Israel lobby so it's a story that got buried.

Sunday 9 September 2012

NSA Wants To Reach Down And Touch Your Private Parts

The fake left make every excuse for Obama even though he promised to make transparency and the rule of law his Presidential signature. He encouraged and promised to protect whistleblowers but the fake left are completely unconcerned that his term in office has been far more harsh than his predecessor George Bush.

This New York Times video of NSA whistleblower William Binney is an excellent short introduction into the drift towards Nazism by the American security State. The NSA and all the other greasy snouts in the pork barrel security spending trough can never have enough of our money to justify their pensions and increasing brutality and intrusions of privacy. 

You should watch this excellent piece.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Dark Side Of The Moon - A Mockumentary Disinformation Classic

UPDATE: My popular Youtube account with hundreds of hours of uploads was closed down earlier because of the above documentary. It is now embedded from Google Videos where I originally secured it. Many other users have uploaded it to Youtube, yet I was singled out immediately after writing my post below this notice.

This blog was also closed down.

I've since managed to rescue this blog by repeating an authorization action by SMS that by coincidence I only did last week to prevent unauthorized access on my Gmail account from Honduras. Google Kindly provide information like that when accounts are being compromised on different continents.

It's fair to assume that my post below has annoyed the living heck out of someone. I have my suspicions, but more importantly while we figure out why my post is a threat I'm going to appeal to Google as to why I'm being penalised for transferring a video from one Google platform to another. 

I don't hold Google accountable as there is no business that is not subject to outside pressure.

Update II: I've now used a Youtube upload. It isn't mine but its the same film I lost my account over. Such is life.

Dark Side of the Moon is a French documentary by director William Karel that originally aired on ARTE in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick

It features some surprising guest appearances unless one factors in that it's a CIA  sponsored "mockumentary" disinformation classic that muddies the waters beyond recognition and in a way that is very hard to explain. The give away is heavyweights brought in on a nudge and wink to cloak the story in the "ridicule curtain" most notably, chief lizard Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Alexander Haig and two decent humans Buzz Aldrin and Stanley Kubrick's widow, Christiane Kubrick. The former is obliged to and the latter is likely unaware that heart attacks can be arranged.

The tone of the documentary is heavy "ridicule curtain" most effectively lowered around the UFO question in the fifties when the CIA purchased The National Enquirer to successfully drive the subject out of polite company and into low income/education demographics. The doc/mockumentary begins with low key revelations of NASA working closely with Hollywood at the time of the Moon landings and is meant to be tonally ironic. However these have now been subsequently proven by Jay Weidner in his first class and excellently researched technical film documentary Kubrick's Odyssey.

Over the course of the tale, Karel facilitates the credibility of the ridicule curtain through by and large telling the truth with a preposterous honesty that the serious mind cannot entertain. He even postulates that not only did Kubrick help NASA fake the moon landings but that he was eventually killed by the CIA to cover up the truth (not accurate he was taken out for his film Eyes Wide Shut before it was finally released.)

The appearance of Rumsfeld and Dr. Kissinger who definitely know all the dirty laundry affairs of State are a touch of genius in terms of strategic communications planning. 

It's genius plausible deniability.

Every time the elite tiers need to kill a meme they wheel out the big guns. This one worked well though they never counted on Jay Weidners stubborn, persistent and scholarly approach to the subject that leaves the serious researcher in no doubt.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Why Is The U.S. Population Mute On Its Military

I imagine there are lots of reasons why. Ignorance and brain washing have to be a huge reason. Misunderstood patriotism could be one too but the reason I find of most concern is intimidation  The most spied upon people on the planet are the people of the U.S. and I worry their silence is fear. Maybe a once resilient and outspoken people no longer have the stomach to speak up and stand tall?

Maybe Glen Greenwald's analysis is correct. American's surveillance state is breeding fear and conformity.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

NSA & TSA Want To Reach Down & Touch Your Private Parts

I'm constantly amazed by the freaks and perverts they hire who are willing to probe that little bit further than the last guy. As ever Russia Today are blazing the way on solid information about technical subjects.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Would The NSA Shut Down The Powergrid To Blame Anonymous?

For the naive the current fossil fuel-oil energy policy is a psychotic earth raping corporate gravy-train that free energy will break the back of. That's a security risk to backbone-infrastructure business of the U.S. perpetual war, central banking model. It's not called big oil for nothing and like Randy says. Big dogs are kept unusually well fed.

The NSA are saying Anonymous will bring down the power grid. Well if it does go down I say it's the NSA and their spook chums who have the most to benefit. How many pig-trough government salaries and pensions on your tab are you paying for on 9800 Savage Road, Fort Meade, Maryland, 20755? Here's the bit above ground that we can see.

Here's NSA chief lizard General Keith B. Alexander doing one of those scary smiles reptilians have trouble imitating us humans. We're naturals. They aint.

Sunday 19 February 2012

FBI, DHS, CIA NSA & The Rest Of The Alphabet Soup Taxpayer Pig Trough Snouts Snooping In Social Media On Your Dime

I've seen these social welfare tax sponging psychos with government jobs and pensions for life recruiting in Bangkok Craigslist for people willing to run five or more personas in Facebook and Twitter. 

I also come across their hate fuelling comments sponsoring Israeli terrorism all the time and all I can say is it smacks of a hubris and end of era desperation when an empire is so paranoid and  overstretched it needs to bully and smear a debate with a simulacrum of voice volume in social media.

Like the Washington Post uncovered in its ground breaking two year investigation that everybody was too busy selling Groupon coupons or watching Minaj/Whitney sleb rituals to study. The security state is so gargantuan nobody knows how big it is or how to reel it in. A life of lifeless cubicle rats attending meetings with so many powerpoint slides they walk away with zero understanding of what was said. It's a Bush family gift to the world of trademark psychopathy and expense.

The elephant in the room is the 9/11 false flag event with criminals still waiting to be rounded up. Instead the completely discredited law agencies pursue the ordinary people's privacy. It's far easier, takes no courage, costs more money, pays more pensions, and dishes out more badges for the fed's bottom feeders to jerk off over.

Thursday 29 December 2011

The Men In Black Movie (How Hollywood Paints The Bad Guys As Good)

I wrote this comment on Adam Curtis's blog dealing with Chuck Norris movies that brainwashed the U.S. to fight immoral wars. I'd just watched Men In Black at the time and so it seemed only right to explain how the disinformation and brainwashing game still goes on.

With respect to the notion that "you begin to wonder whether the whole of the subsequent economic and foreign policy of Britain and the United States wasn't created by the rubbish movies of the 1980s" the reality is closer than is palatable.

Violence in films paints a reality that is most effective by programming populations to be prejudiced against the artificial enemy of the day and most damaging is the mind control it exerts on young uneducated males, and their propensity to join the military and kill foreigners obediently. The CIA and Pentagon among others permit Hollywood to use their war hardware in return for script editorial veto and inclusion. If a war movie isn't appropriate, the alphabet soup agencies and war psychos have the money and influence to make movies that frame issues to their liking. 

A lovely example from the 90's found that security males fond of dark glasses, coiled wire to an ear, and complete obedience to their pensions over and above their personal relationships and any morality were beginning to be seen as a sinister accessories tainted by black budget projects being openly discussed on the internet. 

The solution was for a cool movie portraying the males in dark civilian attire and glasses as behind-the-scenes dudes with sexy kit, and off planet responsibilities. It was so successful the lay person now thinks "Men In Black" references special security guys even though the original Men In Black phenomena is super-high weirdness that troubles the Feds as much as it does the witnesses who receive a visit.

The geniuses in disinformation fixed it as neat as one could wish. They steered a movie that positioned their Feds as the 'Official' Men In Black even though civilians came up with the term to describe a UFO related phenomena.

Hollywood made the MIB's cool and real life supernatural cache made them bad ass cool. A complete win for synthetic reality.

The following interview with Nick Redfern by Mike Clelland is a first class introduction to the subject or even a reference for the researcher.

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Monday 14 November 2011

Jay Weidner On Stanley Kubrick, James Cameron and Occult Readings Of Hollywood

An explosive interview subject to unsurprising psyops interruptions by the people who monitor these non-mainstream conversations. I've heard so many variations of interference on these types of interviews that I generally ask myself why not, if an interviewee is really leaking sensitive information and they are not subject to being cut off or noise interference. In this way the NSA (of Savage Rd, Maryland) are doing me a big favour.

This is a great Jay Weidner interview. Even if you're just a movie buff it's magnetic content.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Thick Like Thieves: FBI, CIA, NSA & MOD

In the last few weeks the MOD, The FBI, The CIA and now the NSA have released UFO files. None of them are earth shattering but The FBI Roswell report is the most revealing and has a special context. Their files were published on a new digital, open source data base called The Vault and one important question becomes clear.

If it was a weather balloon then why fly it to Fort Worth air force base for analysis? The short answer is it wasn't a weather balloon. All the agencies are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they continue to deceive they likely lose the how and the when advantage of who discloses. (Update: Douglas Dietrich account of a Japanese war balloon is the most convincing)

If they reveal all they know, the floodgates then open on raw questions of who knew what. They seem to have gone for a document drip feeding strategy to soften you up. Some people I respect in the field are sympathetic to their plight. They think you wont be able to handle it. I suspect its not disclosure that will freak people out. It's the 5D deception matrix that goes along with it. Let's see how the chips fall.