Thursday 2 May 2013

The Artist Taxi Driver on Boston False Flag

The artist taxi driver called it out as false flag straight away. As you may notice in the gif the so called bomb didn't scratch the postbox.

Spies Are Scum - Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold - Funny home videos are a click away

At some point in the 50's it appears the hottest game in town was paedophiles, spies and politicians or a combination of all three acting out a zero sum game between Tel Aviv, D.C. Moscow and London using triple agents who effectively can do what they like unless their cover is going to be blown which is a complex subject if all sides are blackmailing or being blackmailed.

What we do know is the political paedophile elite still exists today in Congress and Parliament. It was rampant during both Thatcher and Blair's cabinets. The only question that remains is how many remain today? Leon Brittan we know about, Lord Robertson has disappeared from sight, Derek Laud does big brother and the other names have died. But who is left and who is blackmailing who? This is the subject the British public don't have the backbone to raise, the police are too weak to prosecute and the media to venal to publish.

The first clip down captures the essence of what I've been trying to convey. Whenever the British media lionizes something, you can be sure it is in the interests of the elite and not the people. The good news is lots of people are waking up to the sycophantic propaganda for Royalty, Military and don't forget James Bond movies where unlike real life he's not raping kids or filming kids being raped for future blackmail use. This is the reality of spies and until evidence is provided otherwise it's not a good idea to glugg on the fluoride juice and pretend Hollywood movies are just a bit of fun or that sports obsession isn't manufactured or that military jet flyovers are  not signs of jingoistic evil.

Deep down the honest thinker must know this or else why try to avoid thinking about it?

The spy who came in from the cold is excellent. Not perfect but a good film to watch.

Saturday 27 April 2013

I've Criticised Alex Jones But He Is Decimating The Corporate Hollywood News Media

This is history being made. It's a real privilege to have a ringside seat because a lot of programmed people are intimidated to check out reality reversal information. Nobody has been a bigger critic of Alex than I. If he hadn't lost the plot on Piers Morgan he would have even millions more than are currently flocking to this information.

It's time to cease being silent. Watch the video. If you agree, speak up. It's no time to let comrades fall.

Friday 26 April 2013

Everything You Wanted To Know About The CIA But Were Too Afraid To Ask

At the end of WWII a bunch of Yale Skull & Bones type crooks (International Lawyers, Financiers, Politicians, industrialists etc) who had deep connections to funding Hitler decided the best way to take over the United States was to control the most expensive  and largest secret society in the history of the world. To achieve this they set up the CIA as the old arrangements (OSS) were not globalist enough. The new President Harry Truman wasn't clever enough or strong enough to say no and besides the Yale & Skull bones types had put him in power in the first place without him fully appreciating he was just a puppet.

The newly formed CIA would covertly run the operations that raped and looted countries around the world. The American people would always be ignorant of it's back office function, and if anybody did find out, they could be silenced through anything from threats, national security powers, incentives or death as Defence Secretary James Forrestal discovered  when the CIA milieu tossed him out of a window after first getting committed as insane in a hospital, when he discovered what the CIA was going to be all about and tried to raise the alarm.

The easiest way to understand the CIA is as a global crime syndicate that uses its front operations for credibility. The actual number of CIA people who know it is a crime syndicate is extraordinarily low because groupthink always dumbs people who worship badges more than humanity significantly down. Any questioning of the big picture is condemned as treasonous, and in addition operations are compartmentalized. Endlessly synthetic fake enemies are easily produced, and always on hand from Communists to Nazis to Muslims whenever a piece of criminal business needs to be controlled by the inner sanctum who paradoxically need not always be in charge of the CIA but do need to be in control of the covert operations. 

A famous exception to this was when George HW Bush was Director.

I sift through names at the CIA along the lines of a straightforward criminal investigation; who knew what and who, who did what and went where, and who said what. There are acres of useful idiots including people that ran the CIA who work for the firm, but from time to time it becomes clear that an honourable and even effective kind of character is around who didn't rely on torture, rape and other crimes against humanity to get the job done. John McCone caught my eye because it's clear he's the only CIA director to get something important right. He knew Cuba was loading up on Nuclear weapons from the USSR and my question was, how did he know?

He may have been tipped off by the power elite layer or as he claims in this interview above he used his judgement but what is fairly clear to me is he was not involved in the assassination of JFK even though the CIA were the main orchestrators via Allen Dulles. This is interesting to observe because it's then clear that LBJ who facilitated the murder in Texas is very uncomfortable being around McCone and keeps him close as any 'enemy' should  but also cuts him out of the loop and neutralizes the CIA because LBJ didn't want to be become the next victim through a bullet or blackmail.

I could go on a lot more about McCone such as his engineering background and proximity to the whole illegal Israeli nuclear development but it's enough to know he was cut from superior cloth than the average CIA retard who to this day doesn't know how it works despite all the information being available for free on the net. I will conclude however with a highlight from this ine that McCone's first job, despite an engineering degree from Berkeley, was as a riveter because as he explains in this interview 'I had to eat'.

I don't like what the CIA have done to the planet but I'm not blind to quality characters. They are helpful because like say Brent Scowcroft the question in my head over and over again is how much did they know and how could they have not known when I now do?

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Reassess Yourself

I've blogged quite a lot about Dove and the campaign for real beauty in the past. Unlike many brands it stands for something rather than the veneer beauty to be found in the photoshop department usually located on the ground floor of department stores. Worth watching.

The Irish sort out Israeli Advertising Lies

Israel has broken 65 United Nations resolutions and regularly kills Palestinians when it is not burning down their olive groves, poisoning their water or contaminating their land. The BDS movement stands for Boycott Divestment & Sanctions. As Roger Waters of Pink Floyd says. "BDS is the way to go". Let's join together and stop the Israel from spoiling our planet's chance for peace.

These ads for Israeli tourism in Ireland are a legitimate form of protest by the people of Ireland who know a thing or two about suffering as the Palestinians can share.

Ex FBI Sibel Edmonds on False Flag Boston

Would be nice if people left a comment on the grown up analysis instead of hoping for complex issues to be resolved in a tweet. Proper investigation takes long hours and yet so many on twitter want to take a pop at you online and then disappear  Go ahead, comments below. Who disagrees it's  false flag and why?

Tuesday 23 April 2013

America Is Waking Up. The Giant Arises

The big losers in the false flag psyops are the toxic and malignant media. They can never admit they are immersed in a pseudo reality and frankly as they lose relevancy the most demented and most in denial will appear self evidently suffering from mental illness. These are clinically insane and the clowns of the class.


As a side conspiracy theory to the main order of reality above, maybe the military were in on the false flag to unmask the warmongering media? 

Let's face it. 

Who is going to believe the next false flag, fake enemy, fake hate, synthetic terror the corporate for profit, ultra Zionist media will inevitably try to sell?

No, this is a turning point and I feel vindicated. Watch the video. It's brilliant.

Essential Boston Videos


I assume these videos will be scrubbed in due course when the official version of events is stamped over the real version. I don't have much time for bad information and these are quite good. Do the homework first and then comments are welcome.

Video Evidence - Post Blast Chechen Boys Assisting Ladies & Still With Backpacks

Everything the FBI have said is complete lies and the sentient observer realises not one corporate media employee calling themselves journalists has asked a question. Instead they repeat press releases. You watch corporate media at the risk of making your mind toxic.

We don't know the full relationship or exploitation of these patsies but it is clear they did not plant any bombs and are in no hurry to get away from the scene of the crime preferring instead to assist women. These are loving medical student types not terrorists. They are being framed by our corrupt police and corrupt media. I ask you what isn't corrupt these days?

As you can see from the moving gif the so called pressure cooker bomb is likely a flash bomb in this instance as the post box is unscathed. Once again we don't know the full story so there maybe a mix of information including real injuries and fake injuries. Concentrate on the big picture. Lies are being perpetrated and nothing the Federal Security business or the corporate media report can be trusted.

Monday 22 April 2013

Google Search Trends - Boston Bombing Spikes False Flag

The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live." ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

People are waking up after the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hoax

Everything Is Fake

Internet - 1
Corporate Media - 0

They wont be talking about this on BBC's Today Program. Reality isn't for everyone.

Amputee Crisis Actors - A New Low In Information Warfare

As ever I've been among the slowest to fully embrace crisis actors. It was such a big idea during Sandy Hook that I couldn't digest it all in one go even though I could see that it made sense but didn't make sense in terms of being a fully synthetic event.

The pictures of the guy with his leg blown off at the Boston bombing have now been debunked and he may well be a crisis actor amputee veteran of Afghanistan. There is no meat on the stump in the above video and they put some on later for added effect. There can be no denying this.

The only "generous" hypothesis I can think of is that an event is pre-identified, then neutralised and use for information warfare purposes to give the impression that it went ahead successfully to the masterminds. If anyone else has a better idea I'm open minded.

The media really is brainwashing people into believing falsehoods. I don't know what the real story is but I do know the deepest lies are being perpetrated.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Boston Bombing Tweet Prediction Comes True in 24 Hours


It's not because I'm a prophet or anything. I just know the FBI are corrupt. I know it's a false flag bombing to strip civil liberties and profit from an enlarged security state apparatus and a lucid patsy witness is the last thing you need. That's why Jack Ruby had to wipe out Lee Harvey Oswald. Did you know Jack had MKULTRA mind control links? The rabbit hole is so deep.

Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook and James Holmes of Aurora movie theatre shooting, were also patsies but that was all about fertilizing demand for gun control.

Hate Conspiracies & Think Boston Bombing Wasn't False Flag?

Most coincidence theorists and corporate media consumers are incapable of entertaining an idea other than Government doesn't manipulate populations into war or increased security and loss of freedoms. If that's the case this video won't change a thing. But if you're open minded, rational, strong willed and refuse to be a dupe then this is rocking information about the Boston False Flag.

I recommend pausing it from time to time to read the text. This video isn't intended to change minds. It's intended to open minds up. Then you're on your own.

The Alchemy of Love - Rumi Poetry


Saturday 20 April 2013

The British Empire In Colour - Part One

Excellent history and brings the past to life like never before

Boston Bombing Family Guy. Watch This Before It's Pulled

There are many explanations for predictive programming and not all of them work for me. An oft repeated claim is that in order for free will to be maintained humanity must be informed of removal of free will events beforehand thus honouring the idea of free will at an occult level. It's important to remember that you might not believe in occult techniques but a simple study proves powerful influences often do.

Another idea is that predictive programming softens people up to not ask the right questions after an event. Boston Bombing? Oh that would never be a false flag. That too works for me.

However it all might just be the age old phenomenon of creative people channelling the future and I'm cool with that if it wakes people up to the Boston False Flag Bombing.

So why is Family Guy writer Seth MacFarlane so outraged at the idea? After all it is he that wrote an episode three weeks before the Boston Marathon portraying death and carnage from psychotic car driving and setting bombs off.

My Favourite Postmodern Moment On Twitter

Wolf Blitzer's jumps the shark with CNN. Hey reality isn't for everyone. 

Friday 19 April 2013

Why Margaret Thatcher Promoted Paedophiles in Power

Heath, Thatcher and Wilson all shared head of MI6 and known paedophile Sir Maurice Oldfield who used the MI5 run Kincora boys home to molest children in Northern Ireland. I'm just trying to figure out what was the deal with a lot of accusations against all three but what I can say is that I'm fairly confident that from the above 3 hours research that Heath was a paedophile, even if his friends came up with absurd claims of asexual behaviour to explain his lack of interest in men and women.

Where it gets interesting is with Thatcher. She ran against Heath suddenly and we need a rational explanation of why she entertained Jimmy Savile at Checkers for 11 years in a row? The only stories that make sense are she was some sort of practising Satanist into ritual child sex abuse (possible but hard to imagine) and the other is that she promoted more paedophiles into senior positions than anyone because she liked to keep her enemies close to her and there is no greater enemy of the state than a blackmailed paedophile.

It's very hard to figure out what the real deal is but the more I watch and read the more absurdity I can reject. For example Aangirfan blog and Peter Wright of Spycatcher fame both claim Wilson might have been working for the Soviet's but that doesn't make sense here when we listen to his secretly recorded voice in the first documentary bemoan Sir Maurice Oldfield neglect to deliver on his promise to root out the rot in MI6. One doesn't ask one's enemies to solve problems and actually now I think about it I think Oldfield got rid of Wilson and edged in Heath followed by Thatcher. That is why there may have been so many paedophiles around Thatcher. Maybe MI6's Sir Maurice Oldfield was telling her who was good to hire when he had his own agenda instead.