Monday 7 January 2013

Derren Brown - Messiah

Derren Brown doesn't mention the American Effect, The Camera Effect, The British Accent Effect or that he really does have unusual abilities but that doesn't mean he's wrong either. Worth a watch.

Extra brownie points for the first person in the comments who can connect reptilians to the world messiah.

Sporting Life

The people who can name every member of their football team but are silent on basic human issues are so often hypnotised by sport. A subject that the power elite know very well is crucial to keeping people divided and distracted from reality. So crucial they give the zombies 10-15 minutes at the end of the news.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Tom Campbell - The Wider Reality


Essential listening. Tom can be a little slow and iterative in his talks but he does say some rather explosive things in this interview.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Israel & Iran - A Love Story

A lovely TED talk.

Christianity's Conversion To Emperor Constantine

This is very good though I can't help but be suspicious of Portillo since the gossip of his taste in young boys has emerged from the Savile scandal though of course that may be all it is. Just gossip. He comes across as authentic unlike Dirty Dave Aaronovitch and Andrew Neil who both vigorously defended Lord McAlpine.

I'm coming to the conclusion that if the Flavian dynasty's creation of the typological Jesus (a literature genre of the time) is accurate, it's been the biggest double edged sword of history and a philosophical anomaly to deism that is worth discussing with atheists. Fascinating stuff and this episode is a great example of the politics of supplanting religion where an Emperor wants it.

Update: The Portillo movie was removed so I replaced it with the best. Professor Freedman of Yale who is single handedly responsible for teaching me the Early Middle Ages.

Friday 28 December 2012

Targeted Individuals Of Psychotronic Attacks

People who think tin foil hats are a joke are just badly informed that in fact tinfoil hats are one way to protect victims or targeted individuals as they are properly called from psychotronic attacks by the likes of the CIA and Military Laboratories experimenting with this technology for decades now. 

Don't believe me? 

Please watch the evidence. 

The entire show is on Youtube but I've picked out the important chunk above and the official proceedings below. We should sympathise with these people. They really are living hell.

People Are Saying Jimmy Savile Is Living As A Reptilian In Royal Skin

Intelligent people recognise that I treasure the moral parts of the United States and the United Kingdom. People of limited intelligence assume I'm a hater. Not so. I want a great future for all of us. So does The Artist Taxi Driver.

Spy Vs Spy - Shall We Play A Game #QAnon

When General Petraeus moved from DoD to CIA and Leon Panetta moved from DoD to CIA I sensed a broader strategic aim than the individual job functions. I gave it some thought and came away with a hypothesis that mocked the corporate media's radio silence on the subject.

It occurred to me given the depth of depravity the CIA engages in (e.g. JFK assassination, drug trafficking, Beta Sex Slaves and Mind Control of paedophile victims as well as filming and blackmailing power elite politicians in the US Senate) and the warmongering iniquity of the Pentagon that the way to neutralize both of them is to get them to be at war with each other.

My analysis concluded that QAnon had pulled off a highly creative if not genius move of "castling" the Defence and Spying institution leadership. In this way you'd have CIA and DIA less easy to distinguish. It is my suggestion that this is the best way to create inter department conflict which is a good basis for slimming down both organizations i.e. do what the CIA has done to a hundred countries around the world; divide and rule them with competition from Defence Intelligence. 

My last thought on this matter or rather extending the thinking further is to merge the two entities of CIA & Defence, and then let them slug it out for who gets to keep their jobs. You do this by encouraging civil war within the new entity though to a lesser extent in Defence and Defence Intelligence for historical and hardware reasons. In this manner we get everybody ratting on everybody, but only the best survive with Obama in charge figuring out which factions are necessary to succeed. The result at the end is a slimmer intelligence and warmongering agenda betweÆ’en both DoD and CIA.  Or to put it simply only one army drone bombing their allies Pakistan and Yemen and thus easier to control.

Naturally this process means there will be less involvement in drugs and a general clean up of the pus that is the American (and British if they are smart enough to take my advice) spying business.

One must be familiar with the CIA's influence over the New York Times and the DIA & ONI's preference for controlling the Washington Post to reach the conclusion I have, but I can provide additional links if requested privately.

A lot is going on in front of our very eyes if we just discard what the corporate media are saying. Their inability to see what 9/11 is all about is beyond fiction. 

They Are Worthless.

Update: It appears the turf war is between the NSA and the CIA. The NSA is of course run by the military so my hypothesis has some credence but now takes a new twist.

Update 6 years later in 2018: Maybe somebody was listening and took my advice? 

The Conversation England Can't Have

In all my years on the internet I've never seen anything so tightly suppressed as the banned in UK Documentary "Unlawful Killing". You may not be able to see it or download it but at least you can see the reaction to it from abroad. It will bring down the Windsors if the British people get to see it. Not instantly but certainly with a year or two.

Thursday 27 December 2012

2012 - It Reigned

Why Is Yahweh Such A Bloody Manipulative Psychopath?

The father of Jesus and inspiration for the Abrahamic faiths of Islam, Judaism and Christianity is a murderous, psychopathic and genocidal being who creates universes one day and gets upset about women menstruating in his temple the next. The blood issue is real important because in all the Abrahamic texts of the mind controlled fanatics of religion who put the lithographic printed press word of God before humanity, it is blood that the father, God, Yahweh, Allah figure seems to have an obsession with and so I invite you to do your research and listen to the Italian biblical scholar who has come to conclude that the psycho murdering God of all these wicked and manipulative texts across the Abrahamic faiths is an off planet being with special powers

By all means worship an Extra Terrestrial God with mind control powers, but slaughtering humans in E.T.'s name is the mark of an unevolved mind. 

It's the sure sign of a God or Yahweh or Allah that is the product of a mind half a chromosome away from a monkey and I don't care how poetical that is written in blood.

I may in the final analysis have made a mistake in my conclusion after 30 years of research and questioning my own premises, but unlike 'believers', I have frequently changed my mind when it is presented with new information. This is far more challenging than believing in something and never having to think again. 

My pandeism view of creation is one that fits very comfortably with all areas of my investigative journey including quantum physics, cosmogony, archaeology, history, theology, philosophy and bonkers strange stuff you probably don't want to touch but it is not mind controlled and certain it has an answer that is open to development and improvement. 

It is certain that the monotheistic God of the Abrahamic faiths is an arch manipulator that stops people from covering the ground I have.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Do You Know Your Groton From Your Andover & Exeter? Gore Vidal on Elite Education

John Taylor Gatto says exactly the same thing as Gore Vidal here. The power elite are all trained at a clutch of very exclusive schools to manage the rest of society. What's interesting or rather more illuminating is Vidal admitting that even within the power elite there's the wealthy and the super wealthy. He also raises the point that George Carlin used in his comedy routines, which is that there is often no conspiracy for this super wealthy power-elite group in many many instances. They don't need to conspire because it goes without saying what is good for their exclusive group and if that means bloodshed for us in foreign lands or austerity at home then so be it.

Update: Laurie Penny reminds us that Eton indoctrinate their students to be callous and manipulative

Gore Vidal At The Smithsonian

I've been going through Gore Vidal's talks on Youtube because he's so erudite and has a long historical view of issues rather than the snappy soundbite. I like him immensely and even more because he confirms in this talk the influence of Bohemian Grove for the global power elite and for a few other issues that once were filed under conspiracy theory but which are now increasingly understood as reality that is desperately being covered up by the people who own 80-90% of everything most folk interact with. 

Everything from food to attention spans. Think about that.

Monday 24 December 2012

Israel's King David - Historically Unreliable & Archaeologically Threadbare

This is superb documentary making and turns Israel's claims of a Kingdom of David to dust. This of course means the claims on Jerusalem are far less grounded in reality than the Northern King of Omri, and that Judah and Israel were never united under King David.

Israel's existing claims to the land through archaeology are backfiring against them increasingly harshly, and any evidential based researcher can reach no other conclusion. 

Francesca Stavrakopoulou is an extraordinary scholar and presenter blessed with a freshness and clarity that bursts off the screen. She really brings the topic to life in an engaging and neutral manner.

Maybe Israel needs to rebrand and focus on it's roots in Omri and leave Jerusalem to the other Abrahamic faiths to work out why they are being manipulated into conflict over issues that are non-human?

I might also add that if the BBC stuck to producing world class content like this instead of telling lies and concealing the truth in their daily news theatre which goes against the scholarly findings of academia and scientific archaeology such as the example above I would support their licence fee. 

Unfortunately content like this gets one airing and the news is day in and day out repetition of warmongering, as you can see how Syria is being framed with Iran next while the BBC sucks up to Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., Tel Aviv and of course Westminster.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Psychopath Gods Are Paternal & Monotheistic

We haven't got the hard evidence we need to prove the influences are off planet, but we do know that more than one God realised that the best way to manipulate humanity is to take the middle East (as opposed to the literate societies of say China at the time), strip away the female deities (God was normally associated with fertility, nature and birth) and then fillet all other Gods out of the Equation. The Jews were the first to do this (or to be manipulated into doing this) by the psychopath we call Yahweh and who has suspiciously off planet powers. 

Either way monotheism is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. We used to tolerate hundreds if not thousands of Gods. Now it's toe to toe between Islam and Judaism with the real psychopath referee of Christianity playing the good guy. It's a guy of course. Paternalism is essential to cutting off your opponents genitals and then their heads as religion loves to do.

Francesca Stavrakopolou presents this series that I've just discovered and I'm quite sure she is very familiar with Marija Gimbutas who I've blogged about before but I just wonder if she's up to speed on with bible scholar Mario Biglino's interpretation of the sacred texts as off planet manipulation including very specific references to life in space. 

The Gods came down from heaven to Earth. Well that's what off planet beings do right?

Rogert Scruton & Terry Eagleton

Ostensibly this talk is about culture but that's such a flabby word I prefer to use counterculture to define where the debate is at.

I can't imagine these two people disagreeing on anything important in life except the labels they use (and are obliged to defend). Against my expectation as I'm huge fan I found Eagleton (not his real name) applying labels more ubiquitously. I've not listened to Scruton before and found him very charming and gracious, but in the end it is the name checking these two scholars are able to apply to history and historical figures that makes it fascinating. You know... bit of Shakespeare  bit of Roman and bit of Greek along with a history of the Western Orchestra? That kind of thing.

It's not actually a great talk. It just mentions stuff worth thinking about or looking up.