Saturday 18 August 2012

Have Iran, US & Israel Ever Been Allies

It's true that in the mid eighties (and according to Michael Ruppert from the mid 70's) the US was selling arms to Iran through Israel in the Iran Contra scandal so the answer is yes but from time to time I come across information that says the Iranian theocracy is Western intelligence assets because they keep the facade going. I'm going to tag this under conspiracy theory because unlike straight forward conspiracy/corruption I just don't know what level the game is here. It's worth watching and there's even an appearance from an ONI intelligence officer called Jonathan Pollard who is in solitary after giving information to Israel. What caught my eye is that even Netenyahu can't spring him from prison which tells me he's not as powerful as we all think.

As ever, thoughts and feedback on this one appreciated.

U.S. Training of MEK Terrorists At Site 12 In Nevada Desert

The Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK) are the terrorists murdering Iranian scientists. How do you feel about that? Is it more important than the VP pick obsessing the United States of Triviality?

Journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Bush administration secretly trained an Iranian opposition group on the State Department's list of foreign terrorists. Hersh reports the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command trained operatives from Mujahideen-e-Khalq, or MEK, at a secret site in Nevada beginning in 2005. According to Hersh, MEK members were trained in intercepting communications, cryptography, weaponry and small unit tactics at the Nevada site up until President Obama took office. The MEK has been listed as a foreign terrorist groups since 1997 and is linked to a number of attacks, spanning from the murders of six U.S. citizens in the 1970s to the recent wave of assassinations targeting Iranian nuclear scientists. Hersh also discusses the role of Israeli intelligence and notes the Obama administration knew about the training, "because they have access to what was going on in the previous administration in this area, in terms of the MEK, in terms of operations inside Iran." His new report for The New Yorker blog, "Our Men in Iran?," comes as nuclear talks are set to resume this week between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

John Stockwell On CIA дезинформация Dezinformatsiya Disinformation

CIA & MI5 have representatives on every major media outlet. That's the free world for you. John Stockwell has provided a great contribution to humanity by leaving the CIA and whistleblowing on how it all works.

Disinformation (a direct translation of Russian дезинформация dezinformatsiya) is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.

Unlike traditional propaganda techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions. A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with many easily disproved false claims.

In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.

Disinformation may include distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Its techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor.

A classic example of disinformation occurred during World War II, preceding the Normandy landings, in what would be known as Operation Fortitude. British intelligence convinced the German Armed Forces that a much larger invasion force was about to cross the English Channel from Kent, England.

In reality, the Normandy landings were the main attempt at establishing a beachhead, made easier by the German Command's reluctance to commit its armies. Another act of World War II--era disinformation was Operation Mincemeat, where British intelligence dressed up a corpse, equipped it with fake invasion plans, and floated it out to sea where Axis troops would eventually recover it.

The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic. Military disinformation techniques were described by Vladimir Volkoff.

According to senior SVR officer Sergei Tretyakov, the KGB was responsible for creating the entire nuclear winter story to stop the Pershing missiles. Tretyakov says that from 1979 the KGB wanted to prevent the United States from deploying the missiles in Western Europe and that, directed by Yuri Andropov, they distributed disinformation, based on a faked "doomsday report" by the Soviet Academy of Sciences about the effect of nuclear war on climate, to peace groups, the environmental movement and the journal AMBIO. Another successful example of Soviet disinformation was the publication in 1968 of Who's Who in the CIA which was quoted as authoritative in the West until the early 1990s.

8.1 The Fascist Advertising Complex


There's no need to worry about an intellectual outcry from the advertising community on this because 95% claim to be working on the 5% that is sweet. I know, hard to figure out the math but that's the way it works in the Tardis.

President Rafael of Ecuador & Julian Assange

I'm fairly sure that the people who have most negative things to say about Assange and Ecuador wont have watched this interview which is extraordinarily human, free of artifice and bullshit and from time to time quite amusing. Judge for yourself.

Nazis, NASA, Operation Paperclip & The CIA

By all accounts Werner Von Braun was an excellent boss to work for at NASA where he designed Saturn rockets after building the V2 rockets that bombed London. However as you will learn from this documentary he must have known they hung five people a day at the entrance to his work to prevent prisoners sabotaging the development of rockets.

Louis Farrakhan On The (Privately Held) Federal Reserve

Of all religious leaders Louis Farrakhan is the only one I respect for his diligence in teaching his followers how the world works. An impressive speech and lesson in war for money above.

Friday 17 August 2012

Why Is The United States Funding & Training MEK Terrorists To Destabilize Iran?

This is a rip roaring heated discussion between three people about the MEK or Mujahedin-e Khalq. Glen Greenwald and the former State Dept guy make the guy from the Washington Institute look like the terror revisionist he is but in the end I say the easiest way to know if they're good or not is to see who supports MEK: Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton. These are the most venal money grubbing political snakes in the United States. It's not hard.

Since its creation in 1997 the US list of terrorist organisations has included the Iranian group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).
"It is a criminal offence, a felony to have any transactions with this group, let alone to provide material support… if you coordinate advocacy on behalf of that group. There are lots of Muslims sitting in prison…for doing far less..."
- Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and former civil rights lawyer
The group's supporters say they are Iran's democratic opposition, working for a nuclear-free Iran. But critics argue they have a violent history that dates back to the overthrow of Shah Reza Pahlavi.

Most members of the group now live in an Iraqi refugee camp.

Unlike other designated terrorist organisations, the MEK enjoys the support of many high-profile US officials, including Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor; John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN; James Woolsey, the former CIA director; and Tom Ridge, the former secretary of Homeland Security.

They have travelled around the US and the world, giving speeches advocating the MEK's removal from the US terrorist list.

Below are excerpts from some of the speeches:

Tom Ridge: "They do not belong on the list. They're not a terrorist organisation. Take them off the list".

John Bolton: "I don't think that organisations should be put on that list for political purposes as the MEK was in 1997. I don't think organisations should be kept on that list as the MEK was in 2008 for political purposes. I think the facts should be allowed to fall where they may."

Rudy Giuliani: "We will stand up for them, we are with them as if we are in that camp with them today. Whatever they do to them, they do to us."
"The treasury should get to the bottom of finding out where the money is coming from. If this is being done in coordination with the MEK, a crime has been committed then somebody ought to be convicted...but I don't know if that's the case [here]."
- Patrick Clawson, Iran analyst at the Washington Institute
Now the US Treasury Department has launched an inquiry into whether these officials are being paid by the MEK to speak, which would be a violation of US laws.
So why are so many high-ranking US politicians and former officials openly backing the MEK despite their designation as a terrorist group?
Is it even legal? And why has it taken so long for the US government to ask the same question?

Joining Inside Story Americas with Lisa Fletcher to discuss this are: Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and former civil rights lawyer; Reza Marashi, the research director at the National Iranian American Council; and Patrick Clawson, the research director and Iran analyst at the Washington Institute.

"When the MEK was put on the terrorist list in 1997 by Martin Indyk he said in his book 'we decided to put the MEK as a designated terrorist organisation not because they were pro- or anti-American but because they were [one] without a shadow of a doubt...'" Reza Marashi, research director at the National Iranian American Council

Who is MEK?
  • Founded in 1965 by Islamic-Marxist students, the group helped to overthrow the Iranian government in 1979, prompting a clampdown following the revolution.
  • Many members are refugees in both Iraq and France.
  • Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader, used them for attacks against Iran and the Kurds.
  • The US disarmed them following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which the MEK agreed to in exchange for protection.
  • The US turned over MEK refugees to the Iraqi government in 2011.
  • The group's leaders continue to live and operate in France.

Operation Paperclip - The CIA & Nazi Laundering

I was listening to Mike Ruppert describing the Nazi CIA connection to CIA drug trafficking yesterday (Klaus Barbie was moved to Boliva) and as this Project Paperclip video turned up buried deep in Youtube due to poor tagging I thought I'd post it. Technically it was the CIA forerunner the OSS (Overseas Strategic Services) who laundered thousands of Nazis into the US or embedded in Europe in the Operation Gladio I posted about the other day.

Strategically it was a huge mistake as short term pragmatism took over long term vision and so the often held observation that Germany lost the war but the Nazis just took it elsewhere is accurate. There's no discussion even today within the United States as to what the long term vision is. There's lots of self congratulatory finest country in the world hollowness but while that comes from the executive while describing the organised crime unit known as the CIA it's hard to give these words any credence whatsoever.

The Constitution worshippers fail to notice that the US has never lived up to its most basic ideals. Freedom for all men. That never was or will be the case and the US is facing impending imperial collapse. This will be a healthy thing for the many people who care about the people in this country.

Conversations With John Judge - Part Two

John Judge's mother was the highest paid female in the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. I consider him a real insider of Washington D.C where he has lived all his life. For this reason it is all the more remarkable he has been able to rise above the simulacrum and diagnose the reality.

This is Part two of the couple of interviews that I commenced a few days ago. 

I'm quite picky about who I listen to and so I like them erudite, witty, able to laugh and capable of deeper analysis with interesting commentary. 

John Judge is all this and more though his Pentagon attack analysis is provably ludicrous.

James Holmes MKULTRA/Mind Control?

I welcome alternative narratives and analysis to the corporate media who have failed on so many of the leading issues of the day. I've not the time to watch this though as I'm immersed in Iran Contra things so if anyone has any opinions on it I'd appreciate some feedback. I don't accept the mainstream media analysis of the story given the number of indicators for false flag mind control but I'm open minded.

Here is the claim that James Holmes purchased $20000 dollars worth of weapons and gear.

LAPD Mike Ruppert & CIA Drugs Trafficking

Detective Mike Ruppert and his seminal video testimony on CIA drug trafficking. No ordinary detective but an extraordinarily honourable representative of the Law Mike Ruppert blew open the gates on this subject and it cost him a lot. We owe him a lot.

Join The Secret Navy - Enjoy A Little Detention 鬼

This is so gay it's worthy of analysis and comment. The 20 minute presentation by the Office of Naval intelligence practically bleeds fear and cold war paranoia. It tells us that the US Navy really didn't want to get into a proxy war in Korea after destroying and killing a third of the civil population and losing so many American lives in glaring hot summers and brutal winters during the US war on the Korean peninsula.

Which makes you wonder why the US didn't drop a nuke again as they killed more of the innocent civilian population one by one in North Korea?

The over the top explanation for naval manoeuvres that led to a the USS Pueblo being confiscated by North Korea from the US Navy serves to demonstrate what would the American people feel if a North Korean Navy ship was 10 nautical miles off Seal Beach, California?

I'm quite happy to take comments on this one if any of my assumptions are erroneous. I understand cold war ambiguity but this isn't the cold war and the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) sit on some of the most needed technology by mankind are incapable of rounding up a few banksters and crooks. Unable to do a real job they persecute people who eschew violence and killing.  That's called cowardice where I come from.

Update: The video has been removed but its worth bearing in mind that the ONI were taken out by Mossad and their Neocon buddies on 9/11.

The World's Most Loved Refugee


One of the great developments of the persecution of Julian Assange is how clear the fake left and pseudo socialists stick out like a crumpled rape victim begging for help on an ignored busy high street. So obsessed are the fake left and pseudo socialists to get their gender revenge on Assange they wilfully and concertedly ignore the mountain of evidence defnining the most persecuted individual of the third millennium thus far.

Listen to the noble words of the Ecuador leadership and Foreign ministry in this video statement. Compare them to the weak and sycophant Australian and British governments. Servile to the worlds largest killing machine. The fake left and pseudo socialists screaming for revenge to assuage their own  hurt. Damaged individuals. Lost. Crumpled and Broken.

Thank you Ecuador.

How The CIA Massacred Guatamalans For The United Fruit Corporation

The “United fruit company”, now known as “Chiquita brands international” used its connection to John Foster Dulles (secretary of state under Eisenhower), who was at one time on the companies board of directors to overthrow the Guatemalan government and put a dictator in charge in 1954. All under the ruse of a “communist threat”. This was done using the CIA

The exercise was a perfect example of the US government and corporations doing nasty things together for money. They even spread propaganda about a “communist threat” to the American public. this was over land and bananas. Imagine what they would do or have done for oil.

False Accusers Of Rape Endanger Women's Sexual Safety

Some of the most appalling people on the internet at the moment are ignoring that Julian Assange has been framed by the military industrial complex on spurious charges of a sexual nature relating to deception of non use of a prophylactic. This misdemeanour is masquerading in Sweden as a crime so far distant from my use of the language I will neither repeat it or give it any credit. 

The perniciousness of distorting language so far from its meaning is that it imposes violent sexual assault on women in the future as the patriarchal elements (like the aforementioned military industrial complex) of society take their hatred out on women. By insisting that Julian be prosecuted I claim you encourage violent sexual crime on women.  You're a disgrace and exceedingly selfish.

In this respect I applaud the honesty and courage of the tweet I've published. This comes from compassion and truth; not bitterness and short term point-scoring at the expense of long term safety of women.

There are of course counterarguments and I'm familiar with all of them, not least their propensity to ignore the persecution by the military industrial complex so in the end it is my word against yours. So be it. I'm OK with that. Julian is innocent and decent people know that.

Thursday 16 August 2012

John Judge - Coincidence Theorists & Conspiracy Deniers

A good sense of humour is a rare quality in this field of research and so if you couple that with John Judge's fine mind (and conversational manner) you can learn a lot and open up the brain to different neurons firing on all 8 cylinders. We do share some language points like Coincidence Theorists and Conspiracy Deniers which is fun for me as I can tell he's a kindred language framer from this kind of play with words.

JFK, Information Density & Poppy Bush

One of the challenges of the Bush family (or any CIA intrigue) is their propensity to use similar names, So we have two Prescott Bush's one George HW Bush and one George Bush connected to people like Neil Mallon and then naming a son Neil Mallon Bush. It's hard to keep up so even though I've watched the above clip twice I'd need to watch it a few more times to repeat lucidly. However it's the finest and most plausible case arguing George HW Bush's involvement in the Kennedy killing. Just as I concluded its value it threw in a nugget in the long version embedded below that it's possible Lee Harvey Oswald was an FBI informant on the CIA and that's why they fitted him up. Nobody but George HW Bush knows the full story and he might not be sure of all the details himself now due to old age and a life of deception but this is as good as it gets. The full version is worth spending some time with too.

I should add that I've never really spent that much time on the Kennedy conspiracy before because it's so long ago, but since I've noticed the nexus of criminality around George HW Bush I've had to roll up my sleeves and find the good shit. The above clip and full length documentary below are where it's at.

Update: original videos removed.

George Bush's JFK Assassination Fingerprints

When I think about the criminal genius of George The First as he comes to the end of his days in a wheelchair I'd love to write the only book about him that accurately portrays him as a giant of the 20th and 21st century criminality. Right up to the end he used his son to take the rap for a crime that it's clear he never had the intellectual or cognitive clout to achieve. The 9/11 conspiracy.

I don't necessarily buy the above video photographic evidence as reliable, though we do know he was a CIA operative long before he was made head of the CIA and that he was in Dallas on the day of JFK's assassination and subsequently denied having any recall about the matter. On that little nugget alone it's fair to assume his involvement was of a primary nature.

Recently I've been interested in finding out what he was doing as Ambassador to Beijing because NIxon was in there straight after with Kissinger and it's all too close to ignore.

Christopher Hitchens On Colin Powell & Iran Contra

It's just a couple of seconds at the beginning but worth its weight in depleted uranium

In 1984-85, as the Iran-contra storm clouds began to build, one-star Gen. Colin Powell was the "filter" for information flowing to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. It would be what knowledge flowed through that "filter" that investigators would try to determine years later -- a mystery still relevant as Powell's political star rises and his importance to Bob Dole's 1996 campaign grows. 

When Iran-contra broke in 1986-87, Powell would claim to know next to nothing about unlawful 1985 shipments of U.S. weapons from Israel to Iran -- or about illegal third-country financing of the Nicaraguan contra rebels. But was the general lying? The documentary record made clear certainly that his boss, Weinberger, knew a great deal. 

Weinberger, a close adviser to President Reagan, was one of the first officials outside the White House to learn that Reagan had put the arm on Saudi Arabia to give the contras $1 million a month in 1984, as Congress cut off aid. Like Weinberger, Powell was a very close friend to Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador who handled that transaction. Powell and Bandar, who had met in the 1970s, were frequent tennis partners. 

But exactly when Weinberger learned of the Saudi contributions and what he told Powell are still not clear. On June 20, 1984, Weinberger attended a State Department meeting on the contras, and his scribbled notes cited the need to "plan for other sources for $." But secrecy would be vital, the defense secretary understood. "Keep US fingerprints off," he wrote. 

Over the summer, Gen. John Vessey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, learned from a foreign visitor about the Saudi money and passed on word to the defense secretary. "I reported it to Secretary Weinberger," Vessey said in a deposition. "His reaction was about the same as mine, sort of surprise first that Saudi Arabia] would do it." 

In 1985, when the Saudis doubled their annual contra gift from $12 million to $25 million, Vessey quickly passed on word to his boss. "Jack Vessey in office alone," Weinberger wrote on March 13, 1985. "Bandar is giving $25 million to Contras -- so all we need is non-lethal aid." 

Dangerous Lands

Meanwhile, the White House was maneuvering into dangerous territory, too, in its policy toward Iran. The Israelis were interested in trading U.S. weapons to Iran to gain a strategic foothold in that Middle Eastern country -- and to enlist Iran's help in freeing American hostages in Lebanon. 

Carrying the water for the Iran opening was national security adviser Robert McFarlane, who circulated a draft presidential order in late spring 1985. As always, the paper passed through Weinberger's "filter," Colin Powell. In his memoirs, Powell called the proposal "a stunner" and a grab by McFarlane for "Kissingerian immortality." 

After reading the draft, Weinberger scribbled in the margins, "this is almost too absurd to comment on." Ironically, on the same day the Iran paper went out, Reagan declared that the United States would give no quarter to terrorism. "Let me further make it plain to the assassins in Beirut and their accomplices, wherever they may be, that America will never make concessions to terrorists," Reagan declared. 

But in July 1985, Weinberger, Powell and McFarlane were actively meeting on details to do just that. Iran wanted 100 anti-tank TOW missiles that would be delivered through Israel, according to Weinberger's notes. Reagan gave his approval, though the White House wanted the shipments handled with "maximum compartmentalization" to prevent public disclosure. 

On Aug. 20, 1985, the Israelis delivered the first 96 missiles to Iran, a pivotal moment for the Reagan administration. That missile shipment put the Reagan administration over the legal line, in violation of laws both requiring congressional notification for transshipment of U.S. weapons and prohibiting arms to Iran or any other nation designated a terrorist state. Violation of either statute could be a felony and an impeachable offense. 

The available evidence from that period also suggests that Weinberger and Powell were very much in the loop on the operation, even though they may have opposed the policy. On Aug. 22, two days later, Israel notified McFarlane of the completed shipment. From aboard Air Force One, McFarlane promptly called Weinberger. 

A Mystery Meeting

When Air Force One landed at Andrews Air Force Base, McFarlane rushed to the Pentagon to meet Weinberger and Powell. The 40-minute meeting started at 7:30 p.m, but the substance of the meeting remains in dispute. McFarlane said he cited Reagan's approval of the missile transfer and the need to replenish Israeli stockpiles. But Weinberger denied that account, and Powell insisted that he had only a vague memory of the meeting. 

"My recollection is that Mr. McFarlane described to the Secretary the so-called Iran Initiative and he gave to the Secretary a sort of a history of how we got where we were that particular day and some of the thinking that gave rise to the possibility of going forward ... and what the purposes of such an initiative would be," Powell said in a deposition two years later. 

Congressional attorney Joseph Saba asked Powell if McFarlane had mentioned that Israel already had supplied weapons to Iran. "I don't recall specifically," Powell answered vaguely. "I just don't recall." When Saba asked about any notes, Powell responded, "there were none on our side." 

In a later interview with the FBI, Powell said he learned at that meeting that there "was to be a transfer of some limited amount of materiel" to Iran. But he did not budge on his claim that he did not remember that the first shipment had already gone and that replenishment had been promised. 

This claim of only prospective knowledge would be key to Powell's Iran-contra defense. But it made little sense for McFarlane to hurry to the Pentagon, after learning of the delivery and the need for replenishment, simply to debate a future policy that, in fact, was already being implemented. The behavior of Powell and Weinberger in the following days also suggested that they knew an arms-for-hostage swap was under way. 

According to Weinberger's diary, he and Powell eagerly awaited hostage release in following weeks. In early September 1985, Weinberger dispatched a Pentagon emissary to meet with Iranians in Europe. At the same time, McFarlane sent a message to Israel that the United States was prepared to replace 500 Israeli missiles, an assurance that would have required Weinberger's clearance. 

On Sept. 14, 1985, Israel delivered the second shipment, 408 more missiles to Iran. The next day, one hostage, the Rev. Benjamin Weir, was released in Beirut. Back at the Pentagon, Weinberger penned in his diary a cryptic reference to "a delivery I have for our prisoners." 

But when the Iran-contra scandal broke more than a year later, Weinberger and Powell would plead faulty memories again. Saba asked Powell if he had heard of any linkage between an arms delivery and Weir's release. "No, I have no recollection of that," Powell answered. 

After Weir's freedom, the job of replenishing the Israel stockpile fell to White House aide Oliver North. "My original point of contact was General Colin Powell, who was going directly to his immediate superior, Secretary Weinberger," North would testify in 1987. But in their later sworn testimony, Powell and Weinberger would continue to insist that they had no idea that 508 missiles had already been shipped.

Update: Original video, deleted.

Iran Contra - Respect The Uniform, Respect The Flag, Respect The Surface

Since I've been researching Iran Contra (The Ground Zero of American corruption) I've come to the conclusion that two researchers are so outstanding I'd trust them to turn up and prosecute the last five or six presidents without bringing a note with them. They are both cool, rational, exceedingly well informed and meticulous. They are John Judge and Dave Emory although Dave Emory seems to have issues with 9/11. 

That's a major intelligence failure.

Does 9/11 Matter?

The evidence for a false flag/inside job isn't suspicious. It's overwhelming. John Judge takes a different approach by asking the questions the 9/11 commission report couldn't because the investigators are separated from the report writers (a very effective component of a cover-up). He calls it the 9/11 Omission report. There's a lot of interesting analysis that I've never come across before and I feel the compassionate observer of the human condition is obliged to spend time with this kind of information if the government's story is the narrative you've chosen to believe.

John Judge also mentions that CIA/DIA conflict that comes up time and again for me when people choose to parrot the line that Assange and Wikileaks are disinformation. That simply isn't the case.

The United Kingdom Of Show Trials & Kangaroo Courts

The United Kingdom. Had it. Lost it. #Assange #Ecuador #Wikileaks

Have you Watched Cathy O'Brien's CIA Child Abuse Programme Testimony?


Increasingly today those in the know discern those who don't know the internet by separating the wheat from the chaff with questions like 'Have you seen Cathy O'Brien". I heard it last week in a TMRN interview and could hardly believe my ears as Foster and Kimberley Gamble admitted they knew and somehow a new tipping point had been reached. White middle aged couples referencing Cathy O'Brien? That's new.

Mark Phillips (former CIA agent) and Cathy O'Brien exposed the Federal Government's involvement in Mind Control projects as well as research, and abuse of their own people. This is the National Shame of the United States Federal Goverment. Mark and Cathy tell all and underscore the insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and many others to this nightmarish horror that has been inflicted upon possibly millions of people in the United States. 

Mark touches on the sources and history of mind control while Cathy unveils publicly the horrors she and her family have been subjected to, horrors which continue to this day. Her story will not only infuriate you, but will educate you to the reality of US mind control.

Filmed 2006-7-21 in Edmonton Canada.

Here are the CIA's search results on MKULTRA

Cold War 03/24 - Marshall Plan 1947 1952

All these years and I didn't actually know that the Marshall Plan was made by a civilian who used to be General Marshall in the military. Great series although a little biased against Joe Stalin's viewpoint of the world. Joe Stalin the United States ally in WWII. Yeah that one.

The Genius Criminal Mind of George H.W. Bush

To put it into context George HW Bush ran the Whitehouse with Reagan as President while he organised all the crime needed to run a crooked empire like Iran Contra. Later when he got caught he put himself into power and pardoned all the criminals that were taking the fifth amendment like Poindexter and Oliver North. This is genius. Sure it's evil but it's genius evil. Nobody has come close to George Bush in terms of criminal achievement. Drugs, Oil, Intelligence, Guns, Politics, Banking, you name it and George The First did it better than anyone else. Most people still don't know the full scale. This is the most concrete proof of his skills.

In the video above I claim I can link George HW Bush to any significant criminal activity you care to mention on the planet by three degrees of seperation. Bin Laden? No problem. Mossad? A cakewalk. Adnan Kashoggi? Close personal friend. Keep going.....

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Good Job Lads [The Cowardice Of The British]

UK authorities threatened to “assault” the Ecuadorian Embassy if it doesn't hand over Julian Assange, the country’s foreign minister said. During a news conference, Ricardo Patino said Ecuador will soon announce its decision on Assange’s asylum bid.

Ecuador received a "direct" threat from the British authorities that they are prepared to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange. Ricardo Patino said the "written threat", an aide memoire, was delivered to Ecuador's Foreign Ministry and ambassador in London.

Remind me again London? What do you stand for when your ego isn't being stroked? Perhaps you're just a fair weather friend and always have been. So be it.

Conversations With John Judge - Part One

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but it does allow me to assess the quality of a man's thinking. Last night I listened to a mid eighties John Judge talk on Iran Contra and time after time after time he was not only way ahead of the pack but bang on the money. 

John Judge's mother worked in the Pentagon for DoD at a very senior level and has a great understanding of how the owners run the United States. I only disagreed with him on two points. My information tells me the 47000 deaths in the Vietnam war was adjusted to fit the projections his mother made. I also think he's inexplicably erroneous on whatever hit the Pentagon on 9/11. It was not a human guided plane. 

Other than that he's a very clever and shrewd observer of how things work.

Like me John thinks political parties have wrecked the democratic process.

Cold War 02/24 - Iron Curtain 1945-1947

These are very good. I learn the occasional useful piece of information from this series on the cold war. They interview quality characters from history like John Kenneth Galbraith and General Jaruzelski in this episode. Mostly I find it useful to test my own theories and narratives. Do they stand up? Am I right about Winston. Have I misunderstood where the power lay. Do I underestimate the Soviet threat? In this way I'm constantly reformulating or tweaking the narrative of history but the overall direction still stands. 20th century wars were unnecessary and stimulated by parties other than nations or their leaders. The bankers and the financiers. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and so forth.

This point still stands but the complexity of the characters adds dimensions that are a little more complex, less binary and more human. In this way I'm getting value out of this series.

47 Years Ago Today - Shea Stadium Beatles Rock Was Born


Watch The Beatles Concert at Shea Stadium 1965 (entire show + bonus) in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

I remember my client and later my best friend telling me about cycling to see The Beatles play at Shea Stadium against his Dad's wishes. What a chunk of history. I still don't understand how they generated the hysteria before they even arrived in the U.S.

Ring Of Depravity - The Link Between Intelligence Agencies, Elite Crime & Ritual Child Sex Abuse

It doesn't compute and regrettably nobody wants to dig into information that turns their world upside down but the facts remain that all over the world the power elite are most deeply involved in ritual child sex abuse and have the judiciary and the intelligence agencies to protect them. For many the numbers don't make sense, or the reason doesn't make sense. 

There are lots of things that just don't make sense but the more one researches it the more the answers are provided and a picture of horror emerges that is stifled by the reluctance of people to confront the dark side. I understand it in some ways but it's time for humanity to grow up and face the evidence. It's our moral responsibility. The agencies we would expect to help us are often protecting the greatest evils. Deep down you know this. We all do.