Wednesday 4 January 2012

Institutional Perspectives on UFO's & ET - Ridicule To Reality

Christopher Knowles echoes a sentiment I wrote about last year (and have pasted below) that the Vatican, the U.N. and The Royal Society have quietly rearranged the tables with respect to the 'multi-dimensional other'. The servant classes in the media haven't picked up on it yet but as long as the top tier is covered that's all that matters. It should be an interesting year.

Interview by Mike Clelland.

There is a considerable section of the population who believe that anything really momentous and important is going to be announced in the Rose Garden of the Whitehouse to the Whitehouse Press Corp. That isn't actually the way it works if anybody has been paying attention to Wikileaks. We're no more treated like adults capable of handling the truth than the children we rear on a diet of small to disgraceful lies on every subject from sex education to the nature of Father Christmas ( a story worth exploring given its Shamanistic roots). If the news is really momentous it is leaked first unless its the build up to war in which case the enemy is dehumanised to a steady beat of propaganda. Government never really govern if indeed they ever really have since the end of the Second Sorld War. (See military industrial complex for more on that subject).

The Vatican made a curious announcement during the Pope's visit to the UK regarding their their recognition of the right of aliens to be baptised. This is a matter not without importance given that it's only the sons of Adam who can enter the Kingdom of God. It's also worth noting that the institutions most at risk of losing authority are the top down hierarchical religions who seemingly are the least spiritual guardians on the planet.

Then it's always worth mentioning that the most respected and oldest science institution on the planet have begun to discuss what to do if extra terrestrial life is an impending realisation on our species. Regrettably the Royal Society still assumes people use internet explorer which might explain why they are on the same page as the corporate owned media when it comes to stunning scientific revelations of this nature.

Also we have Dr Stephen Hawking, the most famous and respected space cowboy on the planet who recently warned us that we should hide from aliens as they may not be friendly. This is preposterous given the striking blue visibility of our planet and our current inability to manoeuvre it out of sigh. It fully matches the heights of his recent quantum and relativity work which finally concludes that God could exist, but scientifically doesn't need to.

The  latest addition to institutional approval of contemplative mystery (a mode of thinking strictly disapproved of until it's approved) is the emergence of a United Nations ambassador for Space in the shape of astrophysicist Mazlan Othlan of Malaysia. The selection of a national from a country that few people can pin point on a map to greet any alien life in an official capacity on behalf of planet Earth says bundles about the trust that currently exists with the most powerful people on Earth. Don't they usually get first dibs at moments of history? It may well be the case that any future visitors have already shown their contempt for our leadership hierarchy. Maybe that's what crop circles are telling us.

Also there's the gossip that Hillary Clinton's urgent reconvening of 250 United States ambassadors back to the U.S. is to prepare the world for a radical shift in world politics. In the photo linked she is convening with Rockefeller back in 1995 and allegedly was gifted a book on aliens in Earth's history called "Are we Alone" by Paul Davies.

But the real clincher that encouraged me to come off the fence and suggest that we are about to be in for some hard core unlearning (i.e taken off the teat of government information) is that BUSINESS is being briefed at $4000 a ticket about alien business potential. 

In a recent summit of the Global Competitiveness Forum in Riyadh where former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others were told about evidence of UFOs and ET life. In short, world business leaders were told that flying saucers were real and that the advanced technology of extraterrestrial civilizations made possible a special kind of UFO for astute entrepreneurs – Unprecedented Financial Opportunities. A mystery participant to the GCF was former U.S. President Bill Clinton who spoke about advanced energy systems that await international development. A point not lost on the Saudi Arabian Government no doubt and possibly the reason for such an odd place to discuss the matter.

It's worth reviewing the videos I posted a short while back on unidentified activity over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Again, I only know they are lights but they act like nothing I've seen before and if the rumours of reverse engineered technology tucked away in the military industrial complex are true or even if we admit the record of false flag operations by Goverment is's hard to know what it is. I'm happy to call that instance a mystery but for the bulk of this post? You heard it here first but could have heard it earlier from Freeman.

Update: Islam is joining in the fun.

Strange Landscapes Need Better Questions - Christopher Knowles

Interviewed and via Mike Clelland. You can find Christophers blog over here. Both are excellent in their own way.

The Dalai Lama & Rupert Murdoch On Twitter (Taking The Red Pill)

Good old fashioned choice between good and evil. The Red Pill is for grown ups the Blue is for the materialists. You pay your money and you take your choice.


The Wizard Of Oz - A Political Allegory For Our Times


It's worthwhile recalling that the Wizard of Oz is an allegory about spineless politicians (the lion), heartless industrialists (the tin man) and stupid farmers (the scarecrow). It could be argued that the farmers who sold their land to the industrialists for bargain basement prices in the first (synthetic) recession are no longer, but I think the most important thing is that the Wizard of Oz is a real but frightened entity behind a curtain. 

Contrary to the views of mainstream media and their loyal viewers, that smear conspiracy realists while neglecting to report on Wall Street Protests while Yahoo block emails on the subject, there really is an hierarchical group of beings who manipulate our species in pursuit of their own selfish aims. We're a little apathetic when being screwed over, preferring to believe that authority has our best interests at heart. I say we have a virus and the evidence is overwhelming.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

MKULTRA - Project Monarch - Mind Control Interview

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Excellent podcast interview with researcher Fred Burkes on the topic of MKULTRA, Project Monarch and mind control. It matters most because the ordinary person on the street should be able to receive some news and discern whether there is a possibility of dissociative identity disorder which is a slightly misleading name for mind control as it doesn't imply that outside agents are responsible for inflicting this on innocent people. In this podcast we learn that the CIA have even done it on their own agents.

Roswell Rationalised - John Keel On Japanese Fugo Balloons

Most people are unfamiliar that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs didn't actually end the war. That was signed officially in 1951 with the Treaty of San Francisco and came into force in 1952.

With this in mind the above video provides further evidence that Douglas Dietrich is correct that not only was the Roswell UFO a Japanse Fugo balloon as pictured above but that the United States sued for peace with Japan rather than weather a biological warfare attack from thirty thousand of these floating dirigibles with the jet stream over U.S. air space. This also supports his claim that Stan Deyo is a disinformation agent on the Roswell Incident.

John Keel - Men In Black - 1989

I can't embed the presentation made in 1989 by John Keel but it's a must see with first class visuals including  the Maury island incident's Fred Lee Crisman, Men in Black, UFO and JFK connection which is my greatest example of the Tricksters being able to hack time. It's the only plausible explanation.

John Kiehl (Keel) comes from that line of investigators like Nick Redfern who knock on doors and ask people if they're prepared to speak. This presentation compliments my Men In Black post and the Maury Island Incident for excellent triangulation.

Affluent Alien Abduction (Are The 1% Safe?)

Hats off to all the subjects in this documentary for having the courage to be interviewed. Truth has no bias towards wealth or poverty however the issue of alien abduction is often framed as very downwardly mobile and this has been achieved through means such as the CIA's purchase of the National Enquirer to cloak the subject in a ridicule curtain. It worked extremely well.

Allow me to quote Schopenhauer.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

This documentary focuses on the work of Pullitzer prize winning psychologist Dr. John Mack. The establishment rounded on him when he declared that the phenomena of alien abduction was real despite being the most prestigious head of psychology at Harvard. He nearly lost his job over it and had the surprising intervention of Professor Alan Dershowitz who supported him. If you like articulate, sensitive and intelligent interviews this is the documentary to inform yourself with.

This Is What Happens When You Give Thousands Of Stickers To Kids

More details on this truly delightful art installation in Brisbane by Yayoi Kusama over here

Monday 2 January 2012

Operation Paperclip - How The Germans Lost WWII But The Nazis Won

I've used the visual above as recently I've learned a bit more about mind control than I really would normally not want to. Duncan O'Finioan explains in interviews that with sufficient pain, and then some more, the mind has to shear off into a new personality which is then malleable to programming.

Historically, the U.S military's Project Paperclip transfer of Nazi talent at the end of the war from Germany to the U.S. completely undermined any moral premise for going to war. The war machine whips up the people to go fight an enemy and then when the enemy is defeated, as in this case, the ideological and technocratic elite were shipped wholesale back to the US, and began to usurp the institutions of the United States. Everything from the Pentagon to NASA to medical research was populated by some of the most ardent Nazis in the war. Mix in the occult themes popular with groups within the SS and it's fair to ask the question. Did the Nazis actually win the war and infect their host root and branch?

Nick Redfern - Corruption At NASA

Most of the people at NASA have no idea so it's a little unfair to portray the space agency (that is under military control) as corrupt across the board. Nevertheless the abdication of scientific inquiry and submission to hierarchy is ubiquitous by both highly qualified NASA pseudo scientists and the pseudo for profit news media.

Nick Redfern, Britain's plucky and persistent investigative writer and journalist highlights some of the more jarring evidence of corruption at NASA. I say corruption because taking money from taxpayers and not holding to the NASA mission faithfully is an abuse of trust and manipulation of public understanding.

However, if I'm being charitable to the rapidly plummeting credibility of NASA, they are the gatekeepers to information that would transform human conciousness across the globe over night. There would be winners and losers but the sheer scale of change has cornered the agency into a position of terrified incoherence when confronted by requests from the public to show us detailed and granular photography on Mars and the Moon in specific locations.

Off the top of my head evidence of the past civilisations on Mars would shred religion, history, free energy, academia and swell up a raging tsunami of more questions over the deception of our true history which we really have a very threadbare official narrative for.

Rupert Murdoch Hearts Santorum

The tragic free fall of the United States continues at a breathless pace. Humour is seeing us through these darkest hours as Rick Perry falls out of the race for stupidity and now Santorum's divisive and anti-homosexual stance has the fulling support of Rupert Murdoch who is backing Santorum.

As I have said before

Rupert Murdoch is a King maker and the Republicans will divide the U.S. by dividing the humans in it along petty issues of gender preferences based on biblical texts that were written by Archontic non human forces.

Rupert Murdoch Joins Twitter

The epitome of hypocrisy for me is to whine about the system and then take part in it with a home delivery pizza and a couple of beers. Rupert Murdoch has been a back-room king-maker in British politics, such that I'm unsure if many even know the extent to which his media empire influences not just the outcome of elections but the policy that is formed prior to that. I always had the same feelings about the British faux  bereavement of Lady Diana Spencer who ostensibly died because of the hounding of the tabloids and was thus subject to flowers being thrown by the same people who subsequently returned to the tabloids that fuelled the paparazzi chases in the first place.

Adam Curtis is doing something very interesting with BBC archive footage. Rather than just one man doing an excellent job with access to old film, the BBC should open up this national treasure more widely. I understand there is more film of John Allegro who I blogged about the other day which researcher friends of mine are unable to access even though the topic of mycology related subjects is going to mushroom as a theme in the near future. In the mean time please enjoy Mr Curtis doing what he does best on the internet: 

Archive BBC blogging about a character that to my mind profits from the people who most deserve him while staring at the SKY.

The Rupert Murdoch/Rick Santorum Ticket


Rick Santorum has the blessing of Rupert Murdoch and it's likely the 2012 presidency has already been chosen by the string pullers of media and government. However as a political media piece to deconstruct, the above presentation by Rachel Maddow is a fascinating snapshot of the United States that media historians in centuries to come will scratch their heads over.

There's no mention of policy. That's not important. However it does seem there's some nominal resistance as Roger Ailes of Murdoch owned FOX prefers Newt Gingrich. They are physically, emotionally and intellectually similar unlike Mitt Romney who is a little too dashing in a plastic sort of way for the FOX supremo to bestow his blessing. Rachel makes the point that is perplexing to the British who understand clearly that without Rupert Murdoch's seal of approval the Prime Ministerial candidates in the British elections are doomed. It seems the U.S hasn't grasped Murdoch/FOX News power preferring to believe that the best man wins. It's my view that this years GOP line up is so weak the winner will get the media push they need and the nearest threat will be  hobbled at a crucial point. That's why McCain was allowed to run last time. A charity run kind of thing.

The owners (our owners) don't care about ideas of left and right. The job vacancy is invariably allocated long before the primaries begin. In the event of a surprise runner pulling ahead or winning there's a number of ways that can be fixed.

I mentioned it recently in my Forrest Gump assassinations post.

It seems the establishment is paranoid about the threat from conspiracy theories and so ordinary people are left asking why a 'theory' is so dangerous to western civilisation's elites?

All truth passes through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

How To Ship An Atomic Bomb Badly - The Tragedy Of U.S.S Indianapolis

This era of incredible openness and transparency through the internet is yielding daily proof of the greatest crimes of historical manipulation ever committed. Renegade historian Douglas Dietrich was a document destroyer at the prestigious Royal Presidio Naval Base of San Francisco and got to see the information the State doesn't want us to know about. I found his information so confrontational at first it left me bewildered but intrigued enough to listen one more time and instead of finding gaps I found greater and stronger consistency in his whistle blowing that anyone can verify the facts online or by interacting through his Facebook page.

This interview is about the U.S.S. Indianapolis that shipped the Atomic bomb to be used on Japan. It's tame compared to much of his work, but I don't want to overwhelm people to early on. In my view the man is a hero.

Douglas Dietrich - Satanist Paedophilia In The U.S. Military

You couldn't make this up. Douglas Dietrich worked as a document destroyer for the U.S. military and was privy to a massive cover up in a pre internet era when the U.S. military simply posted hundreds of abused military kids and families around the world to one of the military bases to prevent them sharing information. It's not possible in these internet days to hide these kind of stories but one would have thought a responsible media that wasn't frightened of the Pentagon would be reporting these crucial stories

Profit interests and the media and military have an interdependent corporate relationship that manages the news to portray Western war as spreading freedom, truth and democracy and demonizes people such as Ahmedinejad in Iran. I'm quite sure I could find a reason for getting arrested in the U.S. for telling the truth. That's how upside down things are.

However, people are waking up to the deception and that's a good thing. The Pentagon's reputation has crumbled so much since the Second World War it's unlikely it can ever turn around it's reputation.

Why Does The Ancient Aliens Hypothesis Drive The High Priests Of Knowledge Completely Bonkers?

Mike Clelland interviews Christopher Knowles and riff on any number of subjects but the line that comes to mind is the question of why the Ancient Aliens hypothesis drives the  high priests of opinion shaping nut?. This is interesting because the ancient alien evidence is in some ways more robust than say the dream-like, trans-dimensional, culturally influenced, conspiratorial phenomena of today. We don't have the cuneiform tablets for the 20th century, we don't have the Nag Hammadi texts or the cultural purity of UFO cave and alien paintings where the pseudo cynic can't point to the influence of popular-culture media influence or the constantly twitter trending  psychological-hash-tag-theory-of-the-moment.

I find these audio interviews essential value for piecing together the mystery which spreads into every single thread of inquiry presented by the ubiquitous alien and UFO theme. It it a new archetype that is larger than the Trickster? Maybe it's a composite. A 21st century recombinant-culture archetype mashup working it's way through and threading together every culture and every facet of every culture, from the mass media of the military industrial govcorp complex to the oral tradition of the Dogon tribe of Africa or the Australian Aboriginals.

Fascinating & Infuriating. I am however most comfortable with alien abduction information. I find time and again that the tone of voice and extensive description of the enigma most real through this lens and so paradoxically I need the least evidence to convince myself. Tone of voice and conviction over time is where I find intuition more concrete than the flakes of empirical evidence we have.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Earliest Written Aliens Account - The Archons

I've yet to find a better rationale of the alien presence than the writings of the Nag Hammadi texts. I think it's worthwhile referring to these in the event of unexpected visitors or rather a more material manifestation of their presence. 

Technically we can go back further in history to the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets but unlike the Gnostic texts the tablets are the word of the 'Gods who from heaven to earth came'.

That's Gods/Elohim plural (check that in Genesis for yourself) and is a big difference from mystic humans who warned us of mind parasites and inorganic beings from space manipulating our planet unseen. It's clear they've done nothing for us since Mesopotamia. 

I'd rather be hunter gatherer than have anything to do with them. Far more honourable and in harmony with nature. John Lash explains why we should be serious about these Gnostic Samizdat texts the Vatican Church did its best to destroy.

A Brummie Approach To Super Woo - Nick Redfern's Final Events

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Nick Redfern is consistently challenging my understanding or grasp of the fringe. His steady and low key persistent journalist manner yields points of view on subjects I thought I was assembling a framework within which to work from. Not so.

I only became aware of his book Final Event through a mention today on a Randy Maugan's interview with Duncan O'Finionan, Miranda Kelley and Dave Corso. It's extraordinary stuff that feels up to the second fresh with the initiatives to push the United States into martial law and complete control of the borders and media with a Christian Fundamentalist doctrinal law and order choke hold. 

It sounds fantastic and implausible but this book is based on a a Government think tank called The Collins Elite that came to a mad (but not insane) conclusion that the E.T/UFO phenomena is demonic in nature. You can check for yourself or even buy the book. I wont write much more but these are excellent audio interviews with a quiet and humble Brummie who consistently impresses me with his open minded thinking, ability to collate threads that purists run away from and present the facts that while uncomfortable are crucial to know. I think Nick Redfern is an unknown national treasure with a prodigious output in books on the fringe of subjects that are as real as nightmares. It's a shame materialist science doesn't like stuff you can't blow up or repeat over and again in experiments and yet on the quiet......

Update: Nick reports that The Collins Elite account of Roswell is demonic (naturally) and  that doesn't tie in with Douglas Dietrich's spelling binding revelations, and so I'm at least able to question their conclusions with a sliver of more robust evidence in my back pocket.

Here's some blurb on the book and reviews:


Nick Redfern is a full-time author and journalist specializing in a wide range of unsolved mysteries, including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, UFO sightings, government conspiracies, alien abductions and paranormal phenomena. He writes regularly for the London Daily Express newspaper, Fortean Times, Fate, and UFO Magazine. His previous books include Three Men Seeking Monsters, Strange Secrets, Cosmic Crashes, and The FBI Files. Among his many exploits, Redfern has investigated reports of lake monsters in Scotland, vampires in Puerto Rico, werewolves in England, aliens in Mexico, and sea serpents in the United States. Redfern travels and lectures extensively around the world. Originally from England, he currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Arguably, one of the most common supernatural fears among people today involves the demonic. Within the heart of every good person, there is the looming notion that evil does exist in this world. That said, if author Nick Redfern's latest thesis on extraterrestrial life has any truth to it, there are even various factions of modern government who believe the alien and UFO presence has demonic, hellish origins. Reader be warned: Redfern's "Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife" is one book that will beckon from outside the boundaries of sanity, and perhaps well beyond the fringes of what you thought was right and good in this world. 

Final Events tells the peculiar story of the Collins Elite, a secret government organization who begun following the work of early occultists such as Aleister Crowley and Jet Propulsion Lab co-founder Jack Parsons. The dabbling of these self-proclaimed magicians, according to the group's members, may have triggered the separation of rifts in space-time, allowing otherworldly presences a wicked passport into our world. This strange tale follows the group's work as they pursue a variety of aspects of the unexplained, including out of body experiences and research into the existence of life after death, as related to Redfern over a number of meetings in various remote locations (including at least one Mexican restaurant).

One of the wildest theories the book proposes (without giving away too much for those who plan on buying "Final Events" immediately after you've read this heart-pounding review) is the notion that disclosure of alien secrets to the public will be only one part of a larger, worldwide ruse. The underlying objective, warn those claiming access to knowledge of the real alien agenda, is to ultimately lure the populations of the world into merely thinking that the threat they face is extraterrestrial. The establishment of a "New World Order," claiming to be able to rescue people from the evil extraterrestrial menace, will in fact be the means by which people's lives and liberty will be handed over to agents of evil, masquerading to conceal their wicked intention to harvest souls from an unsuspecting populace. As unbelievable as this sounds, very similar scenarios have been proposed time and time again by the likes of William Cooper, controversial conspiracy theorist famous for claiming to know the truth behind future plans for disclosure of alien presences here on Earth. Cooper, after serving as an advocate against such subversive government-based threats for decades, was shot near his home on Nov. 5, 2001 at 11:40 PM, during a warranted attempt by police to arrest him for tax evasion. 

Are there malignant forces that extend outward from beneath what our politicians, mainstream news sources and other official institutions want us to believe? Maybe so... or maybe not; I certainly couldn't tell you. But if so, are they purely politically driven, or as Nick Redfern proposes, could some of them be not-of-this-world, or even demonic in origin? Whether or not the author stakes his claim in belief of these sorts of things, the possibilities are explored in "Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife," and are given a fairly objective and honest treatment. Altogether, it is an enjoyable, entertaining book.

The summary of the book is that a semi secret group called the Collins Elite were formed as a paramilitary investigative group around the time of the first major UFO flaps after world war 2 to investigate the possibility that Non Human Entities are not only not benevolent aliens from another world but actually demonic forces that will push earth to the brink of Armageddon - but not before they lead the world into a lie that will ensure most humans go to hell. The book looks at the possibility that Aleister Crowley and a number of his disciples deliberately opened the door to another world that allowed the 20th Century UFO/Alien phenomenon to become part of modern folklore. He looks closely at alien abductions, Psy-ops, the rise of American fundamentalism and discloses that project blue beam, if it exists may not be what it is portrayed as but something far worse than we ever imagined. 

Men in black, government and NHE's working together, Faux organisms like the Golum of Hebrew mythology, projected thoughts of Armageddon into the minds of abductee's and the ushering in of the antichrist by the very people who claim to want to save Christianity by force - it's a disturbing read on many levels but utterly fascinating. 

Pure conspiracy theory or an uncovering of the facts as we may have never known it? You'll never watch Close Encounters or ET the same way again as the idea of an ET being benevolent dissolves with each page you turn and a demonic reality driven by satan becomes clear. Redfern's book is highly accessible and rather than a regurgitation of others writings is a coal face collection of interviews and tales that weave together into macabre web. 

John Lash - The Toxic Redeemer Complex Of The Abrahamic Faiths

One of the great disposals of 2011 was a complete and full understanding of the manipulative aim of the Abrahamic faiths as important today as it was millennia ago.

Yahweh? Imposter. Jesus? Sham, Allah? Fraud.

The Gnostic warnings of all these redeemer complexes cost the the peaceful Teleste movement of Pre Christian era their lives. It was stamped out, eradicated and crushed and then a war for conciousness perpetrated over the centuries to the point where violence is ignored by all three whether it's Israeli Defence Force, The Pentagon or Saudi/Iranian war demonics currently brewing up a Sunni bloodbath against the Shiites aided by the Gulf States and armies of Judaism and Christianity. They are all false prophets  and guilt peddlers. Until people are prepared to recognise the heroism of the conscientious objector instead of peddling the toxicity of the 'our fallen heroes' meme we're divided before we stand up as a species.

John Lash outlines it very clearly in this recording along with the Bible/Koran/Torah's use as a social tool for division. A few platitudes on love and practically zero on conciousness and concious states. All three faiths are well represented in their respective armies.

Redemption comes from within not without.

Seminal Project Camelot Interviews - Duncan O'Finionan

Fortunately Duncan hasn't given up on us yet. The term Supersoldier isn't actually used inside the military unit he was assigned to (Project Talent is more accurate) but it's the easiest one for most of us to get our heads round. Duncan is a fren, and has a new updated publication of his story out and the Kindle edition is free for TWO DAYS ONLY. 

Get over to his site and find out how to get a copy or I'll kneecap you.

Update: Original Project Camelot interview deleted by Kerry Cassidy

Chalmers Johnson - Kinda Like Kissinger Without The War Crimes

Not so long back I came across a link to an obituary for the late Chalmer's Johnson. I read it and was a bit surprised that the spelling was as bad as mine in places, though I was most curious about the claim that Chalmers was the intellectual equal if not superior to Henry Kissinger. Unlike a lot of people who try to get into Kissinger debates I've had the good fortune to read 'Years of Upheaval' which is part two of his autobiographical trilogy.

It's an amazing read not because Kissinger writes well but because of it's comprehensive detail and let's face it, sheer chronological historical narrative. This is the guy who invented shuttle diplomacy. A German Jew flitting back and forth between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Riyadh, Damascus and Jordan. Then there's the Paris peace accord with Vietnam, Soviet détente, and secret trips to Peking in preparation for Nixon's visit, the oil crisis and so on and so forth. Truly remarkable times.

I disagreed with the obituary though I've had to change my mind. If there's one video worth watching from this weekends political bender this is the one. It's all there and most troubling for me, an emerging understanding of why the Euro is plummeting against the dollar as the empire makes it's last gasp efforts to hold on to the past. I urge you to watch this. Chalmers Johnson is in a different intellectual league to Kissinger. A man able to delineate between the expedient thing and the right thing. Something Kissinger isn't qualified to comment on. 

RIP Mr Johnson you were a great American patriot.

Abduction, MILABS & Tropical Beaches

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Two interviews on alien abduction and one with military (covert operations) involvement. The first is Lucretia Heart who blogs at Spirals End and the second is Melinda Leslie. I usually like to listen to somebody for a hundred hours before I can have an informed opinion on their character but time is short so I've just picked out the two that that resonate well with me even though I have lots and lots of questions.

The Photo is of more innocent times in Hua Hin. Believe me I was no innocent then but I knew trivial things. No complaining though. I like my reality hard core.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Black Ops: Blindness & Stupidity

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The military/covert ops connection to the extensively documented alien abduction phenomena is revealing and asks a better class of question as to what's going on. This interview with Melinda Leslie by Mike Clelland is the best I've heard since being convinced of the issue by Dr. Karla Turner PhD. who died prematurely after receiving death threats from the black budget male only Archons back in the 90's.

What is clear to the listener is how out of their depth the military mindset is in either solving the problem of alien intervention and respecting the lives of the individuals involved. What they don't understand is that there's nothing worth fighting for if this is how they treat their citizens and that really the whole gravy train is about who has the best toys.

We also get to learn a little more of the collaborative side of the topic between the parasitical black ops and E.T.

I'd like to know more about that subject.

The story about the male police officer losing his temper with one of these types in an abduction scenario and then when nobody is looking taking a blow to the testicles is a story of two alpha males in reversed hierarchical positions that nobody could invent and is exactly the sort of information I've been looking for. In addition to this we get to know about what happens to military members who become abductees. We also learn more about the use of sexual abuse to secure the emotional states that these people (and E.T.) are most interested in and which supports the curiosity into our genetics that I've heard is the most important I.P. in the galaxy from very very different sources.

There's a lot more for me to learn and I suspend judgement on this information as the use of mind control would normally invalidate the information but I think if like me you listen to the entire (excellent) interview then it's hard not to take much if not most of it at face value. This is the value of oral testimony over text. The more one listens the easier it is to filter the rubbish out and believe me I wade through a lot of rubbish before I post media I think is of value.

There is a wealth of information in this interview.