Monday 25 April 2011

Matias De Stefano - Indigo Child

I enjoy listening to young people like this. He's only 22 or something and he wrapped up the meaning of life more neatly than anything I've ever come up with, and my efforts aren't bad I've been told on occasions. 

So much of this interview which is in Spanish with subtitles (remember to click that CC button below if there's no subtitles) is consistent with a wide range of topics I'm following  yet I felt greater clarity after listening. Often I listen to people on these meta materialist subjects and I'm burdened with new information that I have to leave floating non judgementally till a feeling emerges as to its veracity. That wasn't the case here.

 I can't remember which blog I saw it on but let me know if you want a credit.

Shoot Em Up

I regret not taking a closer interest in this when it mattered. If you're about to have children it's crucial you inform yourself on this topic.

Holy Papal Paedophile Ring - George Galloway Fucking Rocks

George Galloway is on fire. Listen to him stomp all over the Arab Shiite and Sunni divisionists calling into his show. He spits missiles at the faceless stooges and sleazy power brokers in the Middle East. I've never heard anything like it. George knows his shit. 

What a dude. The other end of the spectrum to weasel Paxman the other week.

More FBI UFO Files

Silas Newton had something important to say about UFO's and then he didn't and was portrayed as a fraud. Here's the freshly released documentary evidence from the FBI about who instructed him to shut up - the FBI did. 

That ladies and gentleman is the nature of the polycephaly beast. The lie is different at every level within the pyramid structure. Indeed this latest release is just a sliver of the final story. But the dynamic now has inertia and it's moving. Watch the trickle turn into a stream. I found the important one and did the leg work for you.

It's only two pages long. Take a look and see how the FBI didn't know what the FBI was doing. That's how it all ticks. All of it.

Hard To Ignore

It's communication. If that's important to you watch the trailer for three minutes. It's the only hard evidence we really have. Governments, armies and churches want this to go away. The symbolism is a challenge to their ebbing authority. And they KNOW it. Find out for yourself. It's an odyssey. Transformational. Reason for hope.

Trauma Based Mind Control & Burnworthy Manor

Expect this interview to stretch credulity, though if you hang in there they get the low frequency magnetic and RF scans shooting off the grid when checking his claims. Also you might want to check out the homepage for Burnworthy Manor and take a closer look at the history of the this place for 'intimate conferences'. Pay attention to the shield symbolism and if that wets your palate try translating the Latin line underneath.

I had long and fascinating call last night with somebody who taught me many things (the second educational Skype of the day) but the key learning was for me to notice the importance of details. Straight away I'm getting results this morning. So thanks for that BIll.

Dave Marrow the subject of the film above wraps up this interview with a little sound bite I coincidently tossed at someone as away of saying goodbye. You know who you are. Get over it.

Via We Must Know

Sunday 24 April 2011

David Earl Beach & Michael Beckham

Last week I came across the best film in ages. I wrote about it and called the post Hanging Offence.

Pie 'n Mash, the makers of that film were stopped from filming and later intimidated by MI5. The presenter, a British citizen of Irish extraction was subjected to unnecessary aggression and racial epithets. Surveillance is a really shit job - unbelievably tedious. It's so dull that any opportunity to throw some establishment weight around is invariably seized upon by the kind of people who are carefully selected and trained for obedience.

The Youtube film account has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including David Earl Beach and Michael Beckham. I don't know what their beef is on a film that had a couple of thousand views but I'm sure it had nothing to do with MI5 looking like thugs and weasels. No doubt more information will make itself heard. I look forward to uncovering the reason why the best content I've seen in ages was crushed.

Terence McKenna - In The Valley Of Novelty (Part Four)

Thick Like Thieves: FBI, CIA, NSA & MOD

In the last few weeks the MOD, The FBI, The CIA and now the NSA have released UFO files. None of them are earth shattering but The FBI Roswell report is the most revealing and has a special context. Their files were published on a new digital, open source data base called The Vault and one important question becomes clear.

If it was a weather balloon then why fly it to Fort Worth air force base for analysis? The short answer is it wasn't a weather balloon. All the agencies are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they continue to deceive they likely lose the how and the when advantage of who discloses. (Update: Douglas Dietrich account of a Japanese war balloon is the most convincing)

If they reveal all they know, the floodgates then open on raw questions of who knew what. They seem to have gone for a document drip feeding strategy to soften you up. Some people I respect in the field are sympathetic to their plight. They think you wont be able to handle it. I suspect its not disclosure that will freak people out. It's the 5D deception matrix that goes along with it. Let's see how the chips fall.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Terence McKenna - In the Valley of Novelty (Part Three)

Aspartame - It's Not Natural

As part of my research on the war on your pineal gland and general health, I've uncovered that Aspartame, Xylatol and Fluoride are the three chemicals most worthy of investigating on your own behalf. Here's a radio show and a just published blog post on the topic of Aspartame that I urge you to listen and read.

Predictive Programming

Update: The original video was removed so I've posted the lead video on the subject on Youtube.

I only post this because it's so wild. However if there's one element of the whole 'what in the world is going on' investigative theme that stumps me its the nagging feeling that the fabric of time is often being meddled with on occasions. I wont elaborate on that but you can find lots of mind boggling examples from the synchro-mysticism crowd who write astonishing 10 feet long blog posts (word counts are so yesterday) on the subject. So enjoy the video and try not to ignore it. The definition of a coincidence is you weren't paying attention the first time round (or it's what you have left from a bad theory).

Is Subterranean Denver An Underground Base?

I don't pay too much attention to the FEMA camp stories in the US, or the emergency food packs being prepared as I have less interest in that area than the more geopolitical issues that could affect the planet. However a couple of reliable blogs I read are talking about this issue and at the same time I've just been reminded that the UFO sightings over Denver seems to be a regular feature of that area. I've no idea whether they are connected but I'd be doing my own research if I lived in the area or was a U.S. citizen.

Friday 22 April 2011

Terence McKenna - In the Valley of Novelty (Part Two)

Terence McKenna - In the Valley of Novelty (Part One)

Christopher Hitchens & Sam Harris Vs The Jewish Rabbi All Stars

The topic of the discussion is life after death but naturally it strays into issues of creation, spirit and conciousness. I've found the atheists are bitter and angry in these debates and Sam Harris (my fave lizard) with Chris Hitchens don't disappoint. They are surly and ungracious. The Rabbis are much more fun and try to accommodate the atheists with compassion. It's easily the best debate on the subject I've seen and I'm very happy that I can upload it to Youtube today and share it with you.

Race Against Time

The more research I do the more the nagging question comes back to me. Why is time and symbolism so important. Take two shining examples that anybody who does serious research on has to come out of the rabbit hole shaking their head, 911 and the Landing on the moon. I defy anybody to spend a couple of days researching the ritualism and coincidences for those two subjects and not be in the least concerned. Well, anybody except the bread and circus zombies.

Well it just so happens that I've parked Obama in a place where I am trying not to make a premature judgement as a few tidbits of research I've done give him till the end of his first term at least. I wont share them as they're tiny and pointless to others but to me they are pointers. 

Indicators that he's playing three dimensional chess. Let's just leave it at that. So today I heard another piece of information that turned the neuro cog in my head one degree more in the right direction. I was pissed off that Obama was going to the UK for a state visit and royal wedding. The British are such dutiful flag wavers and have no idea of the larger game being played out. Well I understand that visit is off for cosmic reasons. Which is how I like it. I'll post the interviews where I heard that later when I figure out how to put mp3 into Youtube.

Operation Majestic 12 - Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery & Disposal Manual (Part One)

Know Thine Enemy

Member: Freemasons

Japanese UFO Cow Abduction

I'm celebrating my new squiggabyte limit capacity on Youtube with a scholarly clip of cow abduction. Just because something is absurd doesn't mean it isn't true. I hope you like it.

I Heart Google

I have had my Youtube account unexpectedly and generously upgraded. I can now transfer those valuable videos I was feeling gloomy about a few days ago, including all those videos about Jesuit and Vatican skullduggery I'm discovering at frightening rate since stepping up my homework. 

Bravo Google and Youtube. I'm delighted and will be beefing up my Youtube channel from here on. Feel free to add me.

The Jesuits Influence In The Far East

Well worth watching for Asia watchers wishing to know how the venal Vatican targeted the Far East with a view to playing out their interest here. I've always wondered about the story of King Rama VIII and somehow I see the hallmark influence of the Jesuits from many different sides. Lots of Thailand (particularly Phuket), China and Japanese action here. Lots of unconnected dots suddenly snap tight.

Anarchy In The UK

That's right England. Cheer on the Royal Family now that the crocodile tears are out of the way. It feels like you were crying over lost tabloid headlines back in 1997 when she was murdered (do examine the MI5 defector video in that one). 

Only 500 people from The Love Police are turning out to protest the royal ritual fest and if you see in the video below the far right thugs who want to confront those peaceful protesters it's not hard to see where royalist allegiance lies. I despise the English lack of backbone and double standards here. 

Emotional gluttons and pageant vultures irrespective of who the victims are. I saw it back in 1997 and I see it building up again.

Thursday 21 April 2011


Good guy sharing good information.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree

Original video replace with entire series.

1500 Engineers & Architects & 911

Lest we forget. You were instructed not to think about it. And most of you did just that.

The Truther Girls

Do You Play Ball?

I've listened to this interview before but fell asleep listening to it earlier and awoke around the time when Jordan retells a Hollywood party story when he happened to sit down and eat with George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg. They were both very courteous to him and asked for his name and it turned out that Lucas's wife had read Jordan's book and made him read it so he knew of him. There's an interesting description of both senior Hollywood men nodding their heads and occasionally pointing out politely that they were very familiar with many of the arcane matters of astro-theology that Jordan shares. I find that fascinating as I've only ever come to realise most of this by listening to many hours of expert talks but clearly, on top of being widely read and well informed guys, Lucas and Spielberg are tapped into the occultism matters that they invariably revisit in all of their movies.

But the reason for the post title is that I share with Jordan Maxwell a contempt for sports fanatics. I understand that sport is engaging, indeed my very first blog post is about the world cup but it's interesting to me that Jordan shares my perspective that sport is the bread and circuses of mass distraction from the very real matters of who we are as a species. Go out and play ball our parents would urge when they wished to talk about matters unsuitable for children's ears. It's my belief that anyone with the time to have an intimacy with sporting data and sports celebrities lives and be unaware of the maritime laws that require humans to be classed as male and female instead of masculine or feminine are missing an important point by design. Make of that what you will but the answer is in this fascinating interview.

The Apple SpyPhone

In an aged of increasingly aggressive policing, phantom terror alerts, media manipulation of Islam threats and ever closer security pat downs and random electronic scanning by the police I find it troubling that a log file has been discovered on the iPhone that isn't removable. Put simply there's no way to disable the logging of all your moves. Why would Apple do that? That's thinking very differently from how normal people think of each other. You've been warned.

Rough Sex Over Time

Latest data release from OK Cupid. Always useful data mining on their blog.

Timothy Good

This is the best interview I've come across in a couple of hundred hours of listening. The quality interviewees are becoming scarcer and so it's a real pleasure when somebody new emerges and pretty much endorses all the major points of credibility to date. He also throws in a few more tasty hooks I've not come across before and that have the all important ring of authenticity. 

I've learned that what was terrible last week can become essential this week (and vice versa) over the last few months so there's no point guaranteeing this interview but I just listened to it this afternoon before going for a run and now I'm going to listen to it again. Timothy Good gives the sort of interview that keeps me pressing on with my own investigations. Here's the full playlist link.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part Three)

Israeli Grip of Gaza


Why do we have to pay to live on a planet? 

We don't. When enough of us wake up things will change. But first it seems they have to get worse. Chasing materialist dreams that wont manifest themselves. Check out the Free agenda.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part Two)

The Andromedans & Charles Fort's 'The Book of The Damned'

I was urged to read Charles Fort's Book of the Damned by Jordan Maxwell and gave up half way through a couple of days ago. Or rather I got its point and didn't need to continue. I enjoyed the shredding of 20th century materialist science but didn't need persuading on that point as it's a conclusion I've come to also. 

The rest of the book dealt with unexplained phenomena. Largely of stuff that has fallen from the sky. I had no idea so much weird stuff has landed out of nowhere throughout history. We're going through a bit of a dead fish and birds stage ourselves at the moment but the point is that if the science of what we don't know was respected as much as the sliver of stuff we 'seem to know' we'd be in much better shape than we currently are.

We're punching holes in the universe (for a very elite agenda) with the CERN LHC and yet half the planet gets by on a couple of bucks a day with millions starving. It's not exactly rocket science to figure out who is selling that science fetishism agenda but you and I are unlikely to be the beneficiaries of CERN. Indeed there are those who say it's attempting to import the darkness not discover it.

However I see that today's Wired has published a Rose configuration galaxy from the Andromeda constellation. By and large, on the information I've researched so far, I've heard good things about those Andromedans. Must be huge if that's just two of their galaxies. 

So much we don't know. So little scientific humility. For now.

Zecharia Sitchin

I've hesitated over distributing Zachariah Sitchins work till now. He's clearly a man subject to disinformation as his message is a history rewriter, and so I withdrew over suggestions that he worked with the CIA. That role may have been more complex than meets the eye but I've also come across testimony of his ceremonial presence at Bohemian Grove. I'm still undecided about that as suspending judgement is nine tenths of the battle in the pursuit of proximity to the truth.

The video above is a good introduction to Sitchins ideas and so I'm also embedding his first book for those who wish to explore his ideas more deeply. We're blessed to be balancing on the edge of a Golden Age of information. It wont stay that way for long and will either deteriorate rapidly or launch into a new age of unlimited learning. One thing is for sure is that unless people realise how much of an anomaly this period is historically there's less chance they will fight for their right to free and uncensored information.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part One)

Graham & Galileo (Setting History Straight Despite The Pressure)

He who controls the past, controls the future. When Galileo declared Copernicus right it wasn't the new information that outraged the church. It was the resounding nail in the Vatican's coffin of authority that scared them most. Fast forward to today and Graham Hancock has been doing much the same on the received story of history. It's evident to anyone who investigates the matter that much has been concealed from us to keep us ignorant of the divine status we are born with. 

The Pyramids are the setting for a revised history that till today has been fronted by the snake oil salesman of Egyptology Zahi Hawass. It's no coincidence that as soon as he  was jailed, an emerging story reveals the mystery tunnel at Giza was faked in a TV spectacular to keep us in the dark as to our real origins. Just as I was sent this video of Graham Hancock articulately outlining why the academic version of history is a corrosive tale of peer review consensus, I see that photography of that TV spectacular is leaking out with a tale of subterfuge and deception that can only stand in the way of finding out who we truly are.

Zahi Hawass may like to pose with soldiers on his blog, as if to convey that he is a man of authority but his days are numbered as new information leaks out. Read the full article over here.