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Showing posts sorted by date for query zionist. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday 2 July 2018

Why The Media Can't Prove QAnon Is A Conspiracy Theory

Regime change in Iran sounds exactly like the anti-semitic Zionist-Neocon agenda all over again that has failed in Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.

I have met Iranians who told me they hate their government. 

It's just not the US Military's problem when we know who were the key players in 9/11 were-not-was, and who dominates US political discourse.

Focus on arresting Hillary and Obama and a few child abusing Luciferians, and then you can use your soft power if you wish in Iran.

I believe QAnon should deliver concrete results at home before aping the toxic AIPAC agenda, that dominates Trump and most QAnontards, who haven't learned that QAnon as fighter-for-the-people is just another Daddy issue for U-mans who haven't learned to grow up themselves, and take responsibility for their beliefs.

The Messiah Complex has been well documented over thousands of years.

That said, I have no doubt that QAnon is connected to the Oval office, militarily or otherwise.

In this respect the media have checkmated themselves in a very unusual endgame.

The more they cry conspiracy, the more stupid they look if not-one reporter will ask Trump what his connection to Q is.

The one thing the media never do, is ask the right question.

But this time they may have no option.

Your move. 

Friday 11 May 2018

(Nathaniel Mayer) Victor Rothschild & The Spy Game

Not a lot of people appreciate that all the key intelligence agencies work for the global elite and not the countries they profess to serve.

The way they overcome this negative reality is through social engineering and programming via Hollywood scripts, TV Plays, Fake News and Bond Movies... the sort of bullshit that programmes the witless to venerate the least among us.

I was researching Anthony Blunt a while back. He was recruited to spy by Victor Rothschild and as it was a library book I noticed that a previous reader had written in the margins, the Zionist Jewish influence on the spy game that ties up a lot of questions that many historians are puzzled by.

In my experience Victor Rothschild was a triple agent in traditional terms but actually just a freelancer for all sides making sure that war, technology and ignorance were distributed evenly so the real power can maintain its control.

This is an obvious role when triangulating information.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Shall We Play A Game? - QAnon

It does look like QAnon is running with the Zionist controlled Netanyahu/Trump narrative that Iran is the evil player when in fact we know that Israel is the overwhelming historical player/problem after USS Liberty and 9/11 to name just two.

I've been wrong-footed before by QAnon, and I'm open to the idea that Iran has been weaponised by the corrupt Obama administration and the legitimate return of confiscated money however strategicaly disadvantageou, but if Q is a Zionist, he/they and their followers can pleasure themselves.

Patriots don't sell out. 

Patriotism doesn't sweep 9/11 under the carpet, and Patriotism doesn't peddle the obscene holo-cost narrative either as some kind of pistol whip of moral probity.

We shall soon see. 

Is this a transformational turning point, in what to date has definitely been a non mainstream media-outlet, providing insider information but may well be yet another limited hangout.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Is The Dome of The Rock, The Next 9/11 False Flag By Israel?

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Adam Green are both Jewish. 

I welcome their courage in speaking up against the obvious Zionist connection to 9/11. 

In this video discussion they talk about I Pet Goat II which is over here, and also lend weight to my criticism of Jerome Corsi that he is a Zionist shill.

Disturbingly, they analyse the indicators that Israel will bomb the Dome of the Rock, in a new 9/11 false flag, and blame it on Christians in an attempt to ignite the war to benefit Israel.

Saturday 31 March 2018

Zionist Shills | Betsy & Thomas (Douglas Gabriel) - American Intelligence Media

Thomas from American Intelligence Media (Real Name Douglas Gabriel) does a truly obnoxious interview with Jason Goodman. AIM may do some good work from time to time but I think this interview unveils what sort of person he is.

As an aside they are both Zionists in deep denial of Israel's key role in 9/11, and may well be just acting.

I think it's worthwhile pointing out that all the key players in Alt Media are Zionist 9/11 Deniers.

This includes.

All the time they have alt media researchers arguing about every other subject, the elephant in the room goes undiscussed.

Monday 26 March 2018

Excruciating - Ricky Gervais Meets Gary Shandling


I always remember Ricky Gervais banging on about animal welfare as five hundred infant mammals were genocided in Gaza in 2014. If we can't respect human welfare I don't think animals are going to take a higher importance, and believe me I'm not happy about factory farming methods at all.

When Glen Greenwald tweeted the above I read the article first and saw a lot that resonated with me. I then searched for the episode of Rickey Gervais meets.., that it refers to and it's one of the most excruciating interviews I've ever come across, though I suspect Gary Shandling is a Zionist Supremacist, because even I can think of no reason that Ricky Gervais is hostile to Jews.

That said, Gary Shandling taught me an awful lot in a short space of time. I particularly like his words on bravery and courage. 

Doing things that scare us are mostly rewarded by the universe.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Evelyn Rothschild Talks About Forecasting The Weather For Profit

I've no idea if the Rothschilds can manipulate the weather. I do know that when the media starts bleating anti Semitic conspiracy theories that there's usually some basis for more investigation.

Incidentally Evelyn (French House) is less of a fanatical Zionist than his cousin Jacob (English House). He is also married to Lynn De Rothschild who I emailed recently to confirm or deny some rumours. She didn't reply which corresponds with the gossip about her quitting Twitter.

Just saying.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Jerome Corsi Discredits Himself. Over & Over Again #QAnon

On a personal level I like Jerome as much as the next chap. He's avuncular, soothing to listen to, better than average educated, and able to talk at great length in a calm manner on his world view.

It's just that his world view and lifetime network is toxic.

John Bolton (who works with MEK terrorists) is the least Jewish looking Zionist Neocon I can think of, but his devotion to the Occupation of Palestine by Israel is as devout as any Neocon wingnut including Jerome Corsi. 

In fact they're both lifetime friends. 

Corsi was also good friends with propagandist and nephew of Sigmund Freud Joseph, Edward Bernay. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Corsi (Jesuit educated) is devoted to the cause of bomb,bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran as much as Jock Strap McStain and John Bolton. 

You couldn't meet a better bunch of Zionist shills.

Jerome Corsi is either a willing or blackmailed shill. 

There's no other explanation for this level of stupid.

Update: I found subsequent documentation of Jerome Corsi's criminal alliances. I also had to replace the video as it was removed. Sadly the original evidence against Corsi is now erased forever.

Saturday 10 March 2018

The Bizarre Breakdown of Sibel Edmonds

It was ex FBI 'whistle blower', Sibel Edmonds who first taught us the importance of Operation Gladio by explaining it's extension as Gladio B in Turkey and beyond. 

After the initial exuberance I noticed she never pointed out Israel's key role in 9/11, preferring to focus on what to me seemed trivial information, though others such as Pearse Redmond, were drawn closer to her. I guess it matched his world view of "let's discuss anything but Israel and Zionist Jews' critical role in the event that most shaped the world we live in".

Later on, Pearse ejected from the NewsBud venture and pretty much destroyed her in this memorable podcast embedded below, which pointed out there's no evidence for Gladio B, and that her behaviour corresponds with someone who is an FBI cutout to deflect from the real perpetrators of 9/11. 

It's important to remember that people such as the FBI's Robert Mueller covered up the crimes of that day. This is the same guy conducting a never ending witch hunt investigation of President Trump's alleged but increasingly debunked, collusion with the Russians to win the election.

In this interview we learned that Sibel has a comfortable lifestyle, and the ability to raise a hundred thousand dollars or more quite easily, without any understanding of who her donors are. What is clear is they are not 10 to 20 dollar donors that most other alt media publishers subsist on.

On it's own this wouldn't be enough to demolish her previous work, however in recent weeks, Sibel has taken to twitter to smear some of the best independent journalists in the alt media business including Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley and Eve Bartlett who memorably crushed the mainstream media journalist who hadn't grasped that we are supporting the terrorists in Syria

A fact that only the deranged still deny.

I've long noticed that NewsBud claims news exclusives for the most banal historical observations, and so I thought they were becoming desperate for more funds, but in light of Sibel's attacks on respectable journalists, it's now clear she is an obstacle for the truth coming to light. She is also giving credence to oily pricks like George Monbiot as seen in the tweet above.

I guess her FBI credentials are now the chains that will bind her to the bay as the tide waters come in. She is history.

Thursday 15 February 2018

VICE's American Regime Propaganda

Interesting interview and discussion on the propensity of the Zionist neoliberal media (that's MSM to you and I) for peddling wars, siding with Neocons and hating on Trump.

Thursday 25 January 2018

The Toxic Double Standards of Scarlett Johansson

Scar Jo calls out James Franco for being a sexual predator but continues to heap praise on convicted child rapist Roman Polanski and child abuser Woody Allen. There's no limit to to the double standards of Scarlett Johannson.

Friday 12 January 2018

Edward Klein - Blood Feud - The Clintons vs The Obamas

I did this six hour audio book today. It's much healthier than checking out the the #QAnon shit, which even Jerome Corsi is peddling, confirming it has to be a psyop, as he's a servant of that creepy little Spartan state established in the Middle East by the Rothschilds.

It was good to revisit Ed Klein, the former NYT journalist's information. The Obamas and Clintons loathed each other on a level that a conspiracy analyst like myself has to integrate in some meaningful way. I have to remind myself it's self evident he doesn't know the connection to child sex trafficking in Haiti by the Clintons and that the Obama's must know this and their track record for murdering those that get in their way.

Obama's narcism was name checked again recently and I was reminded of this throughout the audiobook. That said I felt a sympathy for him that I haven't felt for some time. I was let down by so much of his weakness in achieving hope and change, that I'd forgotten that the job is pretty much impossible in any case, and that for better or worse he did achieve a sort of half hearted war mongering in Syria and Ukraine that kind of pissed everyone off including me but is actually a sign of semi even-handed leadership of something as Satanic as the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.

Ed Klein is good and has great insider connections for this story but once again we're confronted by a mediocre Jewish journalist elevated to a synthetically high level because of Zionist nepotism in the media. He name-checks every nuclear power in the world except the illegal one based in Tel Aviv and sounds about a thousand light years behind the times when he tars President Assad for killing his people, when it's well established that the UK, US and Israel created ISIS and genocided this beautiful significantly Christian country for a plethora of reasons including energy, Israeli hegemony and plain greed.

The silly fool doesn't even know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag initiatives.

The oldest trick in the book.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Jean Paul Sartre - Another Zionist Puppet With Nothing Significant To Say

As is self evident from his photo, Sartre has no connection to the Middle East other than the Khazarian Ashkenazi desire to steal Palestinian land and genocide the Palestinian people.

What is it about the nature of Zionism, its racism, and its colonial policies that continues to escape the understanding of many European intellectuals on the left? Why have the Palestinians received so little sympathy from prominent leftist intellectuals such as Jean- Paul Sartre and Michel Foucault or only contingent sympathy from others like Jacques Derrida, Pierre Bourdieu, Etienne Balibar, and Slavoj Zizek? Edward Said wrote once about his encounters with Sartre and Foucault (who were anti-Palestinian) and with Gilles Deleuze (who was anti-Zionist) in this regard. The intellectual and political commitments inaugurated by a pro-Zionist Sartre and observed by Said, however, remain emblematic of many of the attitudes of leftist and liberal European intellectuals today.
While most of these intellectuals have taken public stances against racism and white supremacy, have opposed Nazism and apartheid South Africa, seem to oppose colonialism, old and new, most of them partake of a Sartrian legacy which refuses to see a change in the status of European Jews, who are still represented only as holocaust survivors in Europe. The status of the European Jew as a coloniser who has used racist colonial violence for the last century against the Palestinian people is a status they refuse to recognise and continue to resist vehemently. Although some of these intellectuals have clearly recognised Israeli Jewish violence in, and occupation of, the West Bank and Gaza, they continue to hold on to a pristine image of a Jewish State founded by holocaust survivors rather than by armed colonial settlers.
In an interview with the Revue d’etudes palestiniennes in 2000, the late Pierre Bourdieu said: “I have always hesitated to take public positions…because I did not feel sufficiently competent to offer real clarifications about, what is undoubtedly, the most difficult and most tragic question of our times (how to choose between the victims of racist violence par excellence and the victims of these victims?).
If by this, Bourdieu was referring to the holocaust, then he was a victim of Zionist propaganda. No matter how much Zionism continues to resurrect it and claim it as the excuse for its racist violence against the Palestinians, the holocaust does not justify Israel’s racist nature. If Bourdieu accepted this, then his dilemma of choosing between Israel and its victims would have been readily resolved.
Take Jacques Derrida as another example, who when lecturing in occupied Jerusalem in 1986 stated his position as follows: “I wish to state right away my solidarity with all those, in this land, who advocate an end to violence, condemn the crimes of terrorism and of the military and police repression, and advocate the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territories as well as the recognition of the Palestinians’ right to choose their own representatives to negotiations, now more indispensable than ever.” Derrida, however, felt it necessary to assert in his speech that the Israeli State’s “existence, it goes without saying, must henceforth be recognised by all”.
Despite Derrida’s opposition to White supremacist South Africa in the mid-1980s, he believes that Israel, a racist Jewish state, should be recognised by all. Derrida’s refusal and resistance to see that Israeli colonialism and racism operate with the same force, albeit with different means, inside the Jewish state as they do in the territories Israel occupies is a manifestation of an emotional attachment to this Israel, which Derrida declares openly as the motive for his statement: “As is evident by my presence right here, this declaration is inspired not only by my concern for justice and by my friendship toward both the Palestinians and the Israelis. It is meant as an expression of respect for a certain image of Israel and as an expression of hope for its future.”
Clearly, Derrida is attached to a certain image of Israel that is defiled by some of its actions, like the occupation. In that, he hardly differs from Zionist liberals who never minded the massacres and oppression of Palestinians under successive Labour governments but were only scandalised when the Likud governments followed a similar path during Israel’s invasions of Lebanon.
In a later interview which Derrida gave to the newspaper Al- Hayat in March 2000 while visiting Egypt to deliver a series of lectures, he asserted his continued opposition to Israeli occupation and his support for Palestinian resistance against it. He did add one caveat, however, namely that “I am also not on the side of anti-Jewish tendencies.” Derrida never explains the links he sees connecting Palestinian resistance against Jewish racist violence to “anti-Jewish tendencies”.
Derrida’s stance on Israel, like Bourdieu’s, is not unique at all. Leftist French intellectual Etienne Balibar has recently sent a large number of colleagues a statement justifying his recent visit to Israel to lecture there. Balibar, who is debating the merits and demerits of the academic boycott of Israel that some French academics and institutions are undertaking, falls on the anti-boycott side without ever saying so. Although he claims to support the boycott, his visit and lectures in Israel belie that claim. In his justification, Balibar claims his position not as a “contradiction” but rather as a “difficulty”. On the one hand, he does not want to isolate those Israeli academics who oppose their government’s occupation, which, he claims, justifies his visit to Israel, while on the other, he asserts that there are precious few such Israelis anyway.
Balibar does not explain how lecturing in Israel has helped these few Israelis break their isolation, and whether his visit simply increased the legitimacy of Israel, visited as it is by prominent world intellectuals who are even able to criticise it while there (thus confirming Israel’s propagandistic image as “the only democracy in the Middle East”). Nowhere in his justification does Balibar note the fact that Israel is a racist Jewish State; his opposition is only to its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Balibar seems to believe that by meeting and/or including Palestinian academic institutions and academics as part of his audience, his visit would be justified.
Balibar is obviously not ignorant of the nature of Israel and its racist policies. He does liken it to South African apartheid, for example. Would he however have visited apartheid South Africa in the mid-1980s and called for the withdrawal of South African troops from Angola and Namibia and asked that he meet with Namibian academics while remaining silent the whole time about South African racism? What kind of ethics is being enacted in such a justification? One wonders if Balibar would see this as a “contradiction” or as a “difficulty.”
In his recent book, Welcome to the Desert of the Real, famed Slovenian socialist intellectual Slavoj Zizek tackles the Palestinian question in a most unoriginal manner. What concerns him most is not the foundational racism of Zionism and its concrete offspring, a racist Jewish state, nor the racist curricula of Israeli Jewish schools, the racist Israeli Jewish media representations of Palestinians, the racist declarations of Israeli Jewish leaders on the right and on the left, or the Jewish supremacist rights and privileges guiding Zionism and Israeli state laws and policies - all of which seem of little concern to him - but rather Arab “anti-Semitism” which should not be “tolerated”.
Zizek makes Zionist-inspired propagandistic claims that have no bearing on reality, namely that “Hitler is still considered a hero” in “most” Arab countries, and that The Elders of the Protocols of Zion and other anti-Semitic myths are found in Arab primary school textbooks. While he seems to note Israeli discriminatory policies against Palestinian citizens of Israel and Israeli daily terror visited upon the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the conflict, for Zizek, seems like one of competing nationalisms and can be solved by possible NATO intervention. It is not Zionist Jewish colonialism and its commitment to European white supremacy in Jewish guise that the Arabs are reacting to and resisting; rather, it is Islam’s rejection of “modernity” triggered by a Jewish “cosmopolitanism” that characterises this conflict. “Israel’s stand for the principle of Western liberal tolerance” is attenuated in his essay by noting its neocolonial role, but this clearly does not prevent Zizek from visiting the racist Jewish state where he was a week ago delivering four lectures in which, according to Ha’aretzhe never mentioned the Palestinians or Israeli racism and terror once. Such is the legacy of Jean-Paul Sartre on many European leftist intellectuals.
If Sartre failed to see how European Jews who left Europe as holocaust refugees arrived in Palestine as armed colonisers, Zizek’s approach is more insidious. While he insists that the holocaust is not connected to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he proceeds in viewing the Jewish colonists as still remaining holocaust refugees and possible victims of some alleged Arab anti-Semitism. Herein lies his obsession with opposing the alleged anti-Semitism to which these Jews are subjected by those who resist their racist violence. Zizek’s own anti-Semitism which manifests in reducing Judaism to the anti-Semitic notion of a “Judeo-Christian” tradition, and which identifies Jews anti-Semitically as “cosmopolitan”, is never clear to Zizek who projects it onto the Palestinians.
While suspending the status of European Jews as holocaust survivors, these European intellectuals fail to see that much of Zionist colonialism began half a century before the holocaust and that Jewish colonists were part of the British colonial death squads that murdered Palestinian revolutionaries between 1936 and 1939 while Hitler unleashed kristallnacht against German Jews. Zionism’s anti-Semitic project of destroying Jewish cultures and languages in the diaspora in the interest of an invented Hebrew that none of them spoke, and in the interest of evicting them from Europe and transporting them to an Asian land to which they had never been, is never examined by these intellectuals. Nor do they ever examine the ideological and practical collusion between Zionism and anti-Semitism since the inception of the movement.
Zizek seems observant enough, in another essay, to note that Zionist Jews are employing anti-Semitic notions to describe the Palestinians. His conclusion is not, however, that Zionism has always been predicated on anti-Semitism and on an alliance between Zionists and anti-Semitic imperialists, rather he perceives the alliance that today’s Zionists have with anti-Semitism might as the “ultimate price of the establishment of a Jewish State”.
When these European intellectuals worry about anti-Semitism harming the Israeli settler’s colony, they are being blind to the ultimate achievement of Israel: the transformation of the Jew into the anti-Semite, and the Palestinian into the Jew. Unless their stance is one that opposes the racist basis of the Jewish State, their support for Palestinian resistance will always ring hollow. As the late Gilles Deleuze once put it, the cry of the Zionists to justify their racist violence has always been “we are not a people like any other,” while the Palestinian cry of resistance has always been “we are a people like all others.” European intellectuals must choose which cry to heed when addressing the question of Palestine.
The writer is lecturer of political science at Columbia University, USA.
This article first appeared in Al-Ahram Weekly. It is reproduced by EI with permission of the author.

Thursday 27 July 2017

My Jewish Great Grandmother - Lucy Myers

For a number of years my father was obsessed with genealogy. He uncovered that our Great Grandmother (in the middle with my sister to her right and my brother to her left and me on the concrete), Lucy Meyers, was a Polish Jew. 

I recall ultra Zionist Blairite Marko Atilla Hoare questioning my Semitic credentials so let me put this down in writing. I challenge him and any other doubters to a molecular DNA test to determine who is more Semitic. I've been throwing down this gauntlet online for years.

Nobody has taken me up.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Global Hyenas Circle Venezuela

Venezuela has had everything thrown at it by the globalist vultures. The CIA tried assassination, Pentagon advisors, NGO agent provocateurs, currency wars, Wall Street, Neocon hyenas, Zionist media, fake progressives and sponsored violence. It is a miracle how they've survived and the silence from the fake left is deafening.

The media even refers to the Neocon Neoliberal Zionist opposition plant as Henri Capriles instead of Radonski which is his real name.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Why No Diversity In The Media?

The same people who demand open borders around the world and diversity in the work place are mathematically over represented in the media while also refusing to discuss Israeli open borders and diversity within Israel. 

I could share the numbers at the New York Times and BBC et al, if anybody disputes the mathematical facts but this clip of Ann Coulter describing CNN's epic Jewish over representation  is indisputable.

Here's another fact. The media is racist and it's Zionist.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Trump's Zionist Ball & Chain

By coincidence I'm reading Michael Collins Piper's, Final Judgement about the Zionist Israeli connection to JFK's murder, and so I'm somewhat familiar with the Jewish mobsters Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Seymour Weiss, Mickey Cohen, Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) and Al Gruber, many of whom have more contemporary connections to Trump and his property empire, for which it appears he is a front through characters like Roy Cohn.

To be clear, Collins Piper states that the Hollywood Italian mafia were the puppets of the Jewish mafia. Either way they're all criminals.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Breaking: ISIS Is Down

ISIS uses the Roman Alphabet for abbreviation and so from this we knew the terrorist group is a British, US and Israeli "strategy of tension" intelligence creation. 

The Mossad Website has been down for about a week now (since I've been checking), so I thought I'd post a screen grab of the old site which openly flaunted its ISIS credentials. The video interview below is of two Israeli authors talking about how Mossad refers to itself as ISIS in communications. 

ISIS is also a the Egyptian Sister of the God Osiris which is an occult reference used by those in the know and not worth going into here. Most people have a very poor grasp of symbolism and mythology of the ruling elite despite it's ubiquitous presence in the statues and architecture in every continent on the planet.

Anyway ISIS is down and that's a good thing. I concur that as Kissinger leaked some years ago, Israel will not last as we know it. It seems at some point that Zionist Jews are going to be forced to learn that they have, are, and always will be willing dupes and patsies for whatever is in charge, until they learn to examine their own mythology creation such as the establishment of the State of Israel by the Rothschilds and the holocostly mythology with its banal chamber-gas that leaks everywhere but reality.

Choice is in their hands but I think I know a toxic and self destructing culture when I see it. The eternal victim complex is in my experience too attached to its story telling to saddle up and do the hard work.

Monday 6 March 2017

Jay Weidner Interview on the Archons, Kubrick & Rennes le Chateau

A little while back Jay Weidner was indulging in Alex Jones/Bill Hicks theories despite one being a short arse and the other over 6 foot. However he's back on form and even calling out the Zionist control faction which is a brave thing to do for a film maker. 

This discussion is excellent though one of the women has a high estimation of herself.