Showing posts with label founding fathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label founding fathers. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 July 2017

My Jewish Great Grandmother - Lucy Myers

For a number of years my father was obsessed with genealogy. He uncovered that our Great Grandmother (in the middle with my sister to her right and my brother to her left and me on the concrete), Lucy Meyers, was a Polish Jew. 

I recall ultra Zionist Blairite Marko Atilla Hoare questioning my Semitic credentials so let me put this down in writing. I challenge him and any other doubters to a molecular DNA test to determine who is more Semitic. I've been throwing down this gauntlet online for years.

Nobody has taken me up.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Calton Hill Acropolis

I'm off to Edinburgh for a week (and then Leeds after that) doing depths for the pharmaceutical industry and I'm quite excited about the trip. Although I've made it into quite a few places around the planet (Junta or no Junta), and checked out a few locations that easily qualify for the 7 wonders of the world, I'm quite psyched about eventually visiting a place that if only for the Scottish enlightenment and its influence on the founding fathers of the United States is interesting in itself, but of course there is so much more. If anyone knows any bloggers/digital ramblers or agency/marketing types that might be interested in meeting up in the evenings I'm very much going to be up for some fresh air, insights into the place/people, lager or coffee. Expect random twitters to alleviate spreadsheet revolts and general monologue iteration wear and tear.