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Showing posts sorted by date for query fiat. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday 1 January 2023

Tates & Greta

When I first saw an Andrew Tate video clip online, I could see he was an affluent and entrepreneurial man. I enjoyed his analysis delivered at 2X normal conversation pace. He's fast, smart and fun. However, his story didn't make sense. Nobody who makes more than a certain amount of crinkle can talk about the things he discusses. Nobody gets a global voice like he has without playing the game. I had no background knowledge of his life, so I left it as I didn't know what his name was back then.

There's a ton of stuff we agree on. It's nice when we don't have to dumb the conversation down about 9/11, fractional reserve, and central banking; fiat currency or even just how power, the occult and the esoteric work together. He's done his homework and that matters. He's a strong mind and is ostensibly disciplined. Abstemious from drugs and alcohol, Andy encourages his young followers to be the same, including for pornography. He believes in encouraging young men (his global audience) to be strong, focused and disciplined which is a message sorely needed in young men, though his schtick is essentially women are property. 

I was surprised to learn, that he's the most Googled (English Language) person on the planet, but there's obvious red flags. I recall him describing how he handled the women who worked for his breakout adult webcam business. It was boastful and completely crass. He moved on to casinos after that and I believe his newest enterprise is an online 'university' for 18-23 year old males who want to be like him.

Andrew's pronunciation flips from American to Cockney with certain words, and it's a small blind spot for him, like when people say 'how very apropos' in order to impress without looking into how to use it. It makes me cringe and for a person who prides themselves on attentiveness. What else is he blind to? There's nothing wrong with picking up an accent when living abroad but two pronunciations at any one time is comedic at best, and a car crash at worst.

I picked up some more details without making much effort. He's a kickboxer, an entrepreneur, a materialist, a cigar smoking supercar collector, recent convert to ersatz Islam and a braggard as is his younger brother Tristan who I only discovered existed when I came across the video above. Tristan is like a double for Andrew. It's good they're close, but most siblings depart from mimicry when looking to discover the world for themselves. It was my first dive into researching the Tates, so I listened and watched them for just under an hour to try and understand why they are always looking to tell people how to be like them.

My instincts were confirmed in the 44th minute and around the 40 second mark (see video above). Andrew asks Tristan "How many cars do we own now, is it 36?". Tristan replies it's "33 cars" and cannot help but grin his face off.

It's an important detail because only seven weeks earlier on October 10 2022 Andrew claimed in this interview he has 28 cars. What sort of strawman gazillionaire remembers on each retelling, exactly how many webcam sex workers he had in his employ, but forgot if he bought a Lamborghini or a McLaren yesterday?

It's as if his story doesn't hang together quite right under the mildest of interrogation.

So the 33 is the revelation of the method. They're on the same team as Greta but different roles, different reporting structures and similar hierarchies. She is the 'Daughter of Light' and the boys are the 'Sons of Darkness' as it were. 

Thems the breaks.

Many will be unfamiliar with the reason for Tristan's ear to ear grin. The people who run things are occultists and so the esoteric, numerology, gematria and ritual, are all areas of expertise (as well as witchcraft). I'm not talking about the porch monkeys that provide cover through the Blue lodges 1st 2nd and 3rd degrees.

I'm talking about the the inner sanctum, of senior 32nd degree brethren, which in Scottish rite and its honorary 33rd degree confer status, requiring 'no extra esoteric initiation(s)', as I apprehend.

Image manipulation is deadly fast these days, but let's suppose Tate is adhering to the universal rules of disclosure and telling us he belongs to, or is owned by the cult.

Imagine if we can, his status and position in life could possibly be nothing to do with him. The optimal way to control an asset is by co-opting them. Sure he's a top martial artist, a first class hustler (yet Haram) and nobody's fool, but it's more than likely that his sponsors would be interested in shaping his business trajectory more than an outsiders like us, could possibly guess.

If they can Astroturf for examples sake, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison of Oracle into place through the CIA and their affiliates, a caricature like like the Tate Brothers wouldn't require much planning management.

Back of an envelope stuff for Tavistock.

I'm not saying this is the case, but unexpected actors can open a lot of revenue doors giving Andrew the illusion of being more gifted at wealth creation, than he actually is. He may also be just a cutout for the disaffected global young-males segment, or an asset watching the gravy flow while it can. He's toast if they want to throw him under a bus.

Many will find this hard to digest.

Greta is even more synthetic than Tate.

She's no doubt a victim and also troubling marionette with a One Foundation expense tab (Bono/Gates/Soros-funded), and a coach (handler) Luisa-Marie Neubauer, as well as a social media (programmer) public image handler Adarsh Prathap who wrote the small dick energy reply to Tate, that Greta gained the credit for. They are all there to flog a fake climate-crisis as part of the WEF 4th industrial revolution in lockstep with Agenda 2030 global-depop, and movement-restriction licences ++.

For no particular reason on December 27th, Andrew Tate allegedly tweeted at Greta Thunberg his gas guzzling supercar collection. Look, he's there to lead the disaffected young males market, and she's there to lead the charge for the free-lithium child slavery markets in DRC, and her pithy reply was memorable.

It's a good line. It was fun. It doesn't change that the Tates are knobs, and Greta behaves like a schoolgirl Robocop about to order 20 seconds to comply or she'll unload both barrels in an innocent bystanders face.

Tates and Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg are in my inconsequential opinion, both fanatics and deserve each other. It will be interesting to see what transpires but the whole Pizza/Romania Kabuki theatre was a skit. Do people really think the Romanian authorities cracked the case from the side of a Margherita pizza box? Tate knows what cheese pizza means, and if you don't, a strong constitution is required. 

Sunday 4 December 2022

Alexander on Churchill

Boris corroborates historian David Irving's evidence on Churchill and the 'Focus Group' who turned Churchill against Germany in order to pay Churchill's cigar and champagne bills (and Chartwell). It's illegal to explain this so I'm only pointing out the speech above and Irving's documentation on the subject.

Also, we can now make sense of why Churchill was such a massive antisemite before WW2. I'm using the language of today as the sons of Shem have nothing to do with the white land thieving, genociding scum in Palestine.

Money makes the world go round or flat if you wish. That's how superficial people are on Qatar or 1/4 million dead British troops in WWII.

I now believe after deeper research that Churchill had a surprisingly sensitive soul and was a victim of agendas beyond his control, I know how tough decisions can be to take and also how they can explode into the public domain looking like service to self when in fact it's more a question of survival. 

Churchill's parents are the give-away. 

When I read about the letters and the constant yearning for affection and love it's so close to the multiple and multi-generation TBMC information it's not funny and I dare say Boris is a copy to some extent. I guess I'd better add the MKULTRA information as a tag/label to this post.

It's the fiat currency and fractional reserve beast system of money that drives these genocidal decisions. The Bible (and Quran) warns us of the money lenders that Jesus overturned the tables against and tried to kick out of the temple.

How do we know it's real? 

Because they changed the name from Money Lenders to Money Changers.

They're sensitive to the subject as it were.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

In Defence of the Illuminati

Censored Image

I've been racking my brains for a bit on how to explain this subject, and finally, I had an idea of integrating my real-life conundrum to aim a spotlight on the subject from I hope, a useful perspective but which no doubt will be a rambling incoherency.

I need to bullet point part one as I'm prone to waffling and time is not unlimited, so here's the thought process in order of priority. Things I wanted to change in my lifetime.
  • Surely Fiat currency, fractional reserve as well as central banking are completely synthetic scams, or hoaxes if you wish, that however hard I try (you can too), I can never work out, quite how they were foisted on humanity? How did this happen without pushback, if not immediately, then subsequently? #Money
  • The conflict (war) machine is retarded. Might isn't right. This is logic. #War
  • Deception is a business model, but not an inspirational one. Is transparency not subterfuge more robust than say casting 9 spe11s and manufacturing the spellbound? #Tricks #Advertising #Illusion
  • Does one need to extract another's energy in order to extend the principle's reserves? Is theft too harsh a word? Why not rape? #Power #Energy
  • Nationalism is retarded. How can we explore the universe while squabbling over domestic resources? #Multiculturalism
  • Gender identity is superfluous. Who cares if the universe is male or female? #Gender
  • National identity is worthless, or at best negligible. #Ethnicity #Identity
  • Doesn't it make sense to subsidize and finance that which will cause great suffering... if allowed to fail? #Socialism

These are all points of thinking arrived at by assuming I now see, misguided good intent that as a young lad and now a half Century later burdens me (and maybe you too) if we look at ourselves in the mirror? 

What is striking is these early subjective social ideals that manifested for me, or are on the verge of manifesting, if we are paying attention is they aren't what I expected. I'm saying the Illuminati seem to have not been unresponsive to your average well-meaning lefty and what I and many others, I'm guessing, wished to see. 

I'm now constantly humiliated as I feel the burden of what once seemed simple obvious solutions but which are in fact, crude, ill-defined and facile answers. Be careful what you wish for.

Anyway to mirror part one: 

The Federal Reserve is on the back foot.
War is already obsolete. Mutually assured destruction still possible but no standing armies will fight for bloodlines again, and they know it.
Trickery or transparency is corpulent with unavoidable responsibility. There's no escape from reality, if you wish.
Conservation of energy isn't disputed. Inputs and outputs are empirical.
Multiculturalism has been weaponized such that identity to our next-door neighbours can now easily be framed as hate(speech).
Gender fluidity too has been weaponized such that identifying as being a woman or a man is now hate speech.
Nationalism has not escaped being weaponized, such that being bred in a country can now be a lower priority than new arrivals from places we bombed with laser-guided precision because the war profiteers subsidize our entertainment.
Why is it the only shared burden that can never take place, are new ideals of shared endeavour aimed at caring not neglecting?

Part II
This is not an exculpatory blog post in favour of the Illumined mafia, it's just a healthy attempt to look at the problem from their side... and then attempt to put it down in words.

Allow me to try, please. Clumsy as that may be.

A lot of people....used-to.... canned-laughter, double over at any mention of the nutjob subject known as the Illuminati.

Even though George Washington warned us in his own handwriting of the threat from this self-propelling trauma-based business model.

And, Natural philosophers (as indeed Faraday was), ditched their mathematics and physics careers to publish in 1797 Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison.

It's enough of a burden, just to manage our mortal lives, but this group..... this very special pioneering.... gang if you will, have assumed responsibilities for planning multi-generational objectives that defy convention.

History is replete with dynasties. This subject is not new. But, this is no ordinary dynastic intersectional collective.

Their track record of maintaining control is (debatably) unbroken. It is this function they outperform all other Secret Societies, Orders, Fraternities or Cosa Nostra on. 

While we think month to month, about mortgage payments or brothel bills.... ... this clique of bloodlines pride themselves on the long game.

Kinda like the Jesuits but tooled-up with a fairly extensive body of research-work, on genetics and mind control.

They are phenomenally successful in the entertaining us to death business, but in a broader sense, it seems they understand the unlimited firepower of social engineering.

Mind Control if you wish.

Culture, perhaps more succinct.

One of the surprising factors about the Illuminati, is they are no hypocrites. 

If obliged to do to their own offspring, what they do to other people's children, they will do it. They impose the same rules on others, that they apply to themselves. Trauma-based mind control is self-evident in Bush Jr for example.

They are ideologically pure, for what it's worth.

It is us who have incoherent explanations for reality, not them.

Are we presented with an unsolvable multi-generational, trauma-narrative rubbed in our faces through the easy peasy to learn (if inclined) language of symbolism?

It's not about the money money money (we don't need your money, money, money).

It's way more interesting than that. 

If you have a strong stomach.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Bitcoins For Activism

I've got a Bitcoin Account, that allows people who respect my activist work to contribute towards keeping me going, in a manner that reflects my rejection of central banking, fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking.

If you can chip in my code is: 1D7e2QQx1crBsNDTi7627EY3xwvM98d4MK or the QR Code above.

All donations are hugely appreciated. Even a gesture donation makes me smile.

Thursday 24 October 2013

I'd Dump The Israelis Tomorrow - Ex CIA Michael Scheuer

It's my view that the Israelis, the Zionists and the Christian Zionists are being set up for a trap by the real brokers of power who use fake land claims, discredited religions, fiat currencies, fractional reserve banking and divide and rule to keep power and wealth concentrated. They are above national borders and employ people like Netanyahu to do their bidding. It's beyond sadness that in such a short time the Israelis have forgotten their own horrors in history and now behave like they were once treated.

Jews who don't speak up about this are complicit in this unfolding tragedy.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Zbgniew Brzezinski & The Paradox Of Violence

I've written elsewhere about the artificial nature of the cold war. Marx, Trotsky and Lenin were all on the Banker/Wall St payroll and the desired outcome of the cold war required the industrial elite to cut the most secretive business deals such that American men were fighting against Soviet supplied trucks in the Vietnam War that were designed and funded by a Ford/Fiat partnership in the USSR.

Nobody will ever know how much (or little) Zbig lies about what he he really knows but even if he knew nothing (highly unlikely) he is still faced with the paradox of a world that values freedom and liberty for everyone, more than Zbigniew Brzezinski does for entire planet. The proof of this is his scorn for free speech which is self evident in this stunning expose of the man.

My final word is be careful of this man when it comes to his reckless advide on Russia. His ego prevents him recognising that Vladmir Putin is a stablizing force for peace and freedom in the world unlike the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg groups that Zbig likes to hang out with.

Other than this weak spot for WWIII his analysis is very sound. Particularly Israel's warmongering.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Infographic: How Much Money Is Printed To Save The Western Perpetual War/Central Banking Model?

The liquidity injections tell you everything you don't want to know. We're insolvent and our holographic fiat currency is propping us all up at the expense of the poor. We''re predatory around oil countries (Libya and Iran), and I say morally bankrupt. The full story is over at the Financial Times.

The comments below the article refuse to ask the 64 cent question. 

How much keyboard tap money can the fiat currency/federal reserve/central banking model take? 

We're going to find out.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Benjamin Fulford - Is the Rothschild Banking Monopoly Finally about to Be Dismantled?

The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to be repaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.

Even the highly brainwashed priesthood known as Western financial gurus and journalists are starting to realize that something is not right. The big announcement by European governments of a “solution” to the Greek and Euro crises is a case in point. If you analyze the announcement you realize that essentially the banks and governments are saying the banks will pay for 50% of the Greek debt with money they do not have. The governments say they will pay for it by “leveraging” the money they already have. They do not say who is going to be dumb enough to finance a bankrupt gambler who wants to quadruple his risk.
Please note that as soon as the “solution” to the crisis was announced, high level begging missions were sent to Asia, including French President Sarkozy. Why would they need to go to Asia to ask for money if they had come up with a solution?

The IMF, supposedly the world’s “lender of last resort” is also continuing to admit they have no money. The reason is that the IMF itself cannot prove that its money comes from legitimate sources.

The fact of the matter is that the criminal part of the world’s financial system is falling apart. The IMF will soon cease to be solvent. The same is true of the World Bank. The BIS is also in trouble. In fact, the entire Rothschild banking monopoly is in deep trouble.

The freeze of “trading platforms” remains in place, meaning that the controllers of the fiat system can no longer pump new money into the system. The best they can do is reshuffle money that is already in the system. New money will only start entering the global financial system once the new asset-backed system is in place.

“The IMF and the World Bank existed to force the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,” is how an extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation. “Our goal is to reboot the system, to start over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just Europe and North America,” he continued.

The original system was meant to have been run by the Swiss and protected by the Americans, he continued. “The basic failure was that the system of checks and balances failed and the people who were supposed to protect the system ended up abusing it,” he added.

What is now going to happen is that the 100 countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a White Dragon Society source. The US military and agencies will be involved in this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate generals by using corrupt institutions like the IRS to try to repossess their homes will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutions.

The first step will be a lawsuit that will be filed before November 15th against the individuals and groups who abused the Federal Reserve Board system. This will lead to liens being placed against many of the largest financial institutions in the world, according to the filers. There will also be mass arrests.

The other steps have yet to be disclosed. However, some basic truths are already known. First of all, all honest businessmen and bankers worldwide will have nothing to worry about. Second of all, the money created through derivatives fraud will be eliminated from the books, even if that means bankrupting many of the big Western financial institutions. Third, major historical financial injustices will be addressed and stolen monies and assets will be returned to their rightful owners. This will be good news for the vast majority of Western citizens as well as the inhabitants of long exploited regions like Africa.

The international banking and payment settlements systems will remain in place after the reboot. This will mean the minimum possible disruption to legitimate business.

However, as mentioned earlier, the international institutions set up and controlled by a small group of Western oligarchs after World War 2 will be totally revamped.

Copyright Benjamin Fulford
Please support Ben’s work with a paid subscription.

Friday 21 October 2011

Libyan Street Parties & Western Open Sewers

I'm revolted by the barbaric animals the Pentagon and NATO switched sides to prop up the disintegrating economic extraction model of perpetual war and fiat currency. The Anglo American hegemony in the oil rich middle East thrives on division, ignorance and vengeance. It profits from arms sales and peddles loans of increasingly worthless paper. 

The bloodied  pathetic and pleading-for-his-life pensioner above was brutal to his opponents while in power, but give me the animal tinpot dictator compared to the illness of institutionalised Western psychopathy. Our leaders, priests, generals and journalists don't have that spectrum of emotion. 

They are dull, very cowardly and mechanically evil. Nobody comes out of this looking remotely honourable.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Black Swans & Fallen Angels


If you haven't read The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb it's the most erudite permission-to-believe-in-the-unexpected book I've read. Intellectually it opened up my mind to the potential of radical possibility and so I started to think my analysis of Capitalism might have some validity and rejected the whole model of senseless consumption via fiat currencies, floated on derivative trading, lorded over by globalised slave labour while hacking down forests, depleting oceans and strip mining mother Earth's crust.

His first book Fooled By Randomness is in my opinion an even better read but the reason for posting this tonight is I believe that an overdue economic collapse is under way. I know I said that in 2008, and yes it was premature (and wishful thinking, the dollar is one tough cockroach) but I wasn't wrong about the unquestioned venal greed of the system. 

All around the world ordinary people are increasingly uncomfortable with a paradigm that is destroying the planet, poisoning our environment and fuelling a superficial worship of materialist-science as saviour, slavish tech-fetishm and contemptuous poverty-blindness. It's a religion with it's own callous Gods no superior to the Jehovahs of the old Testament.

I don't know if tomorrow is going to be the long overdue market bloodbath of a system that isn't sustainable but I welcome its impending demise, and the potential for transformational change in how we see ourselves as a species and the planet as a living being.

If anyone in Bangkok wishes a hardback copy of the The Black Swan, I have a hard copy I've read twice and no longer need.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Thailand's Tropical Gulag

The troubles down south have been going on a lot longer than the reductionist story of Reds versus Yellows. It's straight forward ignorance, chauvinism and arrogance coupled with territorial insensitivity and inflexibility to subsidiarity, that only exists due to the geographical and historical idiocy of the British empire in that part of the world . 

I used to occasionally cross the border at Narathiwat though that is no longer sensible given the violence that takes place in that part of the world. It's evident to me that the muslims down South or rather less materialistic cultures are de facto materially/fiat currency poorer in the the 21st century than materialist cultures that value stuff over non stuff. 

Things like feelings and consciousness for example. We should be aware of that when assessing a balance sheet for the superiority of cultures. Once again Al Jazeera does more serious and more pertinent content than any other global news organization.

Monday 21 December 2009

We're at a crossroads

Here's a brief history of money and intellectual property, however Doug Rushkoff (who put me on to Terence McKenna) is not in his best media format to present his case in my opinion. 

He's evidently under time pressure to pack in almost a millennium of financial history into fifteen minutes. He's a writer first and I think Doug comes across in a much more persuasive (and idiosyncratic style) on his podcasts over at the media squat. He's also more funny when relaxed and mulling over the world than in this video.

I still think it's important because the substance is nuts and bolts rewiring of our economies. Something I've been eager to champion long before the economic crash grasped the stock exchange's new found ability to ventilate and throttle money supply now that credit is the new cash flow (or maybe it always was).

Like Doug, I've a healthy scepticism of the digirati's enthusiasm for free. I think Chris Anderson's free-thinking about free is a bit weightless because it largely applies to the digital aristocracy. That's white boy Gen X'ers like me who get a lot of free services from Google (even though I don't put their ads on here). 

I don't see how Moore's law and free chips can put food in the mouths of hungry people if I'm on a buck a day which is a billion or so people on the planet. Paradoxically they are more prepped for what Doug Rushkoff is talking about because exchanging value is a lot more easier to do with a cart of melons and a mobile phone. But it's still not free of course. Neither is barter but it does sidestep use of fiat currency.

One thing about this spanner in the freeworks thinking is that while Doug might not have put his latest book out on the net for free, as an electronic amuse gul if you will, he's been kind enough to let me read his latest book Life Inc which I think is one of the more influential books that tackles the notion that 21st century fiat currency is an operating system which is past its sell by date. You can check out the reviews and order Life Inc over here.