Showing posts with label nationalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nationalism. Show all posts

Monday, 27 November 2023

iilliaa - life gets hard

I've never lived in a war Zone but I have lived through a couple of military coups. Allow me to explain something to the pampered and progand'erd Western Lifestyle. It is not possible to tell the truth about what's really going on (in a conflict) as the truth is a national security threat. Good and bad because there's indifference on this dangerous subject.

DJ iilliaa's 'life gets hard' is an extraordinary track and one I love, as indeed, I enjoyed Kiev City Ballet's performance here in Southampton, but until Ukraine does the inevitable. It's not possible for DJ iilliaa to even imply anything other than he is a victim of Russian aggression. If you don't believe me, ask Julian Assange rotting away in a max security prison Belmarsh or ask the Chilean business entrepreneur Gonzalo Lire rotting away in a Kiev Regime prison after trying to make a break for the Hungarian border by the Ukraine SBU.

When I wrote up the Kiev Ballet performance, I inadvertantly quoted their website and repeated a lie so the creative director had to edit the website. That lie is repeated in The Guardian but I have ALL the receipts. I haven't published yet as it is not my intention to get anyone from all sides of the conflict in trouble, since the Kiev regime started bombing their own Ukraine citizens in the Donbas area of Ukraine in 2014. That was the year I started ringing the warning bell. Just click on the Ukraine tag or don't, if you don't care.

Monday, 12 July 2021

England vs Italy - The Stench of Ignorance

My first blog post in 2007 was about football and I haven't really changed my mind on the main thrust of the writing all those years ago. 

The Italians defeated England last night in the European Cup. I haven't been watching the competition but I did know England hadn't played any top tier teams to get to the final. They scored in the first few minutes and did what they always do. Play defence to hold on to a lead.

Stadium sports were first outlined in the modern age after the coliseum by H.G. Wells (an insider), and they work just as well now, as they did then.

It's called Panem et Circenses or bread and circuses. Distract the masses with trivia and celebrities and the main agenda will go unnoticed.

Mask up bitches.

It's back to reality now you've had your sportgasm and a smashing time.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

I'd Dump The Israelis Tomorrow - Ex CIA Michael Scheuer

It's my view that the Israelis, the Zionists and the Christian Zionists are being set up for a trap by the real brokers of power who use fake land claims, discredited religions, fiat currencies, fractional reserve banking and divide and rule to keep power and wealth concentrated. They are above national borders and employ people like Netanyahu to do their bidding. It's beyond sadness that in such a short time the Israelis have forgotten their own horrors in history and now behave like they were once treated.

Jews who don't speak up about this are complicit in this unfolding tragedy.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

China Protest

On Tuesday, I was tipped off that an SMS was being passed around encouraging people to place a heart on their messenger and boycott Carrefour in protest at the Olympic flame's experience in France. Sure enough my messenger now looks something like this.

There's no need to have an extended commentary on this except to say that nobody questions the Chinese people's love of their country. There's a lot to love, and I'm particularly fond of the people of Beijing. However all countries/governments get it wrong at some point and the real journey in life begins when we begin to love and trust ourselves.

I think this young Chinese man who blogs in English has an international and mature perspective that corresponds more closely with the Olympic Slogan of One World One Dream. I blogged about it over here and questioned the sincerity and logic. Nothing would please me more than if the Chinese people proved me wrong on this.