Showing posts with label DRC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DRC. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Tates & Greta

When I first saw an Andrew Tate video clip online, I could see he was an affluent and entrepreneurial man. I enjoyed his analysis delivered at 2X normal conversation pace. He's fast, smart and fun. However, his story didn't make sense. Nobody who makes more than a certain amount of crinkle can talk about the things he discusses. Nobody gets a global voice like he has without playing the game. I had no background knowledge of his life, so I left it as I didn't know what his name was back then.

There's a ton of stuff we agree on. It's nice when we don't have to dumb the conversation down about 9/11, fractional reserve, and central banking; fiat currency or even just how power, the occult and the esoteric work together. He's done his homework and that matters. He's a strong mind and is ostensibly disciplined. Abstemious from drugs and alcohol, Andy encourages his young followers to be the same, including for pornography. He believes in encouraging young men (his global audience) to be strong, focused and disciplined which is a message sorely needed in young men, though his schtick is essentially women are property. 

I was surprised to learn, that he's the most Googled (English Language) person on the planet, but there's obvious red flags. I recall him describing how he handled the women who worked for his breakout adult webcam business. It was boastful and completely crass. He moved on to casinos after that and I believe his newest enterprise is an online 'university' for 18-23 year old males who want to be like him.

Andrew's pronunciation flips from American to Cockney with certain words, and it's a small blind spot for him, like when people say 'how very apropos' in order to impress without looking into how to use it. It makes me cringe and for a person who prides themselves on attentiveness. What else is he blind to? There's nothing wrong with picking up an accent when living abroad but two pronunciations at any one time is comedic at best, and a car crash at worst.

I picked up some more details without making much effort. He's a kickboxer, an entrepreneur, a materialist, a cigar smoking supercar collector, recent convert to ersatz Islam and a braggard as is his younger brother Tristan who I only discovered existed when I came across the video above. Tristan is like a double for Andrew. It's good they're close, but most siblings depart from mimicry when looking to discover the world for themselves. It was my first dive into researching the Tates, so I listened and watched them for just under an hour to try and understand why they are always looking to tell people how to be like them.

My instincts were confirmed in the 44th minute and around the 40 second mark (see video above). Andrew asks Tristan "How many cars do we own now, is it 36?". Tristan replies it's "33 cars" and cannot help but grin his face off.

It's an important detail because only seven weeks earlier on October 10 2022 Andrew claimed in this interview he has 28 cars. What sort of strawman gazillionaire remembers on each retelling, exactly how many webcam sex workers he had in his employ, but forgot if he bought a Lamborghini or a McLaren yesterday?

It's as if his story doesn't hang together quite right under the mildest of interrogation.

So the 33 is the revelation of the method. They're on the same team as Greta but different roles, different reporting structures and similar hierarchies. She is the 'Daughter of Light' and the boys are the 'Sons of Darkness' as it were. 

Thems the breaks.

Many will be unfamiliar with the reason for Tristan's ear to ear grin. The people who run things are occultists and so the esoteric, numerology, gematria and ritual, are all areas of expertise (as well as witchcraft). I'm not talking about the porch monkeys that provide cover through the Blue lodges 1st 2nd and 3rd degrees.

I'm talking about the the inner sanctum, of senior 32nd degree brethren, which in Scottish rite and its honorary 33rd degree confer status, requiring 'no extra esoteric initiation(s)', as I apprehend.

Image manipulation is deadly fast these days, but let's suppose Tate is adhering to the universal rules of disclosure and telling us he belongs to, or is owned by the cult.

Imagine if we can, his status and position in life could possibly be nothing to do with him. The optimal way to control an asset is by co-opting them. Sure he's a top martial artist, a first class hustler (yet Haram) and nobody's fool, but it's more than likely that his sponsors would be interested in shaping his business trajectory more than an outsiders like us, could possibly guess.

If they can Astroturf for examples sake, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison of Oracle into place through the CIA and their affiliates, a caricature like like the Tate Brothers wouldn't require much planning management.

Back of an envelope stuff for Tavistock.

I'm not saying this is the case, but unexpected actors can open a lot of revenue doors giving Andrew the illusion of being more gifted at wealth creation, than he actually is. He may also be just a cutout for the disaffected global young-males segment, or an asset watching the gravy flow while it can. He's toast if they want to throw him under a bus.

Many will find this hard to digest.

Greta is even more synthetic than Tate.

She's no doubt a victim and also troubling marionette with a One Foundation expense tab (Bono/Gates/Soros-funded), and a coach (handler) Luisa-Marie Neubauer, as well as a social media (programmer) public image handler Adarsh Prathap who wrote the small dick energy reply to Tate, that Greta gained the credit for. They are all there to flog a fake climate-crisis as part of the WEF 4th industrial revolution in lockstep with Agenda 2030 global-depop, and movement-restriction licences ++.

For no particular reason on December 27th, Andrew Tate allegedly tweeted at Greta Thunberg his gas guzzling supercar collection. Look, he's there to lead the disaffected young males market, and she's there to lead the charge for the free-lithium child slavery markets in DRC, and her pithy reply was memorable.

It's a good line. It was fun. It doesn't change that the Tates are knobs, and Greta behaves like a schoolgirl Robocop about to order 20 seconds to comply or she'll unload both barrels in an innocent bystanders face.

Tates and Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg are in my inconsequential opinion, both fanatics and deserve each other. It will be interesting to see what transpires but the whole Pizza/Romania Kabuki theatre was a skit. Do people really think the Romanian authorities cracked the case from the side of a Margherita pizza box? Tate knows what cheese pizza means, and if you don't, a strong constitution is required. 

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Elon Musk & Twitter Comedy Gold

There are so many intersections with Q, Trump & Elon that I'm not going to keep posting them as they occur, so waiting for a curation day that even a normie can see it's statistically impossible for the numbers to keep overlapping.

That doesn't mean Elon is my hero. Pretty much everything he does is problematic. Electric Cars are terrible for the environment and are fuelled by human rights abuses, oil, coal and biomass (woodchip burning). Then there's his Neuralink which is transhumanism 101 that all the normies will be begging for to keep their salary advantage, and finally the clothes he wore for the MET gala in New York and then for Halloween are not ambiguous. It's in your fucking face bro.

In addition, the word EL in Hebrew is a much deeper rabbit hole than it looks on the surface.

Is he a MILINTEL asset? Who knows, deception is necessary and to be fair, Elon is one of the most interesting people on the planet, to meet in a bar and have a drink with.

The above clip is just funny though. The headlines from the legacy media have been rammed with heart attack/stroke-normalising messaging as you can check here, and if you want I've lots more.

In case you think you don't look at those adverts you might want to swot up on Low Involvement Processing.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Phonebloks - Mobile Technology Designed To Last

Disposable electronics aren't a very good way to respect the planet. They poison the environment and the just in time distribution logistics are a huge burden on the Earth's resources, even though the products are small.

They also fund a lot of conflict in places like the Congo (DRC) but you wont hear about that as the media are too busy telling people that Israel is the important country where the Master Race now reside. 

More important than the six million who died in those mineral conflicts anyway.

Oh and don't forget the 100 000 rapes a month when you stroke your next new, touch screen electronics purchase.

Phonebloks is a simple idea and I hope people can get behind it. I've long been uninterested in the latest mobile though I do look at tablets from time to time and ask myself. 

Do I really need it?

Usually the answer is no. But maybe you're into Alicia Keys being a phone when she's not touring apartheid Israel as a black entertainer.

Friday, 18 January 2013

100 000 Congo Rapes Every Month For Smartphone Coltan - Keith Harmon Snow

The visual used is a picture of a Congo girl talking about the rape she was subjected to. She doesn't seem to have any scars so she's probably one of the lucky ones that didn't have a rifle barrel inserted in her vagina or a blade whipped across her face. It's hard to be sure she isn't permanently disfigured as well as emotionally scarred for the rest of her life. We can't see the full story.

The two video clips slightly overlap each other but I assure you that Keith Harmon Snow is such a compelling and informed speaker that it is worth repeating a few minutes of viewing.

It is within our power as a collective to find a way to stop the rape of DRC the country and Congolese women. It's just wrong. Keith Harmon Snow needs money to keep doing his amazing work. Go give him money and don't be tight.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Genocide Business - Keith Harmon Snow

Absolutely first class talk on the politics and business of genocide including the holocaust industry which turns a  tidy profit for its users and exploiters.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Rare Earth Coltan - The Smart Phone Material 5 Million Died In The Congo For

Ten minutes ago I didn't know why the DRC war happened or what Coltan was. Now I know.

The war beginning in 1998 that pitted the armies of Congo, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola against those of Uganda and Rwanda induced the largest humanitarian disaster since World War II, with an estimated four million Congolese lives lost. Congo's first national elections since 1965 have taken place, but true peace and democracy remain elusive goals.