Showing posts with label vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vatican. Show all posts

Sunday 12 February 2012

The Pope, The Acrobat Team & Unholy Communion

Take a look at the Gay Pope. He's on the edge of his seat as the acrobats enter to perform. More details on on Ratzinger's alleged sexual persuasion over here.

Update: The video has gone viral at over a million and there's even a 'Raining Men' remix. I love recombinant culture.

Pope's Homosexuality, Nazi Past & Protection of Paedophile Priests Not Always Appreciated

I've no idea if the Pope is still denying the Nazi Holocaust despite his spell with the Nazi youth. I do believe the timing of his call to the Space Shuttle at 11.11 is worth making a note of. I also believe the gossip in high society Rome that he has a homosexual lover but not because Andrew Sullivan says so. I believe it because Italian Prince and former high level freemason Leo Zagami loves to spill dirt like that to curry favour with the groups that his kind have been fleecing, raping and killing for centuries. Time will tell if all goes according to plan.

I care not if the Pope is homosexual. Keeping an eye on the ball is what matters here. The Vatican and Buckingham Palace are richer than Croesus. They are nothing more than incorporated businesses deceiving the sheep under the guise of shepherding the tender young flock

Ratzinger's hand in suppressing the information of peadophile priests as a cardinal is unconscionable but then most of my peers are still waving flags at Royal weddings despite the video testimony of ritual child satanic sex abuse at Balmoral, and a plea from Princess Diana that the family 'are not human' before dying in a car crash that she foretold was being planned for her.

There was one moment in the space video where I saw the possibility of an astronaut possibly using gestured language to Ratzinger that gave me heart, but the evidence is slim so it's too early to tell. Instead, like DABOO7 yesterday, I'm keeping an eye on NASA's X37B secret mission craft as it flys through space across a suspicious series of earthquakes in real time. We've had specific and  authoritive warnings at the highest levels, over and over and over again, about the weaponisation of space. It's the equivalent of gunpowder being invented and the sheeples are distracted as to what the stakes are.

There's a fairy tale nightmare going on and it will be all over before shearing time unveils the full extent extent of deception. It's one extreme to the other with humans. From either mindless flag waving to overdue uprisings, or pathetic Indifference to vengeful indignation. By the time the outrage arrives this time it will be too too late again, and so the counter-intuitive task in hand will be to step in as voices of reason against the perpetrators. Two wrongs don't make a right, and as Einstein taught us - a problem can't be solved at the level of conciousness that created it.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Why Is The Vatican's Age Of Consent 12 Years Old?

Institutionalised sexual abuse is the septicaemia of 21st century life. We can smell something is bad but we're nervous to amputate the infected limb because we've never done it before.

In 1985 Ratzinger was sent a report of every abuse case that could harm the Vatican. Those reports were not collated to purge the church of paedophiles and ritual abuse. They were  requested in order to determine which problems were most in need of the resources to help cover them up. 

It's not that the problem is under appreciated by the time starved average person. The problem is it's under estimated which is so much more damaging. No right thinking individual condones abuse. It seems the problem is if we knew the true scale and the level it takes place at it would be intolerable to civil society. That's what is being covered up. The rot in the UK specifically is protected by a law that Jack Straw passed and then later failed to recall in an interview, and so it's on a level that despite public outrage is even worse than public thinks. The rot is at the very top and it's systematic.

Bill Maloney, the subject of the interview (and a survivor of abuse) is making films that are asking dangerous questions at the highest levels of office, and which no news organisation is touching. His professionalism is to be applauded. We don't have a guard dog media; we have a lap dog media.

We should encourage victims to come out and make it clear that we will support them in any way we can. Please end the silence. Both yours, and God willing the victims. Some of you may be acquainted with the Saturnalian cult and so I connect two dots for you. Ever noticed the Ratzinger's Red Saturn hat fetish? The brim is representative of Saturn's rings.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Vatican Doves Prefer Captivity To Freedom

Just over two thousand years ago in Rome, some fighting eagles caused one of their flock to drop an injured wolf cub into the arms of the child "Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus" better known as Claudius.

A diviner was nearby and suggested privately to his mother Antonia that sometime in the future Rome would be wounded and need Claudius' protection.

Pope Ratzinger released Doves in the Vatican on Sunday to encourage peace between Israel and Palestine and the first dove refused to leave perching on the window sill and the second flew back into Ratzinger's super luxury residence.

Friday 6 January 2012

The Vatican's Legal Rights To Your Property

When I was at primary school after moving to the UK from British Army of the Rhine forces education in Germany, one of my first and closest friends was a lovely person called Dominic Golding. It was always obvious to me that he was going to be a Catholic priest, and though I know he flirted with an acting career during his college years I learned that my mother last saw him as the priest at our local parish St. Patricks in Woolston Southampton.

It was Dominic who taught me that the Vatican has a limited number of places for the portrait pictures of the Pope and that the last space available would indeed be the last pope. Well here we are decades later and the Vatican's reputation has never been lower. Ratzinger has the last place and so if he dies this year, the timing suggest's to me that whoever takes his place will never have their portrait on the wall.

If that's a little to metaphysical for your taste than I've pasted the hard evidence with respect to the Vatican's incredible wealth and little understood power above in an interview with Frank O'Collins who along with others such as Santos Bonacchi has an understanding of the Vatican's legal status as owners of the property that we call human beings and the estate that they call their own property. Legally you are owned and the greatest proof that they own you is not to do the spadework and find out.

Owning your mind and opinions is far more important than the vast wealth the Vatican sits on. However unlike the military industrial complex the Vatican is a sitting duck. 

We can bring it down with critical tweets and blog posts.

Revelation 17:4 - The Whore of Babylon

Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Lord Of The Rings (Tolkien, Astro Theology, Norse Texts & Saturnalia)

Most people make the mistake of thinking Tolkien wrote fantasy when in fact he wasn't entirely making it up but in fact synthesized the narrative from ancient Norse texts that tap straight into the DNA memory of ancient story telling in ways that science can't explain. It takes an astro-theological understanding of the solar system to digest what Tolkien was saying as well an appreciation of details such as there really were giants that once walked the earth.

Sauron/Saturn/Set/Saturday. All roads lead to Rome if we scratch away at the narrative, it takes an X factor sized sacrifice but it's worth it. Below is the Pederast Pope in his Saturnalia hat, so called for it's representational rings of Saturn.

Thursday 22 December 2011

John Lash - Gnostic Vigilance Against The Archons

There's a million reasons to take a look at John Lash's work. His proselytizing of the Organic light and Sophia Gaia/Planetary Tantra (applied myth making) have no competition given he's piloting the exploration of the latter openly and on the internet for all to see.

However it's his life of scholarly study that led to a focus on the Nag Hamaadi book discoveries and subsequent translation from the Coptic language that tells a story with two dum dum bullet points that are straight from The Matrix or Inception.

The first is how the Gnostics warned humanity of mind parasites/killer memes that would use religion as their most effective tool of control. The second is the explicit and lengthy talk of the presence of Archons as an alien influence on planet Earth. Each would sound preposterous if they weren't so hip and humming with circumstantial evidence.

We'd know so much more if the Vatican and Rome had left us alone instead of burning their libraries. We'd be peaceful cohabiting Cathars, Pagans and Telestai/Gnotics types. People who cared about nature, celebrated mysteries, were devoted to learning and shunned materialism.

If you do get listen to the interview of how the Archons covet our human genetics you can take comfort in this creepy outfit and their awkwardly named genomic project.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

John Lash - The Antichrist, Sentinels & 2012

John Lash raises the question why major organised religions have not gone out of their way to dispel the 2012 meme. Possibly their various messiah/saviour complexes play into this framework and their experiences of tapping into human fear is a fulcrum of their historical manipulation.

He also talks about how we know the deliberate crashing of the financial system is culminating in a strategy for a one world currency and that the 2012 memeplex is a wonderful carrier for a one world religion for those still under the spell of the victim perpetrator complex. In a nutshell if they don't have your wallet they'll have your soul and they would prefer both. It seems the elite profit machines have most by the balls through television and cauterized empathy for half the planet who get by on less than two bucks a day. It's an excellent interview and while researching it I discovered that the world religions congress next year takes place in Illuminati HQ metropolis designed Astana.

 Red Ice Radio - John Lash - The Antichrist, On .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Neil Kramer - Goodbye To The Zero Years

Neil Kramer reiterates here the historical sequestering of conciousness by empire over peaceful groups for millennia. For example the Roman devastation of the British Druids, the Vatican's killing and persecution of so called witches. Then there's the slaying of the Gnostics and the Mesoamerican cultures of South America to the present day painting of reality through Hollywood and corporate media via Capitol building modelled on the Holy See. These justify obscene wars abroad while protecting the lifestyle of a comparatively small and wealthy population at home that by removing the peoples of conciousness while expanding materialist needs, crowbars a disconnect between humans to each other.

When Mao Zedong took Peking, the first people he drove out were the fortune tellers and mystics. But not before he had his hand force-read, over which a terrified sage correctly predicted the age at which he would die. 

The elites know how to sequester conciousness. Over and again irrespective of ideology or geography they have attacked the same groups of spiritual and non materialist people. That should be every reason for considering what it is that elites have had to fear from these groups, and is it connected to their hold over us?

Update: A book detailing the charges I make has just been published echoing my sentiment here and in other posts on hidden Vatican wealth:

Throughout his book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, Mr Buddy Page, aka Seven Star Hand, presents verifiable proof that ancient sages and prophets opposed religion and wisely never trusted religious leaders. In fact, they participated in a very long-term and well-orchestrated sting-operation against religion and purposefully hid vital secrets from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. Mr. Page has been tasked to complete an ages-old sting operation against religious leaders and the rich and powerful. As the direct result, both religious and political leaders have panicked and acted strangely and foolishly. The precise reasons have been well hidden from most behind layers of misdirection.

The ancient sages and prophets employed a body of symbolized wisdom encoded within well-known symbols and symbolic narratives, and passed down through the ages by a long series of sages, prophets, and like-minded groups and individuals. They purposely used religion and religious canons as the conduit to transmit encoded proof of religious lies throughout the ages. For most of the last two millennia, Christian Rome oppressed and terrorized myriad souls for trying to understand the truth about ancient symbols and what they have always encoded about human existence. Now that this long dark game has been exposed to the bright light, religious leaders and their rich cohorts have been working overtime to distract and misdirect from proof that their age-old con-game is exposed.

Seven Star Hand demonstrates proof that the details of this ancient sting-operation were always protected by a series of enlightened individuals and secretive groups who were experts with ancient symbols, all awaiting a very specific future time, hence now. Conversely, religious leaders and their rich and powerful cohorts have gone to great lengths to oppose, confound, and misdirect any efforts that sought to reveal the truth and wisdom encoded within ancient symbols, the symbolism within their canons, and alluded to by the heavily symbolic ancient mysteries. As history and current events have shown us, top religious leaders fear the truth about religion and go to great lengths to prevent widespread knowledge of any evidence exposing pivotal foundational lies.

Ancient symbols, and the profound wisdom they encode, are also a pivotal focus of Freemasonry. This provides insights into why those involved in similar esoteric endeavors over the centuries were so violently opposed by Christian Rome and why Freemasonry is still feared (and smeared...) by the Vatican and cohorts. Though Seven Star Hand is not a Freemason, his research proves that religious assertions about Freemasonry are mostly well-orchestrated lies and purposeful misdirection meant to prevent most people from gaining any true insights into ancient symbols and the associated wisdom. Earlier articles and releases explore proof of this reality in great detail.

Throughout the history of Christian Rome and its proxy-kingdoms, empires, and leaders, we saw them target numerous so-called heretic and pagan groups, which often included entire populations. From the outset of Christianity, through the early centuries, through Medieval Europe, the various Crusades, the Inquisition, and much more, one blood-soaked thread runs throughout the pogroms, massacres, crusades, and extended periods of religiously inspired oppression and war. Christian Rome has been desperately afraid of people learning the truth about the symbolism of the ancients that also permeates the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham. They have always known that the lies at the core of these religions were completely exposed to anyone that grasps what the ancient symbols have always encoded.

Insights into ancient symbols, and the wisdom they have always encoded, is why groups like the Essenes, Gnostics, Druids, Cathars, Templars, and others were targeted for extermination by Rome. It is also why Jews were targeted as a group from the outset of Christianity and why Islam is a repeated target. It is why symbols and symbology have been labeled as evil, the occult, heresy, blasphemy, and any other slur required to scare people away from learning the truth. Any individual or group that gained true insights into the meaning of ancient symbols was always targeted by Christian Rome or its proxies, and now by the Vatican and its cohorts. 

Even the present Vatican has been desperately struggling to prevent most people from ever understanding the whole truth about ancient symbols, but especially stars and angels, and the profound disproof and insights they encode about pivotal ancient mysteries and religious claims. Their behavior towards the Dead Sea Scrolls is only one recent example. The Vatican's fear of what the discovery of the Dead Seas Scrolls represented was clearly well founded. Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols describes some simple yet devastating facts about the symbolism employed by the burial of the Dead Sea Scrolls in exactly 11 caves during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar and its purposeful relationship to star symbolism. This and other long-hidden secrets decisively disprove Christian assertions about the source of the Book of Revelation, and expose numerous deceptive changes made by the early Christian leaders.

As mentioned earlier, the ancient sting operation also focused on the rich and powerful and the ages-long illicit relationship with religious leaders, but most especially with Christian Rome and now the Vatican. Ancient prophecies like Isaiah and Revelation leave little doubt that exposing and ending the excesses of the rich and powerful were a vital focus of the ancient saints and prophets. As explored in the article Money is Slavery by Proxy, the close marriage between religion, money, and governance/politics stretches back for millennia to ancient Babylon. History also shows that control of the source of money and religion were still tightly wed in ancient Rome, later in Christian Rome, and now in the Vatican. Discussions of usury and financial fraud are found throughout the Hebrew texts. Even the New Testament speaks of the "money-changers in the temple" as one of the primary grievances against the Romans leading up to the Jewish revolts against them.

One of the great secrets of our modern world revolves around the Vatican's great wealth, the Vatican Bank, and why world leaders maintain such close ties to this obscenely rich and opulent ancient city-state. Solving that mystery and exposure of this most explosive of long-hidden secrets has been an important component of the ancient sting operation. In short, Rome has had control of the source of money in its empire since the time of Imperial Rome, and they never lost it. In other words, Rome has been hiding a secret central bank for centuries. 

Over the last century, they and cohorts extended the banking system secretly controlled by the remnants of ancient Rome to the entire planet. All central banks like the Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank, and the Bank of England are tied into a secret bank hidden by proxies like the Rothschild Family. Thereby, the secret central bank of Planet Earth is hidden by the Vatican and its primary cohorts. This is precisely how it was done in ancient Rome and throughout the past two millennia. Now that same secret and illicit merger between central banks and top religious institutions is finally exposed for the world to see.

The other important component of the ancient sting operation has been to solve the ancient symbolic mysteries and prove that these religions are purposeful deceptions. In this way, it can be shown that the Vatican and world leaders have been struggling to hide the fact that these religions and the global financial system are secretly controlled from Rome through a series of proxies. Both religion and money are great deceptions used to deceive and manipulate the entire planet. World leaders are knowingly involved in this deception and that is why they show such deference to the Vatican. Exposure of this great secret is also behind recent moves by the US Congress and President Obama to pass the SOPA and NDAA legislation. World leaders and those that pull their strings from the shadows are now between a rock and hard place and have been acting strangely and foolishly as the result.

Now reconsider the correct phrasing of the story about turning over the money changers tables. It should have said; turning the tables on the money-changers in the temple. Now the tables have been turned and religious, monetary, and political leaders are desperately scrambling in numerous ways to avoid facing truth, justice, and the ire of the entire planet

Saturday 17 December 2011

Banksy On The Vatican

The Banksy on Advertising post has been phenomenal for internet traffic here and I couldn't work out why. - I discovered the reason just now. 

His Cardinal Sin bust, with pixelated face was just donated to  an art gallery causing the usual outrage from Rome. Banksy responded "At this time of year it's easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity – the lies, the corruption, the abuse."

In further digital trigonometry the other post that wont stop pouring in internet traffic is my Vatican Bans Advertising, Endorses Child Pornography.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Clif High - Vatican Venality & Aztec Sunstones

Most people understandably still can't grasp that the Vatican is part of that Corporation of London, Washington D.C. triangle of lizardness that still runs the joint. The clip above from one of the recent full interview posts (or this one specifically if I got it right) should bring home a very pertinent question:

Why did the Vatican rush to Mesoamerica with Spanish armies to slaughter the locals and grab every piece of ancient mystery information they could hoard or destroy so that we wouldn't know?

Then there's that whole sending a Vatican painter to do the apotheosis of George Washington thing alongside the Aztec sunstone sculpture in the Capitol building rotunda.

Friday 18 November 2011

Pope Bans Benetton's UNHATE Advertising, Endorses Child Pornography

Why would the Pope endorse child pornography and yet ban advertising that makes a little fun of the notion that we should love our fellow man? Is it because of those rumours in Rome and Andrew Sullivan's wink that the Pope is a homosexual? He does rather look like he's having a jolly time when the all male acrobat troop came to the Vatican, stripped and ripped doesn't he?

In a way Benetton were doing the more intelligent side of ad agency Crispin Porter Bogusky before they even existed. It's no surprise that the top down hierarchical control psychopaths of the Vatican and pretty much every government and right wing paper absolutely hate this advertising. They pretend they seek peace and reconciliation but it's alien to their psychology and so they hate us humans for laughing and having strong feelings about peace and love. Beware those who don't hug, laugh or love art and even sometimes cry. Think about that.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Why Does Corporate Media Only Expose Celebrity Child Rape?

Oh that's easy. 

It's because the people who direct corporate media don't want you to know that the Sanderson story is just horseplay compared to the systematic ritual child sex abuse that goes on at elite levels. From the Vatican to Washington D.C. to Balmoral Castle they have been ritually and sexually abusing children for reasons ordinary human beings are unable to grasp that could possibly be for real 

But it is and I'm grateful that people are finally waking up. 

I know this for reasons it is not in my interest to share. Let's just say not everything measurable is being measured. Word.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Occupy The Vatican


All roads lead to Rome. It's important to think about the meaning of this a little deeper than usual.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Clif High on Time Monk Radio

Worth it for the Web Bot food riots in Rome all the way to the Vatican.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Christianity Incorporated

Santos Bonnaci is interviewed by Red Ice Radio and explains in more detail the Vatican's means of deception in order to maintain its grip on the intellectual, legal, spiritual and financial equity of human beings. 

The Vatican has illegitimately claimed authority over man and as it wont disband, it is destined to fall. Thank God.

Friday 12 August 2011

Hollywood Child Abuse

The normal human reaction is to assume this is still an isolated case. It's not. The elites of our institutions be they the Vatican, Seats of Government, Media, LawDefence and now Hollywood are riddled with an epidemic that a few days research uncovers convincingly.

I'm also convinced we're emerging into a new paradigm of transparency with information surfacing every few days. Feel free to click on the sex abuse tag below for related posts. Via Vigilant Citizen