Wednesday 21 October 2015

Zionism 101

I always learn a little more with each Christopher Bollyn presentation on Israel's history. I believe he's mistaken about the relationship of Saudi to 911 because Zionism and Saudi are the twin pillars of all the carnage in the Middle East and beyond. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Dylan Avery & Jonathan Elinoff

A superb interview with two film makers who are modest and free of BS. I listen to and watch hundreds of hours of rubbish to find the gems and they get harder and harder to find. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Monday 28 September 2015

Bill Hicks Being Murdered Long After He Died

Earlier this month I listened to Jay Weidner support the claim that Bill Hicks is now a deep cover Alex Jones. This is a good reason not to trust his information any more but it may be the case he is under pressure to be a disinformation agent. He is still not trustworthy or reliable. but we can enjoy his earlier work where he spoke up on important things.

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Israeli 9/11 Art Project & Dick Cheney

The original video has been removed, so the evidence of Austrian Mossad assets posing as students for a World Trade Centre art project prior to 9/11 and Dick Cheney is no longer available. Many readers might ask after watching the video why would they make it so obvious unless it's just a hideous coincidence?

The thinking behind this is ancient, occult and universal. 

The idea is that if I as your adversary intend to attack you and use 'information in plain sight', I effectively have your consent for attacking you and more importantly there's no incursion of your freewill.

For example the mural painted on Mossad's Urban Moving Systems van was reported by the police to have a plane flying into the twin towers on its side. This declaration of guilt is often called 'revelation of the method' but is only really convincing when a researcher studies the subject and identifies it enough times across a spread of false flags and deep state crimes. It often requires a working grasp of symbolism and numerology. 

The Pentagon for example is not just a five sided shape worthy of no remark. Informed people may also be familiar with the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Pentagon that took place on 9/11 1941

In the original video (now erased) the recorded police radio transmissions report the van with the plane crashing into the WTC mural at the 5.20 mark if you are short of time. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Director of Defence Intelligence Agency | Michael Flynn vs Mehdi Hussein

This is an extraordinary interview by Mehdi Hasan. Neither of course talk about the Israeli involvement in 9/11 so we can't claim that either side is being candid, but what we can identify is a level of Beltway/Washington Consensus programming and mendacity on Michael T Flynn's side that is self evident to any rational human being.

The man is a bonehead, an unoriginal thinker, a danger to world peace.

Update: Here he is with Liz Crokin who has done sterling work on Pizzagate but is literally an bimbo airhead who has never picked up a history book. Tell her that, I'll debate her and Bonehead Shekelgruber Flynn TOGETHER. Two on one and I'll wipe the floor with them. 

Mehdi is a classic neoliberal hack.

Monday 7 September 2015

Robert Kennedy's Role in Murder of Marilyn Monroe

This is a little bit off-piste for me as celebrity deaths aren't so interesting. However Jay Margolis' testimony and presentation of the evidence in this audio interview by The Opperman Report is a steady rhythmic blow by blow account of why RFK had to be the prime mover in the murder of Marilyn Monroe.

Sunday 6 September 2015

CIA Director Bill Casey - Another Spook Child Abuser

It's no coincidence that at the height of the VIP child abuse network; British Intelligence through Maurice Oldfield - Director of SIS, and Peter Hayman - Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George) and the CIA's William J Casey;  (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) between the years of 1975 to 1978) were on both sides of the Atlantic Directed by child rapists.

Henry Vinson ran a call boy business in Washington D.C  around the same years and refused to get into pimping out under-age children which meant he eventually had to leave. His book Confessions of DC Madam details the information about William J Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. A man who claimed his Roman Catholicism was a driving force in his life.

Saturday 5 September 2015

The Earth is in Quarantine - Michael Tsarion

An excellent presentation by Michael Tsarion. Even if the listener isn't interested in this area of occult history and its implications the information is spell binding and presented in a fascinating manner.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Why Were 9/11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta's Neighbours Mossad?

Slowly but surely people are beginning to understand the depth of deception. While it would be unfair to characterize 9/11 as completely run by the Israelis, anyone who thinks their involvement is anything other than controlling is deluded and/or in denial. 

Mohamed Atta's links to Mossad are well documented and he is not the only alleged pilot of 9/11 who has links to the Israeli spy service.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Donald Trump Documentary

Now that the Presidential Race is a reality show complete with clowns from all sides of the political spectrum it probably doesn't matter who is in power. This documentary on Donald Trump though is fascinating, and worth posting as his connections to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach are not negligible.

Update: The original documentary was scrubbed from Youtube so I've embedded an alternative.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Porkins Policy Radio & Ed Opperman on Jeffery Epstein

Even today no journalist will question Bill Clinton or Donald Trump on their close friendship with Billionaire Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Are Mossad Behind the Bangkok Bomb?

My first analysis was the Bangkok bomb had military grade explosive (and flash), targeted at tourists to hurt Thailand's tourism industry as a whole. 

Given the deepening ties between Thailand, Russia and China and their approval of a Palestinian State it was only a matter of time before the axis of evil (including CIA and MI6) would attack Thailand. I also have it on good authority that the Royal Thai Police are aware of Mossad drug trafficking through Chabad House in Bangkok.

I don't agree with all the points made in the following article but I think the Bangkok bomb was from outside forces and the only suspects are the usual ones when it comes to international threats and intimidation.

The bomb plays into whoever is in power's hands as they can crank up the need for security against their enemies. I notice the military grade explosive and flash was downgraded to 'improvised device' in the media, which tells me the people who know, don't want others to know.

Another excellent write up is over at Aangirfan

August 20-21, 2015 -- Mossad either getting sloppier or more arrogant in Bangkok bombing by Wayne Madsen.
Posted by Wayne Madsen Report on Saturday, 22 August 2015

Saturday 22 August 2015

Is The Sunday Times Attacking Twitter Activists?

I claim that through phone hacking, News International must have known about the scale of child abuse by VIPaedos and I've been calling out their journalists for some years on this

Lately they (and the media in general) have tried to impose the narrative that pro Palestinian activism is pure anti Semitism. This is a gross corruption of the word Semite as my blood is Semitic unlike Caucus converts to Judaism who have no claim on the holy land as the Palestinians have.

The Sunday Times appear to have contacted me for feedback and I responded that all questions must be in the public domain (so that I am not misrepresented). The question and my reply was both the same in public and in private Direct Mail on Twitter as you can see above.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Israel Behind 9/11 Attacks - Christopher Bollyn

On one subject Christopher Bollyn has changed his story.

He originally claimed his arms were broken by US law enforcement for speaking out about Israel's involvement in 911. This is not a small matter to be silent on so if anyone else knows why he now remains silent on this please let me know. I think I've emailed him on the matter but I don't recall any reply.

Update: He has replied and the answer is in his books. He prefers not to mention it in public speaking for reasons I understand.

Monday 17 August 2015

MI6 "Whistleblower" Dr John Coleman Completely Discredited

Fortunately not many people take MI6 whistleblower and Author of Committee of 300 Dr. John Coleman seriously. However, it's important to call out the MI6 shills who print conspiracy theories to keep consumers busy with misleading information and distract from real powers like Zionism, Corporation City of London and Neoconservatism.

I've just been reminded that Mark Devlin still quotes the preposterous rumour that Theodor Adorno wrote The Beatles lyrics.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Kathy Collins - From Trauma of Ritual Satanic Abuse to Transformation

Kathy Collins' information corroborates Cathy O'Brien's information that naked humans were used by Bohemian Grovers for live hunts. However this is not the purpose of her video conversation with Bill Ryan. Instead it is to offer hope to survivors coupled with a lot of therapeutic advice on dealing with *trauma and pain. It's a must watch for those who are just beginning to see the outline of the paedosadists who occupy many powerful positions.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

David Whitehead Interviews Sandra Fecht M.A. on Ritual Satanic Child Abuse (RSA)

Great efforts have been made by VIPaedos to pooh pooh the idea that Satanic Ritual Abuse doesn't exist. 

I have previously posted the evidence that MI5 and the security services fund and use Satanic Groups to harvest multigenerational ritual satanic abuse victims for the mind control qualities that emerge from the dissociative process of sexual abuse.

The information in this interview by TruthWarrior David Whitehead is essential listening.

Sandra Fecht M.A. is a qualified psychotherapist and is very brave to relate the information she has been exposed to when counselling sexual abuse victims. I urge you to consider the interview as a whole when deciding authenticity.

Monday 10 August 2015

David Whitehead Interviews Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

I spend a lot of time listening to rubbish interviews to find the quality ones and this one certainly makes the grade. Dr Farrell has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford so his approach to disentangling history includes theology, metaphysics, physics, history, languages and much much more. 

His thesis may not be correct but it is coherent and forces the reader or listener to look at ancient questions in new ways which is as good as it gets for me.

Sunday 9 August 2015

George Galloway's Child Abusing Friends

I've always admired George Galloway's activism on Israel though his inability to accept that the Arab Spring was a CIA/Mossad/MI6 colour revolution led him to block me when I proved he was wrong.

I've long felt uncomfortable that the largest scandal ever in the history of politics slipped under George Galloway's radar and so I'm now left uneasy that he appears to have been great mates with Jimmy Savile and 'old pals' with Derek Laud. In addition to this he admits he worked at Private Eye when Collin Wallace was the only person talking about Kincora and they were publishing it.

It's almost inconceivable that George would not have picked up on the value of this lead as he is an astute political boxer. Lately I've looked at George and he bears no resemblance to anyone I would like to see in a leadership role. He looks haggard, bitter and after these revelations on child abuse connections I feel he is discredited. 

I didn't always think like this as the tag below will confirm in previous posts.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Is Derek Laud a Paedo Sadist?

I've asked Derek Laud many times on Twitter but no response. It may be the case that all the boys he is alleged to have violently abused are no longer alive as there were a spate of killings around the boys alleged to have been used by him, Ian Greer, Michael Colvin, Peter Lilley, Michael Portillo and Lord McAlpine.

Friday 24 July 2015

Toffs, Snuff Movies & The Home Office

Not so long back it was still a conspiracy theory that snuff movies existed according to the Metropolitan Police even though they had examples in their care. In this short video a clip is shown of a young boy being held by a paedo-sadist. It's not gratuitous though it is chilling and I understand the boy's head may have ended up in a bucket at the end of the video.

The producers traffickers, torturers (Warwick Spinks et al), coach drivers, business men etc associated with these videos walk with impunity because their customers are the most important and powerful people in the land.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Is @louisemensch Stalking Me?

A little birdy told me McAlpine chum and devout Rabbi Shmuley/Zionist brown noser Louise Mensch is stalking me and taking screen grabs of my tweets. Personally I think she was in on that McAlpine scam a while back. 
