Monday 1 April 2013

APG Awards

The Account Planning Group Awards are strategic efficacy awards for advertising, held every year in London. I was last there in 2007 and just found this in my drafts folder.

 I'm quite sure I'm even more curious than you what's on the video. I can only find out if I post it.

Why Does The Royal Family Hire Child Rapists

Sunday 31 March 2013

A Message To Jimmy Savile's Accomplices From Bill Maloney


It's very reassuring to see Bill this positive. I dare say he's finally got the attention of the right kind of detectives after years of making videos about his days as an abused child from a family of abused children including a sister who died mysteriously at Haut de la Garenne.

 I think after raising her case with the authorities.

The Constant Gardener - Big Pharma In Piss Poor Africa

I'm increasingly impressed with John Le Carre. I've been going back and downloading everything he wrote that was put on film including the TV series from the 80's. The Constant Gardener is a very savvy telling of how Big Pharma uses Africa as a testbed for drug testing or as the strap line for KDH Pharmaceutical puts it "The world is our clinic"

Conspiracy theorists might be interested in watching this movie because there are more than a few nods to Big Pharma creating global illness such as a new form of Tuberculosis and then providing the only drug that will work. I think the potential for this is far more realistic than the global depopulation ideas that I often come across though there is a room for both ideas to work together I guess.

The cast of The Constant Gardener were so moved by Africa when filming there that they set up a charity fund for the area it was filmed in. John Le Carre also wrote the following:

"Nobody in this story, and no outfit or corporation, thank God, is based upon an actual person or outfit in the real world, but I can tell you this, as my journey through the pharmaceutical jungle progressed, I came to realize that, by comparison with the reality, my story was as tame as a holiday postcard". 

George HW Bush Lies Under Pressure From Dan Rather

This is a classic clip where you can observe George HW Bush (the United States finest criminal and a known paedophile) lying through his teeth under great pressure. You have to admit it's a robust performance. Below is a post clip analysis by some lizards and some good guys.

Who Said This? The Father of Zionism Or Adolf Hitler?

There are too many question marks surrounding Zionism to accept anything the corporately owned media feed unquestioning people

The internet is doing a fantastic job of setting the story straight. 

Zionism is racism. Period.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Mind Control Is A Lot More Prevalent Than You Think

Walter Bowart and Dave Emory predict the mind control mass shooting  phenomenon like Aurora and Sandy Hoax Shooting. It really is an important subject to understand because the spook industry did it to hundreds if not tens of thousands of victims in the home of mind control, the United States.

Friday 29 March 2013


An excellent introduction to Bitcoin by The Guardian. A rare piece of journalism that actually informs society in an even handed way.

Sandy Hook Has Profuse Information Gaps - See For Yourself

Whatever happened at Sandy Hook it isn't the story portrayed in the media. Thus it's important to not let it slide like all the easily distracted, story for the day junkies who have forgotten what they felt yesterday, or at least have forgotten enough to ensure they don't examine new information.  

The Memory Hole is doing excellent work and asking the best intellectual questions on this troubling issue.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Robert Phoenix The Monday Mashup

Robert invited me on his show and we had a blast shooting the breeze about loads of stuff. 

Monday 25 March 2013

Blade On The Feather - Skeletons at Eton

Train spotters will be familiar with Maj Frank Kitson's work, Philby and the idea that at the highest levels MI5, KGB and CIA all cooperate. An idea corroborated by Prof Sutton's work on technology transfer to the USSR and other bits I'm too weary to repeat.

Blade on the Feather stars Tom Conti and is an interesting drama that I think belongs to a Dennis Potter trilogy that I'm trying to find the other parts to.

Mossad Hacked By Sector 404 - All 30 000 Agent Names & Emails

It's a common sense precautionary measure, that when the correction comes and the rats all jump ship, the last person you need working in your company is an ex-spy pretending to be a harmless worker, friend and colleague. 

It's not preposterous to suggest they might steal your company secrets and sell them to your competitor or who knows what kind of dark arts they practise. I would take a copy of this file and save it on a thumb drive just in case. Forever.

More information and copies of the file to download are here, here, here and here and last of all, here.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Still Unsure Who NATO Is Backing In Syria? Please Watch This

The Transatlantic globalists are bankrupt. 

America and the UK invade or bomb countries that no longer want to take their printed money scam or, as with Syria use proxy forces to soften up the road to Tehran. This means London, Washington and Israel have to side with the Sunni Petro-monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar who despite being brutal dictatorships quite like the idea of having regional hegemonic control of the middle East through the Muslim Brotherhood who will be the technocrat leaders of these 12th century beheaders. They will not let the Muslim Brotherhood inside their own countries of course.

Do not trust a single thing your corporate media with the their commercial breaks have to say. Not a single word is pure.

You might think your iPhone means you're a world away from all this but all this pays for your iPhone lifestyle. It is not real. Are you not real?

Saturday 23 March 2013

MI5 Whistleblower Nods Towards Mossad Involvement in 9/11

Most people are too busy with celebrity nipple, sports programming and reality TV to unravel the complex consortium of interests that collaborated to turn off the US air defences for an hour and bring down the twin towers into a nice footprint of dust that no police officer has ever inspected. Annie Machon let's us know towards the end of this interview that Mossad's involvement is well documented even though it is being removed from sites like Rupert Murdoch's owned FOX news. What a surprise.

We do however know some of the players, there's L Paul Bremer, Phillip Zelicow, Larry Siliverstein, Dov Zakheim and the Mossad spy ring that danced on their van and lit their lighters in the air as if at a concert while the buildings fell. Israeli politicians like Netanyahu were delighted by 9/11 as it enabled him to pursue a policy of genocide on the Palestinians without the flouride McSheep dips getting to worried about human rights and Israeli fascism.

I claim I have no racial bias as it's not me who chose which country should bomb the Palestinians or send their spy rings to observe terror acts and celebrate during them as 3000 people died. If it were the English or the Maltese I would report the matter just as matter of factly.

Thursday 21 March 2013

The Helical Model - Our Galaxy is a Vortex

Michael Moore @MMFlintTalks About The Shadow Govt. That Rules United States

If you watch one clip this it. You might not like Michael Moore but he certainly distances himself from the Democrats in this video. 

It's for those of you who are caught in your flag draped tug of love tribalism over which political party is best. 

It's time to wake up from the American dream

Monday 18 March 2013

The British People's Long Toxic Affair With Tabloids

Another instant classic by @ChunkyMark The Artist Taxi Driver

Graham Hancock's TED Talk Banned

A standing ovation for the former Economist journalist and author of Fingerprint of the God's.  This talk has been banned by TEDx WhiteChapel because it comes too close to the reality that is being hidden from the unconscious British people.

The war on conciousness is best exemplified by people who don't know that the entheogenic experience is as important a human experience as having sex or having a wedding. 

If you haven't considered one you can't claim to understand the basics of life. Ask around, talk to people, use a search engine. Reality is not meant to be an adequate experience. It's quite demanding.

Consumerism Has Nothing Left To Say - So Its Talking About Itself

I've always liked this postmodern form of advertising (Like Cadbury's Gorilla) because it's clever, self referential and witty. However I realise it's not about building value and is all about a quick profit (unless there's a long term commitment to  content strategy). It wont last and you can read an intelligent post on the topic over at Eaon's

Saturday 16 March 2013

Sibel Edmonds - Superstar Analyst

Either you're informed or you're not. Sibel will set you straight.

Watch This Banned Clip Before Google Scrub It From The Net

The hated BBC have already censored this fantastic performance by @FrankiBoyle. It wasn't broadcast because the British love the paedophile Royal Family more than truth and Frankie bravely informed the Brits that their comic relief is a tasteless joke when the British are selling weapons to the same countries they then send wankers like Lenny Henry and Rowan Atkinson with his gold Ferrari to raise a few bucks when the big cash is in bullets.

The BBC have conspired to keep the Brits ignorant of what is really go down and anyone who thinks that's a theory is a dick.

Ascension By Ian B

The best house track since I would guess about 2002 maybe 2003 max. Ian B is a top notch music producer and as a a disco dancer I think I know what works and what doesn't.

Mmmm Sandy Hook Porn

It's Miller time at Sandy Hook. If you haven't started asking questions yet you might wanna stick to the ball game and call it a day.

Friday 15 March 2013