Wednesday 3 August 2011

Crop Formation - Oberschleissheim, Munich, Bavaria, Germany

This formation gives me a better feel than the previous two I blogged. The formation was discovered on July 31, 2011 in a field at Oberschleissheim near Munich in the federal state of Bavaria. Its diameter is about 80 Meters wide and the arms of this five-fold "star" are made of partly overlapping circles that are proportioned in relation to the "Golden Section" (see: diagram). It seems that the formation is already some days or weeks old - if true this would make it hard to judge its original condition. One year before, on July 16, 2010, a formation was discovered in a field just next to this year's crop circle. Via Crop Circle Connector.

Anders Breivik Behring

I'm a conspiracy realist. Without the power to subpoena people, the people I want to interrogate have the power to question me and not vice versa. That's not a theory it's annoying reality and if we're being logical it's also Darwinian evolution. Survival of the species says the most deceptive will succeed better than honesty and transparency. Anyone who thinks the power elite are not deceptive isn't paying attention.

However I understand Masonic manipulation a bit and so if anybody would exploit that to blame the Norway killings, in order to prove a point, it's me. 

But these photos are too neat and I don't trust their simple, clean narrative

Like the WTC twin towers and Building 7 all falling down neatly into their own footprint it's just too neat for its own good. I don't buy the psychopathic Freemason story.

I do have a conspiracy theory though. I'd say his profile is MKULTRA foreign intelligence agency asset. But that's a theory and I don't have a subpoena to put Mossad or MI6 into an interrogation room.  So being a conspiracy realist I'm going to settle half way and say all is not what it seems. More of the unanswered discrepancies over here.

Metallica - Some Kind Of Monster


Highlights for me in this two hour Metallica documentary were a post-Napster-lawsuit Lars Ulrich celebrating the auction of his modern art painting collection (as above) including a Basquiat that flipped for five million dollars. The sports psychologist hired to coach them through an impending breakup starts believing he's a member of the band thus stepping over the line so they 'let him go' after two years of advice at 40 000 dollars a month.

Original guitarist Dave Mustaine is visited and sheds a Megadeath tear over years of missing out on the spotlight, and so despite the notable absence of humour between the band members this documentary unquestionably goes the extra mile in rockumentary honesty and prozac inducing hand wringing.

Most satisfyingly is lead singer James Hetfield who makes it through six months of rehab and comes out changed for the better. But not before flying to Russia for 'hunting' and shooting a magnificent bear just out of winter hibernation after lunch over a bottle of vodka. 

It's the only time a world outside the U.S. even gets a mention.

All in all Some Kind of Monster is an excellent documentary for observing the devil sign junk fed masses through the lens of money and cliche buddhist lyrics interspersed with obscenities.

The Flying Shotgun

This new Robo Cop UAV capable of taking out individuals is the sort of thing that makes me wonder why so few people in the United States aren't outraged at the amount of money that goes into killing people and blowing things up. They usually palm off a story in the press such as in this case it will be used to target pirates on the East Coast of Africa but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the fastest emerging divide is between government and the people. Yesterday's friend is tomorrow's enemy.

I first read this over at Wired and was accused of dreaming up this potential scenario but a comment below that from a former military member responded how much closer to reality it is.

Larger Than Earth Sunspots Harbour Potential X Class Flares

Those are Texas-sized bubbles of plasma rising and falling like water boiling on top of a hot stove. Looks like a bit of Van Gogh to me. Via The Watchers 

Cassini & The Sun King

The Cassini spacecraft takes one of its last good looks at Iapetus, a Saturnian moon that I've been researching here along with Saturnalian worship by elites for a while.

This view looks toward the south pole of Iapetus (1,471 kilometers, or 914 miles across), and lit terrain seen here is in the southern latitudes of the trailing hemisphere. There is only one other planned viewing opportunity of Iapetus left in Cassini's Solstice Mission, in March 2015.

See PIA11690 to learn more about the color anomaly on Iapetus. See PIA08404 to learn more about that moon's equatorial ridge that is hard to accept as natural.

The image below the painting was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on June 7, 2011. The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 863,000 kilometers (536,000 miles) from Iapetus and at a Sun-Iapetus-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 98 degrees. Image scale is 5 kilometers (3 miles) per pixel.

I'm over Saturnalia now but it was a trip finding out it's more than just a pretty face. It's worthwhile digging into the JPL (Jack Parsons/Jet Propulsion) Laboratories' founder and his Aleister Crowley connections.

It's unfortunate that the bad boys get all the attention. I'd like to have had the time to give Venus and Jupiter more attention.

In 1669 Giovanni Cassini moved to France and through a grant from Louis XIV of France helped to set up the Paris Observatory, which opened in 1671; Cassini would remain the director of the observatory for the rest of his career until his death in 1712. In 1673 he became a French citizen. For the remaining forty-one years of his life Cassini served as astronomer/astrologer to Louis XIV ("The Sun King"); serving the expected dual role yet focusing the overwhelming majority of his time on astronomy rather than the astrology he had studied so much in his youth.
During this time, Cassini's method of determining longitude was used to measure the size of France accurately for the first time. The country turned out to be considerably smaller than expected, and the king quipped that Cassini had taken more of his kingdom from him than he had won in all his wars. Cassini went blind in 1711.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit The Cassini imaging team homepage is at

Tuesday 2 August 2011

RIP Ted Gunderson

Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson died on 31 July. Ted pursued the truth about ritual satanic sex abuse and child sacrifice at elite levels and without his work I'd never have taken David Icke's work seriously or the testimony of brave souls like Cathy O'Brien. I'd never have believed that MKULTRA was for real or that it's not a few bad eggs at the alphabet agencies but that they're in on the action.

Former free energy scientist and astronaut Brian O'Leary also died a couple of days ago and I can't help but get the feeling they've done the job they agreed to do. Without their constant questioning the 2nd and 3rd generation wouldn't be as close as we are today. 

All it takes is a handful of people to change the world. Ted and Brian will be watching from a different place and will be able to see the fruits of their labours in the near future. I rescued his videos from Google before they shut down their video site and while they are not great they changed the game. I honour them.

Ancient Aliens & The Old West


The new series is terrific. I'm not sure if the wild west counts as ancient and so if this is a trend I can imagine Roswell surfacing  at some point and then we're down the rabbit hole of a news embargo, Eisenhower's disastrous technology for genetics treaty and pretty soon it's living breathing abduction case studies. Probably news will overtake the series. For once.

I learned that Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson had interesting ideas about E.T. for their times in this episode.

Ancient Aliens Goes Bananas


The Ancient Alien series is going gang busters in the states with more academics signing up to appear on the show for the new third series. George Tsoukalos is relentlessly charming and turns the show into pure gold edutainment. As he says in this interview here on Coast To Coast AM there's a sea change going on about the acceptance from the public that ancient structures had to have been built by non terrestrials. That's a good thing for people's awareness and for an impending clear-out of tenure locked, peer review pin-down of the subject by unimaginative scientists, historians and archaeologists who have never challenged the status quo in their life to maintain their mortgage payments.

Only one criticism. George distances himself from contemporary Ufology to steer away from the politics (and because the best evidence are the pyramids etc). However aliens have always been here. We're the 7-Eleven of the galaxy and the only reason the debunkers are in lock down denial mode is a compliant media, a manipulative CIA/Govcorp and a news embargo on the subject for very complicated reasons that hint at shadow governments and off world collaboration. 

The interview starts around the 50th minute and the series is all on Youtube as I posted a few months back.

Sorry To Interrupt


Unmissable 7 minutes on the clash of civilisation with corporations in advertising taking place on the internet through mobile phones. Don't miss it.

Via Eaon

Lucia Rene Interviews Inelia Benz

Part 1

Part 2

Only interesting for those who caught my first post of Inelia interviewed by Bill Ryan back in May. That video went viral (to use the vernacular) and so I picked up on her first session with Lucia Rene back here. You can also watch Lucia's interview, Unplugging The Partricarchy over here.

Monday 1 August 2011

Dawn Orbits Vesta

JPL are still toying with us by providing TIFF images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft of only one megabyte but I'm grateful to get increasingly detailed photography of Vesta from the first orbit of a rotating asteroid in our asteroid belt ever. I say 'our' but it belongs to everyone doesn't it?

Muse - Uprising

if you could
flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
we should never be afraid to die

Psychic Attacks & Self Defense - Robert Bruce, Greg Hunter


Coast 2 Coast audiences are sky-rocketing during this eclectic age of time folding in on itself like a recursive fractal. George Noory is one of the most seasoned radio host pros I listen to and from a wide range of alternative media. I skipped ahead to the main guest on this so if it's a bit boring to begin with click around till you hit on something that grabs your attention.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Transformers 3


Exceedingly Good Gear. Don't miss it.


This is the best rock documentary since watching Dig! and The Filth & The Fury. Days of our lives made me realise the only reason I loved Queen but didn't rave about them as a youngster was because the press had it in for Queen and portrayed them as uncool. I wonder if their earliest hit "Killer Queen" had something to do with that. It must have struck a chord with Buckingham Palace? It's remarkably prescient with lyrics such as

"She's a killer Queen, dynamite with a laser beam"

"perfumes came naturally from Paris, for cars she couldn't care less"

Was Freddy Mercury channelling the lyricist spirit? Nobody knows, much like I didn't know Freddy Mercury was gay until the evening news on 24 November 1991 when I was about to hit the road again and leave the UK for the first time to work abroad. 

I can still remember the scene. I was in bed watching the TV and I know it's a cliché but I was both shocked and surprised. Come to think of it, Freddy Mercury, Princess Diana and Amy Winehouse are the three people I've been most affected by after they died aside from my Great Grandma Lucy Myers

The Bible she gave me as a present is within reaching distant as I type. I use it for reference. This is the second part.

Nassim Harramein - Physics As You Go


I was listening to Stephen Hawking's sidekick Leonard Mlodinow being interviewed a couple of nights ago lamely defending CERN smashing stuff up to see what happens even though the standard model we currently use works just fine. He compared it to discovering antibiotics when any cretin can figure out the first people to confiscate the technology will be the Pentagon to blow even more shit up. In a world where famine is still rampant I'm appalled that materialist science is selfish, dumb and dangerous. (The Standard model is Lego for Freemasons but let's not give the kids a the bulldozers till more urgent problems are solved).

In contrast Nassim Harramein's latest presentation on a physics is exciting, forward thinking and spiritually integrated. His humorous and engaging style is refreshing with wry observations that in the world of conventional physics nothing actually touches each other at an atomic level. I'd love to see him and Maurice Cotterell discuss their respective understanding of the universe. They generally tip toe around each other's ideas but don't always agree.

Update: I was listening to a book review of How the Hippies Saved Physics and I understand Hawkins 'caved' to Susskind in which case it's unfair to describe him as a sidekick.

Kubrick's Attention To Detail


It's frustrating that around the globe hundreds of Kubrick fans laud his attention to detail and yet gloss over the relentless symbolism in his movies confirming his NASA appointment to film the moon landings. Endless debates discussing the lingerie and ignoring the sex. It's the greatest money shot ever missed.

That Eye of Providence as used by Andy McDowell in Clockwork Orange for example. In a world with Eyes Wide Shut I can only encourage fans to Google Jay Weidner and Kubrick to understand the man. Jay doesn't mind a little hyperbole to rile those who fear most the Easter eggs Kubrick dropped into his movies, but his analysis is the authoritative big picture. 


Saturday 30 July 2011

Are Crop Circles Information Warfare?

There are many levels to desconstructing the information tiers of crop formations such as sacred geometry, location, timing and these need to be interwoven with the consistent themes of DNA, magnetism, field shift and so on. There's plenty of solid work on the subject on the net, but one hypothesis I have is that the genius of crop circles is at one level it's benevolent propaganda aimed at nature loving human beings i.e. 'we're here, we're non interventionist, non confrontational, natural, intelligent, sustainable, concerned and don't trust your leadership to have private dialogue'. (Given the proximity of radio telescopes they often form close to).

But on the other side it's also like symbolism warfare. There's a level of disinformation going with MI5 having a hand in making some of these crop formations  thus muddying the waters. We also don't know what technology they have hidden away to do so.

What makes this Devizes crop formation so interesting to me is the proximity to the alien smoking the pipe of peace one a few days ago. Both are unusual and rely on known visual identities that are open to interpretation, but this all seeing eye above as emblazoned on the dollar bill and representing the dominance of masonic influence is also a Vesica Piscis notably framed within the triangle and so I'm not sure who made it. I do believe it's purpose is to unsettle one of my hypothetical sides. I wonder if there's an underground military base near Devizes in Wiltshire?

BINGO. Just did a search and there's an underground based at RAF Rudloe Manor near Corsham. I'd be watching that space closely.

Invitation Only - Bohemian Grove

It's the exclusive annual July forest retreat where the rich and powerful gather to agree on what actions the U.S Government will pursue, to keep the people distracted while the real wealth can be extracted from the hamster wheel classes and mother Earth. 

All done in an environment marinating in satanic occult symbolism and mock sacrifice as photographed above by Alex Jones when even fewer citizens had any idea that Congress is manipulated for dramas of divide and rule and occasional stalemate as we see today. 

All that #fuckyouwashington energy takes the people's eyes of the ball. The press baron media are silent except for endless articles about endemic conspiracy theory. 

Ridiculing those who are vocal works far more powerfully than pointing guns. We're warriors in the trenches and yet regrettably mere chimps when in Starbucks poring over the tabloids while worrying about the mortgages they oversold us.

Rumsfeld Dissembles The Lizard Question

Despite being Psychopath-in-Chief at the Pentagon, I think most people would put Cheney as chief candidate for shape shifting reptilian. It's still remarkable that not only does Rumsfeld fail repeatedly to deny the suggestion for a full fifteen minutes, but is also fully cognisant of what the reptilian issue is about. They may never have sued David Icke but it looks like they read his books.

Life According To George - Living In The Now (Part Three)

This is very raw in places but that's what makes his testimony    so compelling. There are still a few WTF questions in my head but like George I know burying the Vatican is FTW. It's interesting how close his Mother Earth Gaia/Christ Sophia talk is to John Lash who comes at it from a Telesti/Gnostic/Shamanistic path. Totally different but eerily close.

Tweetdeck Killerz?


Early signs are SocialBro is very sexy.

Lizard Love?


Friday 29 July 2011

Aspartame - Sweet Misery

Did you know that Donald Rumsfeld personally steered FDA approval of Aspartame? The three neurotoxins that have most forcibly been pushed through food and drugs administration are fluoride, aspartame and xylitol. Even if you're unconcerned about a calcified pineal gland (third eye/higher self/healthy dream state)this documentary provides a lot of reasons worth considering for you diet soda drinkers or artificial sweetener users.

Update: I've not found any scientific evidence that Xylitol is a neurotoxin though I do find questionable google ranking for the sites that are at the top.

Cattle Mutilation

I thought the cattle mutilation phenomena had dried up. Linda Moulton Howe is the expert on this subject though my thoughts are that when humans are difficult to secure (as human harvesting witness have testifiedthen the easiest mammal for the genetic experimenters (both human and off world) to secure are cows.

Earth Friendly Mass Media

I love this Metatron's Cube that appeared at Etchilhampton yesterday. The same location as that  gravitational wave formation pictured below from some years back. Is a dimensional shift on the way?

Scotland Yard Backhanders


I applaud Hugh Grant and The New Statesman for doing the right thing and should I need to buy a car I will make every effort to make it a Ford, after their withdrawal of advertising from News of the World. I hope people will review their relationship with tabloid media too. It's just not British. Cameron should also set an example and resign.

What other files are Scotland Yard sitting on? Which politicians and media figures also need the disinfectant of sunlight beamed on them? We'll never have a better chance to clean up British life, and now is the chance to call for the 'dawn of a new day'.

Circles Within Crop Circles


Well worth watching for the British black ops unmarked helicopters around the 50th minute chasing balls of light because as I maintain, the inbred establishment bloodlines take this stuff much more seriously than the debunking story they feed the papers with to distract the humans.

Crop circles are a democratic invitation to explore crop geometry, the UFO issue, occult symbolism and transdimensional technologies. The examined life is what we're here for. Most of us forget that.

The Apotheosis of George Washington

William Henry has done an excellent job of reinterpreting the art and symbolism in the Capital Dome described as a 'temple of liberty'. The Vatican ordained art on the ceiling should prompt thinking people to question why they would use such an apotheosis religious theme for a secular building, and why the Vatican selected painter Constantino Brumidi would be accompanying the Mayan calendar carved into the walls considering the same Vatican despatched Spanish armies to crush that part of the world and secure all their ancient knowledge to be locked away under St Peter's Bassilica and never shared with us.

Are many Americans even aware of the mystery figure that harangued the divided founding fathers to sign the declaration of independence?