Thursday 16 June 2011

"If You Speak Out You Wont Have A Job" - Interview With Dr Judy Wood Over Her Book on 9/11

It may have cost her career as a structural engineer but Dr Judy Wood's latest book on the crumble to dust towers of 911 are the most talked about research on the topic. The email campaign to discredit her by the alphabet agencies has ceased since she lost her job.

The Pentagon™ & Perception Management By Cynthia McKinney

Cynthia McKinney reports on the Libyan University which was bombed by NATO and how the Pentagon manages the perception of that news to the corn syrup plasma screen classes in the United States.

Michael Tellinger - Coast To Coast Interview

All of the Abrahamic religions have a variation on the same story. The Gods (Elohim) came down from the heavens and put us to work and worship. Now that may seem a little harsh but then if we swap starcraft for conquistador galleons we Caucasians did pretty much the same trick when wiping out the Aztecs in South America. The Elohim word is important because it is plural for Gods not singular God, and thus we are presented with a question. 

Why would monotheistic faiths tell a story about the Gods coming down from the heavens?

The full story is so much richer, with varying timelines of activity impacting with pretty much everything else so it's a lot more complex than the simple scenario I've outlined here. The interview is Michael's latest on Coast to Coast AM from a couple of days ago and I'm personally feeling a lot happier that he's referring to the genetic engineering outlined in the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets as rewiring the missing link between Home Erectus and Homo Sapien. He's moved on from his original thinking of Cro-Magnon man being the Annunaki's chose mammal to mine the South African gold.

So, throw in Lloyd Pye's research into the mix, and you're almost good to go on the big picture. The illustration I've used for the post, isn't right historically, but it evokes the cloning chambers that are described in Michaels research at Adam's calendar during this interview.

There's also a lovely anecdote shared above in which Michael pretends to work for the big mining interests in South Africa to a mining consultant. Unaware he's a researcher the story starts to leak out over a cold beer about mine shafts that go down for miles with laser like precision from a time before the last ice age. 

Now who could have done that and why are the mining companies sensitive about sharing that story?

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Drones & Google Maps Over American Cities?

A little state of emergency action over Texas is all it needs to change the back drop to an American city. Pop in your iPhone or Google maps coordinates and people will stop tweeting criticism of their government. Oh wait a minute. The fluoridation took care of that anyway. All quiet on the Western front.

Did Our Nuclear Explosions Alert The Universe?

The UFO phenomenon is recorded throughout history but the sightings were off the chart after Hiroshima. However it's a little more complex than that, as by many definitions we're just as alien as the rest of the universe who have been tipping up here practically forever if not longer than the monkey. As Bob Dean explains

It's the greatest story in human history. 

The full documentary is here but yes; the bombs aren't allowed and that's why we haven't nuked ourselves yet. Quite a few tried.

Hidden In Plain Sight

I don't have much in common these days with people who watch Television. They're like zombies pretending to be real. There's occasional good content out there but the risk of interruption by infomercials sanitizing war or senseless materialism is obscene.

Which is why I like Youtube clips of real people like Charlie McGrath and not the talking heads of coiffed hear, studio "make up" and patronising patter for anyone who wanders off message during the briefest of interviews. I wonder how useful iPads/Phone/Pod is going to be during this.

Area 51 Scientist Speaks Out - Human Alien Collaboration

Scientist David Adair talks about propulsion at the speed of light technology in the early 70's. This is a mind blowing interview that isn't about alien blowjobs. I used the visual to get your attention. It's not really about collaboration either as back engineered technology is seemingly secured by groups who don't answer to the people.

This is an interesting interview. I've been noting the topic of scientific divine inspiration for a couple of years now and David Adair confirms here, the technology ideas were coming to him in his dreams. 

So that's Descartes, Francis Bacon, Tesla and now Adair all taking other world inspiration including 'angelic' visits not to mention Francis Crick's inspiration from mystical LSD. Today's scientists are smoking crack pipes and clinging on to the illusion of empiricism and materialism if they refuse to recognise where the sizzle is coming from.

Michael Tellinger - Its The Cycle Stupid

I was listening to Jay Weidner talking about the indian Brahmin cycles earlier this morning and I liked simplicity of the cycle word. I've been posting Michael Tellinger's clips here for a while, because like Paris Tosen he has an an authenticity to him that is very effective (though they are completely different). 

Michael is the guy you'd want on Wogan telling the world's pensioners that things aint what they used to be without too many pulmonary heart attacks kicking off during the commercial break. People should be paying attention to the increase in coronal mass ejections that are occurring and the potential instantaneous worthlessness of iEverything if the electricity grid goes down.

Thankfully our elites will be safe and secure to lead us from those underground bases that Richard Sauder says they have been building forever and which explain those missing trillions that Rumsfeld was on about before 911 distracted the people from whatever ball game was on that evening.


I'm staying on the surface. 

I'm not a lizard (Though the underground station is good for a few hours) ;)

Russell Brand Interviews Richard Dawkins

'There's a lot we don't understand' - Richard Dawkins to Russell Brand (Before negating the possibility of ancient aliens as explanation for the Elohim of Genesis)

Listen Without Prejudice

Paris Tosen shares his story. There's a unique texture to it including earnestness, innocence, guilt, over optimism and curiosity interspersed with bits of anger. It's also funny in parts and well worth hanging around for just those.

If you think that's easy to fake, sit in front of your webcam and invent something for 50 minutes. 

Can't do it? 

Then listen without prejudice.

Randy Maugans Interviews James Horak

The moon's artificiality isn't the focus of this interview by Randy Maugans but as soon as James Horak mentions it's artificial I started to take him a lot more seriously. It's one of the few verifiable logical propositions I have figured out isn't a theory. Well, unless you count throwing a bullseye dart from here to the moon which I don't. A coincidence is what you have left over when you apply a bad theory.

James Horak - Just Because It's Nuts Doesn't Mean It Isn't True

I haven't done enough research to figure out what or if there's a catch to James Horak, so I wont mislead you with full-on high-weirdness evangelism just yet. I first listened to an  interview of him yesterday, and I will upload that mp3 file to Youtube when I've converted it to a movie file. 

I began to take James a lot more seriously stated that the moon is not in orbit at a random distance from the planet - it was put there. That's a classic neo Galileo thinking. A person who isn't afraid to stand up to the Vatican, or Wired magazine (otherwise known as cut and paste science) or whatever body holds a persons reality together more than their own intellectual clout.

I mention that because walking home from a run yesterday I realised there's a much better way of explaining the artificiality of the moon than I have achieved so far. My attempt invariably has people scratching their heads and attempting to change the subject.

It's fairly important because the entire edifice of mickey mouse materialist science begins to crumble if normal people realise that the scientific establishment is  either too stupid to figure out a doozy of a question or even just lying to us at a very basic level.

That prompts even more dangerous questions. 

I want to do an "artificial moon" explanation to web cam instead of writing about it because it's not rocket science if you excuse the pun. Anyone can figure out that the moon was carefully put into place if they are curious enough. Arousing that curiosity is the challenge. It's about asking a better question, but for the time being I've only got a better answer. So that will have to do.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Occult Disney

There's more than just the inverted Pentagon and Satanic star in this clip, but I wont bore the uninitiated though I do ask the sceptical a question. If the Pentagon was going to choose a shape that said "eyes wide shut" because you're too stupid to get it anyway, what shape would it be, or what shape could it be? 

Oh I get it. 

You think the Pentagon is a force for good right

They wouldn't do it hidden in plain sight.

At ease Soldier.

Michael Tellinger - Remote Viewing

Most people don't believe remote viewing exists but five minutes online research will show that the military are the most ardent users of the method. Naturally the Pentagonal forces don't like to tell you about that because they've got a lot riding on a world sketched out for you which is 3D, non spiritual and exists only if you can touch it. How else are they going to sell a materialist message of consumption and nihilism if you find out they're into the occult more than you could ever imagine. Keep you stupid. That's how it works.

It's my belief that George Clooney took the role in The men who stare at goats as it opened up the subject even if he had to put a comedic gloss to get it into production so people weren't sure how serious it was. Well it's as serious as remote viewing the Pentagon's profitable killing locations and witnessing the bombings that go on while the remote viewer witnesses it. Some of them get off on it. Others are appalled.

Terence McKenna's Earliest Recorded Talk - Into The Abyss - 1982

James Bartley - Military Abductions (MILABS) & Concepts of Human Ownership

I'm listening to this while I post it but as the speaker James Bartley is eloquent I thought I would share it immediately. The speaker seems to have a flair for describing the worst of the worst and so I'm unsure if it's disinformation or fear mongering. However sometimes disinformation can be useful to discern agenda. James Bartley talks to you on the subject of military abductions (MILABS) and the taboo subject of reptilian/annunaki influence. He may be unaware of his role when sharing information that comes to him unchecked.

Douglas Rushkoff - The New Black

George Town Festival - Penang - Malaysia

Joe Sidek is this years George Town Festival Director in Penang, Malaysia. He's a good friend and super talented which means this years festival will have that youthful energy and optimism he brings to the arts as well as a great eye and ear for the hip and creative. If you've never been to Penang it's one of the gems of Asia to visit and I miss it just writing about it. July is a great time to visit.

Monday 13 June 2011

Dr Karla Turner - Cattle Mutilations and Abductions

I am in the middle of transferring Dr Karla Turner's Google video presentations to my Youtube account to save them, and so this radio interview isn't either mine or the best presentation format I prefer but it is with the legendary Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM.

Karla Turner, like Cathy O'Brien are two stories I can't ignore since I learned of their horrific (and in both cases multi generational) ordeals that society would prefer to pretend didn't exist. 

It makes me angry that the government is complicit in both their accounts and I wont rest till their whistle blowing has been honoured. It's the least I can do.

As the Manics once wrote. 

If you tolerate this then your children will be next.