Wednesday 25 May 2011

Weather Balloons

I Am Russian Spy

Victor Suvorov is a former spy who now lives in the UK. Here is the fourth part of a presentation to the U.S. Naval academy. It's an amazing smoke filmed rooms portrayal of Stalin's mind but right at the end (and that's why I start on the last part) he lays it square to the U.S.

He doesn't say it directly but like I've been saying to the West for years now indirect communication is an art form and this is an unambiguous message to the alert.

NASA Livestream

Successful Alcoholics & Wicked Hangovers

Avoid reading too much into this I don't mind sharing that the only time I feel like a cold beer these days is after a particularly hard workout . Generally speaking I find the vibrations around drinking, gambling, sex and drugs joints not fun any more. Naturally I was always more of an observer (ahem) than anything but still I'm unsure what it all means. I also smoke less and less. Weird.

Online Video Ku6.Com Fires Staff By SMS

It reads "We want jobs and dignity. Stop unfair layoffs' - Welcome to capitalism China. It's a shitty model. Period.


Andrew Basiago - Project Pegasus and Time Travel

I've been reluctant to post Andrew Basiago's testimony for some solid reasons. Firstly he's a blatant American Pie flag waver of the 18th century nation state kind of guy and that's just unevolved for a time traveller cf Dr Who

He could easily also be a victim of trauma based mind control. Andrew doesn't actually have a big idea in the whole interview apart from 'oh look at me, I'm spilling the beans for teleportation so we can wean ourselves off oil'. Well that's just too simple a whistleblow for the military industrial complex to tolerate. Those kind of spirited voices are taken out unless they are useful to their agenda.

Andrew doesn't have a single piece of evidence other than a story. He's quick to share his academic credentials rather than that much needed evidence. His father put him through a program where one kid lost his feet and yet he never questions the morality of that process. I could go on and on, like his wish to travel in the future again doesn't sit right with his disdain for science fiction but I don't want to split hairs on the stories that don't RING right.

To be fair, there's too much flat and tonelessly delivered sincerity in this interview not to be tangentially interested and begin to embrace time travel as a reality in need of examination.

Andrew is a humourless well paid lawyer who throws in "quantum access" at the drop of pin and has no evidence on top of confusing quantum mechanics spiel Perhaps he doesn't know that Schrodingers cat was a quantum joke (that subsequently gained credence as a quantum theory). He also questions John Titor's story when Titor left evidence of different timelines that Andrew questions the veracity of. An error of time travel discussion that is inexcusable to a person even mildly acquainted with multiple reality timelines. I wonder which Cambridge he went to and why those six degrees don't fill his fridge sometimes? Most trial lawyers are quite good at chasing dollars.

But I don't think his story is going away so I'm posting my reservations before others swallow his message whole. If Basiago's name gets any bigger in the future (nudge nudge wink wink). It's because powerful people wanted that. If you listen carefully George Noory is tipping us off that we need to keep our wits about us and much as I like George I'm pretty sure he gets pressured on delicate points to stay on message. But I like him in any case.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Why Don't They Want You To Watch Youtube Protest Videos?

Original video removed. Yellow vest used as an update.

8 Seconds Of Intolerance

Richard Hoagland - (Sous-titres Français)

2 hours and 50 minutes of essential information on hidden lunar secrets with newly posted French subtitles. Well worth listening to the joint author of Dark Mission.

They're Planning An Accident In My Car (Princess Diana)

Why was Princess Diana held for the best part of an hour and a half in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel under Paris? 

Iron Sky

It's highly unlikely that Iron Sky is coming out without an agenda of some sort given its content, context and timing (See all my Nazi space posts). I have my reservations until I figure out who it's aimed at, and what sort of agenda they might have but the trailer is damn good and the tonality is anti-Hollywood which is a good start so let's see where this takes us. 

I am looking forward to it. 

Hope I don't end up walking out as I usually do when my expectations are built up. For those interested in scholarly studies of Nazis in Space I recommend Dr Joseph P. Farrell's books and blog and for those interested in NASA's ongoing denial of structures on the moon and Mars I recommend Richard C Hoagland's work to be found at the Enterprise Mission.

The Matrix & Occult Symbolism

Trinity "Are you sure this line is clean?"
Cypher "Yeah, 'course I'm sure"
Trinity "I'd better go

I watched the Matrix for the first time all the way through yesterday because so many of you rate it. I've learned a thing or two about occult symbolism in movies recently though I'm by no means an expert. The opening scenes dialogue between Cypher the traitor and Trinity ends on the subject of being bugged with the leitmotif visual of the falling rain matrix ending in the numbers 506.

506 adds up to 11. 

11 is an occult number as I mentioned yesterday for the pope's videocon with the space shuttle time for 11.11 and of course 9/11 (and now 3/11) is the quintessential use of 11 with the twin towers (shaped like 11) falling to the ground. Then the camera zooms into the zero in the middle of the 501 which breaks up into a series of 11's inside 11 as pictured above.

The screen goes dark and a small dot of light appears and grows. The dot grows into a sphere before a sudden horizontal beam of light explodes very briefly into view. What does that look like?

Lastly the 'rings of Saturn' disappear and the ball of light dims in intensity it looks like the moon.

 The moon drifts to the right. It's the torchlight of a policeman.

18 minutes 22 seconds into the movie we learn that Neo's passport expires on 911

Monday 23 May 2011

Matter Is Just Energy Condensed To Slow Vibration.


If Bill Hicks were alive today the corporate media would tar him a conspiracy theorist. Quite a few people question how he died so early from a rare and for his age unusual cancer just as his provocative message was starting to make people sit up and take notice on both sides of the Atlantic. His sketches were right on the button of things that weren't said in his day but are widely understood to be the plain truth today. The Finnish Doctor Rauni Leena describes how these premature deaths can be arranged by whatever alphabet agency neutralises issues of awkward people. It's a fascinating interview.

Update: I need to contact Red Ice Radio regarding the embeds as they don't seem to be functioning.

UFO's & The Military Industrial Complex

If there is one UFO documentary you owe it to yourself to bookmark, it's this one. It's intelligently put together, raises the most pertinent issues we need to have a thoughtful opinion on, and introduces the critical points most in need of proximity to the conceited and corrosive view (we've been brainwashed to believe) that we are the only sentient life in the Universe. The subject is vast and still largely controlled but this is as good a start as I would have wished when commencing my research. If you have any raging questions or criticisms of it please ask in the comments. There's nothing new in it for me except it's a better explanation that I'd be capable of delivering to someone new to the topic.

Robbing You Blind

Sunday 22 May 2011

Watch the Watchdogs

The police are not paid to be intelligent. They are paid to be loyal. I don't usually post this sort of content as I think that quietly most people know the police are not the public friendly organisation they used to be. It's the system that is broken for sure but my loyalty is to people first and a 15 year old girl and a wheelchair bound guy are not threats to real men. Bill Maloney's work on deaths in British police cells of young people is also where greater attention is sorely needed, and moral and financial support is lacking. Are the serial killers the police?

If you turn the other cheek, one day it will be yours or someone you loves cheek that his hitting the pavement at velocity. Silence is participation. That's what makes us human.

Saturn & Metatron's Cube

I spent the afternoon on Saturn. Or rather on Jet Propulsion Laboratories(JPL) and NASA's website doing some research and struck oil on that whole NASA/JPL obsession with the occult thing that says to me, more is going on under our noses, than you're average premier-league fan's blood pressure could handle. Let me you hit you up with the basics if you've missed the earlier Saturnalia posts.

Y'all can see from the sacred geometry below, that there's a two dimensional Hexagon AND a three dimensional Cube right?

You might not have time to watch the videos so let me articulate this carefully. Not every shape within a shape can represent both 2D and 3D structure with the integrity of Metatron's cube above, which can do a whole lot more than Hexagon and Cubes (Hexadron) and is really the DNA of platonic solids, and thus a building block to reality. If you wish the creator of the universe had Metatron's cube in mind before commencing with 3D reality. It's a transcendental form and a blueprint of holographic reality.

Where this gets sexy, is that Saturn was discovered in the 70's to have a rotating Hexagon on its North and South poles. Nowhere else in the universe is this the case (to our knowledge) and so we might ask ourselves a pertinent question. Why did the ancient Hebrews (and others) worship the black cube (Teffilin) and Saturn right up until today?

Or rather, how did they know that Saturn has a representational Metatron's cube when we only found out a few decades ago? The link with the Islamic Kaabah is hard to ignore too if you can now see the 2 dimensional Hexagon and 3 dimensional Hexadron.

I throw in the Islamic link at the end as a hint of today's findings. Saturn's influence on our space and time are hard to ignore and I've now had a Damascene conversion to the inarguable influence of of Saturn on our planet as displayed by the ancient Hebrew's AND the cosmic elites at NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories. I was sure before but now I'm convinced. Oh and the good news is maybe we got outside help on our side. The evidence has been under our noses for some time, but buckle up for the ride because there are those with everything to lose and we have EVERYTHING to gain.

Planet Nibiru On Swiss Banknote

I stopped following the Nibiru/Planet X/Tyche/Hercolobus topic as there's no point knowing if the mystery planet/brown dwarf is going to suck Washington D.C and Denver off the map in a close fly by but fascinating that the Swiss (and the Iraqi Dinar) references it on their currency.

The London Rome Beltane Ritual

The City of London and the Vatican are so vastly wealthy it's hard to understand why anyone could cut them any slack given the vast transfer of wealth that the former just participated from us to them. I've started to pay closer attention to ritual. There are few hard facts that stand up more solid than the symbolism that the occult elite groups use, and so I need to understand the important ones, and get a grip on dates and calendars which is not my strength as I prefer to ignore time to the best of my ability usually. 

That's the pope in his Saturnalia/Saturno hat above. It signifies the planet Saturn with its rings. Red is one of the three colours of Saturn. I can't recall if it represents space or time. Black is the other colour as used in court for judges and for the clergy. Why does the Pope worship Saturn? You don't want to go there. Or do you?

Play It Safe Wogan

Update: Wogan who ridiculed paedophile whistleblower David Icke now claims he hated Savile even though he remained silent.

Terry Wogan has never put his reputation and credentials on the line or even come close to it. It must be nice cashing in on a life of comfy affability and trivial avuncular chit-chat without ever addressing anything substantial in his public life. Dont-rock-the-boat Terry is like all institutions; clinging on to the past instead of co-creating the future.

I post this video to make three points: First of all dopey Terry is still oblivious to the police state that is the United States. David Icke validates that point by talking about the Project for a New American Century. Back in the day when politics was my soap opera obsession, PNAC was my wake up call. Now that its neoconservative ideological agenda is showing signs of cracking at the highest levels of authority, activists have moved on, yet David Icke was not only politically clued up before most people but the herd, or the flock as religion calls them, are still ignorant of whose agenda was being played in the 90's to demolish the WTC. 

It's probably a coincidence that I blogged about them in my Miu Miu post as I've not talked about them since 1997. A proper search will reveal a lot more of what I'm on public record as saying. Politically I'm consistent because I don't mind saying what's uncomfortable.
Lastly I caught that at the five minute mark ,time is starting to make a fool of Mr. Wogan. He asks David with that cheeky chappy Irish sell-out twinkle in his eye "when are the tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanoes going to come?"

Lastly Wogan ends the interview on daytime TV channel, TVGOLD, by stating proudly and with great fanfare his next interview is with Ulrike Jonsson on her "life in the tabloids". "You'd be mad not to miss it he says". Is that right Terry? 
To be sure. To be sure. To illuminate my point here is today's volcano and earthquake action on one island

Michael Tsarion - The Future Of Mankind

I'm reminded by We Must know (an excellent site for dangerous information) of this Michael Tsarion talk which is a classic. It's quite long but can be listened to without watching, so you might want to listen to it while getting on with others tasks but do keep a pencil and paper handy because Michael is a scholar and covers so much ground there's likely to something quite astonishing that you never knew before that is worth exploring a little bit more.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Miu Miu & Monarch Mind Control


The Monarch mind control program came straight out of the CIA's MKULTRA trauma-based mind-control program. They nicked it off the battalions of high ranking Nazis imported by the CIA after the second world war through Project Paperclip. The Nazis nicked it off the Vatican who kept records of  what their unspeakable torture techniques did to the minds of victims during the inquisition (priests are especially sadistic) and they in turn learned much from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The monarch butterfly taught geneticists from its migration that cross generational information can be carried over. So why waste a victim when you can sexually abuse and mind control the victims kids who are prepped and good to go from the start. That's why inter-generational child abuse is how the CIA took the game to the next level (and several more).

Through Vigilant Citizen I learned how the fashion, music and media business use the Monarch butterfly to declare in a public manner that the talent being used (if you can call GaGa, Britney et al talent) are micro controlled  and/or not of their own mind.

Why do they do that? 

Well that's kind of interesting. There's a sort of braggadocio by declaring who is in charge and also a karma-deal respected by occult elites at a 'universal law' level that if they (sort of) publicly declare what they are doing then they have a karmic 'get out jail free card' in much the same way that the NeoCons told us they were going to invade Iraq to protect freedoms before 911 in 1997, through their Project For A New American Century Website (PNAC).

Last night I was checking out Prada Brand - Miu Miu's latest collection. I wasn't that impressed with it, but I noticed the Monarch Wings above and thought I'd share it with you. As you'd expect from Miu Miu it's done very elegantly, but no amount of tasteful design should prevent you from knowing that the epigenetics of Monarch butterflies are about control and fucking with kids heads and bodies through trauma based mind control or at worst ritual satanic sex abuse. This post is dedicated to Vigilant Citizen, and Secret Arcana who do a sterling job of pointing out the concrete symbolism that is irrefutable in the entertainment and fashion industry.

Bill Ryan Interviews Inelia Benz

Some people interpret "may you live in interesting times" as a curse but not me. Interesting is interesting. Prior to going for a run earlier I was hoping to find a way to explain that things right now are REALLY interesting to the point where I'm going to have to be more cautious what I think because it seems to be manifesting thick and fast and I don't want to make mistakes. But again, no complaints. 

It's an extraordinary time to be a witness to this rare example of human metamorphosis that only the most asleep are oblivious to though many are too rational and drugged out on reason to see the magic going on. They are increasingly less my concern. I know there is a logical conclusion of clinging on to scientific materialism. Here we have a group of elite occult worshipping groups, instructing the sheeple with mighty forces at their mainstream media disposal to trust the 3D world when we are so much more than that. That's partly the point of the game that Bill elegantly outlines on occasions including here.

I did see a trailer of this interview with Inelia just recently, and so I knew it was going to be a must listen. On top of that it adumbrates very nicely and with exquisite timing (as it landed in my inbox on return from my run) the game framework I'm trying to share with you. Still not with me? It's just ride. See Bill below. He had it nailed, and I'm pretty sure they shut him up for it too.