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Showing posts sorted by date for query kramer. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 16 December 2017

Tuesday 31 October 2017

The Weinstein Effect - Burn Hollywood Burn

The Harvey Weinstein effect has had a surprisingly candid impact on media voices including the Jewish Tablet Magazine and mainstream comedians like Jimmy Dore. 

I think there comes a time when names like Woody Allen, David Copperfield, Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Steven SeagalBryan Singer, Louis CK, David Blaine, Leon Wieseltier, Charlie Sheen, Jann Wenner, Jeremy Piven, Brett Rattner, Dustin Hoffman, Matt Lauer, James LevineAaron BonderoffHoward Rubin, Joel Kramer, Eric Schneiderman, Les Moonves, Ryan Adams and Mark Halperin, to name just a few, point towards the toxic distortion in Hollywood and the media by a group ostensibly claiming eternal victimhood, despite being over represented in a world that pushes ethnic diversity everywhere but Israel.

I'm not saying this is a problem exclusive to this group. 

I'm saying for 0.26% of the global population and 2% of the US population it's an alarm bell for what power does to people and the Weinstein effect is a long overdue correction.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

A Dangerous Method

I wish I'd seen this first on the big screen. 

It's that good.

If you like beautifully manicured 1900's-ish clinical psychology with Swiss manicured lawns and erotic wailing Banshees in an opening scene then this movie is for you.

This is my favourite Jewish movie ever. It's better than Jaws and even better than Kramer vs Kramer, but it's not better than Five Broken Cameras which breaks category rules by being about reality shot in the first person.

If a movie is about making you see the world differently, then A Dangerous Method might work out as well for you as it did for me. By synchronicity I watched a Jungian Youtube interview only 10 days ago or so. In this respect it was sweet to see a younger dramatisation of the older gent who wrote about UFOs as a relatively nascent archetype, understood religion and generally fought hard not to always have conditional rules.

It's quite possible ambivalent people will be ambivalent about this movie but I always say take ambivalent people in moderation.

Monday 16 July 2012

An Englishman Of Wisdom

Neil Kramer has a gift for pushing thinking in different ways that encourage us to examine and interrogate our metaphysical first premises. He doesn't preach, says the odd swear word when appropriate and leads by example in so much as it's what is not being said that takes up just as much effort as what is said.

Try him. Ted Torbich is a fabulous interviewer.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Neil Kramer - Breaking Free From The Illusion

Another great talk from Neil Kramer. He's like a more interesting/hip Eckhart Toller except he knows bundles about what's going on in terms of the topology of the control matrix and has a robust analysis of super woo issues (not discussed here). 

His greatest asset is the clarity with which he can cut through complex patterns to point out the obvious. For example, if you're unhappy or fearful of the future it's likely you're a victim of the old program of acquisition-programming. This is incentivised and enforced from education to work through commercials and cubicles by a system that does a very good job of suggesting there's no other alternative. This, of course, is a lie. We're gods fooled into paying for a tasteless horror movie.

Switching off the TV is the journey-start for shaking off those chains.

Update: Original video censored

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Neil Kramer - Detaching From The Construct (We're Just Cabling Otherwise)

An excellent forty minutes with Neil Kramer on the toxicity of broadcast media pollution and how a movement to integrity starts with self and not on the outside. The construct has only one purpose. To disempower you with negativity or feelings of inferiority through images of superlatives, superiority and confusion. That's pretty much it.

Monday 30 January 2012

Neil Kramer - Without Original Thoughts, You're Just Cabling For The System

I shall probably have to go and track the original recording down as it is truncated here and yet it's so good. I was recommended the montalk site by a friend in Crete a few days back and we had our lines crossed for a few seconds as in the super woo genre this word usually refers to Montauk. Anyway I checked out the site and noticed an unusually good summary of the alien as transdimensional issue that ticked off a lot of cross reference research of my own. I'm not saying it's perfect, but it is no better than I could do if pushed to provide a summary. I link to it here but the point it makes that Neil touches on right at the end is transdimensional nature of our most hard to solve problems. This is a must listen segment. The last fifteen if pushed for time.

Neil Kramer - Gnostic Takes On The Matrix, Spectacle & Entheogens

An entertaining and useful way of getting into Neil Kramer's work which always concludes on a meaningful and useful spiritual note. Excellent cultural and media analysis.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Neil Kramer - Cognitive Dissonance & Mapping Negative Polarity

James Gilliland interviews Neil Kramer. It's grown up stuff ranging from spirituality to the fragility of introducing dangerous information to comfort zone minds. Nobody thanks your for rewiring their reality to something that is more faithful. It's a fresh upload for those who follow his work.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Split Worlds & Synchronicity (The Great Time Stream Bifurcation/Fractal Soliton Of Improbability)

The first time I heard Terence McKenna talking about the Earth splitting into two (from his Rites of Spring talks) I thought it was an amazing story and I had to hit the dictionary to find out what a demiurge is. These days I can barely move for demiurge references from John Lash's Gnosticism to Neil Kramer's spiritual talks.

However when I listened to Dolores Cannon repeat a similar story about the Earth splitting into two I was struck by how two people completely unconnected to each other (with Terence dying long before Dolores over ten years ago) had the same story to tell despite coming to it from completely different universes as far as methodology is concerned. Terence in shamanic trance and Dolores through her hypnotherapy past life regressions all around the world.

I lost the Terence audio and have been looking for it forever, but a reader sent a clip recommendation and there it was. Even if you don't buy the story, It's a great story. I urge you to listen to it and if you enjoy the full talk I've posted it in full below. Also for those who like a bit of science Terence was actually using language that isn't completely made up. The question we should ask ourselves is how did he know?

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Neil Kramer - Goodbye To The Zero Years

Neil Kramer reiterates here the historical sequestering of conciousness by empire over peaceful groups for millennia. For example the Roman devastation of the British Druids, the Vatican's killing and persecution of so called witches. Then there's the slaying of the Gnostics and the Mesoamerican cultures of South America to the present day painting of reality through Hollywood and corporate media via Capitol building modelled on the Holy See. These justify obscene wars abroad while protecting the lifestyle of a comparatively small and wealthy population at home that by removing the peoples of conciousness while expanding materialist needs, crowbars a disconnect between humans to each other.

When Mao Zedong took Peking, the first people he drove out were the fortune tellers and mystics. But not before he had his hand force-read, over which a terrified sage correctly predicted the age at which he would die. 

The elites know how to sequester conciousness. Over and again irrespective of ideology or geography they have attacked the same groups of spiritual and non materialist people. That should be every reason for considering what it is that elites have had to fear from these groups, and is it connected to their hold over us?

Update: A book detailing the charges I make has just been published echoing my sentiment here and in other posts on hidden Vatican wealth:

Throughout his book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, Mr Buddy Page, aka Seven Star Hand, presents verifiable proof that ancient sages and prophets opposed religion and wisely never trusted religious leaders. In fact, they participated in a very long-term and well-orchestrated sting-operation against religion and purposefully hid vital secrets from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. Mr. Page has been tasked to complete an ages-old sting operation against religious leaders and the rich and powerful. As the direct result, both religious and political leaders have panicked and acted strangely and foolishly. The precise reasons have been well hidden from most behind layers of misdirection.

The ancient sages and prophets employed a body of symbolized wisdom encoded within well-known symbols and symbolic narratives, and passed down through the ages by a long series of sages, prophets, and like-minded groups and individuals. They purposely used religion and religious canons as the conduit to transmit encoded proof of religious lies throughout the ages. For most of the last two millennia, Christian Rome oppressed and terrorized myriad souls for trying to understand the truth about ancient symbols and what they have always encoded about human existence. Now that this long dark game has been exposed to the bright light, religious leaders and their rich cohorts have been working overtime to distract and misdirect from proof that their age-old con-game is exposed.

Seven Star Hand demonstrates proof that the details of this ancient sting-operation were always protected by a series of enlightened individuals and secretive groups who were experts with ancient symbols, all awaiting a very specific future time, hence now. Conversely, religious leaders and their rich and powerful cohorts have gone to great lengths to oppose, confound, and misdirect any efforts that sought to reveal the truth and wisdom encoded within ancient symbols, the symbolism within their canons, and alluded to by the heavily symbolic ancient mysteries. As history and current events have shown us, top religious leaders fear the truth about religion and go to great lengths to prevent widespread knowledge of any evidence exposing pivotal foundational lies.

Ancient symbols, and the profound wisdom they encode, are also a pivotal focus of Freemasonry. This provides insights into why those involved in similar esoteric endeavors over the centuries were so violently opposed by Christian Rome and why Freemasonry is still feared (and smeared...) by the Vatican and cohorts. Though Seven Star Hand is not a Freemason, his research proves that religious assertions about Freemasonry are mostly well-orchestrated lies and purposeful misdirection meant to prevent most people from gaining any true insights into ancient symbols and the associated wisdom. Earlier articles and releases explore proof of this reality in great detail.

Throughout the history of Christian Rome and its proxy-kingdoms, empires, and leaders, we saw them target numerous so-called heretic and pagan groups, which often included entire populations. From the outset of Christianity, through the early centuries, through Medieval Europe, the various Crusades, the Inquisition, and much more, one blood-soaked thread runs throughout the pogroms, massacres, crusades, and extended periods of religiously inspired oppression and war. Christian Rome has been desperately afraid of people learning the truth about the symbolism of the ancients that also permeates the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham. They have always known that the lies at the core of these religions were completely exposed to anyone that grasps what the ancient symbols have always encoded.

Insights into ancient symbols, and the wisdom they have always encoded, is why groups like the Essenes, Gnostics, Druids, Cathars, Templars, and others were targeted for extermination by Rome. It is also why Jews were targeted as a group from the outset of Christianity and why Islam is a repeated target. It is why symbols and symbology have been labeled as evil, the occult, heresy, blasphemy, and any other slur required to scare people away from learning the truth. Any individual or group that gained true insights into the meaning of ancient symbols was always targeted by Christian Rome or its proxies, and now by the Vatican and its cohorts. 

Even the present Vatican has been desperately struggling to prevent most people from ever understanding the whole truth about ancient symbols, but especially stars and angels, and the profound disproof and insights they encode about pivotal ancient mysteries and religious claims. Their behavior towards the Dead Sea Scrolls is only one recent example. The Vatican's fear of what the discovery of the Dead Seas Scrolls represented was clearly well founded. Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols describes some simple yet devastating facts about the symbolism employed by the burial of the Dead Sea Scrolls in exactly 11 caves during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar and its purposeful relationship to star symbolism. This and other long-hidden secrets decisively disprove Christian assertions about the source of the Book of Revelation, and expose numerous deceptive changes made by the early Christian leaders.

As mentioned earlier, the ancient sting operation also focused on the rich and powerful and the ages-long illicit relationship with religious leaders, but most especially with Christian Rome and now the Vatican. Ancient prophecies like Isaiah and Revelation leave little doubt that exposing and ending the excesses of the rich and powerful were a vital focus of the ancient saints and prophets. As explored in the article Money is Slavery by Proxy, the close marriage between religion, money, and governance/politics stretches back for millennia to ancient Babylon. History also shows that control of the source of money and religion were still tightly wed in ancient Rome, later in Christian Rome, and now in the Vatican. Discussions of usury and financial fraud are found throughout the Hebrew texts. Even the New Testament speaks of the "money-changers in the temple" as one of the primary grievances against the Romans leading up to the Jewish revolts against them.

One of the great secrets of our modern world revolves around the Vatican's great wealth, the Vatican Bank, and why world leaders maintain such close ties to this obscenely rich and opulent ancient city-state. Solving that mystery and exposure of this most explosive of long-hidden secrets has been an important component of the ancient sting operation. In short, Rome has had control of the source of money in its empire since the time of Imperial Rome, and they never lost it. In other words, Rome has been hiding a secret central bank for centuries. 

Over the last century, they and cohorts extended the banking system secretly controlled by the remnants of ancient Rome to the entire planet. All central banks like the Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank, and the Bank of England are tied into a secret bank hidden by proxies like the Rothschild Family. Thereby, the secret central bank of Planet Earth is hidden by the Vatican and its primary cohorts. This is precisely how it was done in ancient Rome and throughout the past two millennia. Now that same secret and illicit merger between central banks and top religious institutions is finally exposed for the world to see.

The other important component of the ancient sting operation has been to solve the ancient symbolic mysteries and prove that these religions are purposeful deceptions. In this way, it can be shown that the Vatican and world leaders have been struggling to hide the fact that these religions and the global financial system are secretly controlled from Rome through a series of proxies. Both religion and money are great deceptions used to deceive and manipulate the entire planet. World leaders are knowingly involved in this deception and that is why they show such deference to the Vatican. Exposure of this great secret is also behind recent moves by the US Congress and President Obama to pass the SOPA and NDAA legislation. World leaders and those that pull their strings from the shadows are now between a rock and hard place and have been acting strangely and foolishly as the result.

Now reconsider the correct phrasing of the story about turning over the money changers tables. It should have said; turning the tables on the money-changers in the temple. Now the tables have been turned and religious, monetary, and political leaders are desperately scrambling in numerous ways to avoid facing truth, justice, and the ire of the entire planet

Neil Kramer On Red Ice Radio - Sorcery & The End of the Fourth Age

Neil Kramer from the Cleaver joins Red Ice Radio to talk about The End of the Fourth Age, Crop Circles, Sun activity, Television & Manipulation, Paradox, Sorcery and much more. They begin to discuss the Audio Cleaver and Neil's talk at the Beyond Knowledge conference in Liverpool. Topics Discussions Include: Neil's Excursions to Avebury, Crop Circles, Star maps, Devices, What's the message of the Glyphs? Sun Activity, Mayan and Aztec style Glyphs, Quetzalcoatl And The Galactic Jellyfish, Ancient Aliens, Sun as a Jump-gate, Whether Glyphs made by Humans or "Aliens" is on a deeper level unimportant.

In addition they discuss Blue Star Kachina, Stars, Seeds, The Hopi Prophecy, Technological Path & Spiritual Path, Mayan Calendar, the end of time debate, Toxic Human Presence, The Natural Process, The Kogi, Personal Vibration, The Coming fifth Age, The Nature of the Path we choose, Perma-culture, Staying Clear of Mind Control, Healing, The Feminine Energy and much more including how fear is being harnessed by unseen forces as a source of power or energy. They talk about the influence of television and media in general and how this contributes to increasing fear in the unconscious viewer. They also talk about Witch Hunts, religion and tie it all back to the paradox of Crop Circles. 

Other topics include the Mystery of the Moon, Frequency of Consciousness, the Global Seed Vault, What is Fear? Robert Plutchik, Cognition, Swine Flu, War, Main Stream Media, Negative Resonators, the Montage Effect, Shadow Emotions, Positive and Negative Charge, Pan Dimensional Encounters, Shamanic Interpretation, Light & Shadow, The Gnostic Message of the Matrix Trilogy, Imagination as a Holographic Generator, Don Juan, Memes and what a Memeplex is, Words and Spells, Linguistics, Vocabulary, Koan and much more in this fascinating discussion of esoteric knowledge and how it can be integrated into daily lives.

Monday 19 December 2011

Why Does Thinking About Reality Shut Down Homo Materia?

Lovely interview with Neil Kramer here addressing why the present reality construct is wired to incentivise people not to think about what is real or not and instead seek comfort in shopping and material acquisitions or cling on to their work irrespective of the morality of it or the unhappiness it creates.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The Observer & The Observed, The Dreamer & The Dream. They Are The Same Thing.

If you dig about to find what's going on in quantum mechanics (it's not physics baby) and then read and listen around to thinkers in spiritual mysticism or shamanism or whatever metaphysical framework you want to call it; they are saying the same thing. 

There's a dark side with these matters too as any Satanic dabbler can share. The white coat laboratory Freemasons at CERN wont tell you they're punching holes into other dimensions without a clue of what they might be letting in through the back door but that's their very well paid agenda. There are ways to discover the basics by going inside (the Kingdom of heaven is within you) and this podcast interview of Neil Kramer by Occult of Personality Greg Kaminski covers the positive ways you can dissolve the illusion of separation, that to be candid, we all chose to incarnate into for this particular game show.

It's top notch subatomic to universal-mechanics FAQs and peace of mind. Conciousness is probably the least understood and largest subject one can imagine. Pun intended.

Update: If you don't have time watch the clip below for the condensed argument. It's not just good. It's exciting.

Friday 16 December 2011

The Apocalypse & Revelations Are Awesome

An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. 

Both The Apocalypse and Revelation have been cynically reframed by the Vatican (and the other Abrahamic faiths) to relate to catastrophe and disaster. It is part of their vast arsenal and track record of historical revisionism to deceive us to be fearful and seek salvation through their services.

Through a readers encouragement I revisited Neil Kramer's work last night and I enjoyed it very much. Like Neil I also believe we're living in the Apocalypse, as the self evident daily revelations of inarguable global elite hypocrisy dissolves in full view of those who are both awake and aware. It's a one of the best things of living in these times and the show has already started as far as I'm concerned. 

There's some very nice lines in this interview including the obsession of our age to own 'nice things' as a poor reflection of our species given half the planet gets by on two bucks a day - it's unconscionable. 

I returned to Neil's work thinking I'd find him humourless and a little too worthy for my taste but I was wrong. He's got some very useful paradigms for separating what is and isn't important.