Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts

Friday 23 December 2011

Fell Off The Back Of A Lorry

Eventually, the military will be able to put real alien spacecraft on trucks and claim it's just an experimental drone, and no one will bat an eyelid.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Seminal Project Camelot Interviews - Robert Dean

Bob (Robert) Dean saw active war duty in a number of countries around the world and held a senior enlisted rank with the US military. His testimony to Camelot stands as one of the tectonic plate shifts in Ufology. He's likeable and his knowledge of the subject is across the spectrum from the official denial pantomime, to personal off world interaction. All the sceptic has to do is suspend judgement for as long as he speaks. It's the mark of an intelligent person to do so.

Here's the blurb:

Bob Dean was one of Project Camelot's greatest privileges. As an elder statesman he is charming, eloquent and dashing, and we are proud to present this as what may be one of our most memorable interviews.

In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what he encountered while working at SHAPE in Europe in the 1960s: an inch and a half thick detailed official report on the extraterrestrial 'problem' called at that time simply "The Assessment". Having the clearance to have free access to the document, he read it and re-read it many times, and he tells us how that changed his life. Later, after retiring from the military, he made the courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and began to speak publicly about what he had learned.

In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Dr. Wilhelm Reich & The Censored Science Of Orgone Energy

I had a vague recollection that Wilhelm Reich was connected to some fringe psycho-sexual therapy practise earlier last century but got listening to an interview on the subject and rediscovered yesterday that the scientific, legal and bureaucratic establishment did everything to shut his research down and lock him up.

These days that's a green light open arms invitation to investigate further. I now fully understand how Terence McKenna leapt into action and car on hearing how Rupert Sheldrakes ideas were meeting fierce resistance from the scientific establishment and made his way to the first bookshop to find more information. The first video on his work I discovered was UFO connected so that sealed the deal and I fell asleep listening to a ray-gun like rain making machine that also attracted (and destabilised) flying saucers as outlined in the presentation below.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Snuff Movies We All Know & Love

In the mid 90's, Department of Defence Geologist Phil Schneider started doing presentations at UFO conferences about his role in the construction of underground bases that the military industrial complex has been building since the second world war to keep the Very Very VIPs nice and comfy in the event of extinction level events such as thermo-nuclear war. 

Phil's story was unusual and UFO related as he stumbled across that US military/non human intelligence working agreement/connection which is quite well documented and authenticated by the grand daughter of Eisenhower. Coincidentally the same person that came up with the term military industrial complex. 

Shortly after gaining notoriety in UFO circles at these talks and not before accusations of disinformation started to surface (his story is extraordinary to the max) Phil was suicided and is thus for me one of the more reliable witness testimonies on the internet. Suicided people are as good as it gets for authentication in my book and the nature of Phil's murder including torture is a little unusual.

I've only posted the clip with 2.6 million hits but there are full length presentation videos out there.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Dr. Karla Turner - The Presentation That Cost Her Life

I liked Dr Karla Turner a hell of a lot the first time I listened to this presentation, and the more of her testimony I heard, the more I recognised that in addition to being likeable, Dr Turner brought rigour, tenacity and intelligence to the phenomena of alien abductions.

Unfortunately that's a very dangerous combination to the chain of obedience. Her experience of the world including a Masters Degree in Nottingham and a subsequent PhD in the United States meant her talks were articulate and a model of critical thinking. Weaponised truth is a threat to the spooks from the alphabet agencies.

From 1988 Dr Karla Turner began to receive death threats for speaking out about the relationship between the military and the abduction phenomena.

Shortly after this presentation she was killed with fast acting cancer drugs

Friday 2 December 2011

Jacques Vallée @ TEDx Brussels - Unified Theory, Melchizidek & Jungian Synchronicity

Jacques Vallée is a bona fide academic brave enough to tackle the UFO issue until his last book in the late 70's. He reached some thoughtful conclusions such as the transdimensional nature of the topic, it's overlap with comparative mythology themes, and the parallels with fairies and ancient folklore. Perhaps this was the language used before we acquired a vocabulary that recognised entities, beings and extra terrestrials as a distinct cosmic taxonomy?

Quite by chance, I started to read Jacques Vallée's book Messengers of Deception recently and was trying but failing to cut and paste his warning about galactic cults into a post. By coincidence he also mentions that issue in this presentation. Jacques Vallée also raises the Melchizidek theme and specifically draws our attention to the  Melchizidek statue at Chartres Cathedral that we've previously been alerted to by John Lash as symbolic of the Archontic virus our species is plagued by.

Jacques Vallee rarely mentions it but the French U.N. character 'Lacombe' in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, played by Francois Truffault is based on him. You may recall that film portrayed the military as breast-medal deep in off world interaction, and stopping at nothing to keep civilians in the dark.

It's a good talk, and timely too if the Higg's Boson has decided to stop hiding from us and come out to play as CERN are hinting.

Friday 25 November 2011

Daily Mail Ancient Alien Reports Driving Up My Stats

The Daily Mail knows a bit about neuroscience. They know that it's easier and more effective (like advertising) to sell fear rather than optimism, and so they hammer away at the daily boogeyman (like FOX News) on Islam, Homosexuals, Council Bins or whatever its scared to death readers need to defend their narrow world view and militant resentment of change.

However, and this shouldn't surprise people, it's an establishment rag and so they scoop real stories a little bit ahead of the progressive papers. So for example when they reported that human animal genetic experiments are taking place you can be damn sure (living foetus in jars) that nasty Frankenstein shit is going down in military underground laboratories (Google MILABS) such as NSA base Menwith Hill and so on. The other day I noticed my Lloyd Pye "Everything you know is wrong" presentation had shot up overnight to 35000 views which is quite a lot for an ancient alien DNA presentation but then I found out that the Daily Mail broke some news on this subject and evoked a lot of interest. Lloyd Pye was interviewed on Coast the other day and it's a good way to find out what's going in the world of off world DNA and ancient alien skulls.

You are being softened up for bigger news. Drip, drip, drip.

Monday 21 November 2011

David Adair Of Area 51 Interview


                                                                                              With Robert Stanley on Blog Talk Radio

I'm publishing this interview for the wonderful consecutive dream sequence that David Adair had recently. The last time he was "spoken" to over a few nights he built a rocket that nearly ended the world. Now he just transfers shuttle technology from space to civilian use.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Dr John Mack MD - Harvard Clinical Psychology & Alien Abductions

To paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from the paranormal'.

Increasingly in the scientific press these days we're presented with technology progress that should make the thinking person review the E.T. and abduction question more intelligently. If terrestrial science is making developments in traction beams and invisibility cloaking (two examples from last month alone) one should have no problem in understanding that beings with a thousand or a million years or more of technological superiority would have little problem dragging people out of their sleep for biological tests, then wiping their memories (subsequently recalled in hypnotic regression) and returning them to their sleep largely undetected.

Why would they do that? That's a hundred hours of study just to have some solid speculation so it's not very helpful to the novice at this stage as it opens up more questions than it answers.

Dr. John Mack M.D. was Harvard's top psychologist when he first heard about the alien abduction phenomenon and rejected it immediately as nonsense. However on further examination the data said something was really happening and his continued interest nearly cost him his job. It certainly had his reputation smeared by the academic elite controllers who are instructed to lean on scholars who come too close to the truth. The Dean of Harvard in this instance.

Amazingly Alan Dershowitz (Ultra Zionist Jewish American Lobby) comes to the rescue arguing a case of tolerance and scientific independence. Now that might fly in the face of his attack dog politics for anyone who criticizes Israel but it is as it is. He comes through and does the right thing for Dr Mack in this interesting documentary that compliments the Dr. Karla Turner and Bud Hopkins testimony I've previously written a fair amount about.

Just one anecdote I picked up along the way to fit with the visual of this post. One abductee was taken by traction beam or whatever through the UFO exit and entrance port hole and could see the alien beings paying no attention to him. It was so normal they were talking to each other as a human slid by in the middle of their interaction. That is or was the scale of alien abduction.

Saturday 12 November 2011

TR-3B - Black Ops Triangular Aircraft

I don't know enough about these craft known as TR-3B to make extended comments on them except to say that every single source I've encountered says the black triangular craft belong to the either the US military or the shadow government structures. Richard Dolan has coined a term for them. A breakaway civilisation

The music accompanying this video is sufficiently polished enough to ask the question, what's the motivation of the maker? But it's also good enough to post and say take a look, enjoy and go do your own homework. Suppressed technology is a logical outgrowth of capitalism if you really really think about how power and money works. There's no dough in releasing oil busting technologies to the people. There's no money in a cure for cancer either. Greed is also something people might be more acquainted with.

On a side note I learned today that the most secret underground base of Area 51 around the Nevada desert is called Defence Advanced Research Centre or DARC. It figures.

Update: I'm advised that Chapter 9 of Joseph Farrell's Nazi International is related to this very subject.

Friday 11 November 2011

Are Some E.T. Touchy Feely?

Dr. Stephen Greer has done Yeoman's work on documenting the massive amount of military industrial complex worker's interaction with the subject of U.F.O's and E.T. with his Disclosure Project. Unsurprisingly the Whitehouse is obliged to ignore it as by and large most E.T. interaction on this planet is via shadowy military channels and like every cigar chomping penis-envy part of the human psychosphere is an historical clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions to the newcomer who hasn't spent a few hundred hours with the data. In short the Whitehouse isn't in charge.

Stephen gets a lot of criticism for his focus on what is known as benevolent E.T. given the evidence for off planet manipulation of our species or even on planet collaboration with ruling groups. I'm easy with the idea of pluralism and uncomfortable with binary thinking so it's all good with me. To compliment this, I have a post in draft of a Dr. John Mack documentary. He studied the alien abduction issue at significant cost to his professional reputation and it's a lot harsher than the above interview. It's worthwhile having a listen to Dr. Greer above as he is interacting and teaching people to interact with inter-dimensional beings in a way that suggests all is conciousness. At the end of the day.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Eduard Albert Meier Is An Anagram For "Bearded Time Ruler"

Terrific documentary on 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier by Michael Horn. I started to pay his story a bit more attention recently when I learned of the disinformation efforts paid to his story by the usual alphabet agencies of the Anglo American empire. I know of some good researchers who have fallen for this but there's enough in this documentary including neuro linguistic programming analysis to verify that what he is saying is the truth though of course there's always the chance that some of what he was told may not be accurate or open to interpretation. Even if you don't like the topic of Ufology this documentary is the story of a man who as far as I can recall has no competition in the category of most interesting life. Seriously. This is one interesting dude.

Here's the blurb: How one man's meetings with extraterrestrials lead him through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders including Saddam Hussein and later revealing ancient prophecies that would eventually come true. In 1958 he predicted the Iraq Wars, Global Warming and even the AIDS epidemic. You will be captivated by how "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier became known in his early years as "The Phantom," (a real life combination of Indian Jones, Han Solo and Lawrence of Arabia), who carried a 44 Magnum and apprehended serial killers and mass murderers. Meier's life story is an enigmatic journey that ultimately culminates with him becoming the messenger for an advanced race of ET beings know as the Plejaran. 

Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, the people have been asleep, and we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for all of mankind. In his later years Meier stumped hundreds of skeptics with his clear UFO photographs, film footage and sound recordings of Plejaran "Beam Ships," all taken and recorded in broad daylight. Exotic metal samples he received from the extraterrestrials according to scientists, remain to this day, irreproducible. So decide for yourself if it's all a hoax, and if so, then ask yourself, why has Meier been the target of 21 assassination attempts? Could it be that the message that humanity so desperately needs to hear is not welcome by many of our world leaders? Discover why this, the most controversial UFO case in history has endured and remained alive in the face of intense skepticism for over 50 years. You can follow Michael Horn's blog on the subject over here.

Update: This was a reply to me in a forum. It is well worth reading.

Posted by: DNA
On: 7th November 2011 12:18

A member of the intelligence community sent this letter to Wendelle Stevens and Wendelle put the letter in the "UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLIEADIES" book. I think it is very telling. I believe Wendelle, and I believe this letter is authentic. Folks have to factor in the disinfo when looking at the whole Meier story and no one wants to do that. By being lazy, folks play right into the hands of the PTB. You can't discount volumes of informaiton because you find a few false entries. Especially when a multimillion dollar intelligence community is tasked with discrediting it. 

Contact from the Pleiades



Wendelle C. Stevens

Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)

Care of:

GENESIS 3 Publishing Inc

P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park.AZ 89017

Dear Mr Stevens

A friend of mine, Tom Farr, dropped off a copy of MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADES. I found it very Interesting. Tom had previously given me another book about Billy Meier, which was also interesting.

The following is information you might find interesting. The American Government did what could be called an extensive soft touch investigation of Billy, when he first attracted public attention to himself, to find out if the contact was in fact for real. The Decision was in his favor. It was extensive investigation, because of the unusual features in Billy´s case.

Billy, as an individual, and a citizen of another country, had an American intelligence gathering organization look him over from ass hole to appetite. He passed the inspection rather well, but has not gone off the deep end, as predicted by the personality profile done on him. It of course goes without saying that he had the intelligence gathering community of his own country look him over.

The American investigation was of the light touch vanity (forfenglighet), meaning use no force, make no scars, and leave no traces of the investigation. Which is to say play tourist, pack a camera, and take a lot of pictures, tell a lot of lies, and ask a lot of questions. Host countries(vertslandets-) intelligence systems get pissed(lei), if they catch you screwing off on their turf. So do not accuse us of any break-ins, and that type of thing, because it happened back in the days when Billy was in fact liberal with what he gave away. Your book indicates that he has up-graded his record keeping since the early days.

In the other book on Billy there was a big deal about the films, and having them tested. In one specific incident the film tested was believed to be a copy, and not the original negative as Billy thought. Sorry about that. The way we got copies of Billy´s pictures was by paying off the man who handled the film processing for Billy. The man simply ordered a second set of pictures for us, and a second copy of the negatives, at an attractive profit, and the man often had copies made for himself. In a couple of cases we took the original copy of the negative, for the type of lab checks that you wanted to make.

We also sent some garbage film through to the same processing company by the same store, under Billy´s name, to keep the boys doing the film processing honest. We did establish that there was a little hankey pankey going on at the processing plant, and/or in the mail some place. Someone else was getting off with the first copy of the negatives most of the time. Several times, according to the experts, our copy of the negative would be about the fifth one.

All intelligence communities are well aware that vast volumes of bull **** comes and goes in the UFO contactee game, as part of turf(dekke) but pictures make strong evidence, which is almost impossible to fake. Because pictures are the quickest way to find who in fact is telling the truth, they often get stolen. Or, why screw around with the bull ****, when the proof is in the film. The Intelligence gathering people are also aware of how to intercept mail, and bribe (bestikke) store owners. When the bribe was set up we did not know how agreeable Billy was going to be about passing out samples.

In the book you touched on one of the most important of all things about UFO´s, and may not have realized the true importance, to the history of UFOs, in what you said.

Page 219; "The visitor anticipated............and they immediately associated them with the Anti-Christ, of Christian literature and wanted nothing more to do with the situation."

The problem that Billy had with Karl Veit of Wiesbaden, is the key to understanding most of the American Government and Western Europe Government´s approach to UFO´s. In 1945, when it was first proven that UFO´s were real from space, operated by intelligent being, most of whom where human in form, the American Government did a soft touch check to see what the great unwashed public would say, and how the public would respond to UFO´s, and space people, if the President informed the public over National radio.

The results of the investigation would truly frost a thinking mans´ balls. The public´s response was all bad. 97% of the public took one of two approaches. Shoot first and ask questions later. Or call the UFO´S agents of the devil, the prince of the power of the air, the ant-Christ, and set up an even worse situation, where UFOs would became a real negative religious issue. What was surprising was the response of the Religious leadership, which was by far worse than the general public´s response. It could only be called grim news.

The science community showed no leadership at all, just a super case of stupidity, and prejudice.

As you might guess, the original investigations were by military men, under orders from General Marshal, under the direction of the President. And if you know your military men, finding one who wants to get into a fight with the preachers, over what is, or is not the Anti-Christ, when neither the military man, nor the preacher know a hell of a lot of factual information about either the Ant-Christ, or the UFOs, would be a lot like sending a blind person out to spot UFO´s. Just as soon as the blind man spots the first UFO, the military will get into the fight with the preachers over the Anti-Christ.

To say that the military seriously avoided the potential conflict with the religious community would be an understatement. To say that the military community successfully avoided a fight with the religious community over UFOs would be an accurate observation. To say that the military was real damned sneaky (fordømt lusket) about how they informed the public about UFOs, would also be an accurate observation.

The military mind will draw conclusions that the religious mind will not. The military mind quickly figured out that if the UFO´s wanted to take over the world, they had the speed, science, and fire power to do so. Hence, the military concluded UFO´s were working by other rules. The general nature of the rules the individuals in the UFOs would be working under, could be projected, based on previous contact records, however skimpy the records.

In other words, the military figured it was a safe assumption that the UFOs would not radically change their actions in modern times, but would stick with the casual and miss system of the past.

The military mind drew one conclusion. The single most important thing to do in the situation it was in, namely sitting on some hot, highly controversial information, was to keep the general public from a bad response by controlling the public´s response to UFOs. In other words keep that damned religious mentality out of the issues involved, as long as possible.

But, do not ever say that the military never did anything about informing the public about the existence of UFO´s. That will mean you have not figured out the methods used by the Government to spread the word about UFOs. You might say the military took the Bible´s advice about not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

The Military pulled the very same trick that Moses pulled, when he did not like the attitude of his troops, after crossing the Red Sea. He took the time to grow a new batch troops, who´s response and thinking was more to his liking. And that is what the military did about UFO´s.

The military also found a problem as bad, or worse, than the religious mind. Have you have ever noticed, Scientist are about as bad as the preachers, when it comes to UFO´s? Especially in the old days. What you missed is the little detail that Scientist, of the old pre-UFO school, got their basic concept of the Universe from an insane preacher: A Catholic Pope. That basic concept is the idea that man is alone in the Universe, and the only intelligent life in the universe.

Going into the dark ages all societies leaving records, in any amount, left some kind of UFO record. Those that left verbal histories left verbal records of UFOs. In effect it was known prior to the Dark Ages that man was not alone in the Universe, that other intelligent beings were out there screwing around. Even the damned cave and rock drawings show UFO activity.

The Greeks and the Romans also knew that the world was round. The Greeks had even tried to measure the size of the earth using wells and sun light.

The insane Catholic Pope decided that he was the most important thing in the Universe, and that the Universe revolved around him. The basic idea that the world was flat was imposed upon the world by an insane Pope, which in effect made the earth the Center of the universe.. That Pope also expanded on the powers of the Pope, in effect saying that he was not only at the center of the Universe, he was all that was good, smart, and holy at the center of the Universe.

That pope also pitched the idea that man was alone in the Universe. That of course left the Pope the smartest man in the Universe. When the Science-Religion fight of the early science days started, science in general won out. The one idea that the Scientist took from an insane Pope, which they loved as an idea, and used as there very own idea, was the idea that man is alone in the Universe. The idea that man is alone in the Universe, if valid, would the make Scientist the smartest, and best educated beings in the Universe. The Science community´s response to the coming of UFOs, and the possible drop in status from the smartest thing in the Universe, was somewhat worse than the religious communities response to UFOs. UFOs rather obviously, put the modern scientist in the position of being a backward person in knowledge, on a backward world. And farther insulted the scientist, by not bothering to make any contact with him. Few, if any of the scientist involved gave up their status, as the smartest and best educated beings in the universe, willingly. Most of the older ones died with that idea in their head. The idea, man was the only intelligent life in the Universe.

The existence of UFOs - truly lowers the status of the religious and scientific leaders of the world. They resisted such a lowering in their status, particularly the scientist. And here I should clear something up. Mention the word intelligence gathering community, and most people go into some kind of potty training shock, and think they have gone back to messing their pants, and are about to be caught at it. Doing what is called spying on people is an expensive and time consuming operation, generally involving a lot of people. It is surprising how many people think that they have some kind of secret, that makes them worth spying on. Casual surveillance, or simple information gathering, can be done much cheaper. The total amount of information needed, to make a high degree of accuracy decision, about someone like Billy, is in fact not as much as a person would imagine.

In effect, in the early days, if you showed up at Billy´s place, knowing enough about good manners, to bring as much food as you eat, wash as many dishes as you get dirty, and just help around the house, or yard a bit. It was possible to get all the UFO information desired from Billy, and be treated as a respected guest.

Looking into Billy with a professional eye will quickly show that there are a couple of things, which are not "totally normal" for this type of contact. The screw ball hours, and the many changes in location, make it somewhat different from most contacts, which generally proceed on a casual, but regular bases, with some consideration for the contactee. Billy probably holds the record for more bad weather contacts than anyone else. His case has some screwball features, but it had some very good pictures.

In a shared UFO information pool with other Countries, including India, it was noticed that Billy got his contacts whenever a woman, the Indians were watching, was missing. It was speculated that Billy´s female contact could have been one of two women that the India authorities were watching. One was a tall dark haired woman with a very fair completion who, according to what the Indians could find out had been working an area for about 200 years. The other woman was a short, some what dumpy blond, with kind of a flat face. Every time the dumpy blond left India, Billy had a contact. Because the Indian surveillance was of the soft touch type, and far from complete, nothing was ever established. But, for a period of about 2 to 3 years there was a one-to-one relationship between the blond leaving India and Billy having a contact.

And there is something else you might figure out, or work on. It is Billy stumbling onto Military men looking at his contact sites. For all their science, the clowns in the UFO do not always work out every thing to perfection.

As a military officer you were exposed to a few classes in physics. As the book says about the rocks and the gold, the physics are the same, this world, or some other. That means that what is known, about physics here, will also apply up there.

The UFO is has a power source, which is obviously related to gravity, and electro magnetic properties of physics. That is all packed into a small space and effects the world around it. Add to that some cloaking device, and a few stray things, and you have a ship, which will give off a few things in the line of radiation. If the dogs can spot the UFOs, then use dogs, which we did around some military and science bases In the early days. If the TV flutters when one comes by, start from there for making a detection device.

It logically follows that about the time that the Governments got into the business of knowing about UFOs, they also got into learning how to detect the things, when they flew by. And it was a dog, who´s action told us that flying saucer had clocking devices. It did not turn out to be all that hard to make a detection device. The Swiss Government has such devices and obviously uses them.

The last time I had anything to do with such devices, which was a long time ago, and the devices where physically very large because their radios had vacuum tubes, they could be rigged to do several different things, and the American Government was screwing with a model that would give the general direction the UFO was traveling. By now they could be the size of a pack of smokes, and give direction along with the make and model of the UFO. me In the late 50s we could define between about four types of UFOs based on how they effected our devices. If I remember some of the information coming out of Billy´s area, the DALs would normally send out a couple of other ships to scout the area, some time several days in advance, before the contact ship showed up. At that time the devices the Swiss had, could tell the difference between the two types of ships normally used. It could also tell the difference between several of the small ball-shaped probes that might be sent out.

I know it to be a fact that the Swiss Government has contact with Space people. But, like all such contacts, the restriction on who knows about it comes from space. The Swiss in fact probably have the best contact of any country in the world. But, that is speculation on my part.

And here I might should add something. Within the Governments of the world, how many I do not know, but based on the patterns, probably most of the reasonable governments, there has been contact from space. But, within any government there will exist two possible sets of information. Those who study UFOs, from the ground looking up, and trade some types of information some times, and those who are in the direct contact position. The two are not necessarily the same person, or department.

I know it to be a fact, having talked to a man who made the trip with him, that Ike had dinner on a space ship. I also know that the Queen of England has been on a space ship, once for medical treatment.

You mentioned something in passing that was interesting. It was your being "spied" on. I have no idea as to who is doing what to whom in your case. But, I do know that there was once a proposal put out to step on UFO investigators, and contactees a little bit, to keep the field from expanding too much, so the real contacts would not be lost in the pure bull ****.

As some one who has been in government, you can probably spot the conflicting, and over lapping authorities, that tend to keep showing up in cases like your self. You never out right ask the question, "what the hell´s Naval Intelligence doing in UFOs, but if you do, they were the "initiating authority" in the solution to the problem of the old FOO Fighters of WW2, and the boys who proved UFOs were from space. Once an Intelligence gathering community gets the initiating authority status in a field, especially if the job is dumped onto them, they are damned hard to pry out of that field.

Within the structure of the American UFO community there are a lot of stories running around. If you ever have the time and the chance, or inclination, you might look up the one piece of semi-hard evidence about a crashed UFO. It is the Brownsville, Texas saucer, which was a very old case. Dating back to right after WW2.

That ship came wobbling by Army Air Force base going about ten miles an hour. They first picked it up on radar, when It was about 40 miles away, which gave them vast amounts of time. Then with field glass as It approached, and finally as a visual. They had enough time that they were able to get a chase plane up in the air to follow the saucer to where it crashed, about ten miles deep in Mexico. Their first action was to get a parachute rigger into a plane, and jump him out over the crash site with a stencil and a can of Red Paint, to mark USAAF on the side of the saucer, so we could claim it was ours - in case the Mexicans showed up.

That ship was dragged back to the US by a cat. It left one hell of a skid trail. From the ground the skid trail can not be seen, because the government paid some Indians $5,000.0O0 to replant the ground. and hid all traces of that drag trail. But it can be seen from the air.

If seen from the air, it will be a very straight line that is almost due North and South. At the South end of the skid trail, there is an East-West gully, and just South of the gully is a small ridge, or very little hill. The small hill has a north south ridge on it. The saucer came to rest on the East side of that ridge up against the slope of the hill, or at the base of the very little hill.

Because the drag trail could be seen from the air the Indians were hired to make other trails on the ground, as a confusion factor. The true drag trail is the only straight one in the group.

This letter is long enough. Lots of luck with what you are doing.

Update: I have a lot of questions of the intent of the so called Plejarens or Pleiadeans of Billy and Clif High raises some pertinent questions here.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Ancient Aliens & Earth Grids


This weeks episode of Ancient Aliens is  a gem. It's a bit hit and miss in the third series as they run out of steam and milk the topic, but the latest taps into the Earth Grid that coincidentally was last weeks topic of conversation between Red Ice Radio and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. The New Grange neolithic site in Ireland covered in this episode was completely new to me. 3500 B.C. and it's in fantastic condition.

Thursday 20 October 2011

North Sea Triangle

Cpt Robert McDonald, appearing on Kevin Smith's Show, tells of a 2009 voyage in which his ship (a Viking ship replica) encountered a USO (Unidentified Submarine Object) and was damaged. Men in black confiscated the ship's log and all documents. Electronics on the ship were melted. Cpt McDonald was later found to have an electronic implant and an unidentifiable cancer in his neck. There are so few mentions of North Sea Triangle on the web I'm posting it here. It's an incredible story.

Friday 7 October 2011

Ancient Aliens & The Founding Fathers

In its own way I would say this is a notably subversive piece of U.S. TV history, made in the tradition of telling as much as can be got away with. It's not perfect. How could any discussion of the Masonic roots of the United States avoid the Satanic symbolism of the Washington D.C. layout like that Pentagram above and below. But it is visualised and that's a start.

The programme is about as lengthy an exposure as mainstream America is ever going to get on the Masonic roots of the U.S. (and thus it's subservience to the 33rd degree Masonic lodge in London). I was also disappointed not to see the story about the founding fathers who at an important point were reluctant to unify until they were harangued by a strange figure from the gallery about the importance of the declaration of independence but as history didn't record this event officially its probably a myth. My question is surely it's one that can be verified or dismissed with a little research? Is there not one founding father who made a record of the matter in their diary? 

Anyway, its down to the Ancient Alien series to at least bring up the Masonic roots of the U.S. and the distinctly non secular Apotheosis of George Washington (though no mention of that Mayan Calendar in the Capitol Dome). The series is winding down now so they string out minutes worth of information sometimes into long stretches of Socratic navel gazing but it's still been one of the most controversial and Smithsonian-challenging versions of history in broadcast media. Plus they used a really creepy Grandmaster Freemason with a dodgy foreign accent to paint the Masonic side of history. So we can tell the producers are on our side but then you could tell that from the beginning if you were paying attention.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Ohio Exopolitics Interviews Robert Stanley Author Of Close Encounters On Capitol Hill

I've blogged about Robert Stanley before as his work is well respected in UFO circles and he once had a job I think as an analyst for Honda in the U.S. and I kind of like people who have a sober work history before they get sucked into the rabbit hole of govcorp cooperation with OPI (off planet intelligences) which is surely both the easiest explanation for the mess we're in as a planet and also the hardest one to both disclose or get one's head around. Plenty of evidence for it though so don't shoot the messenger. Just argue in the comments below.

Ohio Exopolitics is consistently in my top five interviewers of alternative media information.

Randy Maugans Interviews Barry King

I'm still a little wary of whistle blowers who say things like 'I'm authorised to say this, but not that' (I'm paraphrasing) and so far I've not managed to listen through a whole Barry King interview for a variety of reasons including quality of recording, his ex military past and a seemingly hard to grasp, disjointed kind of story. 

This interview by Randy Maugans makes the grade so I have a better grasp of what Barry King is all about but there are still questions. I may have to relisten to this again. The write up by Exotica is as follows: 

Barry King, from the UK, is one of the most credible and documented witnesses on the subjects of government projects, paranormal experience, UFO investigations, and direct contact with Off Planet Intelligences (OPI). As a child, Barry died, and claims he was returned as a "walk-in" soul, who then went on to be inducted into the UK's own "super soldier" programs of the 1960s. He later became involved in UFO research, crash retrievals, and was employed in the underground NSA faciltity at Peasemore where he was party to government experiments on abducted human subjects.

Himself a subject of the experiments, as well as a witness to the proceedings; he has first-hand knowledge and contacts in the clandestine projects of western Europe and in the US. Barry reveals many details of the projects, their victims; the "fringe" science that has been hidden from the public for forty years, and direct evidence of ET involvement, including human-ET genetics projects. He continues to disclose critical information about the past, present, and future, as humanity collides with a reality they are ill-prepared to face. While some of the information has been revealed in his prior interviews, and certain subjects remain closed for him to discuss, Barry drops details in this interview that pull together crucial pieces of the puzzle to what we call "disclosure."

You may wish to listen to the whole interview in one piece below rather than the Youtube playlist above.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Super High IQ And Leaking It All Over The Net

Guys like this usually get their account suspended on Youtube but there's a cadence to his voice that doesn't fit the plucky amateur whistle-blower norm. Check out his archive and see if ya feel me.

Sunday 25 September 2011

American UFO Activity In Decline. China On The Rise


JFK & The Maury Island Incident

Joe Pesci playing the character David Ferrie quotes Winston Churchill in Oliver Stone's JFK. He says nobody will ever solve this case as 'it's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma'. Until last night I've been reasonably happy that LBJ was coopted by unknown parties to bring together the unholy clusterfuck of the CIA, Mafia, Anti Castro, Military (Industrial Complex) together to pull it off and keep it quiet after. I've posted the evidence for that.

I'm still OK with the LBJ evidence but this morning I listened to two incredible interviews with Red Ice Radio's Henrik Palmgren and the first posted above (now replaced) has pretty much blown open the JFK Coup d'état with a UFO link too bizarre to make up. There's more than just that but it's all so fucking nuts that I'm unable to pull out my ace card explanation because it's so exotic it would shred any credibility I've earned thus far in asking people to take a closer look at issues like 9/11 and say Lunar anomalies I just blogged previously. So I'm going to stay quiet but there is only one explanation that covers the sheer loop the loop insanity of synchronicity that you'll learn in this interview. I love it when it get's this hardcore. Lightweights synchromystics will probably find this too heavy . Below is a picture of Kennedy with the astronaut John Glenn.

Here's the Red Ice Radio Blurb on the interview.

Kenn Thomas is a conspiracy writer, university library archivist, and editor & publisher of Steamshovel Press. Kenn has authored over a dozen books on various conspiracy topics. He's been a key figure in the conspiracy underground for years. His magazine, Steamshovel Press, has deeply influenced the underground conspiracy movement and also surfaced in mainstream popular culture, from The New Yorker to The X-Files. In this first hour, we begin discussing the connection between the JKF assassination and UFOs. Kenn talks about the possibility that Fred Crisman was connected to the assassination of JFK. Crisman's name appears in relation to the Maury Island Incident, an early UFO encounter. The UFO story began with Harold A Dahl who worked for Crisman. Kenn explains the details of this story, the sighting, the JFK connection and the evidence. Later, we discuss the infiltration of the UFO community by government agents and why. We end talking about JFK's last speech, the weaponization of space and underground civilizations. Kenn shares his opinion on aliens and UFOs.

Update: There's another excellent Coast interview on the Maury Island incident over here