Showing posts with label syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syria. Show all posts

Thursday 11 July 2013

@GeorgeGalloway Is Provably Wrong About MI6 Involvement In Triggering The Arab Spring

I'm a fan of George Galloway and I've praised him publicly here here and here, plus this tag here. In his excellent Sydney speech above, George claims that the Arab Spring was fully spontaneous and that claims of London or Washington exploiting and/or creating societal pressures are absurd. 

He feels MI6 are more Austin Powers than James Bond.

I want to say they are neither. They are professional psychopaths who swear allegiance to the Crown not Parliament.

The centre of that black sticky Royal cobweb is much darker than George Galloway has ever articulated. 

MI6 also have the SAS and many international tools at their disposal including financial institutions and VIP paedophile blackmail. This particular practice is so common that Mossad, CIA and MI6 all use it as standard when guiding targets into powerful positions. 

It's bog standard spycraft blackmail no matter how heinous it seems to normal loving human beings.

We now know from the former French Foreign minister Roland Dumas that MI6 agents were in Syria  fomenting unrest two years in preparation for the 'Arab Spring'

This is concrete evidence and if George Galloway refuses to acknowledge it he is at best in denial and at worst ignorant of the facts.

Or is that the other way round?

It's not that the Egyptian people are sheep who were guided to revolution. Egypt and others are abused pressure-cooker societies that specialist manipulators, like MI6 and the CIA, adroitly manage with IMF loans and sexual blackmail at a senior level, and management of opposition groups at a street level. 

Infiltration and agent provocateurs are as old as Statecraft.

We understand that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is populated by people who have spent time in prison for wanting Mubarak out, but basic spook manipulation of populations is from a widely available book on counterinsurgency called Gangs and Counter Gangs by Major Frank Kitson, a British army officer who wrote the bible on controlled opposition and counter insurgency.

The Greater Israel project relies on the smashing up of its larger neighbors into smaller pieces and Libya, Syria, Iran and Egypt are or were all on that list. It is no coincidence that the first person to take over from Mubarak (who let the Gaza tunnels operate) was US educated, has children with US passports and as his first acts as Egypt's new leader shut those same life giving Gaza tunnels down. He is, was and always will be a US Zionist puppet as was Moaz Khatib the US trained Oil Engineer the Americans put up to run Syria after Assad's fall, and Abdurraheim el-Kheib who the US selected to run Libya. It takes the most preposterous coincidence theorist to claim this is random chance not MI6 and CIA manipulation.

Order ab Chaos is the golden rule of the psychopaths at the top of those symbolic Pyramids and much as I like George Galloways honesty, I feel he has underestimated how the game is really played and is being currently being acted out in Balochistan, Myanmar and Dagestan Xinjiang and Chechnya.

Managed opposition is standard operating procedure. 

George Galloway's ignorance on the 9/11 fairy tale suggests he may even be managed opposition himself. Let's see if he wakes up.

Monday 1 July 2013

Brands That Sponsor Beheadings

The Brookings Institution is a Think Tank sponsored by the above brands.

The Brookings Institute has carefully mapped out and cheered on every war from Iraq to Libya to Syria. They publish in advance their recommendations to politicians such as this report which aims to "bleed" Syria to death.

The UK, US, Saudi, Israel, France and Qatar are providing the weapons and support to these Al Nusrah (Al Qaeda spin off) terrorists who are doing the beheadings in Syria a country that the UK (MI6) was planning to break up two years before the Arab Spring which was cooked up by the CIA and MI6

Brands that sponsor beheadings are not cool at all. 

After Syria and Iran are broken up China and Russia are the targets.

"It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J Krishnamurti

Sunday 23 June 2013

Obama Called A War Criminal In The Irish Parliament

If you haven't figured out that Obama has very tight handlers by now you shouldn't really be in charge of a pair of lungs. This scathing attack on the Irish sycophancy of Obama's visit to Ireland's G8 meeting is what reality sounds like spoken to people who have totally lost their way.

Saturday 13 April 2013

The Hypocrisy of the Arab World In Syria

It needs to be repeated a number of times before the penny drops that NATO, Saudi, Israel and Qatar are the jackals bleeding Syria to death. The corporate media are selling Al Qaeda 12th century beheading types in Syria because it's the road to Iranian oil and NATO is bankrupt. What you or I think of Syria's Assad is neither here nor there although I've been a critic since the 90's.

This is why people who are slaves to truth and reality can stand up and call the Israelis and Saudis out along with London and Washington as disgusting psychopaths. It's called reality and like George Galloway nobody likes to deal with it as you can see when the so called Arab who walks out on George in this devastating clip.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Forget The Corporate Media On Syria - Listen & Make Your Own Mind Up

If you listened to the corporate media pimping war in Syria with their proxy terrorists it is almost impossible to anticipate anything other than barbarism from President Assad. This interview by Turkish TV is as candid as it gets. It's a great chance for a person to see proper information being shared in a civilised manner.

Syrian President Bashar Assad warned in comments broadcast Friday April 5, 2013 that the fall of the Syrian government or the breakup of his nation will cause a “domino effect” that will fuel Middle East instability for years, in his sharpest warning yet about the potential fallout of his country’s civil war on neighboring states.
In an interview with the Turkish TV station Ulusal Kanal broadcast Friday, Syrian President Assad accused his neighbors of stoking the revolt against his government, saying “we are surrounded by countries that help terrorists and allow them to enter Syria.”
But he warned that those same countries may eventually pay a price down the road.
“Everybody knows that if the disturbances in Syria reach the point of the country’s breakup, or terrorist forces control Syria, or if the two cases happen, then this will immediately spill over into neighboring countries first, and later there will be a domino effect that will reach countries across the Middle East,” he said.

He also lashed out at Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was a close ally of Assad before the crisis began but then turned into one of his harshest critics.
“When the prime minister (Erdogan), or the government or officials get involved in shedding Syrian people’s blood there is no place for bridges between me and them or the Syrian people that don’t respect them,” Assad said.
Turkey has been one of the strongest backers of the Syrian Islamist “opposition,” and has provided it with logistical support and shelter.
“The Arab League lacks legitimacy. It’s a league that represents the Arab states, not the Arab people, so it can’t grant or retract legitimacy,” he also stated in reference to the recent move by the league to give Syria’s seat to the Doha coalition headed by Moaz al-Khatib.
The president also used the interview to quash rumors that he had been killed by one of his guards in the capital Damascus.
Asked by a journalist whether he is still alive, Assad told Ulusal Kanal: “I am present in front of you and not in a shelter. These are mere rumors.”
He said he is living as usual in Syria and is not hiding in underground shelters.
Source: Ulusal Kanal

Sunday 24 March 2013

Still Unsure Who NATO Is Backing In Syria? Please Watch This

The Transatlantic globalists are bankrupt. 

America and the UK invade or bomb countries that no longer want to take their printed money scam or, as with Syria use proxy forces to soften up the road to Tehran. This means London, Washington and Israel have to side with the Sunni Petro-monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar who despite being brutal dictatorships quite like the idea of having regional hegemonic control of the middle East through the Muslim Brotherhood who will be the technocrat leaders of these 12th century beheaders. They will not let the Muslim Brotherhood inside their own countries of course.

Do not trust a single thing your corporate media with the their commercial breaks have to say. Not a single word is pure.

You might think your iPhone means you're a world away from all this but all this pays for your iPhone lifestyle. It is not real. Are you not real?

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Everybody Loves Cats Right?

Can anyone tell me what NATO's psycho-Jihadist FSA friends are doing with the cat around 1 minutes 22 seconds? Why are we giving these people guns and night vision goggles with Saudi and Qatari money? Do you not see our own leaders are lying to us about how the planet is manipulated?

(Sssh don't tell anybody but it's a fake revolution so that everyone (Sunni Arab/Petro Monarchies) can steal Iran's oil and the middle East can turn on Israel and the West will have to back them up again (protecting democracy) with more war that keeps the planet divided and the oil profits flowing to the rich bloodlines and blueblood corporate superstars that run our planet).)))

Monday 4 March 2013

What Kind of Witless Lizard is @SharifNash ?

Sharif Nashashibi reveals himself to be inordinately stupid by claiming that Al Qaeda in Syria is all the fault of the existing leadership when we know full well that MI6 and CIA have been pumping in extremists and mercenaries into Syria using Libyan arms and Qatari and Saudi Arabian money (when they're not beheading Indonesian and Ceylon maids presumably).

The good thing about Sharif Nasashibi is he has put his views on Youtube for all to see how venal and greedy he really is. Make your own mind up. All the evidence is there.

Update: Sharif Nashashibi returns for more schooling from Tarpley though his performance is less arrogant than the first occasion. He still however is unable to entertain the idea that a small protest could be seized upon or even initiated by the worlds finest regime changers with six million deaths on their hands and that's from their own station chief in Angola. The CIA and let's not forget the wankers at MI6 and Mossad who are the real axis of evil on the planet.

Syrian politics isn't even something I pay that much attention to but I know what's going on here, and Sharif is the classic dupe. Stalin called them useful idiots. Willing pimps for a hollow cause. Let's be clear. NATO, Saudi, Qatar and Israel (and the GCC to begin with) are responsible for 70 000 deaths so far and Sharif is unable to accept responsibility for the enormity of his warmongering fervour most evident in the first video. 

Like all hypocrites and deluded amnesiacs he's already forgotten the inconvenient claims he was once attached to only last week, and which he parroted so earnestly in order to post rationalise the current situation and the humanitarian love bombs that still may come to unseat the sovereign Government of Syria. 

The Assad government I often remind people I was criticizing back in the 90's for sclerotic reform. I refuse to channel that unhappiness into becoming an apologist for NATO's war crimes in Syria. Sharif is different  He's cool with it because as you can see. He really doesn't have a clue what he's signed up to. He's not evil though. This I learned about him in his latest interview. He's just not that bright. and unwittingly is prolonging death and suffering. 

Remember That American Shouting Allahu Akbar Before Beheading Syrian Citizens?

You will never learn from the corporate media that Syria is being pumped with terrorists and mercenaries by NATO using Saudi and Qatari money using Libyan guns (that's what Benghazi was all about). The corporate media cannot inform you that the real target is Iranian oil but let's be candid. By the time consumers have finished following their favourite footy team, ogled a bit of celebrity nipple and texted in their favourite Britain's got talent candidate they haven't got much time to realise that the Western lifestyle is based on death and destruction. Other people's death, other countries destruction. Maybe this is why the churches are emptying faster than a stadium fire. Maybe this is why the spooks understand that to keep the divide and rule model working there has to be a group with something to lose and a group with something to gain.

Share and share alike I say, like this young chap above who lost the plot and his life for a few shekels more. I'm no fan of Syrian leadership but let me remind you till your dying days that NATO, Israel, Saudi and Qatar are the axis of evil responsible for a hundred thousand deaths through the divide and rule tactics including the most beastly beheadings of children by people like this American prick above.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Richard Millet Humiliates Himself With Weird Pro Zionist Lies

Richard Millet didn't get the message that even the BBC have stopped telling lies and admitted that the Syrian revolution was faked by the CIA and that the FSA are a bunch of terrorists now squabbling with Al Nussrah 12th century beheading nutters.

The joke on Richard is that he only reads propaganda papers and views propaganda television so he isn't clever enough to know he's been lied to and has made a chump of himself on mass media. It's called stupidity.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Elliott Abrams Makes A Fool Of Himself Over Syria

Elliott Abrams is a Zioncon warmonger from the Iran Contra days of blood and massacre in Nicaragua. He's a proven liar but as we know George W Bush promoted many hundreds of these psychopaths to justify his illegal war in Iraq. Normally a psycho like this should be in an insane asylum but in our sick society they get well paid positions on the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow or Sick Fucks as I notice most of the senior fellows are including Ed Husain who advocated and lobbied for intervention in Syria and is now running from the bloodshed they have invoked. This interview is a must listen for the breeze block stupidity of Elliot Abrams advocating religious groups as the solution to sectarian divide in Syria. Even Ed Husain realises the madness of this.

I am a big fan of Jewish contribution to history including arts and philosophy as much as I am an Arab fan for their contribution to mathematics and astrology but these Jewish Neocon warmongers on think tanks are appalling. They appall me. I'm appalled.

Go on. Listen. Do the work. Listen to the abject stupidity that is followed by war dollars and heart breaking misery.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Al Qaeda Flag Raised Over US Embassy As Stars & Stripes Burns

Many Americans are so dependent on their corporatized media they've in the dark that they've been assisting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to keep the dollar propped up and the petrodollar in charge. They call it spreading peace and democracy in the military industrial media matrix so it's hard to know how many people understood the importance of that Obama interview I blogged where he claimed we now have good guy al Qaeda and bad guy al Qaeda when he's not doing his weekly shopping list for drone executions in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If all this confuses you it's really simple. The bottom line is knowing the difference between right and wrong. That was lost on the American people around the Iran Contra era when reality poked through the haze and we saw how ugly it all really was and went back to making money.

Here's Jim with the weather.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tariq Ali On CIA Fuelled Massacres & Mayhem In Syria

Tariq Ali, like Webster Tarpley knows what's what in Syria. You'd be gullible to let your corporate media channels tell you what to think about the situation there. I've used CIA as a kind of shorthand here. Actually the war criminals that flooded Syria with the money and the guns are as follows:

Tel Aviv

Media line controlled by Senior Fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations and all the other toadies like the BBC whose biased reporting is a lesson in self delusion as well as propaganda.

All of the above stoked a legitimate student uprising against the arsehole Bashar Assad into a bloody sectarian conflict with 30000 confirmed minimum casualties and Islamist terror groups now openly at war with one of the last secular countries in the Middle East. If it wasn't for the innocents being decapitated by Islamist terror groups I'd be quiet happy to sit back and watch the Western funded Free Syrian Army duke it out with the Syrian Army. They both now deserve each other.

Monday 10 September 2012

Tarpley On Syria - Go On Take A Drink

I would prefer it if you believed in Santa Claus and Flat Earth than take the toxic corporate media seriously. In this respect listen to Tarpley on Syria. He usually brings something to the game that you don't get elsewhere even among the real or alternative media as we call it. Go on, take a drink.

Why Wont Obama Use Drones Against Al Qaeda In Syria?

The president is lying to himself and to the camera here. The mickey mouse war on terror is to feed the greasy Pentagon snout in the war trough. Obama admits here that he is drone executing individuals personally. Well if that's the case why is Syria not getting the treatment? I know the answer, do you?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Hillary For President - No Not That One, This One

Hillary Mann Leverett talks optimistically about the new U.N. peace broker in Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. If our corporate media weren't so reliant on war machine sales this woman would be on the TV screen 24/7. She's great.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Syrian Rebels Force Prisoner To Be Suicide Bomber - @BBC Pulls Video

The BBC is obliged to support UK Govcorp so when a video emerged that revealed the Syrian Rebels (Actually Al Qaeda terrorists in many circumstances) forced a prisoner to become a suicide bomber they removed it.  Fortunately we're on top of it so you can see for yourself if the BBC are brainwashing you into thinking that the Syria story is a simple black and white good against evil narrative. It's not and NATO meddling in Syria has led to massacre after massacre. Be awake to what is going on. Watch the video. You'll be shocked.

Friday 24 August 2012

British Broadcasting Corporation Caught Pulling Propaganda Video

NATO backed Syrian terrorists tried to dupe a captured soldier into driving a suicide truck bomb by telling him it was a prisoner exchange. The video was originally on the NYT and BBC sites but as it goes against the fairy tale propaganda they've been spoon feeding the British and Americans both sides had to pull it. The full story is over at Infowars.

You'd have to be mad to believe a flickering TV propaganda box in your life these days. But I understand they're quite popular with the Sheeples. 

Sunday 12 August 2012

Hillary Clinton's Syrian "Rebel" Buddies Throwing Postal Workers Off The Roof

We're not saying that Bashir Assad is our favourite Middle East leader. Not by a long chalk. But the unconscionable support by Hillary "NATO" Clinton for the Free Syrian Army and their acts of barbarity supported by Saudi funds is repugnant. As is Hillary Clinton's warmongering  in Syria for Iran's oil.

Like Heinz Kissinger there's no doubt that Hillary must stand charge for war crimes. Take a look at the video and make your own mind up. That's being done in your name if you're from the EU or the United States.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Libya, Syria & Iran Are All Preplanned Pentagon Wars

It's important to point out that General Wesley Clark is just as much a self serving weasel as all Pentagon Generals now seeking political office. He nearly dragged us into an unnecessary world war three with Russia over Kosovo but for the purposes of this post we can exploit elite Pentagon division and listen to him confirm that the wars on Libya, Syria and Iran are preplanned and thus the Free Syrian Army or whatever bullshit the mainstream media are spewing is just that. Don't be a fool. Wise up and be in the know.