Showing posts with label nazis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nazis. Show all posts

Thursday 7 February 2013

Documented & Archived - Hitler Fled To Argentina

Proper journalist as well. He thought he'd have  bit of fun by covering a conspiracy and it turned out to be reality. Funny that isn't it. Nobody can touch it though because if people start asking questions about the basics then the entire fabric disintegrates.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Russian Documentary On Nazi UFOs

For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary 'Third Reich - Operation UFO' in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing. Many thanks to Irina Du Toit for the translation and the saucer people for the subtitles.

The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's ill-fated 'Operation Highjump' expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the 'Thule Society, 'Vril Society' and the 'Ahnenerbe'

One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of 'Base 211', the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of 'New Swabia'; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.

The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group 'Thule Society' in the early part of the twentieth century to the 'implosion engine' of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich. 

Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antartic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.

Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a "wilderness of mirrors".

Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged "Special Bureau 13", the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic " (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer 'Murdoch' in the testimony recounted by pilot 'John Sireson' in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield).

Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the 'Operation Highjump' fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly "pole to pole". Likewise, the creation of 'New Swabia' is as much a historical fact as the 'impossible' existence of the 'Piri Reis' map. 

What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted. 

As the great American anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory says of many elements of deep politics: "its food for thought and grounds for further research".

Exopolitics UK and 'The Saucer People' are looking for other non-English UFO/alien related videos to help translate and subtitle, we have dozens of Russian documentaries waiting to be translated into English. If you speak Russian and are interested in translating any of this material please get in touch.

Likewise, if your country of origin has produced any UFO/alien documentaries and are interested in creating English translations to be subtitled please contact us.

It took a lot of hard work to make the translation of this documentary into English and create the subtitles and we would like to dedicate our work to the late American researcher Wendelle Stevens who is quoted in the film, In our opinion, Wendelle, who sadly died in 2011 was one of the few genuine professional researchers in the UFO community who like Linda Moulton Howe, actually went and spoke to the subjects and witnesses and researched cases first-hand.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Joseph P. Farrell & GeorgeAnn Hughes - Cosmic Wars, Nazis, Lasers, The Reformation & Isotopes

I've been working my way through these and as I'm on part twelve and this episode is a particularly good one I thought I'd flag it up with a post. They will probably need listening to again as I listen to them in fits and starts through broken sleep but in this instalment it becomes increasingly obvious from other research resources that Alan Dulles and General Reinhard Gehlen struck a deal towards the end of the war that seems to have been on behalf of powerful dynasties like the Bushes to take over the world without the democratic institutions fully being in on the act. Besides Dulles and Bush went on to install all their people after the war and kept the war machinery going through a fake cold war that kept the Pentagon busy for decades after.

Anyway, you get such a broad range of subjects from hard science to out of the box thinking that they're very engaging.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Knee Deep In Nixonian Nazis - Hank Paulson's Lesser Known Life

After the war Allen Dulles, head of the newly formed CIA drafted in the cream of the Nazis to the United States. They are still operational today. Hank Paulson is part of that milieu. His frequent trips to China are a point of concern for many researchers. Did he succeed in building the criminal links that prop up the United States today?

Friday 24 August 2012

The Pentagon & CIA's Love Of Nazism

It's ironic that most Americans have been trained to hate Nazi's while not actually understanding that the American elite respected the Nazis during and after the war and scooped up the top few thousand and imported them into the United States to run everything from the space program, the military and all the nasty underground things involving human experiments and mind control.

The Nazis openly say that Germany lost the war but the Nazis just relocated. If you think I'm exaggerating Google Project Paperclip and spend a few days with the data. 

Or just click the tag below.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Heinz Kissinger & Klaus Barbie's Narcotic Empire

Mae Brussell's work is invaluable to the researcher. She was smart, ground breaking and totally plugged into what was going on back in the 70's. In her last broadcast her life was being threatened by the powers deletes and she suffered one of those CIA heart attacks a week or two later. 

Her work was not in vain and along with Dave Emory and other researchers her legacy to the United States may be the difference between making it and not making it. Superb stuff.

Update: Mae was Jewish so it's normal that she spotted the Nazi connections we missed. However it goes up the hierarchy chain considerably more. Original video deleted. Replacement found on Youtube. You know why?

Because we're winning.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Naomi Wolfe On The Corporate Media NDAA Silence

The Nazi Enabling Act of March 1933 is in many respects the same as the U.S. NDAA act signed over new years eve by Mr Obama to conceal it from the American people. The corporate media are controlled when it comes to critical issues and so it was ignored but we've been pointing out that people are in danger. Now obviously if you're sipping on the Obomney Kool Aid it's preposterous that essential liberties are in danger but between you and I, most people are already too intimidated by the American secret police and associated spying organs to stand up and even ask honest questions. They're scared to find out, and as a result they're now badly informed.

From my tropical hidey hole, I'm not and so you don't get too many chances to listen to a grown up explain it so listen to Naomi Wolfe. You'd be mad to trust the corporate controlled media. These are crucial times and there's a lot holograms around the most basic trusted foundations of ordinary life. Question, question, question.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Nazis, NASA, Operation Paperclip & The CIA

By all accounts Werner Von Braun was an excellent boss to work for at NASA where he designed Saturn rockets after building the V2 rockets that bombed London. However as you will learn from this documentary he must have known they hung five people a day at the entrance to his work to prevent prisoners sabotaging the development of rockets.

Friday 17 August 2012

Operation Paperclip - The CIA & Nazi Laundering

I was listening to Mike Ruppert describing the Nazi CIA connection to CIA drug trafficking yesterday (Klaus Barbie was moved to Boliva) and as this Project Paperclip video turned up buried deep in Youtube due to poor tagging I thought I'd post it. Technically it was the CIA forerunner the OSS (Overseas Strategic Services) who laundered thousands of Nazis into the US or embedded in Europe in the Operation Gladio I posted about the other day.

Strategically it was a huge mistake as short term pragmatism took over long term vision and so the often held observation that Germany lost the war but the Nazis just took it elsewhere is accurate. There's no discussion even today within the United States as to what the long term vision is. There's lots of self congratulatory finest country in the world hollowness but while that comes from the executive while describing the organised crime unit known as the CIA it's hard to give these words any credence whatsoever.

The Constitution worshippers fail to notice that the US has never lived up to its most basic ideals. Freedom for all men. That never was or will be the case and the US is facing impending imperial collapse. This will be a healthy thing for the many people who care about the people in this country.

Thursday 26 July 2012

International Nazis, The Vatican & CIA

The key Nazi that Joseph Farrell draws our attention to is Martin Bormann. He was most trusted by Hitler and went missing with around 700 million dollars plus diamonds and gold that nobody could find even though the people chasing the cash were organising post war visas for top Nazis to work in the US through Project Paperclip. We can reasonably assume they didn't work too hard at that or that the gamekeepers got into bed with the poachers.

I've gone off the boil with Farrell recently. His love of books means he misses out on history rocking oral testimony popping up on the net like Douglas Dietrich's account of the flight to Antarctica of some Nazi elite and even use of a nuclear bomb against the Russians. However this is an early but recently uploaded Nazi International interview and is still a good introduction to his work for the beginner.

None of the world makes sense unless the researcher has a grasp of the whitewashed history of post war Nazi embrace. 

In a nutshell Germany lost the war. The Nazis won it.

Friday 24 February 2012

Mae Brussell - Pope John Paul II, Auschwitz & I.G. Farben

I only learned of Mae Brussell yesterday. She was doing parapolitical talk shows back in the '70s and a person has started to upload her work to Youtube. It's first-class female citizen detective work - really thorough and intelligent. This is the first part on a series of three on that old myth that Pope John Paul II was a good guy. Good guy my ass. Listen to Mae spell out the Polish connection at the heart of elite manipulation. It's totally fresh work and of course, it's kinda neat to hear a cool old bird from the '70s spelling out the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission as the ones we need to arrest along with the other social-psycho think-tank pricks who numb people into thinking violence is an acceptable way of managing the planet.

Mae Brussell died prematurely young of fast-acting onset cancer in the middle of her investigation into the matter. 

Don't they all?

Friday 20 January 2012

Was Saturn Once Our Sun? - Saturnalia & Coaxial Brown Dwarf Arrangements

It's not only Troy McLachlan who has a story of a different solar system in the past and if we're listening to John Lash and his Sophia's Correction forecast it may well have in the near future once again. The case for Saturn worship (death cult) from ancient times to the Nazis not only builds up but gains credence in a logarithmic manner. I appreciate the way Troy pays attention to the Kubrick, Saturn, Nazi connection. This post links in nicely with the Plasma Cosmology post.

Friday 13 January 2012

Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.

It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner. 

The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.

Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.

John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.

Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.

Monday 2 January 2012

Operation Paperclip - How The Germans Lost WWII But The Nazis Won

I've used the visual above as recently I've learned a bit more about mind control than I really would normally not want to. Duncan O'Finioan explains in interviews that with sufficient pain, and then some more, the mind has to shear off into a new personality which is then malleable to programming.

Historically, the U.S military's Project Paperclip transfer of Nazi talent at the end of the war from Germany to the U.S. completely undermined any moral premise for going to war. The war machine whips up the people to go fight an enemy and then when the enemy is defeated, as in this case, the ideological and technocratic elite were shipped wholesale back to the US, and began to usurp the institutions of the United States. Everything from the Pentagon to NASA to medical research was populated by some of the most ardent Nazis in the war. Mix in the occult themes popular with groups within the SS and it's fair to ask the question. Did the Nazis actually win the war and infect their host root and branch?

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Die Glocke Projekt - Dr. Joseph Farrell (The SS Brotherhood Of The Bell)

Currently I'm most interested in the cross over between Dr Joseph P. Farrell's work and Douglas Duane Dietrich on the subject of Nazi Germany's acquisition and testing of an atomic weapon at the end of the war. Both provide different sets of evidence for this and it's worth considering why that story was never told and the ongoing implications of that secrecy. In this interview with Dr. Farrell on Coast To Coast AM the topic of discussion is the Nazi Bell project which points towards not entirely unsuccessful experiments in field effect propulsion or anti gravity if you wish.

Here's a (slightly snarky) review of his book on Amazon. Dr. Joseph's command of the topic as you can hear in the interview above is masterful so I think it's OK to use this as his meticulous work stands up for itself. If you prefer German I've cut and paste a German description below the English because we won the war (just kidding).

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell's The SS Brotherhood of the Bell continues the author's work - brought out in the Giza trilogy and the "Reich of the Black Sun" - advocating that the general public has been deceived by its leaders for the better part of the 20th Century, and that the deception has been exacerbated in the new century. 

Dr. Farrell's contention is that there is an alternative doctrine of physics that - if studied and understood by experts and laymen - provides a general set of explanations for a variety of mysteries in our world such as UFOs. At the risk of grossly mis-stating the author's explanation, it seems to me that this "ether physics" is based broadly on the notion that our very environment is alive with energy rather than objects within the environment being the source of energy. The most notable result of this theory is that an object would be able to move through the environment by creating shifts in the ether. Call it whatever you wish, but this caused me to simplify the theory down to magnetic power... 

Central to his premise is also the need to accept that - if ether physics are valid - then there has been a systematic and prolonged effort by those in power to hide this information from us. And, further accepting the credo that "knowledge is power" as the justification for such actions, one is directed by the author towards the conclusion that a worldwide entity larger than any single government is manipulating matters. 

Dr. Farrell contends that ether physics is not a new theory. In fact, in his earlier books on the pyramids at Giza being sources of ether-physics-related power, this science is virtually antediluvian. It was, however, Nazi Germany and its links to the occult that caused resurgence in experimentation into ether physics in terms of its military potential. While discussing various technologies - as he did in his earlier book Reich of the Black Sun - the center-piece of this book is an alleged experiment that is more-or-less eponymous with the title of this book. 

The bare details are this: the Germans were experimenting with high speed magnetic rotation of various elements. The results of these experiments are mysterious, deadly and, in some cases, contradictory, depending upon references. Core to this part of the story is published material from a Polish researcher named Igor Witkowski. He claims to have accessed documents that were held in the former German Democratic Republic but are now being accessed with the collapse of Communism. It is Witkowski's work - also cited heavily in Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point - that is the basis for the bell-related information in Farrell's book. 

All concerned conclude their stories with the scientific equipment and records being taken by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Hans Kammler, a real person who had virtual total control of the German secret programs in the 1944/1945 timeframe. But, with Witkowski and Cook are somewhat vague about what happened with the end of World War two, Farrell is adamant in his belief that Kammler and other former regime members were able to cut deals with all the allied powers and, in doing so, were able to establish themselves as an extra-national entity that operates to this day.

Dr. Farrell continues on to presents his view that the entity that is controlling and manipulating the post-modern world is dominated by a "next-generation" Nazis who have taken over the older more established behind the scenes New World order groups such as the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations and Skull and Bones. The author states that Bush, pere and fils, along with John Kerry are either willing accomplices or subjugated dupes.

Auf Deutsch:

Above Top Secret: Ultrageheime Technologie des Dritten Reichs jenseits der Vorstellungskraft.

Was hat es mit der geheimnisumwobenen „Glocke" auf sich?

1945 verließ ein geheimes Hightech-Waffenprojekt mit dem Codenamen „Die Glocke" seinen unterirdischen Bunker in Niederschlesien -- und mit ihr Hans Kammler, Viersterne-General der SS. An Bord eines riesigen sechsmotorigen Ultralangstreckenflugzeugs vom Typ Junkers 390 verschwanden die Glocke, Kammler und sämtliche Projektunterlagen für immer von der Bildfläche. Ging dieser Flug nach Amerika oder nach Argentinien? 

Der Großteil der Wissenschaftler und Techniker, die an diesem Projekt gearbeitet hatten, wurden im Vorfeld von der SS kaltblütig ermordet. So verschwand eine Geheimwaffe, die laut einem deutschen Physik-Nobelpreisträger die Einstufung als „kriegsentscheidend" erhalten hatte -- eine Sicherheitseinstufung, die höher lag als alle anderen Geheimwaffen des Dritten Reichs, höher sogar als die Atombombe.

Welche bahnbrechenden physikalischen Geheimnisse waren mit der Glocke verbunden? Um sie zu schützen, scheuten überlebende Nazis jedenfalls auch nach dem Krieg keine Mittel. 

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, spezialisiert auf die Erforschung wenig dokumentierter Aspekte in Wissenschaft und Geschichte, enthüllt in diesem Buch eine unfassbare Reihe exotischer Technologien, die im Dritten Reich erforscht wurden. Er wirft damit ein neues, verstörendes Licht auf die gängige Sichtweise über den Ausgang des Zweiten Weltkrieges -- aber auch auf den Roswell-Vorfall und MAJIC-12, das mysteriöse Geheimteam der amerikanischen Regierung zur Untersuchung von UFOs.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Is Dr Joseph P. Farrell The New Real Life Colombo

At the high end of elite occult hypothesis is the notion that we humans are little less than a cock fight being enjoyed by ancient bloodlines and possibly off world interference. Money is not the point for these elite tiers of power, though obviously a few levels below them will be very interested in chasing the financial beans unaware of their true lowly position. This nexus of power sees us as a game to experiment with. For example, they throw twisted and/or amended religious doctrinaire texts at us to see which one is the most fundamentalist or say the least productive or most worth dying for. They are after all studying us and hypothetically have been doing so for centuries if not for millennia.

Listening to this interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford it's hard not to conclude that the Second World War was rigged from the beginning and wrapped up prematurely once the elite bet had been settled and leaving a lot more power intact than anybody else has really sussed out. I've been describing it recently as 'Germany lost the war but the Nazis didn't'. 

Those of you who have checked out my 'Project Paperclip' posts will be aware of this.

Friday 4 November 2011

JPL & Asteroid 2005 YU55

Two different video opinions on Asteroid 2005 or YU55 that is to be the closest an asteroid flies by planet earth in a few days time. The JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) video seems to be authoritive but it's worth using this opportunity to remind people that Jack Parsons of JPL was up to his neck in occultism with the likes of Aleister Crowley and even further high weirdness links with L Ron Hubbard. 

I've blogged about Jack Parsons and JPL in the past (see tags below) and it's worth being acquainted with some of that stuff when considering NASA information. As Richard Hoagland puts it in his book Dark Mission. The joint is run by the Masons, the Magicians and the Nazis. It's more accurate than a superficial glance would lead you to conclude though I'm relaxed about this asteroid even if we seem to be inundated with heavenly bodies doing perihelion on dates and times that are uncomfortably coincidental. The second video drills a bit further into that topic.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

A Brief Introduction To MKULTRA & Dissociative Identity Disorder & Multiple Personality

Allow me to adumbrate how risky the topic of MKULTRA is. I was in an upscale bar last month and was invited to sit with the owner and a fairly large group of his friends. I really didn't want to be there but couldn't get out of it so I sat down and smiled politely thinking about twenty minutes would be OK before excusing myself without anyone being offended. As it happened the American next to me was amiable and made an effort to talk to me. I don't remember exactly why but his age, army connection and nationality were enough for me to ask him if he knew what MKULTRA was. He paused before saying yes then and never said another word for me switching conversation as quickly as he could to another person.

Understanding trauma based mind control is one of the grubbier secrets of power control. The technique might have been discovered as far back as the Egyptians who pondered a lot on the afterlife and death but it was first broadly documented during the Vatican's inquiry of heretical perversity known as The Inquisition. It was during the process of putting people through pain thresholds that split the mind that it was recorded the personality can be split as well. Normally this is to prevent the mind remembering vividly, something traumatic like being run over or stabbed as it interferes with recovery but the psychos at the Vatican thought this was useful and experimented with it as only a business about mind control can. 

The next people to pick up the trauma based mind control experiment baton were the Nazis who had good relations with the Vatican during the war and an unlimited supply of human beings to experiment on called the Jews. People like Joseph Mengele known as the  angel of death for his sickening experiments learned that by fracturing the mind through breaking the pain threshold, the brain makes a cubic like matrix of 13 x 13 x 13 = 2197 sub personalities and all of them can be programmed like a blank hard drive and activated by triggers including sound or words for example. 

I'm sure you're familiar with the expression he/she's "never been the same" but that takes on a new shape if one considers that a phone call with a trigger word can turn one of those alter personalities from a frothing madman into professor. Or vice versa.

Then when the Second World War came to an end the Americans and Russians had a dilemma. Top Nazis had all this knowledge including rocket technology to bargain with. If either side didn't play ball the other would get all spoils of war. A pyrrhic victory if you will.

So the torture and tech spoils were divided up fifty fifty with each side smuggling in the brains they wanted and releasing the masterminds who cut the deal to flee to South America. Some say that Hitler escaped to Argentina this way but officially we do know that through Operation Paperclip the rocket scientists were officially transferred to NASA and the space race was on. Dr Werner Von Braun has been mentioned on this blog from time to time.

Unofficially figures like Joseph Mengele went on to head the mind control departments of the newly formed CIA and NSA alphabet agencies and MKULTRA was perfected to the point where drugs and torture are no longer needed and it can be achieved through technology. Theoretically it would be possible to program a Mark Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald or an Anders Behring Breivik to become patsy killers in a heart beat. However the one that really makes you sit up and WTF is Reagan's attempted assassination by John Hinckley Jr. His brother was going to have dinner with Reagan's Vice President the next working day. The V.P was George Bush senior the former head of the CIA?

Anyway, we all know the Bush family are complete lizards now so that's all out in the open but the reason I started to write this post was I heard about the Madness in the fast lane Swedish sisters in the video above a few months back but didn't examine the story  deeply until an interview mentioned a reasonable explanation for their behaviour could be Satanic or MKULTRA so my attention was hooked and I watched the film. It's worth it for the high weirdness and is a wonderful excuse to take people through a very superficial and incomplete tour of the world of MKULTRA. One of the grubbiest secrets I know.