Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Ghislaine Maxwell

Ghislaine Maxwell is allegedly set to appear on US TV for a "tell-all" interview, despite being just as important an interview by the FBI and Special Branch, who haven't managed to locate and arrest her. It reminds me of that CNN interview with Osama Bin Laden, despite the entire US military's inability to locate him. 

That event was a setup as are the claims of an impending Ghislaine Maxwell interview.

Let's just recap.

Jeffrey Epstein was the ersatz frontman for a brownstone operation, plus sex-trafficking, plus a supply of ritual sacrifice babies, organ harvesting and human experiments the normies will never be able to process, even if they are told (cognitive dissonance), by researchers who have seen enough evidence.

Epstein had no degree, no teaching qualifications and was funded into position by the Israeli Zionist Mega Group, which is a Zionist Jewish Billionaires clubwith an extensive and deep network of sexual blackmail over government officials, top scientists and leading technology entrepreneurs.

In contrast, Epstein's partner in crime, Ghislaine Maxwell (Pronounced Gill, soft g - for fish gill, and Len/Lane for a stroll down lovers-lane/len), was the Oxford University graduate, helicopter, jet and submarine pilot, as well as the brains behind the operation, not Epstein, who she was introduced to, by her father, Mossad spy and Daily Mirror pensions-thief Robert Maxwell in the early eighties. 

He got too greedy and fell off the back of his yacht before being buried on Israel's most prestigious cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

MI6, Mossad and CIA are the usual teamsters behind all the top level organised crime in the world, with Israeli Zionists often the key architects and operators, as we learned from their 9/11 crimes, where many of the criminals involved were tied. We still have many opinions on what actually happened with respect to methodologies. 

We know the who, but not the how. 

Many suspect SIS is actually in charge and the wizard behind the curtain, using their CIA and Mossad proxies to do the dirty work. A common mistake most people make is the misunderstanding that intelligence agencies are tasked with protecting their own country, when in fact they operate trans-nationally, and their main task is to dupe their own populations into believing we are the good guys.

Epstein was ostensibly groomed into position because he blagged his first teaching job at a top NY private school (Dalston), despite having no qualifications, and also because he had already earned a reputation for being keen to attend all the girl-students social affairs and get-togethers. 

The Sayanim (look up the word) in the Mega Group and their wider global network had been tasked with finding a Jewish Zionist chancer who fitted the bill and Jeffrey Epstein was their man.

Leon D. Black, the Zionist head of Bear Sterns discovered through his daughter who attended Dalton private school, about Jeffrey Epstein and his reputation for trying to have sex with his students, Leon decided he was the perfect candidate (not too smart, not too stupid) and began the career-washing of him through the New York branch of Bear Stearns.

After four years, Epstein was urged to set up his own hedge fund backed by Les Wexner, and the rest of the Mega Group’s billionaire Zionist Jews, who made sure he never lacked for money or the 'image' of a billionaire, as money is a touch of a keyboard button for this gang.

Ghislaine was in some respects his handler and Epstein possibly didn’t even know.

Her alleged interview could never be revealing as it will require deconstructing her answers and applying it to the knowledge we already have. 

There will be no mention of the rituals and sacrifices made on the British Virgin Island of Little St James.

Friday 2 August 2019

My Blog Statistics Go Bananas For A Few Days

Punk Planning used to receive about 40,000 hits a month before Google's search engine buried any researchers and writers sharing information the corporate (Fake News) media are unable to. 

I've continued updating Punk Planning, as I still get mentions and links on other larger (alternative media) sites, and I'm happy with a few thousand hits each month from people who do deep dives on search engines.

For some reason it recently picked up massively again for about five days before returning to normal. I've no idea why, but I thought it might be worth a post and tagging in statistics, as I've been booted off Facebook for publishing the Israeli artist Natalie Cohen Vaxberg's art.

It's interesting isn't it?

Every Western icon from Shakespeare to Mermaids can (quite rightly) be portrayed by any other culture/skin-colour than Caucasian, but when it comes to Israeli or Jewish icons, they are sacrosanct. 

It's almost as if hatred of white people is an issue for some very powerful people.

Mass produced ballpoint pens were invented after the alleged Holocaust.

History is written by the victors, and as much of my research documents, the allies did not win WWII. 

Update: I think something is teasing me. 

Update: Google Analytics says I'm talking out of my arse.

Friday 19 July 2019

תכנית החלוקה של אנה פרנק-חלק אחרון - Anne Frank's Distribution Plan

Transgressive, but in a brilliant & healthy way.

Natalie Cohen Vaxberg

Natalie Cohen Vaxberg

Natalie Cohen Vaxberg
Natalie Cohen Vaxberg

Wednesday 29 August 2018

False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack in Idlib?

We've seen this script played out so many times by the Western powers. Macron is making all the right threats, John Bolton just came back from Israel and Western Agents have been spotted moving into the area.

Every chemical weapons attack in Syria has been done by us our our Al Nusrah/Jaysh al Islam terrorist buddies, often disguised as the British Military Intelligence created "White Helmets" who have no problem calling in NATO backed bombs and then filming the carnage after as if they are the heroes.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Trump's Derangement

The same media that howls at every Trump move will applaud this and the left and the right and QAnon will join in. 

Friday 11 May 2018

(Nathaniel Mayer) Victor Rothschild & The Spy Game

Not a lot of people appreciate that all the key intelligence agencies work for the global elite and not the countries they profess to serve.

The way they overcome this negative reality is through social engineering and programming via Hollywood scripts, TV Plays, Fake News and Bond Movies... the sort of bullshit that programmes the witless to venerate the least among us.

I was researching Anthony Blunt a while back. He was recruited to spy by Victor Rothschild and as it was a library book I noticed that a previous reader had written in the margins, the Zionist Jewish influence on the spy game that ties up a lot of questions that many historians are puzzled by.

In my experience Victor Rothschild was a triple agent in traditional terms but actually just a freelancer for all sides making sure that war, technology and ignorance were distributed evenly so the real power can maintain its control.

This is an obvious role when triangulating information.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Sarah Silverman & Ahed Tamimi

I was disgusted by Sarah's comments on abortion and eating fetuses last week, yet I'm equally astonished that she published the above in support of Ahed Tamimi.

If more Jews had a backbone about calling out the unconscionable occupation of Palestine we would be in a far better place than we are now. Zionism is not Judaism. Period.

Friday 16 February 2018

Dr Jerome Corsi Is A Very Confused Gentleman #QAnon

Jerome Corsi is doing interesting if somewhat speculative analysis of the QAnon phenomenon. However the stench of his self deception has to be documented to ensure that it's only the truth tellers who rise to the top.

Corsi claims he has an intelligence background/clearance working for the State Department in the past. If so how could he not know that MI6 stands for Military Intelligence Six not Military One Six as he has repeatedly stated in recordings?

Then I noticed he referred to Kazhakistan. I think he means Kazakhstan. This could be simple senility.

Earlier today I heard him refer to the Stoics of Ancient Rome, when they originated in Ancient Greece. Again, another slip that isn't important but does build a picture.

Finally he has implied that Kissinger is a White Hat.

This is the ultimate insult so I'll just remind him of his greatest Faux Pas.

ISIS are Sunni Muslims not Shiite, Dr. Corsi, and the West/Israel created them to stoke up the Sunni Shiite divide. Iran has been destroyed by the deep state and the money they got  back from Obama (admittedly an unorthodox deal) was their own confiscated money.

What Corsi hasn't figured out is Hezbollah are on our side, not the Deep State's side. I will shred him in any debate on this subject that he has the courage to engage with me live and recorded. 

I wont mention Israel's key role in 9/11.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Jerry Seinfeld & American Liberalism

Friday 26 January 2018

Sharmine Narwani on Israeli False Flags

Sharmine Narwani is a highly respected commentator. 

Friday 10 November 2017

Lord Polak - Scurrying to Avoid TV Cameras

I'm fairly confident that some aspect of British Intelligence with the help of the PM and Alan Duncan set up Priti Patel.

She's extraordinarily stupid for a cabinet minister as can be seen defending capital punishment here, and is precisely the right kind of character for British traitor Lord Polack, ennobled by David Cameron to sleaze up to and convince her that nothing can touch her.

Well that smug grin just got wiped off her face and above we see Lord Stuart Polak like a rat running for cover somewhere dark.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Underwear Bomber & Vegas Mass Shooter

People often forget that the 'underwear bomber' changed flight travel

Now we have to strip down to our underwear or walk through carcinogenic scanners that can also interfere with DNA gene expression, owned by the same people who faked 9/11

It's the same deal with the Vegas Shooting, and Kurt Haskell who was on that flight takes us through the connections.

Michael Chertoff the dual Israeli citizen that ran the Justice Department which covered up Israeli involvement now stands to profit once again.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Trump's Zionist Ball & Chain

By coincidence I'm reading Michael Collins Piper's, Final Judgement about the Zionist Israeli connection to JFK's murder, and so I'm somewhat familiar with the Jewish mobsters Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Seymour Weiss, Mickey Cohen, Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) and Al Gruber, many of whom have more contemporary connections to Trump and his property empire, for which it appears he is a front through characters like Roy Cohn.

To be clear, Collins Piper states that the Hollywood Italian mafia were the puppets of the Jewish mafia. Either way they're all criminals.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Dave McGowan's Programmed To Kill

After years of peddling 'I don't believe in mind controlled assassins' Comedian and Pseudo Catholic Philosopher Jay Dyer finally tacitly concedes that the MK ULTRA program spits out mind controlled assassins. Now all he has to do is go back and read Tragedy & Hope and reconsider which actors are programmed multiples.

The picture is of Sirhan Sirhan. The Palestinian young man, the CIA and Mossad set up as a patsy to murder Robert Kennedy through erm mind control. The ballistics prove this beyond doubt.

Springmeier claims that Ronald Reagan was a programmed multiple. This makes perfect sense to those who have read "Dutch" by Edmund Morris. It's the official biography canned by the Reagans because it got a little too close to the truth.

Saturday 17 December 2016

The Cruellest Hoax, Israel's Fake History - The David Icke Videocast

The people of Israel are no more programmed than that of the UK or United States. Their programming framework obliges them to view their occupation of Palestine as a threat to their safety. However, the same could be made to happen in any country where the consumer classes are reliant on the corporate media, theocratic mythology and bought and paid for historians to justify their position having a moral and legitimate authority.

This Videocast of David Icke is a tour de force. There are some small factual errors as I've researched the subject of the Bankster sponsored Nazi Party better than he, but it's a calm, lucid and revealing presentation on the cruel hoax of Zionism.