Showing posts with label gnosticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gnosticism. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Nag Hammadi Library (NHL) - Books I'd Like To PDF Rip From Google

The Dead Sea Scrolls, Entheogens & Pharmacratic Sorcery (Parts 1 & 2)

Around the time I was learning of the sacred mushroom metaphor in John Allegro's harshly attacked Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican I made the leap in the book of Genesis as an allegory for prevention of humanity having entheogenic experiences. John Lash takes it one step further and points out the logic flow of the priesthood not only creating an intermediary position for themselves between man and source but also that they are terrified of the experience themselves.

In addition John explains in the first part the lifeless logic behind the pursuit of the transhumanistic path which is if we consider it properly must be a neurotic fear of death concrete evidence of not actually living in the first place.

There's lots more but I like to tap a few words out to give a feel for the content.

John Lash - The Virus Of Divine Paternalism

Comparative mythologist John Lash has a hard to dispute lesson that the ethics of Judaism and Christianity were savagely corrupt from the get go. His main point outlined in his best selling book 'Not in his image'is the insanity of salvationism. In other words the power of the idea (or meme) that we are born sinners and the path to salvation is through a messiah redeemer/redemption complex. It's a non human construct peddled by the servants of our outside interference problem.

Lash isn't shy to point out that world events are being orchestrated and as we see Iran being provoked along religious and geopolitical lines it's impossible for the rational thinker who can see through the media propaganda lies to ignore the evidence for yet another uneccessary war being stirred up by very powerful groups who have no skin in the game.

We learn once again that Jesus and Simon would have emerged from the Zadokites/Tzadikim, an ultra radical sect often known as the zealots who viewed themselves as the righteous ones and who to this day, right at this moment, are threatening Iran with war. This is the hideous danger of divine right to ascribe ones self to a group of people who are chosen. It is xenophobia in its purest form.

John reminds us that Saul the bounty hunter (who became the St. Paul) under the protection and on behalf of the Roman empire infiltrated the radical and problematic Tzadikim through their induction ceremonies. Paul learned the secrets of the shadowy leader figure of this group of the name Melchizedek, and then turned against them establishing his own variant with the seeds of the Tzadikem sect present from the beginning. He takes care to point out that the Hebrews were no fans of the Zadikim due to their eventually suffering by being turfed out of the holy land by Titus who chose to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than tackle the hidden virus.

Lastly and most importantly John Lash is explicit that the worst variant of the Abrahamic faiths is Islam which has a virus that turns in on itself as we see with the war between Sunni and Shiite doctrines. Also we should never forget the oppressive nature of Islam towards women but in the end all the Abrahamic faiths are a virus on humanity.

An off world idea easily planted by powers with technology to appear as Gods & Angels.

Monday 9 January 2012

The Lost Gospels - The Vatican's War Against Enlightenment

The Roman Empire Catholic Church through the Vatican has pursued a vicious and ugly agenda over millennia including anti-nature, anti-women anti-mystery and pro-ignorance. The Gospels that were chopped out of the Bible are by definition of their censored status, more important than the one's retained. This documentary like the Da Vinci code doesn't hold back on talking about the sexual relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In the gospels removed from history this Jesus is unrecognisable from the white skinned, hand lotion McJesus sold by Rome. The Vatican then portrayed the image of Mary as a whore when by many accounts she was Jesus' equal.

This was not widely know even ten years ago.

Our Genetic Blind Spot - Gnostic Warnings On Intra-Species Predation

We're the only species that takes intra-species predation seriously. It happens elsewhere in nature occasionally but we humans are manipulated into wars and killing each other.

We've let the psychopaths rise to the top of society in defence, politics and business. The Gnostics taught us this was a genetic deficiency not originally planned. John Lash is worth listening to on this as it's a myth that lives on around us on the front pages of the newspapers and on electronic screens of reality framing.

Update: Original movie removed

Friday 6 January 2012

John Lash: Gaia's Experiment & The Psychopathic Intra-Species Predator

"We still need to take the warrior position towards the predators and that is the signature and the proof that you are dedicated to the planet and to the sanity and beauty of human potential is that you take this warrior position".

John Lash

John Lash - Illusion, Truth, Planetary Tantra & Flushing Out The Psychopathic Intra Species Predators

In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act - George Orwell.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Celebrities Devoid Of Art Jamming Creativity Down The Toilet

I'm semi reluctant to plug Christopher Knowles interview here because I'd hate to see this post contributing to wider attention and better bill paying gigs that distract him from his book writing and excellent blogging. Christopher is the first person to credibly explain to me why The Clash were so good. I've never been into them but knew I was missing something from friends explanations, and it's nailed in this awesome interview about the secret history of Rock & Roll which connects straight back to the mystery schools and Dionysian waywardness.

If you don't learn a lot from this interview then you shouldn't be reading this but instead should be interviewed yourself. Christopher makes the interesting point that Rock & Roll can't be reinvented like say Nirvana did with the current hipster scene in music bars too self concious to bounce off the walls in case they look silly on Facebook pic uploads. He's a first class observer of the times and I urge everyone to listen to the excellent and erudite interview originally done by Cosmic Gnostic

Sunday 1 January 2012

Earliest Written Aliens Account - The Archons

I've yet to find a better rationale of the alien presence than the writings of the Nag Hammadi texts. I think it's worthwhile referring to these in the event of unexpected visitors or rather a more material manifestation of their presence. 

Technically we can go back further in history to the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets but unlike the Gnostic texts the tablets are the word of the 'Gods who from heaven to earth came'.

That's Gods/Elohim plural (check that in Genesis for yourself) and is a big difference from mystic humans who warned us of mind parasites and inorganic beings from space manipulating our planet unseen. It's clear they've done nothing for us since Mesopotamia. 

I'd rather be hunter gatherer than have anything to do with them. Far more honourable and in harmony with nature. John Lash explains why we should be serious about these Gnostic Samizdat texts the Vatican Church did its best to destroy.

Friday 30 December 2011

John Lash - Planetary Tantra Part 1 & 2

One of the themes of Planetary Tantra that I really like is the revival of the beautiful, the sensory, the erotic and the playful fun. These are not qualities of the consumer capitalism classes and I hope it's an early indicator of where it's going.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Jungian Analysis Of The E.T Question - Professor Emeritus Of Religious Studies David J. Halperin

I took a quick look at this yesterday and decided Professor J. Halperin was a bit stuffy and  traditional for me, but today before closing the tab down I noticed he asked who gave the first telling of the mythical Greek Gods and then specifically he mentions Perseus against Medusa which was just enough to for me to give him a whirl. 

I haven't yet discovered if he's familiar with Douglas Dietrich's explosive revelations on the Roswell incident but he's a good introduction to the archetypal and transdimensional nature of the topic. Give him a whirl if you like it erudite and professorial. 

He's an Ezekial specialist for you spinning wheel obsessives and he picks up on Sagan's ambiguity of position which we now know was because he was holding back on us.

The Professors Betty & Barney Hill deconstruction is novel but doesn't really factor in the Gnostic account of the neonate entities known as the Archons and thus well before Striebers book cover illustration of Communion, or is he ticking off that subject with his mention of the Jewish mystics account in Hekhalot Rabbhati in which I'm not sure I understand his psychological point with respect to trauma and recalled memories drawn from the visual Zeitgeist. 

Sunday 25 December 2011

John Lash - Aeons, Anthropos, Pleroma, Demiurges & Monogenēs

This  interview with John Lash is his most comprehensive explanation of the Gnostic narrative of Sophia from the pleroma of our galaxy to a planetary being. If it was half as good it would have still been the best unexpected Christmas gift I could have wished for. First class applied myth telling as relevant today as it was in the mystery schools thousands of years ago. The interviewer just takes a back seat and let's John Lash speak in his slow,  thoughtful and measured manner. It's the finest one yet and I've covered a fair bit of his audio recordings online thus far. 

It was done by Cosmic Gnostic though I don't have his name to hand just now.

Friday 23 December 2011

John Lash - Lessons From The Russian People's Revolution

It took from 1905 to 1917 for the Russian people to rise up and revolt against the tyranny and brutality of the Czarist regime. One can't imagine Tahrir square bubbling in this manner without boiling over for 12 years unaided by Twitter and Facebook. John Lash draws stronger parallels to contemporary affairs with the Russian revolution through their establishment of surveillance mechanisms established within the Russian military called the Okhrana.

Furthermore John establishes that the peoples uprising was about throwing off an imbalanced society. The international banking concerns were at play in Russia as indeed they are today across the global financial capitals, and like the present are in collusion with Government, while subjecting the 99.9999 percent to a live of misery and financial slavery.

Lash's strongest warning is on how the peoples revolution was infiltrated and taken over by the well funded Bolsheviks and thus became part of the managed experiment in Communism for the international paymasters who benefit from betting on both sides as indeed they have for all the important wars since around the 1800's or since the establishment of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Thursday 22 December 2011

John Lash - Gnostic Vigilance Against The Archons

There's a million reasons to take a look at John Lash's work. His proselytizing of the Organic light and Sophia Gaia/Planetary Tantra (applied myth making) have no competition given he's piloting the exploration of the latter openly and on the internet for all to see.

However it's his life of scholarly study that led to a focus on the Nag Hamaadi book discoveries and subsequent translation from the Coptic language that tells a story with two dum dum bullet points that are straight from The Matrix or Inception.

The first is how the Gnostics warned humanity of mind parasites/killer memes that would use religion as their most effective tool of control. The second is the explicit and lengthy talk of the presence of Archons as an alien influence on planet Earth. Each would sound preposterous if they weren't so hip and humming with circumstantial evidence.

We'd know so much more if the Vatican and Rome had left us alone instead of burning their libraries. We'd be peaceful cohabiting Cathars, Pagans and Telestai/Gnotics types. People who cared about nature, celebrated mysteries, were devoted to learning and shunned materialism.

If you do get listen to the interview of how the Archons covet our human genetics you can take comfort in this creepy outfit and their awkwardly named genomic project.

John Lash - Mystery Religions, Gnosticism & The Antichrist

John Lash is interviewed here by Red Ice Radio and takes us through the real meaning of the destruction of the mystery schools around the middle of the first millennium.  He tackles the belief system of the Christians that he describes as psychotic salvationism,  victim/perpetrator meme-pushers and pernicious redeemer-class peddlers. 

I agree with that.

The mysteries were open to all people of every class from slaves to emperors. They were egalitarian and not even remotely connected to contemporary associations of illuminati manipulations. John elaborates at length how the mysteries are part of the solution for very contemporary problems when looked at as ancient ways to solve our challenges.

He also reminds us that Emperor Constantine was the most threadbare of Christians obliged to portray himself as one (much like George Bush) to codify the religion in order that the Roman military empire could subsume it. Christianity then ripped off the existing pagan ceremonies and symbols so that the people would react favourably. He talks about the emergence of Christianity originally from the Zadokite (or Zealots) cult (inspired by the shadowy figure of Melchizedek) and how the redemptive obsession of Christianity was totally antithetical to the sentiments of the day. Here he elaborates on how the messiah complex was a new and mind-like virus introduction to daily life. 

Later John questions that if Christianity really espoused love of all men it would have been able to peacefully coexist with the existing Pagan and Mystery Schools. He describes the early Christian monks as storm troopers so fanatical they raged through the temples of Luxor and Memphis in Egypt to fanatically destroy the books and engage in cultural genocide. He posits that the reason we have lost our way in the world is because we have lost our vision and our purpose.

Sunday 4 December 2011

John Lash: Predators in the Midst, Sovereignty & The Warriors Way

In this latest talk, John Lash explains how to surgically remove a lung from a Goldman Sach's Executive while still keeping them alive and how to kinetically terminate a four star Pentagon General without anyone making a fuss. 

OK, just kidding (kind of) but his contra-violence themes are an important exercise in exploring the examined life without being a misanthrope, and as ever with John Lash the depth and breadth of his knowledge is highly interesting to the human that rejects the trivial for the substantial, and embraces integrity over compromise. 

Not selling out in a nutshell.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

John Lash - An Introduction To The Gnostics

Excellent introduction to the subject. The artwork is Hypatia of Alexandria who was brutally murdered and mutilated by a Christian mob.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Intra-Species Predation By Our Elite Ruling Class

John talks about our parasitic problem of intra or same-species-predation. The humans among us who live off other humans not with them. He asks us to identify the predators. For example those in the media who "corrupt our social dialogue with deliberate lies and manipulation".

It's a terrific question. Do we have a collective right to live in peace and harmony without encouraging greed, inequity and discord or do we tolerate the psychopaths who foment division through acquisition and selfish gain. There's a lot to think about here and I've merely adumbrated a few points that only an idiot would quote me on without doing the necessary study, which to get this far would require a couple of weeks solid concentration. So don't quote me out of context. These are serious issues.

Update: The original video was pulled so we're left with a music remix. I've noticed a lot of his work has been removed over the years.

Update: Original video removed.

John Lash - Why Not Hunt The Killer Psychopaths?

I haven't thought this hard about the act of murder since reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. It's very provocative I need to go back and research ideas of free will and karma before I can make a broader conclusion but certainly on the face of it one should know if one is capable of killing. I am if the context is right such as if it's not personal.

It's a five hour 20 segment recording and I've been looping it for a few days.