Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 March 2025

Mark Carney - (Canada's) Security Relationship With US Is Over

Mark Carney is a very obvious globalist stooge. This is a big announcement that isn't in the top results for google news or but is the number one story on


Sunday, 1 October 2023

Come At Me Bro

I've had these images since 2020 because there was a time when Trudeau had a dodgy eyebrow which as regular readers will know falls under the doubles/masks/clones & clowns topic which is one of the few areas I've nailed my colours to the mast over, as a subset of the Q Psychological Operation.

The greatest information war in known history.

However, I was tipped off to go back to the video apology by True Dough for giving an SS Nazi, two standing ovations in the Canadian Parliament. It's not easy to find now, but I tracked it down and when I took a closer look I started giggling uncontrollably. Just look at his right eyebrow.

So much has changed in the last few days, the synchs are off the flat earth map and somewhere in the solar system. the psychic abilities are just getting stronger and it does appear that a tipping point has been reached.

   Gregor Samsa's Cockroach is evaporating and the human is returning.

      Patriots in control.

         What makes a good movie?

Monday, 25 September 2023

Did Nazi That Coming

Pierre Trudeau with Zelenski invited Nazi veteran Varoslav Hunka of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, to the Canadian Parliament yesterday. They gave him a standing ovation for fighting with the Nazis against our ally during WWII, the Soviet Union. If you've supported Ukraine and wonder what you would have done in Nazi Germany. Well, now you know.

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Terror Trudeau - Gotta Go

At least Ardern didn't hide her authoritarianism. She told people straight. Only believe the NZ government and their lickspittle Lügenpresse, and if you don't take the injections we'll imprison you.

Trudeau has a much worse trail of evidence (check his foundation logo out when initially established, no later), but in front of camera, the drama-trained teacher comes out, and he can shed tears if needed (but not yet). Imagine if you can a Prime Minister crushing his people with brutality, excommunicated from cashing a cheque and more then imprisonment and a couple months later reprimanding the Chinese Lizard Communist Party for doing the same to their long suffering people?

See for yourself. He's a great shape shifter and turns on the feminine (I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me) soft voice quite plausibly. Except the word 'perspectives', he means that because it's nowhere near close to protests.

I bet Justin can speak more than two languages but in this instance it's in his favour.

At some point the streets [for them] will not be safe

Hamilton, Ontario Protest 'Justin' Jams

And for shits and giggles (who let Tucker on the set?)

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Fake Justin Trudeau

How is it some people think Justin Trudeau is a lovely young man because he espouses gender neutral pronouns, claims to represent every minority group, especially women, and yet sells bombs to Saudi where women are flogged for being raped and who are currently bombing women and babies in Yemen?

People like Trudeau are very obvious puppets, and if people think the electoral system is the key driver of their careers they're borderline cretinous. It's all staged.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Pierre & Justin Trudeau

Back in 2011 when I was watching George Green whistle-blow about Pierre Trudeau attending network meetings (the network operate below and for the so called bloodline illuminati clowns) and raising child abuse, MK Ultra and other distasteful subjects, I made a mental note that was later corroborated over and again in my research and correlated with other testimonies.

Today we have Justin Trudeau crying crocodile tears for Syrians when Canadian Intelligence trafficked those three British girls across the Turkey/Syrian border to work for ISIS. They were no doubt supplied by their scummy mates in MI6.

Note: Not all intelligence operatives are scum but they work with the worst people in the world. I salute those who are working to change things on the inside.

Saturday, 3 September 2016


This movie eluded me for so long. I downloaded the wrong languages, my media player wouldn't sync with the dialogue, the subtitles I downloaded didn't work with the version of the movie but I finally cracked it a few nights ago.

I opened the latest the file I had downloaded and pressed play and it was in Spanish. Oh well it's not meant to be I thought again, but then I noticed the subtitles option had three options including French and English.

Mommy is a great movie with powerful character portrayals. It also taps into a subject that is increasingly an issue in the Western world where the state can kidnap your children. As vaccines become mandatory, and other privacy and human sovereignty intrusions take place, you can expect more people dealing with legitimate support issues on their own rather than go anywhere near the educational indoctrination and purposeful medical intoxication of the state with prescribed drugs for conditions that are sky rocketing without anyone asking why.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Canada Goes Warmonger

Stephen Harper, Canada's PM is another cookie cutter corporatist who will go to war for Iranian oil using trumped up Weapons of Mass Destruction lies like Bush did in Iraq. The Cookie cutter corporatists include Harper, Australia's Julia Gillard, UK's David Cameron and France's Francois Hollande and of course unghinged Hillary and her buddy nutty Netenyahu. 

Their agenda is globalist. It comes from places like the Council on Foreign Relations, The Brookings Institute, The Trilateral Commission and pseudo 'bombing for peace' groups like The International Crisis Group. Be on guard for their lies in the coming weeks.

I reject their greedy and corporate global agenda. 

It's against humanity and is for elites. 

Wise up.