Thursday 10 March 2011

Transmedia Is So Yesterday

If John Titor's story is true then the transdimensional time-laws that are inviolably cast in the multiverse theory mean we may well be on the cusp of that dangerously creative idea of at some point manifesting the destiny of, and co-creating our own private universe. It sounds preposterous but that's contemporary science manifesting itself as reality. That's my premature conclusion from listening to the three podcast interviews of people that have written books about him.

As on so many occasions previously it's my gut instinct that is the most forceful dynamic. When John Titor came back from 2036 to meet his mother in November 2000 his mother was asked how she reacted to meeting her son who was then only a couple of years old. Her reply was that a mother always would recognise her son and accepted him immediately. It's the sort of detail that I wouldn't expect and yet makes a lot of sense. It's only one thread in the multi dimensional narrative of a completely astonishing story.

The other tell tale clues that sets my authenticity alarm bells ringing are the usual death threats and online outrage that accompany anybody who espouses truly radical ideas or in this case is actively tinkering with our own timeline. I had lunch with a journalist last week who pointed out that Michael Foot's son Paul Foot had an investigative credo of 'believe the nutters' and so my additional caveat to that is 'where there is outrage, there is truth'. Take 911 for example. Most people still haven't got the guts to say what they feel so it's the largest elephant in the room for good reason. Ask Charlie Sheen about that outrage. The instantaneous moral punditry over acts that as far as I know he's been doing all his life. Have a think about that.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

In Summary

John Titor - Time Traveller On The Net Forums?

This threw a huge spanner in the works for me. I hadn't heard of John Titor until a few hours ago but my own private unified theory was doing very nicely for the next few years even though the Multiverse theory that science is increasingly strident about has been a good house guest when factoring in transdimensional disruptions. That has all changed on first hearing of the interview below. I really need to go back and do the legwork on what John Titor actually said as so far I've just listened to two interviews of authors who have written books about him. 

I could kick myself that I haven't rigorously factored in dimensional (time) travel given that the notion of time as exception to the Omniverse rule rolls off my lips quite frequently and that I'm comfortable with trans-dimensional intervention both conceptually and pragmatically. It just never occurred to me that a 21st century human would be the first credible encounter of the physics that the adolescents of exploding science at CERN are dicking around with.  

Until I reconcile this anomaly with all the other stuff that I've only scratched the surface of (and there's a slim chance John Titor is THE most creative idea media-seed I've ever seen planted), I'm in that somewhat uncomfortable zone of holding powerfully conflicting ideas in my head at the same time. It's spinning me out, but there are glimpses of potential for idea reconciliation, though at this stage the sheer renegade lone ranger factor is baffling me. Just the one off? How come? How so? Whatever the outcome I like this character a lot already. Like me he despises the excesses of consumer materialism that is the myopic hallmark of the morally diminished classes. The superficial materialists. The ones wittingly unaware(sic) that the clock's ticking.

Update: The more I watch the U.S. citizens apathy on constitutional changes to their rights over the National Defence Emergency Act, the more it looks like John Titor changed the dates from 2012 to 2008 to add some urgency to his message. Fascinating.

Dont Shoot The Messenger

Today's trick question is 'which ones are the magnetic fields and which ones are the crop circles?' OK it's hard to ignore that whatever creates these patterns has a lot of magnetism on their minds and so I'll leave you with just one thought that the second to last one above is another example of sacred geometry but that's a separate post in itself so I wont go into too much detail on it's relationship with the 'flower of life' though I have posted previously on the topic for Marko Rodin's magnificent field work using the same principles.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Chances Of Anything Coming From...

I just love that all the UFO action is happening in Nakhon Sawan. Sawan means heaven in Thai.

Monday 7 March 2011

Drunvalo Melchizedek AKA Bernard Perona


Don't worry, neither has Drunvalo. I just check out his latest interview and realised with considerable disappointment that he's not telling the truth. I've pasted the comment I left on Youtube below. They sum up my thoughts on Bernard Perona AKA Drunavalo Melchizedek.

The best thing about this interview is how transparently clear his motivations are. It's all money, treasure, sponsorship, tribe leader name dropping and world tours. I really liked the earlier interviews and looked forward to this one for quite some time. Now that's its here I see nothing but his emptiness. I very much appreciate this upload Lilou. I learned important lessons.

Why Is A Business Conference In Saudi Attended By Clinton Taking UFOs Seriously?

I wrote back here towards the end of the post that I started to take the leaking of information a bit more seriously when the business world started charging money to talk about the subject. At the recent Fifth Annual Global Competitive forum in Jeddah with tickets at $5000 a pop Bill Clinton also appeared and a number of speakers began to talk about the possible commercial opportunities to be had should confirmation that our planet has never really been unknown to extra and inner terrestrial life emerge.  Those videos are now online at Youtube and I think the first one by Stanton Friedman is the most compelling.

Former academic turned Silicon Valley investor Jacques Vallee was a favourite scholarly Ufology writer to Terence McKenna. He reconciled the transdimensional nature of the subject with things like fairies in mythology. We increasingly have a similar understand of a lot of things though his polymath skills are superior to mine.

The last speaker of interest is Physics Professor Michio Kaku who makes a reasonable case for keeping an open mind but often appears as the 'authorized voice of materialist science' on Television for the American information consumer.

If you think this is all nonsense you'll be delighted to learn I intend to begin sharing my learnings from some of these pretty compelling topics. I doubt I'll be able to do more than point my fingers in directions to rather than rap my knuckles on something more concrete than pattern recognition and best-guess speculation. But I'm sort of obliged to to get it out there on the understanding you do your own homework too once in a while.

Solar Flares, Crop Circles & Earth's Magnetism

This latest video from NASA doesn't add too much to the message but I want to show it in comparison to the interests of corporate media.

Neat hair, good studio makeup, opening line concludes with a comforting "they say" despite interviewing one of the top physicists in the world, glib comparisons to Y2K (an event I celebrated in a nightclub with no concern for the future) and finally the presenter diminishes a serious warning to a throw away line that if his Blackberry goes down for a few days that would be OK. 

The earths magnetosphere is  changing rapidly and while that does change the way we should treat solar flares  with this recent monster the best example caught on video it's more important when it comes to ideas of pattern recognition with polar shifts which I will talk about separately.

The Sun is emerging from an unusually deep sleep the Sydney Morning Herald reports today. That's putting it mildly if it precedes an unusually wild awakening.

Saturday 5 March 2011

We Are Stardust, We Are Golden

"I'll camp out on the land - I'll try to set my soul free" -Matthew's Southern Comfort never fails to hit the spot.The last photo is this year's catwalk which is heavily biased towards the silver spacewalk, and nothing to do with the price of an ounce going up exponentially. My friends tell me there's a huge difference between buying silver and actually having it in metal in a safe. Paperwork I guess.

Other times I find myself singing Life on Mars because some are utterly unambiguous about that number. Then I get distracted because I didn't know what time it was and the lights were low. Or is it because he'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'd blow our minds?

Hey that's far out, so you heard him too? Very few have heard or seen this original.

I have no idea why but one picture I posted on Tumblr two days ago has gone ballistic around the world. Here it is.

We look so small and fragile from the moon. We pretend we're not, but we feel so omnipotent staring into our iPhones.

It Wasn't Massive

I thought this was going to be a teeth grinding documentary about a small penis but I was wrong. Its done in a manner that explores the gap between....OK...I'm kidding or rather parodying Art Wank as my friend Eaon blogged recently. Seriously though it's a candid journey on the subject, much of which is on the fly and touches on the awkward while avoiding being gratuitously exposed. Whoops there I go again. Tripple whammy if you were paying attention.

There's a point in the documentary where the owner of the big issue's Mum rhetorically asks if sex is in the mind or the body? Probably both, and probably either or at times. I would have made a great Q.C I think. 

Watch it. Watch it with your partner irrespective of whether you're a big cock or not. It's the issues around the topic that are most interesting and the film maker here nails it. Oops. One more sexual metaphor.

Digital Ethnographers

Crop Geometry Semiotics

It's probably a tricky brief to crack when advertising planners are avoiding the most exciting communication challenge on the planet (sustainable wealth creation) or seemingly refuse to discuss the meaning of 'who or what' briefed the genius creatives that came up with crop geometry. I cant remember what sent me back to the topic, but I did a video search some time ago, and came across a video which had one 'holy fuck' moment for me in terms of coming off the fence as to who or what was creating the phenomenon. I knew it wasn't us.

Apart from quickly learning that the dazzling complexity of recent years is beyond the ability of two men in a pub plotting hoaxes, I came across a largely unknown fact buried in a well made documentary that was so significant it should have made headline news. I've written about manufactured consent before but didn't at that time understand why exopolitical pattern creation could be so dangerous to the strange and largely unknown beasts who shapecontrol and influence mainstream media news.

Very simply the bent crop stalks at fields where crop geometry magically appears overnight within a few hours usually between 2 and 5 am were compared to normal stalks and what you see below is something very important to know. The non control stalks have been subject to such intense heat at the stem nodes that the excess water has swollen the structure and enabled it to bend over without breaking. This can only be done by exposing the crop to electromagnetic frequency range(s). I say plural as we might not know them all but in short it's like say microwaving a field to precise patterns.

So that's science. Not men pulling a prank after a few pints down the pub (though there are a few shoddy attempts at that). It's unidentified electric universe stuff. Over and over again, every time I've investigated anything that's a bit bonkers I've come away with one golden rule and inviolable learning. The people with the firmest convictions and most rigid cognition have done the least research. If you believe that crop circles are man-made, or frivolous, then you haven't done your homework. Take a quick peek at a mosaic below and then go do 15 minutes of Youtube searches/viewing. It's voluminous, well documented, getting more complex each year and the worst aspect is putting up with some questionable taste in music. 

Then when you've got a feel for the range and complexity of it all, you need to watch that documentary I mentioned because that's when I started to put my planning head into action and needed to know what the message was. I wrote at the beginning 'cracking the brief'. That's because it had already been written and the creative already executed. I just didn't know what that brief could possibly be. Let's just say whoops your strategy isn't showing. Which is why it's such genius.

I wont give the game away yet but the most important thing you need to know in the doco is quietly tucked away in such an obvious place that I only realised its importance as I started to write this post.  I've given you a 6 month advantage on where my head was at when I began the exercise. I'll add more evidence and clues in my next post on the subject including the turning point Tesseract shape. 

Good luck. I certainly had a divine hand along the way. Though I often couldn't explain it at the time.

Friday 4 March 2011

Bringing The House Down

Ex Nihilo Nihilo Fit

David Albert Professor of Philosophy, Director of M.A. Philosophical foundations of Physics at Columbia University gives a great explanation of why a glass of water is a mystery to physicists along with an inquisitive, open and knowledge seeking approach as to why that may be. He's easy to follow and raises questions that go straight to the heart of why I reject scientific materialism more than than the material(ism) of consciousness

My own studies suggest that gravity seems to be a force that holds physics most tightly together yet falls apart at subatomic levels to the point where it may well be worth asking is gravity a good explanation but a bad theory? Or vice versa. Equally classical physics explanation of time comes across as dull, linear and unimaginative. Both these epistemological lynch pins feel like they may well be pulled from their respective grenades in coming years and I wonder if they will fizzle or explode.

Size Matters

Via Disinfo

Thursday 3 March 2011


Via Hugh

Letter To Lil Wayne (and all the other trash mouths)

It's Only Just Begun

Last night I hit on a Website that despite putting in a 16 hour day of research on the internet (albeit with plenty of twitter action) kept me up till 3 or 4am. I could easily have read and read and read but I thought a few hours sleep would do me good. Prior to the big discovery, I watched a psychologist from Melbourne do a two hour lecture on a few thousand interviews she had conducted with children who seem to have different qualities and characteristics than previous generations. That in itself was solid Gold as the dots started to connect up from disparate areas of study stretching back to Hong Kong and that's saying something given my chosen areas to focus on were originally quantum mechanics and mysticism.

Naturally those two topics led me into some very choppy areas. Both are riddled with blaggers and hucksters. Keeping an open mind while at the same time retaining some critical faculties is possibly the hardest emotionally-intellectual exercise I've ever taken on. 
Both are thin on facts and long on "true enoughs" as Wittgenstein put it. Some days I just went to bed utterly confused and questioning when would it stop. Other days I've had to reverse everything I was jubilant about the previous day. Today feels different.

Finally I got to a site that I believe was so coherent across all the disciplines of study I've acquired over the last year or so that the "I've arrived" feeling was hard to shake off. I've slept on it. Only a couple of hours but I feel it's survived the overnight test. There's a lot more supportive reading I can and must do but in principle I think I can knock these 18 hour data inhalation fests I am hopelessly addicted to and start to put my affairs in order as I've neglected a lot to get this far. At best I'm about six months ahead of the curve (if at all) but if I can be useful. I will.  I have one more post about advertising to make and then I will focus on what's interesting or useful for the next few years. I've already removed the ad related stuff from my side columns a couple of days ago. It's a revenue model facing ovewhelming abundance at some point, as well as an emotional shift in tolerance, and so that means the clock is ticking. As indeed it has been for nature for so perilously long.

Wow. That was wild.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


I really think Hawking has been fed some bad and possibly agenda driven information by people to be spouting the sort of nonsense which demonises the new, instead of acting in a manner which responds to the the experience of the individual concerned (not me I might add, I've never seen a UFO). By this I mean I certainly don't need anyone from Government or the Military to tell me what to think and feel if a new guest comes to my house. Actually scrap that. Whatever they think I'd think the opposite. It's just a Nazi, Communist, Islam thing.

It occurs to me now that the Pink Terror Hawking thing from a while back makes a bit more sense if thought about within this context as it has the taint of malevolent manipulation though I suspect you may want to visit my exopolitcs post if you're completely unsure of what I'm talking about as I'm guessing most people didn't get past me talking about my great Grandma Lucy Myers.

Here's the Pink Terror Hawking thing again.

Pink Terror Hawking from mike barzman on Vimeo.

The Neo Domino Effect

The domino effect was an elite fear meme foisted upon their peoples to sanction the deaths of brown people in often small Buddhist countries that most people from a superpower couldn't point at on a map. In this instance Thích Quản Đức was a Tibetan Buddhist monk who burned himself to death in the streets of Saigon as a protest against the persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam’s Ngô Đình Diệm administration. It later proved to be the turning point of the collapse of the Diệm regime the same regime imposed on people with the backing of the American army.

I was having lunch with Tim a while back and asked him what he thought of Tunisia before Egypt fell and his response was very interesting. He pointed out that if the suicide bombers chose to immolate themselves like the young unemployed graduate Mohamed Bouazizi who set fire to himself in Tunisia to protest against state oppression, Hamas and Hizbullah may have achieved extraordinary change for Islam around the world.

I'm not sure that blowing one's self up is as tough as setting fire to one's self but the point is symbolically powerful. Never forget that a small group of people around the world have something that the global string pullers will never have. The ability to sacrifice themselves and subjugate their pain for a greater cause. It is this which is uniquely human.

Naarak Mak Mak

Undoctored photo of a Thai girl. Guiness book of records no less.


Many moons ago in a different galaxy I was driving in my brown Austin Allegro (given to me by my mates dad called Austin Brown) with my East German girlfriend in Southampton just before we moved to Germany. 

We weren't talking much, just listening to Primal Scream's Screamadelica when I drew up to some red traffic lights heading north towards Swaythling very late at night or even in the wee hours. It was very quiet. We were the only car at the crossroads. 

At the lights my girlfriend turned to me and said "the music is so weird, it's like a soundtrack to what is going on outside".

Just at that moment the police siren part of the album was playing and a police car drove by with blue lights flashing and either the sirens screaming inside and outside the car were synchronised or there was no siren but just flashing lights on the police car as it sped across our intended path. 

It was an important moment in my life of synchronicity because usually I'm completely alone and nobody understands quite why it seems important. Ulrike my girlfriend was slack jawed from the experience.

The video above is interesting if only because it raises a particularly tough question for me given that 911 is clearly not entirely to do with a man in a cave conspiring to bring the U.S. down (otherwise it's a conspiracy theory that is working out extraordinarily well given the plummeting fortunes of the U.S.)

It's difficult enough dealing with people who haven't done sufficient homework and still believe the official fairy tale about 911 without having to concede that there's an awful lot of symbolism, ritual and coincidence connected to the entire affair. Well I can do but then I'm into some hard to articulate fractally recursive models of time as the exception to an interdimensional understanding of the multiverse. I may as well just make it up it's so hard to explain what I know I don't know. So instead of doing that I'll just remind you of the Symbolism of the U.S. that I blogged about a while back and leave you with what just happened as I was writing this. I took a phone call half way through for a small business related matter from a woman who half way through the conversation I realised sounded like someone I have been trying to hook with for years. I asked her if we both knew mutual friends and it turned out it was her. No small coincidence given I've failed to keep her contact details whenever we meet and she didn't know who she was calling.

Just saying people. Just saying.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


I love the way he challenges that a woman will never visit his studio again. And so the BBC journalist films there next.


Somebody uploaded some Terence McKenna on Youtube without the usual trance graphics which is something I kinda appreciate. This particular talk is interesting because of its sobriety as Terence was often much more playful. However it is introduced by Timothy Leary and in some ways it's that crossover point where, like Bertrand Russell to Wittgenstein, the master hands over the baton to the student.

It's called blasphemy because of the Moby Dick reference. If you're not paying attention then I no longer feel obliged to point out the obvious. I'm doing my  best by airing the finest.

Army Brat

I'm grateful I've always had a sense of history. Growing up British with a father in the Army, I was often surrounded not only by WWII veterans but also WWI vets. Germans and British depending on the country we were stationed in. 

Near one of my father's homes in Netley Abbey is a park where the largest building in the world once was. A hospital from the Crimean war where Florence Nightingale toiled and where later on American Jeeps drove down the central hall it was so long and wide. We'd head down to a pier (pictured under) now no longer, where injured soldiers arrived in all the major wars, and where I learned to do my first somersaults into the gravelly and pebbled beach below. Where the now absent struts had once supported the dying and the wounded as they were fetched into the Royal Victoria Hospital. 

My best friend and I would sneak out late at night to visit the prettiest but darkest of cemeteries with multinational graves of Canadians, Germans, Australians and more. Regiments with names like The Black Watch that I yearned to know the history of before the internet and smartphones. Names from far flung places of empires that no longer exist.

Later on as an adult I worked with the US military in Giessen just after the first Gulf War where i was selected in part because of resiliant psychographic profiling though they never knew that I merely used my wits and gave the answers I felt they needed (I later graphed the real answers and there were similarities of wave from but often with symmetries from the ones they wanted). I watched and observed the American Military machine from up close.

And so all my life I've been blessed with an unusual sense of luck at getting bogged down in a war no more bloody than the Cold War, and that even more so I'd skipped the horrific brutality of The Great War. Trench warfare in WWI was a first taste of mechanized killing through propaganda and manipulation by the string pullers. The second World War an extension of the first. And if the current slew of string pullers could have their way they'd pitch us against each other in an over populated planet's heartbeat. Of this I've no doubt. 

But maybe we're finally catching on. Realising it takes a higher type of consciousness to solve the problems that created it in the first place. Who knows.

What I do know is my idea of hell is trench warfare at the Sommes. Of being ordered to "go over" and slug it out in the poison gas and stench of rotting bodies, the cries and the senseless slaughter. I thank my lucky stardust I didn't have to see it, or if I did, I don't remember it. That so many unwittingly sacrificed all they had, stirred on by new found forms of mass media manipulation that subsequently went on to become the marketing industry through the efforts of Edward Bernays in New York, a nephew of Sigmund Freud exploiting the new found thinking in psychology and mass manipulation.

I'm blessed to have lived through the most extraordinary century ever and in terms of unwitting awareness of how it all was held together but now I know the Kali Yuga and whatever the new point of change will be, I welcome it irrespective of what my own fate is. It's nothing compared to the lives of millions sacrificed in the age of Iron and bullets.

This piece is in memory of Frank Buckles, WWI's last veteran who passed away after an extraordinary stretch of time spanning two centuries of the bloodiest years I've had the good luck ever to have missed.