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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query syria. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday 2 August 2013

American Ninja Warrior - Not All TV Is Evil

I'm horrified by the toxic corporate news media and violence on TV. They program people to tolerate as normal the unacceptable. For two years I've been pointing out that London, D.C, Tel Aviv and Saudi have been bleeding Syria dry, using Al Qaeda for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with promoting democracy.

Most people haven't noticed the media narrative changing in Syria because as long as their comfortable living is maintained what does it matter if MI6 and the CIA destabilized the country to let the psychopaths in and break it up.

However, I had the good fortune to watch more TV than I've seen in years a few nights ago and it was great fun. 

The series is called American Ninja Warrior and if we excuse the two douche bag hosts with botox driven commentary I was reminded that Americans can be among the best and most liked people in the world. All the contestants were fabulous and watching them going through their paces was good entertainment.

It's important to spot the poison on TV but equally it's only fair to point out when it does something right.

Monday 2 September 2013

Will Israel Stage A False Flag Attack On US Warships To Trigger War In Syria Like USS Liberty?

 photo drstrangelovegif.gif

Israel has a history of attacking US warships for their own interests. Now that the US fleet is in the Mediterranean will they bomb a US ship like the USS Liberty to goad the US into a war in Syria? Will the American people and gullible Western public fall for it again. We shall see.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Bashing Barack

It's time for a rare defence. I've criticized and questioned Obama on many many issues and I don't have a horse in the fake left right debate.

My timeline is stuffed with people who have had no opinion on healthcare till the corporate media started to attack Obama, just after he rejected Israeli war on innocent Iran, and stood his ground on the Government shut-down.

Now all of a sudden Obama is the worst liar ever in political history, and people are missing Mitt Romney as President with his demand for war on Russia, Iran and Syria on the pro Zionist Neocon Agenda.

There are many questions about Obama but I think this guy lied more than Obama

As did this guy

and this guy was controlling the previous two, but anyway..

Let's not forget that Reagan forgot American arms were being shipped from Israel to Iran,  so was he lying when he said they weren't because his "heart said one thing and his mind said another"?

Any American who thinks a person can become President without lying should have questioned the Warren Commission in 1963. 

If you swallowed that one, you've a lot to learn about lies and omissions.

Most people haven't figured out that Obama was lying when he said he wanted to drop cruise missiles on Syria. 

He had no intention of doing so, but as the GOP strategically vote against everything he puts forward, the only way to outsmart the Israel lobby AIPAC pushing for another Middle East war, was to lie that he did. 

For the first time ever Congress rejected that war, and yet somehow 99% don't quite get what happened back there. That's what happens when people only see reality through their tribes.

So let's be Candid. Healthcare is a divisive ideological issue in the U.S.

It's complex, and no two people have the same requirements.

Unlike the 400 people who have reviewed Obama's speech a few days ago I am disappointed that so few saw an awful lot of straight talking. 

So far when Obama tells lies, it's because the American public don't want the truth.

That's not the case with Obamacare. 

Update: I still feel Obama is a more complex character in history than just thumbs up or down, but now I know more about him and it's fair to say he's a Luciferian. It's curious that now we are living in the world of COVID-19, Obamacare may be linked to a second or third wave of what is currently a first wave scamdemic. 

Saturday 10 March 2018

The Bizarre Breakdown of Sibel Edmonds

It was ex FBI 'whistle blower', Sibel Edmonds who first taught us the importance of Operation Gladio by explaining it's extension as Gladio B in Turkey and beyond. 

After the initial exuberance I noticed she never pointed out Israel's key role in 9/11, preferring to focus on what to me seemed trivial information, though others such as Pearse Redmond, were drawn closer to her. I guess it matched his world view of "let's discuss anything but Israel and Zionist Jews' critical role in the event that most shaped the world we live in".

Later on, Pearse ejected from the NewsBud venture and pretty much destroyed her in this memorable podcast embedded below, which pointed out there's no evidence for Gladio B, and that her behaviour corresponds with someone who is an FBI cutout to deflect from the real perpetrators of 9/11. 

It's important to remember that people such as the FBI's Robert Mueller covered up the crimes of that day. This is the same guy conducting a never ending witch hunt investigation of President Trump's alleged but increasingly debunked, collusion with the Russians to win the election.

In this interview we learned that Sibel has a comfortable lifestyle, and the ability to raise a hundred thousand dollars or more quite easily, without any understanding of who her donors are. What is clear is they are not 10 to 20 dollar donors that most other alt media publishers subsist on.

On it's own this wouldn't be enough to demolish her previous work, however in recent weeks, Sibel has taken to twitter to smear some of the best independent journalists in the alt media business including Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley and Eve Bartlett who memorably crushed the mainstream media journalist who hadn't grasped that we are supporting the terrorists in Syria

A fact that only the deranged still deny.

I've long noticed that NewsBud claims news exclusives for the most banal historical observations, and so I thought they were becoming desperate for more funds, but in light of Sibel's attacks on respectable journalists, it's now clear she is an obstacle for the truth coming to light. She is also giving credence to oily pricks like George Monbiot as seen in the tweet above.

I guess her FBI credentials are now the chains that will bind her to the bay as the tide waters come in. She is history.

Monday 7 October 2013

Please R/T | Here's Your Aid @WilliamJHague @AmbassadorRice @AmbassadorPower @AndersFoghR @AmbassadorRice

These are the animals our Western psychos are funding to smash up Syria. Ultimately they are doing it on behalf of Israel whose stated policy is the breakup of the middle East. They're using these 12th century beheaders fighting it out through the Sunni Shia divide which to me seems mainly Sunni psychos who are Saudi Arabia sponsored jihadists. 

I don't see Hezbollah or Iranians doing this do you?


These psychopath Sunni-Muslim jihdadists will never be seen doing this in Israel because their hatred of Shia Muslims is greater than their hatred of any other religion.

Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, London, Paris and Washington DC are all exploiting this hate backing them to do it with large amounts of money to secure a gas pipeline through Syria that is NATO controlled and not Iranian/Syrian controlled.

These monstrous beheaders are puppets even though they are holding the head in this picture. I'm sick of this game and I see right through it all the way from Tel Aviv and the AIPAC controlled congress through to the Zionist controlled Paris & London media. 

Not to mention Qatar and Saudi. 

It's obscene.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Syrian Rebels Force Prisoner To Be Suicide Bomber - @BBC Pulls Video

The BBC is obliged to support UK Govcorp so when a video emerged that revealed the Syrian Rebels (Actually Al Qaeda terrorists in many circumstances) forced a prisoner to become a suicide bomber they removed it.  Fortunately we're on top of it so you can see for yourself if the BBC are brainwashing you into thinking that the Syria story is a simple black and white good against evil narrative. It's not and NATO meddling in Syria has led to massacre after massacre. Be awake to what is going on. Watch the video. You'll be shocked.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Iran Is Not Our Enemy

Looks like Syria isn't going to hold out against NATO sponsored terrorism so it's back to defending Iran (the real reason NATO is attacking Syria). This short video nails the back story to bombing Iran.

Thursday 30 May 2013

The Wizard of Ozrael - Wag The Dog

A three minute neoconservative Israeli primer on the forthcoming breakup of Iraq and Syria. You tell me if  it's not reality. For a longer more punishing look at the subject this new post at Voltaire by Laurent Guyenot is exceptional.

Friday 3 February 2017

Rupert Murdoch, Spying, Blackmail, Propaganda, Fox News & Sky News

Obviously gullible consumers of corporate media messaging aren't going to learn of Rupert Murdoch's Rothschild-partnership, and business interests in the stolen land of Syria through his media organization. However one group of flawed people no longer believe the MSM and that's the so called right, alt right and Trumpists (Donny Tiny Hands supporters).

Regrettably the least informed people on the earth now are the left, currently immobilized and incapable of spotting corporate media programming, virtue signaling and social engineering dialectics. 

The right are just as programmed when it comes to cherry picking information (aren't we all?) but the great shift of 2016 was a large group of people learned the media was hell bent on defeating them and as any thinking person knows, if the corporate media (BBC, Guardian, FOX News et al) are united in anything it has nothing to do with a love of humanity. 

Don't believe me? Watch the video.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Stewart Swerdlow On The Anglo American Treachery Of Libya

It's not often I cut and paste from elsewhere but Stewart Swerdlow has written a kick ass article that deserves a wider audience. In the comments of the original post he asks a question that makes a lot of sense if you study all of the context details. Was that Gadhafi's double that was taken out instead?

"By now, everyone has seen the grotesque videos and still photos of Moammar Gadhafi being shot, captured, killed, stripped and paraded around Sirte, Libya while the rebels dance and shout, pray to Allah and the world rejoices that another evil ruler has been eliminated. Are you proud at how the world enjoys death and humiliation? Does it make you feel good to see an old, deranged man kicked and shot in public as people cheer?

We must keep in mind that it was the US and its allies that placed Col. Gadhafi in power originally. It was the same people in power that allowed him to harbor “terrorists” and become the evil villain for their show. When his show was cancelled, he was taken down in a sequel that the entire world watched and anticipated. It was only on Wednesday when Hillary Clinton announced that the dictator would be captured or killed. She is so psychic!

So, the trilogy of this series is completed. We had Saddam, then Osama and now Gadhafi. The puppets they created have been taken off the strings and thrown away. They had to show pictures of the murder of Gadhafi because no one really believed the undocumented murder of pictureless Osama. now there is “proof”.

Again I ask–would a despot like Moammar allow himself to be captured? I know for a fact from sources that he was hiding near the Algerian border with a huge entourage and billions in gold. Where did that go? Did he leave it somewhere? Who was actually captured and killed? Why are there conflicting stories of how he died? Was he found in a cement pipe or in a caravan fleeing Sirte? How did NATO know to bomb that caravan at that precise moment and how did the rebels know Gadhafi was in it?

So, who will come to power now? The rebels, with whom the EU and the US have been helping and supporting financially, are filled with members of Al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood and various other “terrorist” groups. Are we friends with them now?

The next trilogy will also be Muslim. Watch destruction come to the leaders of Yemen, Syria and Iran. The final trilogy will be more “Christian” with the end coming for the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba. A nice, neat little NWO package. Our illustrious leader in Washington, never to be caught with no wars to create, is already preparing Africa for the next “hot spot”. He is sending 100 “advisers” to help local central African nations to eradicate evil men. Isn’t that how the Vietnam war began–we just sent “advisers”.

As governments are shaken, so is the Earth. There have been swarms of quakes this week in Hawaii, the San Francisco Bay area, Iceland and Central America. A 4.8 tremor rocked South Texas. This is either from the weakening in the Gulf tectonic plate or the enlarging of escape caverns and tunnels by the Illuminati. The quake in Virginia was located near major military installations and so is this one in Texas.

Like I said, 2011 is way more exciting than 2012 will ever be. Fasten your seat belts!"

Monday 24 October 2011

Excellent Channel 4 Documentary On Syria

I'm a big critic of mainstream media and so it's only right when terrific undercover reporting is done as Ramita Navai does for Channel 4's Unreported World.

Monday 28 November 2011

The Filth & The Fury - University Lecturer Flips Out

An insanely angry polemic by a University lecturer and taxi driver from the UK. People are waking up to the fact that we always have money to bomb other countries with brown skinned people using our cowardly Royal Air Force but don't have money for the people to live comfortably and in peace. I sympathise with the person who sent this to me as a comment on University lecturers but his language is about the carnage being wrought by the UK on the kids we bombed in Libya a few months ago while selling the war as we would a toilet paper, and are warming up for another one in Syria where thousands upon thousands protested they don't want interference, as indeed they did for Gaddhafi.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Al Qaeda Flag Raised Over US Embassy As Stars & Stripes Burns

Many Americans are so dependent on their corporatized media they've in the dark that they've been assisting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to keep the dollar propped up and the petrodollar in charge. They call it spreading peace and democracy in the military industrial media matrix so it's hard to know how many people understood the importance of that Obama interview I blogged where he claimed we now have good guy al Qaeda and bad guy al Qaeda when he's not doing his weekly shopping list for drone executions in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If all this confuses you it's really simple. The bottom line is knowing the difference between right and wrong. That was lost on the American people around the Iran Contra era when reality poked through the haze and we saw how ugly it all really was and went back to making money.

Here's Jim with the weather.

Friday 24 May 2013

Pulling The Woolwich Over Our Eyes

There'll be no crocodile tears from me. 

Only last week David Cameron pledged 40 million pounds to Islamic extremists cutting heads off in Syria. Until we distance ourselves from blind worship of military, arms dealing Royal visits to Saudi Arabia and uncritical relationships with the corporate media exploiting the Woolwich murder to continue the eternal war on terror then we're just kidding ourselves that we really care.

Friday 16 September 2016

Israel's Sabra & Shatila Massacre

In much the same way that the UK/US and Israel are using ISIS to smash up Syria, the Israelis used Christian Phalangist terrorists to massacre thousands of Palestinians they had expelled from their homeland, and who were forced to take safety in Lebanese refugee camps.

The IDF lit up the sky with flares so the massacre could take place through the day and the night. It was as bright as a sports stadium at a night time football match said a Dutch Nurse.

Interestingly there are IDF war criminals now based in the United States, with senior roles in well known corporations, who openly brag about their role in this holocaust on Linkedin.

I will add their names to the roll call of genociding war criminals to this post as I see fit.

Monday 21 October 2013

The Zapruder Movie Hoax

Who Was Abraham Zapruder?

Abraham Zapruder was conveniently positioned to film the murder of JFK and was a CIA linked Zionist. The film he made wasn't shared with the public until 12 years later. Abraham Zapruder was connected to George De Mohrenschildt. He was also a 32nd Degree Mason too.

Where Was The Movie Stored?

The Zapruder movie was kept by Time LIFE magazine, a well known CIA propaganda front run by Henry Luce. Henry Luce was a CIA insider and Yale Skull & Bones member like George Bush, who was also in Dallas that day, although he cannot remember what he was doing. 

JFK also fired CIA Director Alan Dulles who was placed on the rigged Warren Commission that was set up to only examine evidence pointing towards the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald killing JFK.

How Was The Movie Tampered With?

Four sequences were removed. The film removes the scenes of JFK's car turning into Elm Street, The Limo turning wide, The car stopping for two seconds and Two shots while the limo is stationary. The film was also tampered with using a technique called aerial imaging photography.

Why Does It Matter?

The same people who made a public display of executing Kennedy to warn future presidents who is really in charge, are the same people (and their offspring, successors and bloodlines) in charge today. They also silenced the media over the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty, sold the Korean and Vietnam wars, dragged us into the Iraq war, and now want to go to war with Iran and Syria.

What Were The Top Two Threats By Kennedy To The Power Elite?

  1. Kennedy wanted to stop Israel developing nuclear weapons through stealing secrets and plutonium from the United States. The Middle East has been in conflict ever since.
  2. Kennedy wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces, after he realised it was really a shadow government crime-syndicate that had lied to him over Cuba and the Bay of Pigs.
Anybody Else Upset With Kennedy?


JFK wanted the oil depletion allowance (tax breaks) for Dallas oil men to be removed and used to invest in the American people not rich thieves. Bobby Kennedy as Attorney General was cracking down on the Mafia and the Mob, The Vice President LBJ came from Texas, hated Kennedy and wanted to be President. His own mistress admitted he knew beforehand, The Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon were furious with Kennedy for not starting a nuclear war with the USSR, which was of no danger to the US. General Curtis LeMay chewed a cigar and enjoyed Kennedy's entire autopsy from the viewing room.

All of these parties assisted in the public execution of JFK. The media aren't allowed to discuss it. 

Fortunately the internet is getting smarter by the day.

Update: I did hear some testimony that Abraham Zapruder is just a cut out and that the real film was taken by some other CIA assets.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Ilhan Omar & The Neocons - Elliot Abrahms

It's no coincidence (in my view) that two new female Democrat stars AOC and Ilhan Omar stick it to the man in recent congressional hearings. 

Like, Quantum of Conscience, I believe politics is too scripted not to see a larger game at play.

Ilhan Omar got stuck into psychopath Elliot Abrahms as you can see above, just hours after pointing out, that Israeli money controls much of USA policy. 

I last wrote about Elliot in 2012 as he urged more war and violence in Syria. He's still the same.

I suspect AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are being allowed to say the unsayable for reasons that include Kissinger's claim a few years ago that Israel is on borrowed time.

It's impossible to have a borderless, ethnic-free and genderless New World Order insect worker if Israel's very identity is inseparable from a wall.

This is my theory. I'm enjoying the show, but...

Future proves past.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Are Putin Admirers Being Two Faced?

Many people have figured out that NATO is the military arm of the 1% (or the New World Order if you wish). They have, along with their Zionist friends smashed up Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine.

I recognise that Vladmir Putin is a leader that the West can no longer produce. I've listened to most of his speeches and so unlike the knee jerk GayDumb™ suckers who are falling for the Anti-Russian propaganda in our corporate media, I identify with his candid manner.

I appreciate his defence of his country and the independence of Russia.

This doesn't mean I think Russia's action in say Chechnya (a Russian Palestine?) were anything but brutal, and so while many of us are grateful that Russia is an impediment against a world where humans are chipped up and work like insects for trillionaires, it's important to know the difference between right and wrong.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 

But sometimes they are. 

Everything is contextual.

Truth isn't a rule book.

That doesn't mean as a friend we can't call out Russia in the future should they do wrong.

This interview between Joshua Blakeney and Brandon Martinez is very much where my head is at when considering the idea that Russia is perfect. 

They're not, but the NATO gang is by far a greater threat to world peace and human sovereignty than any other factor on the planet.

Thursday 10 July 2014

My Perestroika

There's an interesting confluence between Generation X and Perestroika people. Broadly speaking we have the same spectrum of values without having really met till after the fall of the USSR.

We don't like authority, we don't believe the State, we're sceptical of media and we prefer to live with values that transcend materialism even if it means we're often broke.

I felt uncomfortable watching My Perestroika. It's a close up look at people of my generation's lives. I was left with two sound bites from this film, that stuck in my mind like a Shuriken (Chinese throwing star or ninja star) from a Bruce Lee movie.

One woman spoke about the overpowering need, during the fall of communism, to run out into the streets and squares to be with like-minded people protesting at the insanity of those who claim to be in power.

I feel like that all the time. We're trashing the planet with a growth model that doesn't have a planet B.

One gentleman talked about how he couldn't understand the Russians who flipped from being Communist one day to Capitalist the next, just because their TV's told them so. No reflection, no awareness, just making money is all that matters now.

It's a bit like those who have talked about the war on terror and the need for security, but now fall silent as NATO funds Nazis in Ukraine and terrorists in Syria.