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Showing posts sorted by date for query military industrial complex. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 18 July 2020

Hollyweird - Obituary

It's been around 9 years since I first learned about the degeneracy and concentrated evil that props up Hollywood, or Hollyweird if you wish.

I had an inkling I might see the fall of the magic machine in my life. I hoped that would be coupled with exploding consciousness of the heinous practices that permeate the military, industrial, scientific, congressional and entertainment complex, but it was never a sure bet, and it has been a lonely journey.

Soul crushing for the greater part.

That's all changing now, and while it wont be on the horizon of mass media consumers, it will soon be on their doorstop and impossible to ignore.

I dedicate the Zapatilla track above to Hollywood and more importantly their unconscious consumers who are entertained to death for a wee while longer, as the gravity of how it really works sinks in.

Friday 12 January 2018

Edward Klein - Blood Feud - The Clintons vs The Obamas

I did this six hour audio book today. It's much healthier than checking out the the #QAnon shit, which even Jerome Corsi is peddling, confirming it has to be a psyop, as he's a servant of that creepy little Spartan state established in the Middle East by the Rothschilds.

It was good to revisit Ed Klein, the former NYT journalist's information. The Obamas and Clintons loathed each other on a level that a conspiracy analyst like myself has to integrate in some meaningful way. I have to remind myself it's self evident he doesn't know the connection to child sex trafficking in Haiti by the Clintons and that the Obama's must know this and their track record for murdering those that get in their way.

Obama's narcism was name checked again recently and I was reminded of this throughout the audiobook. That said I felt a sympathy for him that I haven't felt for some time. I was let down by so much of his weakness in achieving hope and change, that I'd forgotten that the job is pretty much impossible in any case, and that for better or worse he did achieve a sort of half hearted war mongering in Syria and Ukraine that kind of pissed everyone off including me but is actually a sign of semi even-handed leadership of something as Satanic as the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.

Ed Klein is good and has great insider connections for this story but once again we're confronted by a mediocre Jewish journalist elevated to a synthetically high level because of Zionist nepotism in the media. He name-checks every nuclear power in the world except the illegal one based in Tel Aviv and sounds about a thousand light years behind the times when he tars President Assad for killing his people, when it's well established that the UK, US and Israel created ISIS and genocided this beautiful significantly Christian country for a plethora of reasons including energy, Israeli hegemony and plain greed.

The silly fool doesn't even know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag initiatives.

The oldest trick in the book.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Tom Delonge - The UFO Disease

David Wilcock who proselytises the Blue Avian/Corey Goode nonsense calls out Tom Delonge in an epic rant that, although somewhat accurate, is rooted in self evident envy.

David's role as a useful idiot and inadvertent shill for military industrial complex fairy tales has been out-shilled by Tom Delonge former front man for Blink 182 (don't those figures add up to 11?).

Grant Cameron nails the intrigue in the last video and once again demonstrates the age old question. 

Why is the deep state so obsessed with muddying the waters of the UFO/UAP/Alien topic? 

They literally have a handful of well funded disinformation narratives they are spinning right now which suggests that something is coming down the pipe.

Even John Podesta was trying to leverage the topic, though I always thought it silly that as her former Chief of Staff he used twitter to talk to her, when he has a direct line to her famous blackberry that she smashed up after leaving the State Department which she used to raise money for foreign bribes from countries like Saudi where women are the equals of dogs and transgenderism is a head chopping offense.

It's worth reading Tom Delonge's fawning and obsequious emails to John Podesta to see how creepy he is towards power.

If you don't have time to study all the material just skip to the Grant Cameron interview at the end.

Friday 14 July 2017

Herbert Marcuse - The Frankfurt School

It's fashionable now within the alt-research community AKA information terrorists, to lay the blame of contemporary moral bankruptcy at the door of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism. There's clearly some basis in this argument and indeed, many contemporary intellectuals and (qu)ackademics are determined to push forward a minorities agenda that is all about furthering one minority while undermining both the majority, and in the long run, the collective of under represented minorities they exploit such as LGBTI, feminist and ethnic groups.

The flaw in the argument against the Frankfurt school is they established themselves in pre-war Nazi Germany which is about the worst place in the world to launch a critical theory movement that fought for minority rights. There's no escaping that given the winners of WWII had yet to be determined there's little chance anybody could have logically planned the Frankfurt School's flight to, and success in, late 60's USA.

I could also offer a counter claim. The idea that a Berkeley professor who subsequently argued against the (winners of WWII) military industrial complex and planned obsolescence in consumer culture couldn't be removed from his academic post is just silly given any professor today knows full well not to question basic fairy tales such as 9/11

Marcuse received a ton of hate mail and death threats for his views.

I like Marcuse. 

His words are grounded in logic and good intent. Naturally, any belief system can be weaponised, as indeed it was in 60's' USA, but it's clear that Marcuse was just the decent side of the Ronnie Reagan vs Scruffy Hippy dialectic that was completely stage managed in order to reap the dividends of a cultural war that distracted from the rape of Vietnam and much much more.

There are more key individuals I need to study from the Frankfurt Group in order to determine a rounded opinion, but from this early start I'm already modifying my early snap judgement on the Frankfurt school to something more nuanced, complex and as ever, more interesting.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Edge of Tomorrow

Unlike most of his movies, I immediately warmed to this Tom Cruise playing an anti-hero character wishing to stay as far away from war as possible. This is a much more authentic stance than his usual military industrial complex peddling. 

The movie is fresh, well scripted and corresponds with my understanding of the many worlds theory mashed up with John Titor time travel lines.

This movie is Groundhog Day meets Hamburger Hill/Predator. It's the opposite of what I expected it to be in terms of Hollywood movie making and I couldn't have been further wrong. Watch it.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave

A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.

I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work

Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Trauma Based Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse

You probably don't have enough time to study this subject in depth so I don't ask you to believe the content the first time, but I can assure you there are hundreds of people coming forward with this information. 

I'm now more confident that as informed a long time ago,  1 to 2 million children have been subjected to trauma based mind control in the US alone. This explains much of the schizophrenia, bipolar and multiple personality disorder evident in the population which is largely ignorant even to psychiatric professionals of this topic.

Some of the key points raised in this brief interview are that the military and CIA targeted Satanic Groups to collaborate with exploiting children because the multi generational aspect means there is a genetic propensity towards mind control from families that engage in ritual satanic abuse. This is good for the military industrial spy complex and means less wastage of time and children turned into ineffective zombies through strenuous torture.

Once again we hear of a victim's direct contact with Joseph Mengele (where are the holocaust gravy train riders like Danny Finkelstein and Marko Hoare when this subject is staring them in the face?).

Instead of milking the obnoxious 6 million figure why don't these Zionist low lives draw attention to the human experiments in concentration camps that were then taken by the CIA for their MKULTRA programs? 

The reality is the British, the Nazis, The Americans and the Soviets are all the same on this subject of abusing their own children. This is the legacy of Statism.

Friday 19 December 2014

Powerful Programming

The illusion of local TV is that it isn't tightly scripted by one of the 6 corporations that own the media. This video clip should dissolve that illusion and prompt the thinking person to factor in how powerful TV programming is when it comes to creating monsters out of nothing and pimping wars that are unnecessary except to the military industrial complex and the 1% they are there to protect and create profits for.

Here's another example that I've blogged in the past.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Fargo - 1996

Fargo is another first class movie by the Coen Brothers from way back in 1996, when cops didn't shoot people for fun, beat up women or do steroids before jerking off in the mirror wearing paramilitary gear and watching snuff movies.

This movie is worth watching for the art direction and soundtrack alone. The homely American types portrayed in this video can still be found in the USA's less populated regions, but by and large they tend to get their information from the corporate media so they're charming but increasingly brainwashed about Muzlims, NATO, Israel and all the usual suspects the military industrial complex needs to demonize and smear.

Unusually Steve Buschemi isn't the best character in the movie though at the time he was one of the most well known.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet [and One World Govt]

Poor old Ted Kaczynski was yet another victim of the fascist American Government's MKULTRA mind control programmes. It's tiresome watching documentaries where a victim gets all the blame by so called smart people who don't have the intellectual courage to look into the background of people exploited by elite Defence and Spy psychopaths parading as the best and the brightest.

This somewhat disjointed documentary riffs off Kurt Godel's incompleteness theorem, those old frauds Ken Kesey, Stewart Brand and Timothy Leary but there's some brilliant interview scenes with key components of the military industrial complex and bizarre exposures of paradoxical initiatives for global domination while avoiding fascism.

It's stuffed with people who suffer from very obvious cognitive dissonance. Flag wavers, war machine parasites, intellectual rogues and academic scoundrels.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Politics & War as Entertainment - Butler Shaffer

There's no doubt that the above video makes a mockery of most of what I've said about 9/11 on this blog, but it is what it is. 

I've no problem in admitting mistakes because I don't have the military industrial complex or government handcuffs to sit Dick Cheney in a room and pull his pacemaker our with pliers till he speaks. 

I have to rely on the best information I can get my hands on at the time.

I've been reviewing this 911 HollyWeird information for a week or so on James Fetzer's audio blog, but it all started off with the Jay Weidner interview I posted over here though you can see a lot of controversy has been created here in the comments or over here too

However you need to sit down and do the work to figure out why it opens up a new dimension, not a million miles away from Sophie Smallstorm's Sandy Hook deconstruction.

I've no real interest in the World Trade Centre towers military grade demolition on 9/11, because it's the million or so Iraqis and Afghanis that are the victims, not the Israelis, British, French or Americans who actually orchestrated most of it. You know. The perpetrators.

However, I hope you were watching your freedoms get pick-pocketed by the war entertainment complex since then.

Here's Butler Shaffer's views on the matter. It's erudite thinking and you really must read it to appreciate a mind ahead of its time.

If I were to offer a seminar on the nature of war, I believe that the first class session would include a showing of the film Wag the DogThose who wish to justify the obliteration of hundreds of thousands of total strangers in the name of "good" versus "evil," or "national honour," will likely find the movie discomforting. As the governments of India and Pakistan self-righteously, and in the name of "God," threaten one another with a nuclear war that could instantly kill anywhere from ten to twenty million people, it is time for decent, intelligent people to put down their flags and begin to see war for what the late General Smedley Butler rightly termed it: "a racket." This film offers a quick reality fix.

Randolph Bourne's observation "war is the health of the state" is familiar to most critics of militarism, but few have delved into why this is so. Statism is dependent upon mass thinking which, in turn, is essential to the creation of a collective, herd-oriented society. Such pack-like behaviour is reflected in the intellectual and spiritual passivity of people whose mindsets are wrapped up more in images and appearances than in concrete reality.

Such a collapse of the mind produces a society dominated by entertainment — which places little burden on thinking — rather than critical inquiry, which helps to explain why there has long been a symbiotic relationship between the entertainment industry and political systems. Entertainment fosters a passive consciousness, a willingness to "suspend our disbelief." Its purpose is to generate amusement, a word that is synonymous with "diversion," meaning "to distract the attention of." The common reference to movies as a form of "escape" from reality, reflects this function. Government officials know what every magician knows, namely, that to carry out their illusions, they must divert the audience's attention from their hidden purposes.

Michel Foucault has shown how the state's efforts to regulate sexual behaviour — whether through repressive or "liberating" legislation — serves as such a distraction, making it easier for the state to extend its control over our lives. It is instructive that, in the months preceding the World Trade Centre attacks which, in turn, ushered in the greatest expansion of police powers in America since the Civil War, the news stories that dominated the media had to do with allegations of adulterous affairs by a sitting president and a congressman. It is not coincidence that both the entertainment industry and the government school systems have helped to foster preoccupations with sex.

The authority of the state is grounded in consensus-based definitions of reality, whose content the state insists on controlling. This is why so-called "public opinion polls," rather than factual analysis and reason, have become the modern epistemological standard, and why imagery — which the entertainment industry helps to foster — now takes priority over the substance of things.

Politics and entertainment each feed upon — and help to foster — public appetites for illusions and fantastic thinking. The success of such undertakings, in turn, depends upon unfocused and enervated minds, which helps to explain why motion picture and television performers, popular musicians, and athletes — whose efforts require little participation on the part of the viewer — have become the dominant voices in our politicized culture. It also helps to account for the attraction of so many entertainers throughout the world to visionary schemes such as state socialism, as well as the increasing significance of entertainment industry gossip and box-office revenues as major news stories.

The entertainment industry helps shape the content of our consciousness by generating institutionally desired moods, fears, and reactions, a role played throughout human history. Ancient Greek history is tied up in myths, fables, and other fictions, passed on by the entertainers of their day, the minstrels. We need to ask ourselves about the extent to which our understanding of American history and other human behaviour has been fashioned by motion pictures, novels, and television drama. Through carefully scripted fictions and fantasies, others direct our experiences, channel our emotions, and shape our views of reality. The fantasies depicted are more often of conflict, not cooperation; of violence, not peace; of death, not the importance of life.

Nowhere is the interdependency of the political and entertainment worlds better demonstrated than in the war system, which speaks of "theatres" of operation, "acts" of war with battle "scenes," "staging" areas, and "dress rehearsals" for invasions. The pomp and circumstance of war is reflected in military uniforms that mimic stage costumes, all to the accompaniment of martial music that rivals grand opera. A Broadway play can become either a "bomb" or a "hit;" troops are "billeted" (a word derived from the French meaning of a "ticket"); while the premier of a movie is often accompanied, like a World War II bombing raid, by searchlights that scan the skies. Even the Cold War was framed by an "iron curtain." Is it only coincidence, devoid of any symbolic meaning, that at the end of the American Civil War - one of the bloodiest wars in human history - its chief protagonist was shot while attending the theatre, and that his killer was an actor who, upon completing his deed, descended to the stage and exited?

Adolf Hitler understood, quite well, the interplay between political power and theatre, a truth that continues to reveal itself in entertainers involving themselves so heavily in political campaigns, some even managing to get themselves elected to Congress or the presidency! Nor was it surprising that one of the first acts of the Bush Administration, following the announced "War on Terrorism," was to send a group of presidential advisers to Hollywood to enlist the entertainment industry's efforts to portray the war as desired by Washington! As with earlier wars, the "military/entertainment complex" will continue to write the scripts and define the characters that are required to assure the support of passive minds in the conduct of war.

Furthermore, because entertainment is often conducted in crowded settings (e.g., theatres, stadiums, auditoriums) there is a dynamic conducive to the generation of mass-mindedness. One need only recall the powerful harangues of Adolf Hitler that coalesced tens of thousands of individuals into a controllable mob, to understand the symbiotic relationship between entertainment and politics.

Entertainment is a part of what we call "recreation," which means to "re-create," in this case to give interpretations to events that are most favorable to one's national identity and critical of an opponent. In this connection, entertainers help to manipulate the "dark side" of our being which, once mobilized, can help to generate the most destructive and inhumane consequences. World War II movies portrayed Japanese kamikaze pilots who crashed their planes into Navy ships as "crazed zealots," while American pilots who did the same thing to Japanese ships or trains were represented as "heroes" willing to die to save their comrades. German and Japanese soldiers were presented as sneering sadists who delighted in the torture of the innocents, while the American soldiers only wanted to get the war over with so they could get back home to mom and her apple pie! How many of us, today, think of 19th century U.S. cavalrymen — as portrayed by the likes of John Wayne and Randolph Scott — as brave soldiers, while Indian warriors were "savages" for having forcibly resisted their own annihilation?

All of this leads me to ask whether the entertainment industry is an extension of the war system, or whether war is simply an extension of our need for entertainment? What should be clear to us is that entertainment is one of the principal means by which our thinking can be taken over and directed by others once we have chosen to make our minds passive, which we do when we are asked — whether by actors or politicians — to suspend our judgement about the reality of events we are witnessing. When we are content to be amused (i.e. to have our attention diverted from reality to fantasy), and to have our emotions exploited by those skilled in triggering unconscious forces, we set ourselves up to be manipulated by those producing the show. 

Politics differs from traditional theatre in one important respect, however: in the political arena, we do not call for the "author" at the end of a war! Most of us prefer not to know, for to discover the identities of those who have scripted such events might call into question our own gullibility

Thursday 26 September 2013

Dr Richard Sauder Needs Our Help

Dr Richard Sauder Needs A Helping Hand.

Who Is Richard Sauder?

Richard Sauder PhD is one of those valiant people who has lived a life of service to others, including spells incarcerated for protesting nuclear weapons on US military bases. He took the decision to protest against the military industrial complex even though the odds were stacked against him and despite having a PhD and the choice between an easy life and one of service to others, Dr Sauder took the path his conscience obliged him to pursue. He's on our side.

Why Should We Care?

The reason why we should consider how we can assist Dr Richard Sauder is that his work has been of vital contribution to the parapolitical research community. Richard is the author of the ground breaking scholarly work Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is The Government Trying To Hide? It is a solid academic work of painstaking research and sacrifice to us. It slowly pieces together the technology used in the manufacturing of underground and undersea bases and the bureaucratic paper trail that is left by the military leviathan. These underground bases conceal the most evil and unconscionable acts, far from the eyes of all but the most vetted and financially rewarded servants of the so called breakaway civilisation. 

They devote their lives to acts of pain and suffering to humanity, and their own survival in the event of cataclysmic events, including the very wars their masters plot.

What Has He Done Since?

I've written about Dr. Richard Sauder from time to time on this blog but not so much on his relocation to the arboreal landscape of Quito, Ecuador in South America. Richard has been pursuing a life of conciousness studies through the use of sacred medicines such as Ayahuasca and Malicagua. Through these metaphysical journeys he has been able to feed back to us a clearer picture of who we are and what the challenges we face on this planet.

This includes the mechanized technological efforts to control our species through every spectrum of the mind-control, conciousness-control-levers that the anti-human elements try to throw at us. It was Richard who alerted us to the nature of The Machine long before the NSA whistle-blower scandal confirmed our worst suspicions that everything and anything we say or do is being scooped up, and put in storage for later retrieval to be used against us.

It is Richard who also outlined to us through his Shamanistic journeys the nature of remote control of the human population from satellite technologies and what he identified as artificial intelligence resources that is the iniquitous privilege of those who use our wealth creation efforts to exploit us. With this technology they also keep it from us as it could play a vital contribution towards solving the problems and challenges that our species face after decades, centuries and millennia of exploitation through older models of mind control such as religion and synthetic divide and rule.

Richard's current situation is perilous. His conciousness-exploration research and studies, left him in the hands of a service to self Shaman in Ecuador. This resulted in an experience which he describes as torture and which for legal reasons we are unable to go into. He is trying to resist the drift towards Ayahuasca exploitation in South America by making a stand against the Shaman who took advantage of his trusted position and left Richard in much pain, requiring a period of recuperation in hospital which has allowed him to function as close to normal again. He is now broke.

What can we do to help?

Richard needs money. Lots of it and as quickly as possible. I ask you to consider his work and service to humanity and find a way to reach into your pockets and send him the cash he needs to keep his head above water, pay the medical bills paid and pursue justice for the increasing number of travellers in the South American jungles seeking enlightenment and self growth.

Please email Richard on to get some money to him during this difficult and trying period.

Thank you very much and if donations are not possible, please consider buying his books including the one linked in the second paragraph and here again, or his other book:

Hidden in Plain Sight

Saturday 15 June 2013

Glenn Greenwald Shuts Up Zbigniew Brzezinski's Blabbermouth Daughter

It's becoming more and more obvious that the toxic corporate media are puppets for the military industrial complex. Only days ago Morning Joe called Ed Snowden a weasel and in this sho they promote him as Hide & Leak on their TV Banner. On the show is the daughter of the person who set up the Mujaheddin fighters in Afghanistan that went on to become Al Qaeda. Her father is a CFR member as is their other guest Richard Haas head of the CFR. All Zionist warmongers pimping war and security state. That's the toxic corporate media for you.

Monday 11 March 2013

Ex CIA Director Denies Dr Steven Greer Briefed Him On Aliens

I'm not brilliant at judging people because I like to give folk a chance to shine, but I've increasingly avoided Steven Greer on UFO/ET talk because he's such a show off. I posted his last interview (which is still excellent) but here we have documentation that he totally exaggerated and lied about his so called briefing to R. James Woolsey who ran the CIA once.   Woolsey will be a professional liar anyway because he was Director of CIA but this letter certainly exposes Greer on the timing of the so called briefing and the claims he made about the response of those who attended this quiet evening meal.

Once again it's worth pointing out that Greer comes from a military industrial (space) complex background and the use of children for MKULTRA purposes is quite common. Greer was a trained doctor. It's hardly likely he threw away a career running a hospital A&E department just to knowingly spin lies on UFOs. 

However he could easily be doing that unknowingly as a programmed ALT

Who knows. I certainly don't. Just giving my opinion which is probably worthless.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Remember When The CIA Tried To Assassinate Chavez?

Chavez was loved by millions. He spoke the truth about Palestine, George Bush and shared with the people, the profits of Venezuela's huge oil reserves that the USA corporations want to steal through their connections with the military industrial complex. The CIA tried to organize a coup against him, and the America ambassador even came out and hugged the stooges they were backing.

Chavez was not loved by everyone but he was more human than any leader the greedy Western powers have to offer.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Below Average Representation The Corporate Media Portray Of The Human Experience


Having a negative view of yourself and of humanity is a crucial part of the military industrial complex's propaganda to sell wars and have no feeling for others pain. Please enjoy your TV entertainment and avoid thinking about the extended responsibilities consuming toxic messages has on yourself and on your fellow humans.

I don't care who has sex with who or what as long as it is consensual but there's no need for this information in mass media programming. Enjoy the commercial break.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B - Part 4 [NATO, MI6 and CIA are the backbone of the heroin business]

One of the powers of the internet emerges because we don't have subpoenas and tazers.  We can't ask questions from the powerful and protected elites at the CIA, Justice Dept, FBI, Police, DEA, Pentagon etc but we can join up hundreds and hundreds of dots till if there's any doubt, there's no doubt.

It takes effort but it's well worth it. Anyone who still thinks NATO, CIA and MI6 aren't the backbone of the world heroin trade is living in cloud cuckoo land. Check out James and Sibel on their respective blogs. This is top notch information and news the corporate media are unable to report because of their ties to the military industrial complex through advertising.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Ayman Al-Zawahari - Another MI6/CIA Terrorist Asset

Ayman Al-Zawahiri is an important whistle blowing story by Ex FBI Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett

The mainstream media and alternative media tools like Scott Horton who breast feeds on corporate media foreign policy gravy, refuse to cover this extraordinarily important piece of news.

There's definitely a sense of light at the end of the tunnel now we understand so many terrorists are funded and trained by Western Spooks because large military industrial complex contracts roll over decade after decade 

Saturday 19 January 2013

Today's Liberals Would Have Walked On By A Bleeding Martin Luther King

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Christopher Hitchens talked about moving to America because of the inspiration of Martin Luther King and the emancipation of the American woman a while back in an interview I watched of him debating religion. I realised then I'd underestimated MLK and this interview by comrade Eric Draitser of Stop Imperialism with Professor Tony Monteiro hammers it home. 

MLK was a revolutionary and I like him all the more for it. I will find more of what he had to say about the toxic military industrial complex now I know he was just as passionate about equality and justice everywhere. The exact opposite of the values of the American war machine that feeds a decadent and fatally malignant tumour on the planet.

Friday 18 January 2013

How NATO & The CIA Collaborated To Destabilize Europe - Operation Gladio

Unfortunately the original good sound quality Operation Gladio documentary I posted has been pulled from Youtube but lately since Sandy Hook, people all over the world are starting to talk about it once again and rightly so. 

NATO with the CIA conspired to and actually killed innocent Europeans to destablize society against the proven non threat of Communism.

Democide is the malignant tumour in society we must rid ourselves of. Remove military industrial complex democide and the Sandy Hooks, Columbine and Aurora shootings will vanish. 

Don't believe me? Watch the above and listen to James Corbett's latest podcast on Operation Gladio over here, and then do your own research. There is no substitute for finding out something new yourself.