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Showing posts sorted by date for query 2001. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 8 September 2012

Busted Bibi - The Boy Who Cried Wolf Over Nuclear Iran

The first time I heard this story I thought it in my experience plausible, but it was too risky to republish in case it fell through as a hoax. I try and be careful about the stories I associate with and of course from time to time, as a human, I make mistakes. Well this is legit. Netenyahu illegaly smuggled nuclear triggers called Krytrons through a trading company from the US to Israel. The same nuclear triggers that Mossad accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons with a couple of years ago. 

The corporate media have imposed a wall of silence over this story including a wonderful NPR program where they cut off the journalist who exposed Bibi. We're at the special time in history where the rule of law is broken and the bubble is about to burst and the people will see through the illusion. I've no idea how this will finally manifest but this a great example of the great unveiling or the apokalypse as it's known in Greek.

Here's the story below, but do dig around the links especially this one where lots of information is held that the corporate, for profit media simply can't touch. There's a lot of money in this war on Iran they're selling and this story busts it open as another WMD hoax on the 99% dime:

The FBI partially declassified and released files linking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a nuclear technology smuggling ring that targeted the United States.  The declassified files are now available online at:

FBI agents interviewed indicted American smuggler Richard Kelly Smyth on April 16-17, 2002, at the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles. The secret interview report details how during trips to Israel Smyth's handler placed him in contact with Benjamin Netanyahu at Heli Trading Company. The FBI report suggests that "Smyth and [Netanyahu] would meet in restaurants in Tel Aviv and in [Netanyahu's] home and/or business. It was not uncommon for [Netanyahu] to ask Smyth for unclassified material."

Smyth was indicted in the mid-1980s for smuggling 800 dual use "krytrons" without proper export licenses through a multi-front company network.  Smyth fled the U.S. and lived abroad, supported by unknown means, until he was captured by Interpol and returned to the U.S. in 2001.  He was convicted in 2002.

During the 2002 Smyth counterintelligence debriefing, the FBI learned that the Israeli Ministry of Defense ordered and paid an Israeli company called Heli Trading for krytrons. Heli in turn sourced them from California-based MILCO in a clandestine operation codenamed "Project Pinto." The report reveals how MILCO illegally shipped other prohibited military articles under general Commerce Department export licenses rather than smuggling them out via Israeli diplomatic pouches.

Released on the Internet on July 4, 2012, the files have been the subject of reporting in the Israeli press, including Israeli National NewsMa'ariv and The Marker.  Some U.S. alternative media also explored the implications of the formerly secret files including Antiwar.comTikkun Olam,  Mondoweiss and CounterPunch.  WBAI radio and the Scott Horton Show have hosted interviews. 

Although the FBI report has now been sent to the New York Times, Washington Post, all members of Congress and United Nations members, no top-tier establishment news coverage, Congressional or UN investigations have been made public.  On Friday, National Public Radio syndicated host Diane Rehm immediately disconnected IRmep Research Director Grant F. Smith when he asked her reporter roundtable to assess the implications of the Netanyahu espionage ring.  An audio clip of the brief exchange is available at:

IRmep is a private nonprofit that studies how warranted law enforcement and civil action can improve U.S. Middle East policy.

Monday 3 September 2012

Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut & The Rothschilds

A couple of weeks ago I was going over Jay Weidner's deconstruction of Stanley Kubrick's main body of work. While Jay was working as a young man in Hollywood, a pretty girl who came from somewhere out in the sticks shared with him her story. 

She said over coffee that she attended a Hollywood party only to learn that there was a more exclusive party going on in the basement of the building.

She crept into the exclusive party and was surprised to see the setting was sexual and occult-like. 

Before being recognised as an outsider (much as Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut)  she was witness to something that sent her back to her hometown forever leaving Hollywood and hopes of fame behind. She saw they were conducting a human sacrifice.

Later on after learning this, I came across another black magic ritualistic (child) sex news item in my RSS feed, and I got to recalling that somewhere I'd heard that ritualistic killing is the most powerful ceremonial process in terms of energetic bonding and spell binding communion of spirit-release that groups like this are deeply aware of and understand how to manipulate.

We just work in cubicles. Why would we know this information?

So I went back to watch Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and even though it was edited after his suspicious premature death so that significant scenes were taken out, it certainly crystallized within me as a piece of art commenting on society, power and ritualistic occultism

Something I'm less inclined to ignore as I've poked around on this subject.

Coincidentally, Vigilant Citizen have written a post on the Rothschilds at a masked party. The Rothschild banking bloodline always seem to star at the top of the list for arch manipulators through war and suffering, and so I thought I'd get these Jay Weidner posts written as really it's his 2001 Space Odyssey that I'd like to dig around in a bit as it's loaded with sub narrative indications.

Jay said that Kubrick's wife called him once and confirmed that his alchemical decoding of Kubrick's films was a commensurate with her husbands interests in the subject. It's well worth checking out some of the links in this post.

Kubrick shot the ritual killing ceremony in the Rothschild owned Mentmore Towers.

Update: Vigilant Citizen has a post on the topic.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Still Confused How Kubrick Shot Front Screen Projection For Apollo Moon Landings?

The footprint snapshot above is of both a spacesuit boot and a stagehand footprint from the Apollo 15 mission though it's difficult to ascertain if it's NIKE or Clarks footwear. The newly released clip underneath it is from Jay Weidner's terrific documentary on how Kubrick shot the Apollo moon landings.

It's a nuanced subject though so please pay attention to the words we use. 

Just because Kubrick shot the backup footage (while shooting 2001 A Space Odyssey) doesn't mean that the astronauts didn't go. 

It's likely they or later missions did, but they had to to sanitize/simulacra the footage and photography for reasons we can only guess.

It's a fascinating insight into the extraordinary lengths the system can go to if it wants to keep a secret from the sheeple back on Terra.

Some say Governments can't keep a big project secret but if you haven't considered how Project Manhatten was kept so super secret that even President Truman didn't know about the A Bomb when Roosevelt died then that's probably an important one to factor into your own analysis and conclusions.

Lots more of the background on this in the moon landing tags below.

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Shining - Kubrick's Autobiographical Harassment

All of Stanley Kubrick's later movies relate to elite shadowy groups that persecuted him till the end of his life. What they did, what he saw, what they blackmailed him with, how they intimidated him and the ritualism they perform through occult worship and human sacrifice fill his movies. Most people are unaware that the molestation and sacrifice of prepubescent children pumps their bodies up with powerful natural chemical-cocktails and energies that the dark ones feed off. Adrenalin, endorphins, Chi energy and so on and so forth.

That might be somewhat difficult to comprehend for many so I'll lay it out a bit simpler. Everything is energy. Humans are a special type of energy. You will know this from the felt presence of experience during sexual activity, violence or a particularly riveting football match. There are many other examples but the chi energy released from prepubescent children is as intense as it gets. It wasn't fun for me to learn this and so I don't see why it should be fun for you either. It's not a fun subject.

This is why the institutionalised child sex abuse issue that David Icke campaigns against is all about an insiders club at the very top of society cutting through elite layers of law, politics, academia and science to mention just a few. Kids are groomed or abducted to feed the tight emotional bond that that groups experience during occult worship with human sacrifice. More of that will be coming out in the future but there's plenty of testimony on the internet and books written about it, though the best interview is the Franklin Case that I posted over here.

Many people complain that The Shining's script by Kubrick went too far off the book's narrative, but that's ignoring the real story that was being told. After filming the moon landing's for NASA because of his impressive expertise in 2001 Space Odyssey, Kubrick realised that instead of being seduced by the beautiful woman they portrayed themselves as, it was instead a diseased and aged whore.

Kubrick got lost in a maze of venality during this time in his career and left us many clues in his film as to who pulls the strings of power and what specific kinds of low vibrational occult worship they are into. Google "bears and paedophiles" for example.

The emphasis of Saturnalia hexagons is hard to ignore.


Towards the end of the movie the bathroom scene is evidently a rendezvous with the top of the pyramid in terms of Faustian bargains. It's clear he's trying to say he had no idea of the full context that he had embroiled himself in, and so Kubrick drops a lot of clues as to who that person is and what they are about.

Kubrick frames Jack Nicholson head perfectly with the diamond/cuboid pattern behind him, as by this time in the movie the character is Clockwork Oranged. That's a reference to the mind control techniques that the Saturnalia worshippers exploit through MKULTRA and Monarch Programming.

Every single detail is worked out to communicate, including colour and black silhouette shapes. Kubrick was a genius for stylish attention and Stephen King aficionados have raged at the reversal of endless details in the script which are not about the signified,  but rather the signifier's importance. He's telling us the reversal itself is the primary point.

However in the final analysis it's the bathroom scene where most of the clues are laid bare with its intensely red emphasis on ablutions, pacts with the devil and exclusion to females. If there's one scene where the dialogue needs extra attention from the viewer, it's between these two men.

For more information on the Archons that kept Kubrick in fear of his life, you could do no better than read up on Jay Weidner's work and/or listen to this latest interview where he spills the beans very liberally. Kubrick was certainly one of the greatest film-makers ever but also one where life and art became inseparable, culminating in his final attack on our blindness to "hidden in plain sight" evil through Eyes Wide Shut

Stanley Kubrick died unexpectedly shortly after completing that movie and just days after its private pre-screening with the studios who subsequently edited out the dangerous revelations they could no longer endure, and which Kubrick's death prevented him from fighting. Nobody knows where those missing scenes are but we know enough to point our fingers in the right direction.

Stanley Kubrick died 66 days into the year 1999, and 666 days before 1 January 2001 a date punctuated with question marks given his direction of the movie 2001 Space Odyssey

A classic illuminati symbolism loaded hit.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Mae Brussell - Bill Kaysing's Book - We Never Went To The Moon

This digs a little more into the mind control issues required for the astronauts and the 2001 Space Odyssey military industrial complex connections to the faked moon landing. Humanity can never grow up till we begin to question the Santa Claus lie.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Is The FBI Rabid & Out of Control?

Former FBI Chief of the Los Angeles Office, Ted Gunderson, says that some elements of the FBI are behind many crimes – like the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and its total destruction in 2001. Oh, yes, and the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Naturally the FBI are unable to investigate themselves so instead the enemy is us.

Via Steve

Sunday 15 January 2012

John Titor's Warning Against Apathy

As the war machine builds up once again for another fake war against a fossil fuel rich country in the middle East, egged on by the corporate media it's worth considering John Titor's warnings against apathy. Timelines are a little difficult to understand but if you can get your head round the multiverse premise of time travel, John Titor stands up as a time traveller from 2036. His description of Youtube before it was invented as a source of entertainment, the collapse of constitutional law in the States, the obsession with sports and Hollywood celebrity (angered him greatly) and even down to his revelation of what Project Ginger was all about are not woo woo coincidences. 

Then there's his prediction of CERN's discovery of black holes in 2001. He may have been on a different timeline but that means we have to discern what parts resembled ours. This is occupying my thinking.

Sunday 1 January 2012

A Brummie Approach To Super Woo - Nick Redfern's Final Events

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Nick Redfern is consistently challenging my understanding or grasp of the fringe. His steady and low key persistent journalist manner yields points of view on subjects I thought I was assembling a framework within which to work from. Not so.

I only became aware of his book Final Event through a mention today on a Randy Maugan's interview with Duncan O'Finionan, Miranda Kelley and Dave Corso. It's extraordinary stuff that feels up to the second fresh with the initiatives to push the United States into martial law and complete control of the borders and media with a Christian Fundamentalist doctrinal law and order choke hold. 

It sounds fantastic and implausible but this book is based on a a Government think tank called The Collins Elite that came to a mad (but not insane) conclusion that the E.T/UFO phenomena is demonic in nature. You can check for yourself or even buy the book. I wont write much more but these are excellent audio interviews with a quiet and humble Brummie who consistently impresses me with his open minded thinking, ability to collate threads that purists run away from and present the facts that while uncomfortable are crucial to know. I think Nick Redfern is an unknown national treasure with a prodigious output in books on the fringe of subjects that are as real as nightmares. It's a shame materialist science doesn't like stuff you can't blow up or repeat over and again in experiments and yet on the quiet......

Update: Nick reports that The Collins Elite account of Roswell is demonic (naturally) and  that doesn't tie in with Douglas Dietrich's spelling binding revelations, and so I'm at least able to question their conclusions with a sliver of more robust evidence in my back pocket.

Here's some blurb on the book and reviews:


Nick Redfern is a full-time author and journalist specializing in a wide range of unsolved mysteries, including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, UFO sightings, government conspiracies, alien abductions and paranormal phenomena. He writes regularly for the London Daily Express newspaper, Fortean Times, Fate, and UFO Magazine. His previous books include Three Men Seeking Monsters, Strange Secrets, Cosmic Crashes, and The FBI Files. Among his many exploits, Redfern has investigated reports of lake monsters in Scotland, vampires in Puerto Rico, werewolves in England, aliens in Mexico, and sea serpents in the United States. Redfern travels and lectures extensively around the world. Originally from England, he currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Arguably, one of the most common supernatural fears among people today involves the demonic. Within the heart of every good person, there is the looming notion that evil does exist in this world. That said, if author Nick Redfern's latest thesis on extraterrestrial life has any truth to it, there are even various factions of modern government who believe the alien and UFO presence has demonic, hellish origins. Reader be warned: Redfern's "Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife" is one book that will beckon from outside the boundaries of sanity, and perhaps well beyond the fringes of what you thought was right and good in this world. 

Final Events tells the peculiar story of the Collins Elite, a secret government organization who begun following the work of early occultists such as Aleister Crowley and Jet Propulsion Lab co-founder Jack Parsons. The dabbling of these self-proclaimed magicians, according to the group's members, may have triggered the separation of rifts in space-time, allowing otherworldly presences a wicked passport into our world. This strange tale follows the group's work as they pursue a variety of aspects of the unexplained, including out of body experiences and research into the existence of life after death, as related to Redfern over a number of meetings in various remote locations (including at least one Mexican restaurant).

One of the wildest theories the book proposes (without giving away too much for those who plan on buying "Final Events" immediately after you've read this heart-pounding review) is the notion that disclosure of alien secrets to the public will be only one part of a larger, worldwide ruse. The underlying objective, warn those claiming access to knowledge of the real alien agenda, is to ultimately lure the populations of the world into merely thinking that the threat they face is extraterrestrial. The establishment of a "New World Order," claiming to be able to rescue people from the evil extraterrestrial menace, will in fact be the means by which people's lives and liberty will be handed over to agents of evil, masquerading to conceal their wicked intention to harvest souls from an unsuspecting populace. As unbelievable as this sounds, very similar scenarios have been proposed time and time again by the likes of William Cooper, controversial conspiracy theorist famous for claiming to know the truth behind future plans for disclosure of alien presences here on Earth. Cooper, after serving as an advocate against such subversive government-based threats for decades, was shot near his home on Nov. 5, 2001 at 11:40 PM, during a warranted attempt by police to arrest him for tax evasion. 

Are there malignant forces that extend outward from beneath what our politicians, mainstream news sources and other official institutions want us to believe? Maybe so... or maybe not; I certainly couldn't tell you. But if so, are they purely politically driven, or as Nick Redfern proposes, could some of them be not-of-this-world, or even demonic in origin? Whether or not the author stakes his claim in belief of these sorts of things, the possibilities are explored in "Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife," and are given a fairly objective and honest treatment. Altogether, it is an enjoyable, entertaining book.

The summary of the book is that a semi secret group called the Collins Elite were formed as a paramilitary investigative group around the time of the first major UFO flaps after world war 2 to investigate the possibility that Non Human Entities are not only not benevolent aliens from another world but actually demonic forces that will push earth to the brink of Armageddon - but not before they lead the world into a lie that will ensure most humans go to hell. The book looks at the possibility that Aleister Crowley and a number of his disciples deliberately opened the door to another world that allowed the 20th Century UFO/Alien phenomenon to become part of modern folklore. He looks closely at alien abductions, Psy-ops, the rise of American fundamentalism and discloses that project blue beam, if it exists may not be what it is portrayed as but something far worse than we ever imagined. 

Men in black, government and NHE's working together, Faux organisms like the Golum of Hebrew mythology, projected thoughts of Armageddon into the minds of abductee's and the ushering in of the antichrist by the very people who claim to want to save Christianity by force - it's a disturbing read on many levels but utterly fascinating. 

Pure conspiracy theory or an uncovering of the facts as we may have never known it? You'll never watch Close Encounters or ET the same way again as the idea of an ET being benevolent dissolves with each page you turn and a demonic reality driven by satan becomes clear. Redfern's book is highly accessible and rather than a regurgitation of others writings is a coal face collection of interviews and tales that weave together into macabre web. 

Monday 26 December 2011

Gabrielle Giffords, NASA & Synchromysticism

I don't follow the main stream media and so I often only get to know the details of a story when it spills over into synchromysticism or conspiracy and so the Gabrielle Giffords case has broken waters twice from two separate directions and so I'm going to paste the last in text and post the video of the first with Freeman elaborating on the Gabrielle Giffords case. I have a unique explanation for much of the high weirdness around cases like this but as it's even weirder than the original weirdness I'll keep it to myself. That doesn't mean it's wrong.

Below are the relevant Giffords' parts from a wonderful synchromysticism post on The Secret Sun (originally on Hidden Experience). It's a wonderful intro to Freeman's video work above work which he doesn't do so much these days preferring to emphasize the positive.

Now here is where things get really weird.

When Jared Lee Loughner shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, one of the first Doctors arrive on the scene was DR. DAVE BOWMAN. He attended a wounded 9-year old girl who just happened to be born on September 11th, 2001. She died that day, and her name was Christina-TAYLOR Greene.

Charlton Heston was an astronaut named TAYLOR in PLANET OF THE APES, and Keir Dullea portrays astronaut DR. DAVE BOWMAN, who returns to earth at the end of 2001 as the fetus like star child. To make things even stranger, Gabrielle Giffords is married to an astronaut. 

~ It is the Archangel Gabriel that appears to Mary. He tells her: “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb...” (Luke 1:31) This immaculate conception story sounds curiously similar to some of the accounts shared by women who claim alien abduction experiences; these accounts are full of mysterious pregnancies. Often when the woman is NOT sexually active. This certainly parrallels the virgin Mary.

~ The name Gabriel certainly parallels Gabrielle. Also, some New Age exponents portray Archangel Gabriel as female.

~ There was another Gabriel involved in the shooting in Tucson. Gabriel "Gabe" Zimmerman, age 30, was a member of Congresswoman Giffords' staff and was killed that afternoon.

~ The name Gabrielle Giffords resonates Gwyllm Griffiths. Gwyllm is the evolutionarily transformed bald being in THE SIXTH FINGER.

~ Gabrielle Giffords miraculously survives being shot in the head, and ends up bald, like her astronaut husband.~ Giffords' astronaut husband (Mark Kelly) has an identical twin brother (Scott Kelly), who is also an astronaut! Scott Kelly was a pilot for space shuttle Discovery, and that's the name of Dr. Dave Bowman's spaceship. Scott Kelly was in space during the shooting, and offered a moment of silence on 1-11-11. (more from Loren Coleman)

This is just a sliver of the stuff and it sits more coherently in its full context at the post where I discovered it.

Update: Mike Clelland from Hidden Experience contributes to the Gabrielle Giffords synchronicity through a podcast interview with Alan Abbadessa Green (post below). Also Steve Beckow chips in on the subject over here.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Rupert Sheldrake's Google Talk - The Extended Mind

I find the Google Talks held at Mountain View are more generous than the TED talks in terms of depth as they permitted to go on for longer. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University.

While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots. 

From 1968 to 1969, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life.

From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College,Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco, and a Visiting Professor and Academic Director of the Holistic Thinking Program at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. 

Books by Rupert Sheldrake:

A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981). New edition 2009 (in the US published as Morphic Resonance)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions) 
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network)
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)

With Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna: 
Trialogues at the Edge of the West (1992), republished as Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (2001)
The Evolutionary Mind (1998) 

With Matthew Fox: 
Natural Grace: Dialogues on Science and Spirituality (1996)
The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (1996) 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Star Wars & Saturnalian Hexagons, Metatron's Cube & Occult Hollywood Imprinting

Some people say George Lucas channelled the story for Star Wars during an out of body experience after a nasty auto accident. The evidence in support of this is Lucas is a terrible writer and one only need look at the script for American Graffiti which would be lost without the sexiest baby boom American Autos on the planet.

Be that as it may, other quarters of the internet talk about the resemblance between Star Wars and feedback from people who have made interdimensional contact with Galactic Federations and so forth. The notion that good and bad exists through the universe and the need for a Joseph Campbell like hero's journey for the Terran humans.

Well that's all speculation and it's fun or scary to think about the parallels of a Hollywood machine that is imprinting memories and expectations through the power of a painted reality called film.

I prefer to look at the occult symbolism of these movies and not because I'm good at it but because others have spent a lifetime studying the matter and so I know what I'm looking for such as the symbolism of the Hexagon as a force for the dark side in so many movies even though I've talked about only a handful so far. The last one I noticed the obvious use of this Saturnalian worship was Tron Legacy and I've written at length about Stanley Kubricks nod towards this matter. Particularly in 2001 Space Odyssey and The Shining. Marathon Man is also worth a mention if one is acquainted with the Nazi connection to Saturnalia.

It's hard to convey quite why the 2D Hexagon's ability to accurately manifest/convey itself as a 3D cube is so remarkable but I tried to explain it in this post here which digs into religion, cubes and of course there are crop circle links. However I just watched Star Wars with the aim of seeing if there was anything in it that I hadn't noticed since the last time I watched it which would have been over two decades ago at least. Lo and behold I spotted the hexagonal snowflake design on the Empire's uniform helmets.

Those might not bring to life that 2D to 3D relationship of this cult that is linked to the dawn of time, the Kaaba in Mecca, Jewish Rabbis, The occultism of the black cube and of course the highest level Nazis (as ever). There's even a connection to Saturnalia worship with the Pope's Saturnalia hat. But then I realised I'd not been paying attention to the battles in Star Wars and it hit me. The Sides of the evil empire craft are as clear a dramatisation of Saturnalia hexagon to cube manifestation as one could wish for.  I've no idea of the value of this information but it's not a coincidence.

It's always the dark side that uses this symbolism. It's always the Hexagon. It's not called a Hex by accident.