Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts

Sunday 4 September 2016 CEO Andrew Torba & Censorship

During the 2014 genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel bombed a civilian population targeting and murdering 500 Palestinian babies, infants, toddlers, children and minors.  I was being followed by an extra 500 new Twitter users a week as a news source on the topic. That number was kneecapped overnight and I knew that Twitter had fallen to the ubiquitous Zionist censorship that makes films like American Sniper and publishes news demonizing any voice that stands against it, such as Jeremy Corbyn.

I remained on Twitter and had 41,000 followers with a retweet count averaging a statistical reach of between 5-8 million Twitter users each month. I had a hundreds of verified followers including Hollywood film directors, Hollywood Scriptwriters, Globally famous journalists and influential people who chose to follow me anonymously but privately encouraged my work, which raised awareness of systemic child abuse (now scrubbed from Google Search) and the Zionist genocide of Palestinians. I was recognised as outing a number of powerful child rapists and shifting the narrative that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and has the most moral army.

It was only a matter of time before powerful forces including Sunday Newspaper editors, House of Lords nutjobs and a plethora of child abusing, Israel-supporting fan boys and girls managed to get me suspended with no reason provided by twitter.

I was alerted to the new free speech platform and registered immediately noting that there were 20,000 earlier applications than mine waiting for a beta user approval.

Fortunately I was approved in minutes and either they know how to profile influential social media users or someone has shared all the Twitter accounts that have been suspended in the last few months including the celebrity voice Milo who is also on

GAB is populated by a lot of Alt Right users so if you don't like free speech it's not the place for you. They welcome all people so I hope those who can handle views other than their own register to join but do be patient while they scale up. I'm not Alt Right. I like their maturity though.

Monday 10 November 2014

Did @Twitter Amputate Activists After Operation Genocidal Edge?

During Operation Genocidal Edge when over 500 children were targeted by the IDF many activists were getting our accounts hacked day in and day out. 

The growth of my followers at that time, was about 500 a week as the planet woke up to the great deception. Then straight after, it fell for the first time in years. It was subsequently tweaked and is now pretty much static.

I asked a fellow humanist who has a twitter account that is 5 times the amount of followers I have, if his experience was the same and my suspicions were confirmed. We then ran a little test to see if the numbers were being manipulated and our exercise concluded they are.

Twitter is largely owned by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

It's not very well known that Saudi and Israel are extremely close allies as they both prop up all the slaughter in the middle East along with a bunch of greedy dictator petromonarchies who are too cowardly to stand up straight.

The only conclusion that makes sense is that our tweets and following are being throttled so people are not seeing activist's content. 

This is not occurring with commercial accounts as I keep an eye on this segment.

Update: The pictures above were removed from my blog without my permission. I have posted them here and here as I am unable to currently upload photos to my blog.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Many Thanks for all the Retweets

I've never run my Twitter account to be popular

In fact, I think about 50 people a day unfollow me. Fortunately more people are prepared to stick around than leave so I want to thank you all for the very important (for me and I hope for you) retweets. Usually the reach is around two million Twitter users a week but lately it's been getting up to 3 million and approaching 4. My tweets are not candy floss subjects so I appreciate you all for getting the word out on subjects the mainstream media can never touch, because of who owns them, and who advertises in them.

The exception to this rule is Russia Today who featured one of my Tweets on the fiasco that is NATO backing the same psychopaths they call freedom fighters in Syria and are now obliged to call terrorists in Iraq (even though they trained many in Jordan recently). It's a classic example of the Orwellian double speak world we live in that only the internet can call out this media nonsense that people are being spoon fed.

Many corporate media consumers have no idea what is going on, or are silent over it for reasons I assume are to do with keeping their heads down below the parapet, or putting money before conscience.

We are the media now. So be it.

Update: My tweet featured in Al Jazeera

Update 27 July 2014 - We smashed the 4 million barrier - Thank you
Update: We tore through the 15 million mention reach metric, so either something is very wrong or very right ;)

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Did Twitter Just Throttle My Account? - Let's Ask @SumAll

I'll know for sure in three or four days because I use SumAll to measure and automatically publish my data statistics publicly, but my gut feel is my Twitter account retweets have suddenly fallen off a cliff since yesterday. 

Let's see. I'll continue to talk about the issues I feel need greater awareness and I'll post the next SumAll automatic update below, when it comes, along with any other supporting evidence. 

I'll let the data do the talking.

As you can see the figures are down but not drastically. All I can assume is that Twitter is throttling my retweets so that I don't get feedback as to what is working but that doesn't mean it is not getting retweeted. Oddly enough it says I have 13.5K New followers but that's not accurate. I have that number of followers not new people.

Saturday 20 April 2013

My Favourite Postmodern Moment On Twitter

Wolf Blitzer's jumps the shark with CNN. Hey reality isn't for everyone. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Blocked By Mossad, Genocidal Dictators and Zionist Paedophile Defenders

Some Ex Mossad guy lost the plot with me today and blocked me so. This means he joins London Times journalist, Pro Zionist and Paedophile defender David Aaronovitch, Peadophile Defender Andrew Neil (Former Sunday Times Editor), Pro Tripoli Bomber Mia Farrow (Actress) and Genocide Dictator of Rwanda Paul Kagame.

I'm gutted.

Friday 21 December 2012

Ex Editor Of The Sunday Times Calls Me A Demented Tosser

When the media elite came out to defend the alleged paedophile Lord McAlpine and crushed the rising suspicion of the British people I wrote a post explaining that Lord McAlpine has a long history of not suing people and a taste for prepubescent girl art. Andrew Neil can sue me any day of the week if he is prepared to pay my costs to the UK including a Business Class Air Ticket. It will be my pleasure to stand up for the victims. Here is my mobile phone number +66 8 47334769

Monday 20 February 2012

The Arab Awakening - Tweets From Tahrir

An excellent timeline documentary punctuated with Twitter activity. Watching this makes it self evident that of course the global security apparatus complex (Govcorp) are in full-on panic mode and shit-scared of humanity. We're the reason governments funnel endless money (our taxes) into snooping agencies and paramilitary police forces (and intelligence agencies) to keep this twisted consensus-unreality in place including the fake left/right political divide, support for victim perpetrator religions, jingoistic predator flag-waving wars, planetary rape, big oil free-energy technology suppression and the list goes on and on and on.

I wrote this back in May of 2008 and later on this at the end of 2008 before the Arab spring had started. I no longer write everything I sense because it's getting to that time where big cards are going to be played, changes in old realities are looming on the horizon. The more people focus on materialism and hamster-wheel salary collection punctuated by light entertainment TV, the less they're going to be able to handle the new reality being collectively assembled and judging by the swelling on the belly about to birthed. 

The choice is entirely yours.

The visual below is Egyptian graffiti of the one eye, bandaged to signify the 70 or so people that lost an eye in Tahrir square protesting the US sponsored Egyptian army and police state. The security snoop agencies and paramilitary police forces, and armies and intelligence agencies should take note of the protester in the video above getting beaten at the end with one eye bandaged and prepared to lose his sight. 

We're humans. Push us too far and we have nothing to lose. You'll never see that.

We know what your eye at the top of your pyramids stand for. Those days of hierarchical all-seeing-power you flaunt so gratuitously and the top down control you enforce so mercilessly are coming to an end. Like Anonymous and Stratfor we'll know find out who was getting paid to keep us down with by stamping boots on our heads, snooping our privacy, or joysticking for drone wars abroad. The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and we're living in daily Revelations. When the light switch is thrown on and the cockroaches scuttle for darkness. Be very careful of the people who know when it's time to stamp on a bug before the chance has gone forever.

Monday 2 January 2012

Rupert Murdoch Hearts Santorum

The tragic free fall of the United States continues at a breathless pace. Humour is seeing us through these darkest hours as Rick Perry falls out of the race for stupidity and now Santorum's divisive and anti-homosexual stance has the fulling support of Rupert Murdoch who is backing Santorum.

As I have said before

Rupert Murdoch is a King maker and the Republicans will divide the U.S. by dividing the humans in it along petty issues of gender preferences based on biblical texts that were written by Archontic non human forces.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Top Ten Twitter Tips For Filtering Out Reality

Never have a cause
Never tweet about war
Never tweet about protest
Never comment on political matters
Only follow people in your field of work
Only ever retweet people in your line of work
Do not ever encourage dialogue with new followers
Only tweet about your work (and the occasional amuse gul)
Only tweet on the geography that matters to you and your work
Always consider your job safety and corporate loyalties before tweeting

Monday 13 June 2011

The Internet Scares Our Masters

They are much more petrified of us then you believe. Exercising your voice and what your heart feels is a human right. If I can do it naked you can do it however you please. It's unlikely you will lose an advertising account over it, and if you do is that the sort of business you want? Listen to your heat and tell your brain to shut up.

Monday 17 January 2011


It all very much depends on how you use Twitter and drilling that thought down a bit further; what types of user experience you either have or wish to have. For example sometimes I like to have Twitter alerts on while I'm watching a movie or other times I want a really low level intrusion experience. Lazyscope is a bit different because if you're in content reviewing mode i.e. Interested in taking a better look at the content being linked to in tweets without opening up a new tab or browser, then it's a great tool and one I like to use when the intensity of Tweetdeck is too much for getting on with other tasks. You can add RSS and Google reader's feeds to it as well as some other stuff if that sounds interesting.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Asymmetric Follow

Twitter is a hyper contextual communicaton tool.
The number of different types of user experience is infinite (a big claim that I am prepared to stand by)
This means for example that the user experience of a person with 100 followers is not the same as 200 followers.
The next obvious context is the users preference for follow-back which is in itself a ratio.
Then there is the intent or purpose of use. Al Jazeera, Financial Times, BBC Podcasts are all monologue, but there are also power users that choose to mainly hold a monologue.
Which leads to the content of the 140 character limit. That in itself is almost impossible to describe.
So while this is a terrific post about the asymmetrical twitter experience the point is, that how people experience the service is really up to them. So get stuck in and define how you like to use it. It’s a remarkable evolutionary development in human communication on a par with the telegraph wire.

More over here

Thursday 5 November 2009


It's a bit good isn't it?

You can read (or listen) all about the Moral Maze program on Radio 4 over here. It was a good way to discover another real time application that surpassed the quality of the content being observed. Quite a few laughs and apparently a few of you were keeping an eye on the #moralmaze hashtag taking my Twitter follower account over 1200 although no doubt I'll say something and lose a few of those. It's all good.