Showing posts with label mi5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mi5. Show all posts

Saturday 19 January 2013

George Carlin on Autoerotic Asphyxia

I don't quite understand why auto-erotic asphyxiation can't be done just holding the breath so do let me know if you have the answer in the comments please. However the real reason I'm posting this (apart from it is hilarious) is that we now know MI5 and MI6 murder British people and sexually humiliate them by smearing their reputation forever in the manner they are discovered like MP Stephen Milligan. Full details over here.

Friday 18 January 2013

MI5 & MI6 Start Writing 'Allo Allo' Scripts To Keep The Savile Story Buried

You can tell the British Secret service are panicking like fuck over the revelations that Jimmy Savile worked for them with the release of this utterly preposterous disinformation interview by top-toff Barrister Michael Shrimpton who by his own admission knew that Ted Heath was murdering little boys after raping them on his yacht the Morning Cloud but said nothing... as was normal in those days.

We know about Ted Heath already but the disinformation is such bad quality that he tries to blame the Germans for, well actually I forgot the full dumb details because I started laughing at the sheer desperation and 'Allo Allo' like script he was reading on behalf of SIS who must be imploding if they can't find a better liar than him.

Go on. Have a listen to classic disinformation. 

Ted Heath a peadophile who killed his victims? Yes we knew that thank you. The rest? Complete and utter bollocks. Blame the Germans, Blame the Jews, Blame the Homosexuals, Blame the Gypsies but whatever you do don't blame the Royal Household. Downing Street and the dirty paedophile blackmail spy network called MI5 and MI6. "They're the good guys according to Top Toff Barrister Michael Shrimpton.

It's an insult to the intelligence.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Jimmy Savile - Royal Insider - Child Provider - MI5 & MI6 (SIS) Asset

The British Official Secrets Act is a one way, don't pass go, don't collect 200, straight to jail piece of legislation designed to put anyone away with no details except 'charged under the official secrets act'. It's like the D Notice that Tony Blair issued to conceal the paedophiles the FBI discovered in his cabinet from their investigations that led to Operation Ore child pornography sting of politicians before the invasion of Iraq. 

It's a secret. You can't talk about it or they'll put you away.

If you're a spy there's negotiation room because more secrets can be spilled and so British whistleblower spies Peter Wright, David Shayler, Annie Machon and Richard Tomlinson all had dirt on the UK power elite that kept them out of jail, but not without putting up a fight.

So allow me to  lay out the obvious. 

We know British spooks take great interest in the paedophile world for blackmail, power broking, and in some cases recreational reasons that I've written about over here. Paedophilia is rampant within the power elite beyond most peoples wildest comprehension for blackmail and power dynamics, not immediately comprehensible to the person who enjoys watching sports personality of the year, Strictly Ballroom or Inspector Morse.

We also know from the unparalleled intimacy that Jimmy Savile had with Downing Street and Buckingham Palace that his security clearance was as high as it can possibly be. Eleven consecutive New Years and Christmases with the Thatchers and a mentor relationship with Prince Charles as well as a mediator role within the Royal Household are concrete proof that MI5 knew everything the BBC management gossiped about for decades and a whole lot more.

Jimmy Savile was not blackmailed by MI5 Per se. He collaborated with them and the Royal household and Downing Street by trading the information he was intimate with, of the power elite's predatory sexual abuse of young children in exchange for a life of affluence and security. 

He loved it.

We've all probably experienced when somebody has shared information that is fatally damaging to someone else's reputation, and if we're honest we usually know the person sharing this kind of information has dark secrets of their own we would rather not learn.

That is how Sir James Savile moved with such extraordinary ease in MI5, MI6, Royal and Downing Street circles.

I guess you want to know why Savile eventually fell out with Prince Philip? 

The best answer is not to ask yourself what upset Philip. Ask yourself what upset Jimmy....What could Prince Philip have possible shared with Sir Jimmy that even Jimmy could barely stomach it?

Getting closer.

Update: Sir Jimmy had a microphone installed in his private lift so he could eaves drop on visitors.

Friday 11 January 2013

The Great British Paedophile Conspiracy

The corporate media in the UK are playing the people like a charm. Each day there's a new distraction for them to play with. If the British establishment including James Bond, the Queen and the PM can get away with this rather obvious conspiracy then it stands to reason they can get away with anything. It's no surprise that somebody as loathed as Nick Clegg and David Cameron are talking seriously about power till 2020. 

I hope the Brits have to endure that just for the sake of the kids they all forgot so quickly. You disgust me with your silence. You disgust me with your triviality and your gossip. Kids are getting raped right now by the power elite and you're swallowing the corporate media's story that it's all a done deal. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

MI5 Run The VIP Paedophile Rings at Westminster [the media] & Protect The Buckingham Palace One

I've known for some time of the allegations that Congress and Parliament are run by blackmailed politicians captued on film doing depraved sexual acts with children and whatever takes their fancy. This explains why politicians seem to be comfortable defending Royal paedophile connections and allowing places like Israel to bomb innocent civilians in Gaza. Indeed Kay Griggs says exactly this in her testimony against her husband who was the Marine Corps Chief of Staff. 

Subjects such as Royalty and the unwavering support for Zionism are at the heart of international political sexual blackmail.

The challenge with communicating the issue to time starved celebrity obsessed people is that it is more War & Peace than a corporately controlled newspaper headline. Most people don't have a hundred hours or so to look into how MI5 and the CIA recruit future politicians who are then encouraged to be in situations where they can subsequently be blackmailed.

Naturally this depraved milieu is well defended in the mainstream (for-profit news) media by people like David Aaronovitch, (and Hugo RifkindLord Finkelstein - all writers for The Times) who are ultra-staunch defender of Royalty, paedophiles and Zionism over at least a decade or so. 

It's natural to assume there must be something in it for Daniel to be so comfortable with the obnoxious, the disgusting and the depraved. 

The alternative is he just feels at home with these issues.

The recording I've posted above is only 30 seconds. 

Listen and wise up to why the planet is so dysfunctional. 

Cause and effect. Cause and effect. Cause and effect. It's science.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Annie Machon (Former MI5 Officer) On False Flags (911, London, Madrid)

Excellent short interview from the admirable Annie Machon. To understand how the UK is really run (as opposed to indulging in trivial and banal TV programmes and while snacking for the empire) watch everything Annie Machon has said on Youtube and Vimeo. She often says things that aren't in print and are quite shocking. Naturally only the leakiest of bed wetters stil believes the official 7/7 and 9/11 narratives but it''s always good to hear what an authoritive whistle blower has to say.

Thursday 15 November 2012

MI5 Whistleblower @AnnieMachon On Tony Blair's MI5 File

Finally and at long last, reading what's been on the net for ages is hot and in vogue. Here's what ex MI5 Annie Machon had to say about Tony Blair in her book. Did he go to war in Iraq by way of issuing a D Notice about Lord Robertson and Gordon Brown's alleged paedophilia? Well, it looks like the house of cards could collapse any moment soon. 

And so close to the Winter Solstice of 2012.  Weird huh?

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Is David Rose Of The Daily Mail Protecting Powerful Paedophiles?

As soon as the attention on powerful paedophiles became too intense the power elite used a classic disinformation exercise by exploiting a child abuse victim Steven Messham. By showing him a wrongly identified photograph and then changing it, the attention was diverted to an erroneously named Lord McAlpine (this does not mean he's not guilty, it only means he is wrongly identified in this instance).

Well David Rose, your name is all over the internet along with the Daily Mail and the Police as a paedophile protector and a child abuse victim exploiter. My question to you is what is it that has such great control over you that you are embroiled in this ugly chapter in British history? Call me on +66 8 47 33 47 69 if you wish to discuss this post. I've got only one question for you. Who are you going to expose as a power elite paedophile predator that isn't dead already?

Also on the list of suspicious establishment shills is David Aronovitch and Bob Woffinden.

Update: The Needle Blog proves David Rose is a paedophile protector.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Ex MI5 Whistleblower @AnnieMachon On Israeli False Flag Bombing Of Israeli Embassy In London 1994

That's right. Mossad blew up a car outside the Israeli embassy in 1994 to galvanise the Brits and International opinion against the Palestinians. They did the same in Buenos Aires and that was being discussed only days ago all these years later. Annie Machon spills lots of international false flag beans in this stunning interview.

Annie Machon: ex-MI5 whistleblower, activist and author joins Jack Etkin for an elucidating and revealing look at 'Deep State' and high-level national and international intelligence and security methodologies. Annie covers subjects such as false-flag/black operations, the MI-5's botched attempt on Muammar Gaddafi's life, the London Tube bombing (7/7), 9/11 and others. This penetrating and articulate interview is a must see.

Update. Annie confirms it was officer G91 who confirmed Mossad were the lead suspects in this latest presentation.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Ex MI5 WhistleBlower @AnnieMachon - Libya Was Bombed For Reasons Of Greed

Around the 10 or 11 minute Ex MI5 Annie Machon takes us through the Libyan leader wanting to disengage from the Petrodollar. Who could blame him? The West is printing worthless money and pointing a gun at countries that don't want to accept it. It's immoral and I hope you have a viewpoint on it because at some point the next city to be on the end of an RAF airstrike to keep your standard of living the same will be on the corporate media news.

Friday 13 January 2012

MI5 Whistleblower @AnnieMachon Says Spy Agency Vets Who Gets To Run For Parliament (Weak Let In - Strong Kept Out)

Every wondered why all our politicians are so bland? MI5 gets to give the thumbs up or down before they run. Former agent Annie Machon is not even telling us the secrets we need to know. To remain within the law she is giving us the information she is allowed to.

Lots of important information in this recent talk including how the media is managed and how the British spooks are the most protected in any democracy of the Western World.

Friday 23 December 2011

Blair's MI5 Bugging Paranoia

Former MI5 agent Annie Machon's recent keynote at an investigative journalism conference in Denmark reveals that MI5 had profile files on the front bench of the Blair cabinet long before they got into politics, and for some were acquired while still at University. She then goes on to reveal that Tony Blair used the gardens at Downing Street to talk about issues he wanted MI5 not to know about.

These are not stunning revelations but they do coalesce on the corrosive point that leader selection in our magic roundabout democracies are not elected but instead funnelled, filtered out, selected and then voted in when all the candidates are approved. I can imagine the Bilderbergers and MI5 either slugging it out or tossing names around during the Major years while they figured out who was to inherit the crown.

There's plenty of Libyan and MI5 revelations in this presentation too. Fortunately for British spooks the James Bond movie franchise portrays them so positively few are concerned with their worst excesses. Annie also talks about those D-Notices I mentioned yesterday.

Monday 6 June 2011

Still Got Questions About The London 7/7 Bombings?

Nobody believes the official story for the 911 Twin towers bombing. Or rather the only people who do, haven't done their homework. Something I've encountered time and again, is that its not the evidence that is the chief battle taking place here. 

It's the collapse of trust in institutions that we the sheep previously thought were there to protect them. I can share it's not a nice process to go through and my own awakening took quite some time with repeated denial on my own part. Even when I realised it was all Mickey Mouse society engineering, I still didn't want to believe the highest levels of society have an agenda that is about engineering conflict. 

Because divide and rule is how you manage large groups. I promise you my own position on these matters emerged chunk by bloody chunk of bloodied disappointment and took years. Don't do it the hard the way.

The watershed point with the 7/7 bombings for me was when learning that a 'terrorist test run' on the same day as the real bombings took place and that this was the same as the 9/11 'training exercises/war game drills' that led to the fighter bombers not scrambling on time to shoot the 'hijacked' airliners down. One thing I've learned from JFK's assasination and these events is that you can't have too much misleading and confusing events to muddy the waters. As the author of the Black Swan, Nasim Nicholas Taleb often quotes. 

To bankrupt a fool, give him information.

This Red Ice Radio interview with John Anthony Hill, producer of the 7/7 Ripple Effect is a must listen and I put it to you that some people in the intelligence services made enough deliberate mistakes and signals to make the public suspicious and indeed from what I can figure out of the British, you are suspicious. You just don't want to consider the implications of the fox being in the chicken coop. Life's hard enough without denial. Get over it, man up and do some homework, starting with this information.

Sunday 24 April 2011

David Earl Beach & Michael Beckham

Last week I came across the best film in ages. I wrote about it and called the post Hanging Offence.

Pie 'n Mash, the makers of that film were stopped from filming and later intimidated by MI5. The presenter, a British citizen of Irish extraction was subjected to unnecessary aggression and racial epithets. Surveillance is a really shit job - unbelievably tedious. It's so dull that any opportunity to throw some establishment weight around is invariably seized upon by the kind of people who are carefully selected and trained for obedience.

The Youtube film account has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including David Earl Beach and Michael Beckham. I don't know what their beef is on a film that had a couple of thousand views but I'm sure it had nothing to do with MI5 looking like thugs and weasels. No doubt more information will make itself heard. I look forward to uncovering the reason why the best content I've seen in ages was crushed.