Showing posts with label kubrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kubrick. Show all posts

Monday 23 September 2013

Archontic Deception & Apollo 11

This is Jay Weidner's best interview for a long time. I thought I was back in 2011 greedily snorting up 20 hour internet binge sessions of all the secrets on the planet on this one. Jay has evolved his Apollo 11 hypothesis. It's just so much more tighter and resonant than ever before. He get's JFK into it, the real and synthetic Apollo 11 recording dual narrative down. It all just hangs together. You're going to like it if you haven't figured out why it was so important to film the moon landing in a studio while still landing on the moon. I never bought the old story that it was too risky to lose the propaganda race when the obituary speeches had been written for Nixon to read out before they had even taken off.

Jay's only weakness is he wont address the Zionist/Neoconservative faction that orchestrated 9/11, despite a wealth of evidence that is too much rather than too little. 

The old Masonic order was taken down and the Neo-Bolsheviks slid into power. Why he can't see this is a blight on his claim to be a truth seeker, but it's not hard given he's paying his bills with a job which if you want to check it out is over here.

The only part of the interview that doesn't stand up is his Rennes-le-Chateaus riff. It's too cheesy to take seriously but then everyone makes mistakes, loses the plot or just makes stuff up for reasons nobody can fully know.

Anyway you should listen to this interview. It often taps into an archetype that at some deeper level just feels more robust than anything you'll find in the corporate media. Be it fiction or claimed fact. Bits of this just ring true.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Academia Openly Lecturing On Apollo Moon Landing/Stanley Kubrick's Use Of Front Screen Projection

The crucial point here is to understand that NASA did go to the moon but they sure as hell didn't show us the real films (which are now conveniently lost) and instead used Kubrick to do "backup film" of the landing from a studio in London. 

It is here that Kubrick developed and perfect the art of front screen projection.

Once you watch the explanatory video which is a film class on front screen projection (all three parts) you'll never look at Apollo footage and miss the tell tale line where a screen is used to project the background. 

You have a choice in life. You can either believe your tell-lie-vision programming or spend a few hours researching it and have your own mind made up by your own mind. 

Some people aren't used to it.

Friday 9 November 2012

The Making of Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey

By coincidence I watched the movie again a week ago and for the first time I understood the story. Previously I've been so blown away by the visual feast I've lost the plot.

Fred Ordway is in this documentary and even though Rachel Maddow doesn't know the connection between Apollo 11 photography's use of front screen projection to imitate landscapes and one of NASA's lead project managers spending as much time with Kubrick in London as NASA in Houston, we'll let it slide that she gets her reality from media talking points. Maddow is dangerously ill informed and more often silent on the big global issues like a perpetual war machine that has opened up fronts in Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Djibouti and more since Obama came to office. We all like a bit fiction from time to time.

I really enjoyed watching 2001 Space Odyssey again. I find lavish praise creepy but Kubrick's method of problem solving should be discussed much much more. He always saw challenges as problem solving that needs a strategy, creativity and rule breaking.

Monday 3 September 2012

Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut & The Rothschilds

A couple of weeks ago I was going over Jay Weidner's deconstruction of Stanley Kubrick's main body of work. While Jay was working as a young man in Hollywood, a pretty girl who came from somewhere out in the sticks shared with him her story. 

She said over coffee that she attended a Hollywood party only to learn that there was a more exclusive party going on in the basement of the building.

She crept into the exclusive party and was surprised to see the setting was sexual and occult-like. 

Before being recognised as an outsider (much as Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut)  she was witness to something that sent her back to her hometown forever leaving Hollywood and hopes of fame behind. She saw they were conducting a human sacrifice.

Later on after learning this, I came across another black magic ritualistic (child) sex news item in my RSS feed, and I got to recalling that somewhere I'd heard that ritualistic killing is the most powerful ceremonial process in terms of energetic bonding and spell binding communion of spirit-release that groups like this are deeply aware of and understand how to manipulate.

We just work in cubicles. Why would we know this information?

So I went back to watch Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and even though it was edited after his suspicious premature death so that significant scenes were taken out, it certainly crystallized within me as a piece of art commenting on society, power and ritualistic occultism

Something I'm less inclined to ignore as I've poked around on this subject.

Coincidentally, Vigilant Citizen have written a post on the Rothschilds at a masked party. The Rothschild banking bloodline always seem to star at the top of the list for arch manipulators through war and suffering, and so I thought I'd get these Jay Weidner posts written as really it's his 2001 Space Odyssey that I'd like to dig around in a bit as it's loaded with sub narrative indications.

Jay said that Kubrick's wife called him once and confirmed that his alchemical decoding of Kubrick's films was a commensurate with her husbands interests in the subject. It's well worth checking out some of the links in this post.

Kubrick shot the ritual killing ceremony in the Rothschild owned Mentmore Towers.

Update: Vigilant Citizen has a post on the topic.

Sunday 26 August 2012

James Bond Ridicules NASA's Fake Moon Landings

Hilarious. I thought this was a double cheeseburger James Bond Apollo moon landing pantomime moment when I watched the movie originally as a lad, but now it all makes chutzpah piss taking sense

I've got a good documentary on the subject  loaded up in drafts and scheduled for later tonight. It starts off slow but gets a lot better in the second half. Or you can just get stuck in over here.

Stanley Kubrick & NASA's Excellent Adventure

Well worth watching to see a string of scientific luminaries talk about how close Kubrick's work looked in comparison to the actual moon landings. 

Really Copernicus?

Still Confused How Kubrick Shot Front Screen Projection For Apollo Moon Landings?

The footprint snapshot above is of both a spacesuit boot and a stagehand footprint from the Apollo 15 mission though it's difficult to ascertain if it's NIKE or Clarks footwear. The newly released clip underneath it is from Jay Weidner's terrific documentary on how Kubrick shot the Apollo moon landings.

It's a nuanced subject though so please pay attention to the words we use. 

Just because Kubrick shot the backup footage (while shooting 2001 A Space Odyssey) doesn't mean that the astronauts didn't go. 

It's likely they or later missions did, but they had to to sanitize/simulacra the footage and photography for reasons we can only guess.

It's a fascinating insight into the extraordinary lengths the system can go to if it wants to keep a secret from the sheeple back on Terra.

Some say Governments can't keep a big project secret but if you haven't considered how Project Manhatten was kept so super secret that even President Truman didn't know about the A Bomb when Roosevelt died then that's probably an important one to factor into your own analysis and conclusions.

Lots more of the background on this in the moon landing tags below.

Dark Side Of The Moon - A Mockumentary Disinformation Classic

UPDATE: My popular Youtube account with hundreds of hours of uploads was closed down earlier because of the above documentary. It is now embedded from Google Videos where I originally secured it. Many other users have uploaded it to Youtube, yet I was singled out immediately after writing my post below this notice.

This blog was also closed down.

I've since managed to rescue this blog by repeating an authorization action by SMS that by coincidence I only did last week to prevent unauthorized access on my Gmail account from Honduras. Google Kindly provide information like that when accounts are being compromised on different continents.

It's fair to assume that my post below has annoyed the living heck out of someone. I have my suspicions, but more importantly while we figure out why my post is a threat I'm going to appeal to Google as to why I'm being penalised for transferring a video from one Google platform to another. 

I don't hold Google accountable as there is no business that is not subject to outside pressure.

Update II: I've now used a Youtube upload. It isn't mine but its the same film I lost my account over. Such is life.

Dark Side of the Moon is a French documentary by director William Karel that originally aired on ARTE in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick

It features some surprising guest appearances unless one factors in that it's a CIA  sponsored "mockumentary" disinformation classic that muddies the waters beyond recognition and in a way that is very hard to explain. The give away is heavyweights brought in on a nudge and wink to cloak the story in the "ridicule curtain" most notably, chief lizard Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Alexander Haig and two decent humans Buzz Aldrin and Stanley Kubrick's widow, Christiane Kubrick. The former is obliged to and the latter is likely unaware that heart attacks can be arranged.

The tone of the documentary is heavy "ridicule curtain" most effectively lowered around the UFO question in the fifties when the CIA purchased The National Enquirer to successfully drive the subject out of polite company and into low income/education demographics. The doc/mockumentary begins with low key revelations of NASA working closely with Hollywood at the time of the Moon landings and is meant to be tonally ironic. However these have now been subsequently proven by Jay Weidner in his first class and excellently researched technical film documentary Kubrick's Odyssey.

Over the course of the tale, Karel facilitates the credibility of the ridicule curtain through by and large telling the truth with a preposterous honesty that the serious mind cannot entertain. He even postulates that not only did Kubrick help NASA fake the moon landings but that he was eventually killed by the CIA to cover up the truth (not accurate he was taken out for his film Eyes Wide Shut before it was finally released.)

The appearance of Rumsfeld and Dr. Kissinger who definitely know all the dirty laundry affairs of State are a touch of genius in terms of strategic communications planning. 

It's genius plausible deniability.

Every time the elite tiers need to kill a meme they wheel out the big guns. This one worked well though they never counted on Jay Weidners stubborn, persistent and scholarly approach to the subject that leaves the serious researcher in no doubt.

Stanley Kubrick's Front Screen Projection Of The Faked Moon Landing (Kubrick's Odyssey)

As if  Universe knows I just got shafted on my Youtube account some random (not me) has uploaded Jay Weidner's recently released secret-spilling documentary "Kubrick's Odyssey" to Youtube. It was only released this year and reveals a film-makers eye on Kubricks exposure to the secrets of the 20th century. This film will probably get pulled so try to watch it  before it goes.

The documentary is twenty times more explosive than the mockumentary CIA number which is confusing. Jay lays it all out for you here. Just hold judgement for a hour (or more) before you make your mind up.

Personal note to Jay: I've plugged your documentary a hundred times with links to your site where people can buy the movie but in light of my recent news I hope you'll be OK with this post.

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Shining - Kubrick's Autobiographical Harassment

All of Stanley Kubrick's later movies relate to elite shadowy groups that persecuted him till the end of his life. What they did, what he saw, what they blackmailed him with, how they intimidated him and the ritualism they perform through occult worship and human sacrifice fill his movies. Most people are unaware that the molestation and sacrifice of prepubescent children pumps their bodies up with powerful natural chemical-cocktails and energies that the dark ones feed off. Adrenalin, endorphins, Chi energy and so on and so forth.

That might be somewhat difficult to comprehend for many so I'll lay it out a bit simpler. Everything is energy. Humans are a special type of energy. You will know this from the felt presence of experience during sexual activity, violence or a particularly riveting football match. There are many other examples but the chi energy released from prepubescent children is as intense as it gets. It wasn't fun for me to learn this and so I don't see why it should be fun for you either. It's not a fun subject.

This is why the institutionalised child sex abuse issue that David Icke campaigns against is all about an insiders club at the very top of society cutting through elite layers of law, politics, academia and science to mention just a few. Kids are groomed or abducted to feed the tight emotional bond that that groups experience during occult worship with human sacrifice. More of that will be coming out in the future but there's plenty of testimony on the internet and books written about it, though the best interview is the Franklin Case that I posted over here.

Many people complain that The Shining's script by Kubrick went too far off the book's narrative, but that's ignoring the real story that was being told. After filming the moon landing's for NASA because of his impressive expertise in 2001 Space Odyssey, Kubrick realised that instead of being seduced by the beautiful woman they portrayed themselves as, it was instead a diseased and aged whore.

Kubrick got lost in a maze of venality during this time in his career and left us many clues in his film as to who pulls the strings of power and what specific kinds of low vibrational occult worship they are into. Google "bears and paedophiles" for example.

The emphasis of Saturnalia hexagons is hard to ignore.


Towards the end of the movie the bathroom scene is evidently a rendezvous with the top of the pyramid in terms of Faustian bargains. It's clear he's trying to say he had no idea of the full context that he had embroiled himself in, and so Kubrick drops a lot of clues as to who that person is and what they are about.

Kubrick frames Jack Nicholson head perfectly with the diamond/cuboid pattern behind him, as by this time in the movie the character is Clockwork Oranged. That's a reference to the mind control techniques that the Saturnalia worshippers exploit through MKULTRA and Monarch Programming.

Every single detail is worked out to communicate, including colour and black silhouette shapes. Kubrick was a genius for stylish attention and Stephen King aficionados have raged at the reversal of endless details in the script which are not about the signified,  but rather the signifier's importance. He's telling us the reversal itself is the primary point.

However in the final analysis it's the bathroom scene where most of the clues are laid bare with its intensely red emphasis on ablutions, pacts with the devil and exclusion to females. If there's one scene where the dialogue needs extra attention from the viewer, it's between these two men.

For more information on the Archons that kept Kubrick in fear of his life, you could do no better than read up on Jay Weidner's work and/or listen to this latest interview where he spills the beans very liberally. Kubrick was certainly one of the greatest film-makers ever but also one where life and art became inseparable, culminating in his final attack on our blindness to "hidden in plain sight" evil through Eyes Wide Shut

Stanley Kubrick died unexpectedly shortly after completing that movie and just days after its private pre-screening with the studios who subsequently edited out the dangerous revelations they could no longer endure, and which Kubrick's death prevented him from fighting. Nobody knows where those missing scenes are but we know enough to point our fingers in the right direction.

Stanley Kubrick died 66 days into the year 1999, and 666 days before 1 January 2001 a date punctuated with question marks given his direction of the movie 2001 Space Odyssey

A classic illuminati symbolism loaded hit.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Mae Brussell - Bill Kaysing's Book - We Never Went To The Moon

This digs a little more into the mind control issues required for the astronauts and the 2001 Space Odyssey military industrial complex connections to the faked moon landing. Humanity can never grow up till we begin to question the Santa Claus lie.

Monday 13 August 2012

Kubrick's Odyssey - Secrets Hidden In The Films Of Stanley Kubrick

If there's one reason for watching Jay Weidner's documentary above it's for the explanation of front screen projection used in the Apollo missions staged photography. You can also see it clearly in the photo above along with a typical studio light stand from the period, being used on a set that it's very likely Stanley Kubrick directed. The basis for this claim is also explained in the documentary. 

To this day NASA refuse to take colour photographs of the moon or point a telescope at the Apollo landing positions and show us sceptics the evidence of the landings such as moon buggy and so forth. It's been over 40 years and nobody has ever gone back either. A good thing to do if you don't want people asking awkward questions.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Jay Weidner On Stanley Kubrick

Skip the first twenty minutes of radio host indulgence and jump into the juice. Essential listening.

Friday 17 February 2012

James Bond - How Hollywood Pretends We're The Tortured Not The Torturers

I've been slagging James Bond off ever since Roger Moore mothballed his etching efforts. However since learning that Kubrick filmed the Apollo 11 moon landing and the Bond people did a spoof of it in Diamonds Are Forever it's evident the intelligence douches got one over whoever runs the constructed-reality show at NASA as opposed to dog and pony show they serve up for us.

Usually the British and American intelligence agencies are in lock step over how they keep the gullible public from becoming aware of what really goes on through disinformation, misinformation, killing and torturing and anything they can lay their hands on to keep the people from knowing what really goes on. 

Casino Royale is a full on sympathy ploy by British intelligence who as we now know tortured people in Libya with the assistance of their friend Gaddafi before throwing him under a bus and then letting someone shoot him in this snuff video subsequently put out on the net.

Casino Royale yielded nothing, but I couldn't help but marvel at Bond's testicular torture scene. It's a shame they wont publish the real ones MI6 performed on people with Gaddafi's help. I don't think that particular story arc starts like this:

followed by a brief convalescence..

before getting back down to business again..

Balls of steel that man Bond. What a legend. What a fiction. What a bunch of scummy spies spinning lies for a gullible popcorn eating public.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Kubrick, The Shining, Woodrow Wilson & The Federal Reserve

Jay Weidner's Kubrick documentary still holds steady though this stunning deconstruction of The Shining by Rob Ager is a fantastic complimentary addition to Kubrick's work, detailing that the Shining also serves as a meta narrative to the venality of the Federal Reserve. It all adds up and what becomes very clear is Kubrick's genius for commenting on a number of critical contemporary issues all at the same time. 

This is a must watch four parter on Youtube. Via Dangerous Minds.

Update: There's some intriguing audio encoding picked up by this chap:

Monday 14 November 2011

Jay Weidner On Stanley Kubrick, James Cameron and Occult Readings Of Hollywood

An explosive interview subject to unsurprising psyops interruptions by the people who monitor these non-mainstream conversations. I've heard so many variations of interference on these types of interviews that I generally ask myself why not, if an interviewee is really leaking sensitive information and they are not subject to being cut off or noise interference. In this way the NSA (of Savage Rd, Maryland) are doing me a big favour.

This is a great Jay Weidner interview. Even if you're just a movie buff it's magnetic content.

Sunday 13 November 2011

The Gnostic Teleste Connection To Kubrick, Dick Cheney, Arthur C. Clarke & HAL

Probably the definitive talk on the idea of, as yet, open-ended and open-source Gnostic Gaia/Sophia myth making by John Lash. This is a theme that crops up a lot on the net to those able to cast a sceptical eye on channelled messages. Voices whispering 'now is the time to visualise and imagine what you wish for the world'. 

John informs us that the Gnostics described and used a particular Coptic word to describe how the Archons operate. It was HAL. It means to simulate or to copy. You might say a virtual reality. It is detected wherever a false substitute is on offer. It is a hoax.

The two top search terms for HAL are the computer in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Dick Cheney's Haliburton (HAL) stock listing.

Update: Original video replaced.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Jay Weidner - Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey, Moon Landing & The Archons

This is the first time I've come across

The interviewer is very pleasant to listen to and so this is a great introduction if you've not come across Jay Weidner's work. Find out why the Archons are envious of us and like our royal family bloodlines, have zero humour, zero empathy and zero art. 

Think about that. Think about what being human means. Think about that flag you wave at Royal Weddings.

Jay Weidner - Kubrick, Apollo & Alchemy

Called by Wired Magazine an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions,” and “erudite conspiracy hunter”, Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. He is the director of the powerful and insightful documentaries, Kubrick's Odyssey, Infinity; The Ultimate Trip, and the forthcoming feature film, Shasta. He is also the producer of the popular documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey and its sequel, Timewave 2013.