Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts

Sunday 14 July 2013

Jay Weidner & Jeff Rense

One of the better interviews from recently. Both Rense and Weidner are starting to grasp the differing factions within the power elite that have nothing to do with the pantomime front groups called party politics. 

However from time to time the 'Reds under the Bed' theme emerges and anyone who thinks Obama is anything but Wall St isn't paying attention.

Pay attention

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Hip Hop Conspiracy Music


If you know any great tracks with video please leave suggestions in the comments. Thanks.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Dr Stan Monteith - Secret Government & Secret Societies

This is very good work if you can ditch his religious redemption bollocks and his confusion that Wall Street runs Communism not the other way round. They're all in it together. That's the reality of the groups who run things. This moves along very quickly so make notes if this is your first time.

Saturday 4 May 2013

I Pet Goat II

I can't remember the last time I saw something this good. I want to write about it extensively but I think there's no need. If you see some symbolism you think I may have missed please do leave a comment.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

America Is Waking Up. The Giant Arises

The big losers in the false flag psyops are the toxic and malignant media. They can never admit they are immersed in a pseudo reality and frankly as they lose relevancy the most demented and most in denial will appear self evidently suffering from mental illness. These are clinically insane and the clowns of the class.


As a side conspiracy theory to the main order of reality above, maybe the military were in on the false flag to unmask the warmongering media? 

Let's face it. 

Who is going to believe the next false flag, fake enemy, fake hate, synthetic terror the corporate for profit, ultra Zionist media will inevitably try to sell?

No, this is a turning point and I feel vindicated. Watch the video. It's brilliant.

Friday 15 March 2013

The Existential Stupidity of Coincidence Theorists - They're An Insult To The Intelligence

Essential listening. Global shadow financial system picked up by academia (Dr. Joseph has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford University)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

@piersmorgan & @MiaFarrow 's Papal Conspiracy Theory

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus By Joseph Atwill

Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - Flavian Signature Edition

The thing that intrigued me most when I first learned about this is Joseph Atwill's claim that the Roman Flavian dynasty created Jesus as a typology in much the same way that a thousand years from now only a clever historian might be able to understand that Animal Farm is an allegory 'typology'. 

That's a crude explanation but watch the trailer and you may get a feel for this subject which is crucial for emancipation from the notion that we're here to worship anything other than life itself.

I should be more clear about Joseph Atwill's work.

When I first heard the Flavian's mentioned here I thought who the fuck are they? But the more I learn about them the more sense it makes. The usual way to make a buck from this kind of topic is to use familiar historical figures like Julius Caesar. This is why I groaned at having to learn a new Roman dynasty but I knew deep down there was something to this.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Glen Kealey

Completely fascinating including hermaphroditic references (hence the Dogon visual), the war of the patriarchy against the feminine and a history of man going back 40000 years including descriptions of Neanderthal and use of soma that I've come across before. First thing I did at the end of this video? Go back to the beginning.

His explanation for long hair (it physically extends our DNA transmitters) feels very right.

Parts Two & Three:

Glen points out in the beginning of part three the similarity between the story of Jonah being picked up by the whale and George Bush being picked up by a submarine when he jumped out of his aircraft in WWII. There's something to that story however the third video is less important than the first two.

Friday 31 August 2012

So You Think You Can Spot A Conspiracy?

This only takes a minute and is very funny. It makes the point that humans are genetically wired to see what they trust and trust what they see. My hope from an evolutionary perspective is that this is a good thing in the long term for our species, but in the short term can lead to massive abuses of trust as I believe is the case from the power elite.

Sunday 19 August 2012

The Masonic/Illuminati & Mormon Connection

I was listening to Tarpley earlier and he's been digging around Mormonism. Now before you get scared off it's not important what we believe but it is important what the opposition/power elite believe so you can imagine my surprise to find that Albert Pike knew Joseph Smith. 

I'm reluctant to use words like Illuminati and I really know just the bare basics but my interest has now been ignited and I'm going to find out what Mr Pike's connection is to the founder of the Mormons. I only got some value from the first embed posted above so there's no need to do more than ten minutes of those. Mark Dice is well informed on one topic only and is ignorant of many others so do exercise discretion. I didn't post part three but he reviews a movie he's never seen in that part. You owe me for sparing you that dross.

Update: The original videos were removed so I've posted others. It's quite hard to get the information I originally posted from the net as LDS seem to dominate all the Google search engine listings

It's important to remember that the GOP managed to get John Hunt, the Mormon ambassador of Beijing (Bush Senior anyone?) to resign his position and run for leadership. We must conclude that whatever the GOP wants, they must want a Mormon leader this year and they've already had a quick poll on which one is the most popular. 

They have a backup if need be. Hey. This is is pure theory but I'm not a coincidence theorist. 

That's an insult.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Have Iran, US & Israel Ever Been Allies

It's true that in the mid eighties (and according to Michael Ruppert from the mid 70's) the US was selling arms to Iran through Israel in the Iran Contra scandal so the answer is yes but from time to time I come across information that says the Iranian theocracy is Western intelligence assets because they keep the facade going. I'm going to tag this under conspiracy theory because unlike straight forward conspiracy/corruption I just don't know what level the game is here. It's worth watching and there's even an appearance from an ONI intelligence officer called Jonathan Pollard who is in solitary after giving information to Israel. What caught my eye is that even Netenyahu can't spring him from prison which tells me he's not as powerful as we all think.

As ever, thoughts and feedback on this one appreciated.

Thursday 16 August 2012

John Judge - Coincidence Theorists & Conspiracy Deniers

A good sense of humour is a rare quality in this field of research and so if you couple that with John Judge's fine mind (and conversational manner) you can learn a lot and open up the brain to different neurons firing on all 8 cylinders. We do share some language points like Coincidence Theorists and Conspiracy Deniers which is fun for me as I can tell he's a kindred language framer from this kind of play with words.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

That Whacko Tin Foil Hat Iranian Conspiracy The US Feds Are Pitching The Corn Syrup Classes

Well worthwhile listening to a couple of incredulous and intelligent U.S. citizens inspecting the latest Iranian conspiracy theory by the U.S. government. They tease it apart with rubber gloves, nose peg and tweezers before shooting holes in the most obvious ruse to get the U.S. plasma screen classes jerking off to bunker busting baby killers in Tehran and beyond. 

My personal hypothesis? The story is so bad it was done deliberately to fuck up any chance the news media and a sea of nervous middle American prostate glands would take it seriously (and they had to be tipped off just to be on the safe side). Why would they do that? Internal conflict. It's everywhere and it goes right to the top of the U.S. power matrix.

James Corbett and James Evan Pilato make a good team for independent news analysis  unlike David Rothkopf who looks like he has a butt plug up his rectum while writing shill pieces for Foreign Policy that fail to question the very basics of this Mickey Mouse story.

Monday 26 December 2011

Anna Nicole, Britney, JonBenét & Monarch Mind Control

Could it be that what we have witnessed in our top pop stars is the result of trauma-based mind-control? Have the Monarch mind-controlled slaves gone wild? Anna Nicole mysteriously dies, Britney shaves herself bald, Astronaut Lisa Nowak sets off on a mission of doom in diapers and Jonbenet Ramsey's own father collectively contaminates all the evidence through the same group of people most likely to be held for questioning.

Freeman doesn't do so much of this type of sleuthing any more but there's no questioning his enormously valuable contribution to pulling the most incongruous of threads together and magically revealing them as having exactly the same qualities. I was listening to Jay Weidner opine on the JonBenet Ramsey case recently and I think I posted that recording so dig around if the topic intrigues you. Again, for me I only know about these cases because of the people who investigated them, not the actual case itself. Stories of this nature on Television news make me nauseous.

While acquainting myself with the Ramsey case I took a look at an American bulletin board discussion group on the case and I was astonished that not one of the obsessives there had checked out the most compelling people commenting on the case (such as Freeman and Weidner) because the facts are not presented in the mainstream media.

2020-UPDATE: Is that Ghislaine Maxwell to the right of Jon Benet Ramsey?

Gabrielle Giffords, NASA & Synchromysticism

I don't follow the main stream media and so I often only get to know the details of a story when it spills over into synchromysticism or conspiracy and so the Gabrielle Giffords case has broken waters twice from two separate directions and so I'm going to paste the last in text and post the video of the first with Freeman elaborating on the Gabrielle Giffords case. I have a unique explanation for much of the high weirdness around cases like this but as it's even weirder than the original weirdness I'll keep it to myself. That doesn't mean it's wrong.

Below are the relevant Giffords' parts from a wonderful synchromysticism post on The Secret Sun (originally on Hidden Experience). It's a wonderful intro to Freeman's video work above work which he doesn't do so much these days preferring to emphasize the positive.

Now here is where things get really weird.

When Jared Lee Loughner shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, one of the first Doctors arrive on the scene was DR. DAVE BOWMAN. He attended a wounded 9-year old girl who just happened to be born on September 11th, 2001. She died that day, and her name was Christina-TAYLOR Greene.

Charlton Heston was an astronaut named TAYLOR in PLANET OF THE APES, and Keir Dullea portrays astronaut DR. DAVE BOWMAN, who returns to earth at the end of 2001 as the fetus like star child. To make things even stranger, Gabrielle Giffords is married to an astronaut. 

~ It is the Archangel Gabriel that appears to Mary. He tells her: “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb...” (Luke 1:31) This immaculate conception story sounds curiously similar to some of the accounts shared by women who claim alien abduction experiences; these accounts are full of mysterious pregnancies. Often when the woman is NOT sexually active. This certainly parrallels the virgin Mary.

~ The name Gabriel certainly parallels Gabrielle. Also, some New Age exponents portray Archangel Gabriel as female.

~ There was another Gabriel involved in the shooting in Tucson. Gabriel "Gabe" Zimmerman, age 30, was a member of Congresswoman Giffords' staff and was killed that afternoon.

~ The name Gabrielle Giffords resonates Gwyllm Griffiths. Gwyllm is the evolutionarily transformed bald being in THE SIXTH FINGER.

~ Gabrielle Giffords miraculously survives being shot in the head, and ends up bald, like her astronaut husband.~ Giffords' astronaut husband (Mark Kelly) has an identical twin brother (Scott Kelly), who is also an astronaut! Scott Kelly was a pilot for space shuttle Discovery, and that's the name of Dr. Dave Bowman's spaceship. Scott Kelly was in space during the shooting, and offered a moment of silence on 1-11-11. (more from Loren Coleman)

This is just a sliver of the stuff and it sits more coherently in its full context at the post where I discovered it.

Update: Mike Clelland from Hidden Experience contributes to the Gabrielle Giffords synchronicity through a podcast interview with Alan Abbadessa Green (post below). Also Steve Beckow chips in on the subject over here.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Charlotte Iserbyt - Rewiring Education To Make Children Conform & Adults Compliant

Charlotte Iserbyt's father and grandfather were (like John Kerry and George Bush) Skull & Bones members and so her qualifications to comment on the matter of using education to programme children to be wired for obedience later on in life, and in the corporate environment are solid. She explains how the process is designed so that children are stripped of the ability to question, interrogate, push for better solutions and solve problems and thus obedient later on as a profit unit within the corporate machine. In short Charlotte blows the lid off the illusion of school as education when it no longer is. She is bright, lucid and articulate and has worked at a senior level within the Reagan administration.

Only a fool could watch this interview and fail to conclude that elite groups conspire to keep the masses stupid. But then how could you tell if you are stupid? 

Here's your chance. Don't blow it.