Friday 1 December 2017

If Roman Polanski Was A Muslim - Would He Be In Jail?

Wednesday 29 November 2017

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Tom Delonge - The UFO Disease

David Wilcock who proselytises the Blue Avian/Corey Goode nonsense calls out Tom Delonge in an epic rant that, although somewhat accurate, is rooted in self evident envy.

David's role as a useful idiot and inadvertent shill for military industrial complex fairy tales has been out-shilled by Tom Delonge former front man for Blink 182 (don't those figures add up to 11?).

Grant Cameron nails the intrigue in the last video and once again demonstrates the age old question. 

Why is the deep state so obsessed with muddying the waters of the UFO/UAP/Alien topic? 

They literally have a handful of well funded disinformation narratives they are spinning right now which suggests that something is coming down the pipe.

Even John Podesta was trying to leverage the topic, though I always thought it silly that as her former Chief of Staff he used twitter to talk to her, when he has a direct line to her famous blackberry that she smashed up after leaving the State Department which she used to raise money for foreign bribes from countries like Saudi where women are the equals of dogs and transgenderism is a head chopping offense.

It's worth reading Tom Delonge's fawning and obsequious emails to John Podesta to see how creepy he is towards power.

If you don't have time to study all the material just skip to the Grant Cameron interview at the end.

Monday 20 November 2017

Arrestations De Masse

I'm not convinced Mass Arrests are going to happen any time soon.

That's not how the game works ordinarily, but I could be wrong.

However, I do feel there's a lot of deals being cut right now.

If Hillary is arrested it doesn't mean Trump is whiter than white (sic). 

He pretty much admits in this speech that he cut unorthodox deals with the NY mayor to do well in real estate.

Friday 17 November 2017

Remember Me - I Am The One Who Needed You, Believed In You

Dick Tracy - 1990

Well here we are, 2017 and a 2-way wrist watch is somewhat normal, although I've never seen anyone use it that way as texts are easier.

Al Pacino reprises his devil's voice in The Advocate for this movie so it's a familiar and brilliant performance though obviously with a different costume on.

Madonna probably acts one of her greatest performances in this role as in my view she hasn't been very compelling in other movies she made. Here she nails it though the singing does help.

Warren Beatty is just a few years too old for my liking in this movie, but is fairly harmless as an actor. Benign if you wish.

As i understand it both he and his sister Shirley McClean are connected to the Illuminati network as the Beatty family is part of them.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Statement Analysis - Apollo 11 Moon Landing

The FBI use statement analysis to determine if a person is lying. It's a 99% proven methodology based in science not pseudo science. 

The statement analysis demonstrates that the astronauts are lying.

I was most impressed that the analysis was done by Peter Hyatt, one of the most respected analysts in his field, and that when he realised the astronauts were lying, it created a cognitive dissonance in him so deep vis a vis his cultural programming that he had to share the work with two other professionals including his wife.

They both confirmed his findings that the astronauts are not telling the truth or rather are unable to tell the truth.

I do believe we have some very powerful 'woke' people on our side after this investigation. 

These are exciting times.

Monday 13 November 2017

Singh Sabha Gurdwara - Southampton

George Takei & The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and that's the times a few of us were writing about a some years ago and which we're living in right now.

George Takei is a significant voice on Twitter pressing for progressive liberal values while being particularly critical against Donald Trump.

Yet again we see someone who espouses a set of Hollywood liberal values in public life while having no regard for people when it comes to personal satisfaction. Actually if we listen to the recording above he says that he's a sexual predator for men in his home despite denying it for the last few days.

Howard Stern is crass and obnoxious. He is a primary driver of decay in the United States. 

He needs to be sent to Israel where he belongs.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Stranger Things - Season 1 - Netflix

It's been years since I've touched on the MILABS information. 

Military laboratories used to experiment on humans for mind control, psychic and genetic reasons. A lot of the info is tainted because it's now clear that many MILABS victims were not seeing aliens but being set up to look stupid by the degenerate people who have no regard for human life but do have an interest in discrediting anybody that survives their programs.

Anyway, I somehow just watched and learned that Netflix' Stranger Things is about this subject and it's clear that those Hollywood scriptwriters who used to follow me on Twitter before my account was suspended may well have been tapping into my research, though I suspect that Chris Knowles blog is much more influential in this domain.

I hear Season Two is rubbish but Season 1 is hanging out a lot of information.

Friday 10 November 2017

Lord Polak - Scurrying to Avoid TV Cameras

I'm fairly confident that some aspect of British Intelligence with the help of the PM and Alan Duncan set up Priti Patel.

She's extraordinarily stupid for a cabinet minister as can be seen defending capital punishment here, and is precisely the right kind of character for British traitor Lord Polack, ennobled by David Cameron to sleaze up to and convince her that nothing can touch her.

Well that smug grin just got wiped off her face and above we see Lord Stuart Polak like a rat running for cover somewhere dark.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Why My UK Mobile Bill Is So Low?

I'm very happy with my new mobile phone provider

It's a piece of cake to sign up, transferring my number went like clockwork and now I'm only being charged for the data I use.

If you're into excellent customer service, an easy bananas UX on the website and fairness and honesty I can recommend these guys.

It's not just about the money. 

It's about being treated with respect instead of billing me if I don't use all my data or immediately cranking up the bill if I go over the limit. That's just pick pocket mentality and there's too much of it in business.

If you use this link to sign up, you get a free month, and so do I.

Chinatown - 1974

Strange isn't it? How Polanski directed this movie (which stars Jack Nicholson) just before drugging and anally raping a 13 year old girl in Jack Nicholson's apartment and legging it to France. 

The irony is that he inserts himself into the movie for a cameo gangster role where he slits Nicholson's nose.

I would argue this act was mirrored in real life, through the movie, in a way that we saw synchronism echo massively in Rosemary's Baby

Again directed by Polanski.

It's as if the potential use of some kind of synchronism-sorcery has a ripple-effect on an event that acts as an alarm bell to those with a nose to tell.

I was tipped off about Chinatown by Jay Weidner who has redeemed himself in recent months by talking openly about Chosenite influence and spilling the beans on Spielberg.

Faye Dunaway is great as usual. Portraying the most untrustworthy of women though she does have an excuse. The opening scene is about blackmail and at the end (spoiler alert) it's about her super elite father raping her and producing both a daughter and a sister.

And that's how Hollyweird rolls.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

13 Minutes - 2017

I'm lucky enough to have a friend who has extraordinary good taste in movies and let's me know what to watch. There's really nothing more to ask out of friendship than that.

13 minutes is a painful movie to watch for more reasons than I care to go into here.

It's an extraordinary feat to make a film about Nazis without disintegrating into cliches but Christian Friedel has done that. 

Just one historical error in the script at the very end of this extraordinary movie. 

The gas chambers did not exist. 

They were constructed as part of a Soviet, US and UK psychological operation which props up the thought control matrix today.

But, as is self evident in this movie, Nazism was an obnoxious control matrix. 

I just wish people could see the drift towards the inhuman in our own society.

I'd rather be hung in my underpants than recant from telling what I know.

Knowledge is not the same as belief.

Similar movies: Der Untergang. Unsere Mütter und unsere Väter. Sofie Scholl.

How To Sell Credit - Barclaycard's Waiting Room

John Titor says that in the future people don't much like us. They look down on us for our superficial and self centered ways.

If the only thing standing between you and your dreams is a credit card you might be missing the big picture. I notice they're also peddling electronic cash to children through Facebook ads. Practical on the surface of things but a real danger if we've not studied our William Pawelec.

The Underwear Bomber & Vegas Mass Shooter

People often forget that the 'underwear bomber' changed flight travel

Now we have to strip down to our underwear or walk through carcinogenic scanners that can also interfere with DNA gene expression, owned by the same people who faked 9/11

It's the same deal with the Vegas Shooting, and Kurt Haskell who was on that flight takes us through the connections.

Michael Chertoff the dual Israeli citizen that ran the Justice Department which covered up Israeli involvement now stands to profit once again.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

The Weinstein Effect - Burn Hollywood Burn

The Harvey Weinstein effect has had a surprisingly candid impact on media voices including the Jewish Tablet Magazine and mainstream comedians like Jimmy Dore. 

I think there comes a time when names like Woody Allen, David Copperfield, Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Steven SeagalBryan Singer, Louis CK, David Blaine, Leon Wieseltier, Charlie Sheen, Jann Wenner, Jeremy Piven, Brett Rattner, Dustin Hoffman, Matt Lauer, James LevineAaron BonderoffHoward Rubin, Joel Kramer, Eric Schneiderman, Les Moonves, Ryan Adams and Mark Halperin, to name just a few, point towards the toxic distortion in Hollywood and the media by a group ostensibly claiming eternal victimhood, despite being over represented in a world that pushes ethnic diversity everywhere but Israel.

I'm not saying this is a problem exclusive to this group. 

I'm saying for 0.26% of the global population and 2% of the US population it's an alarm bell for what power does to people and the Weinstein effect is a long overdue correction.

Monday 30 October 2017

Kevin Spacey & Jeffrey Epstein

Kevin Spacey has finally been outed as a predator for young boys today. Much like Hollyweird actor Alec Baldwin he also flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express and blocked me on Twitter.

I wonder if people will finally start to realise that Bill Clinton is a rapist and father George Bush Sr is a known child rapist and pan sexual predator.

The War Business & Trauma Porn

Don't get me wrong, the creative execution really tugged at my heart strings in a big way. 

Great track by Queen, authenticity in the execution and a bit of fun had along the way.

I'm also revolted that we seem to be just as slick at healing child-trauma programs as we are in creating the trauma in the first place. I guess 

I need to contact War Child and find out if they know the full picture. 

Click on the ISIS tag below if you're still in the dark.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Badlands - 1973

I don't think I've ever *discovered* a movie before, but if there is one it's Badlands with Sissy Spacek and Martin Sheen. I only came across it as I'm working my way through Sissy Spacek's career, and it gets so few mentions in contrast to its startling quality, I feel I've uncovered a gem.

If you're an old git like me that was too young to enjoy this or just missed it on the film map in the 70s and onwards, but now looks to relax and enjoy good movie making with great screen presence and credible scripts, I think this might work.

I had a lot of enjoyment watching this last night and I'm looking forward to seeing what other work Terence Malik has directed.

There's an amazing Youtube of Martin Sheen telling the story of how he came to be cast in the lead role of Charles Starkweather who was possibly the the United States' first charismatic serial killer.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Creepy Simon Cowell

Some people say Simon Cowell isn't the charming and friendly face he appears to be

I found his donation to the IDF after they targeted and bombed 500 children to death in Palestine most repugnant.

Closer - 2004

For some reason I feel we were regulars down the Pickle Factory in Bangkok when I watched this first. I may be wrong on that as the memory plays tricks.

Those were among the best Pizzas I ever ate, though I did subsequently review many in Jomtien many years later.

What struck me watching this 13 years later is how contemporary it all seemed at the time. 

30 somethings getting to grips with pre social media and aging rapidly as we progressed or otherwise professionally and emotionally.

The movie isn't as polished or flawless as these actors could make today, though Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts are still professionals with a legacy that has not tarnished.

Friday 27 October 2017

BBC2 - Elizabeth 1's Secret Agents

William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley (a commoner who rose through the ranks, went to Cambridge and spoke five languages) feels like Elizabeth 1's handler in this brilliant BBC2 documentary series. 

I'm watching it as I wish to see how the TV academics are going to handle the John Dee (original 007) subject as the issue of magic has to be processed in a reasonably informed manner.

The handler always playing off the power dialectic, which for Cromwell and Elizabeth was Protestant versus Catholic. 

These days SIS use the Mickey Mouse ISIS threat to steer the state a course of stability through existing power factions. Usually to keep the Corporation city of London minted.

Update: An excellent podcast on Thomas Cromwell.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Trump & Tesla - High Weirdness and Coincidence Lasagna

I'm not an uncritical Trump fan. 

I am however extremely well informed on the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate so I'm happy to treat Trump as a wild card joker in the pack worthy of criticism but also a great thorn in the side of the toxic media elite and their owners.

The Trump Tesla thing is probably just a coincidence lasagna but it's worth knowing and subscribes to my John Titor inspired time travel conspiracy theory that this kind of information intrusion onto past or future-timelines makes a lot of sense and also corroborates Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation. 

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying that it accounts for a lot less mess than any other explanation.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Jeff Buckley & Elisabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins

I've been following Christopher Knowles work on this for a few months now and scratching my head. This interview by the brilliant Higher Side Chats pulls it all into a much clearer framework. There's no money to be made in studying this material. In fact it's only for people who value their time and can afford to take the time out to study it.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Gun Control


The best thing about the United States is an individual can buy a semi automatic and keep the wolves in Government and media at bay. 

In an ideal world we would ban guns and selling weapons abroad but to start at home is a sign of electronic entrainment and a limited understanding of what happened to China and Germany when guns were removed from society. 

Gun control is peddled by the worst of the worst and the least informed swallow it spoon-fed and cheering for more.

Thursday 12 October 2017

The Moloch Meta Mechanism

It is my view, and it's just an informed opinion that Vegas was the bifurcated deep state's coming out party. 

Some know, some don't want to know and the rest don't know.