Wednesday 28 May 2014

Former Australian PM Confirms Israel Bombed USS Liberty Killing 34 US Sailors

In this bombshell interview Australian Ultra Zionist Jon Faine is informed that Israel bombed the USS Liberty in 1967. Last month we had Australia's former Foreign Minister Bob Carr informing us that Israel runs Australia's foreign policy and now we have former Australian PM Malcolm Fraser telling the truth about Israel to a Zionist controlled media that can't report or even internalise reality.

Note how Jon Faine calls it a conspiracy theory. This is a grave insult given that classified documents have now been released confirming the sustained and prolonged attack that killed 34 US sailors. We will not forget those who defamed honourable American sailors to protect their careers through accusations of 'conspiracy theories'.

These are the kind of weak minded men who pick up a Newsweek at the Airport and think it is even close to reality. Oh the irony.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Blue Jasmine

Blue Jasmine is a film about a very beautiful but not too bright woman who is married to a fantastically wealthy womaniser, who cheats on her while defrauding his clients. It's made by Woody Allen who has recently been accused of sexual abuse by an adopted daughter.

Gwyneth Paltrow's acting is, as ever, off the charts. She's extraordinary.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Never Forget - The Holocaust Religion

This is the full Ry Dawson interview of David Cole, on how the holocaust religion underpins much of the thought crime tyranny that is taking place. Currently it is illegal to ask questions about the holocaust in quite a few countries, and it seems asking questions about 9/11 and JFK are becoming that way too.

There are very good reasons for asphyxiating free inquiry. The closer we look at the official narratives the more we start to question others.

Chemtrails Discussed at the United Nations for 20 Minutes

Chemtrails are one of those subjects a person has to decide to look up at the sky each day and study any patterns the planes are leaving. It takes a while to spot the difference between chemtrails and contrails but after a while it's fairly easy to differentiate.

I haven't spent much time on Chemtrails because lots of other people are more serious and more knowledgeable about them, but this video of the subject being discussed at the United Nations should put to rest the pseudo-sceptics who rely on and trust the corporate media to be informed.

Schindler's List Sniper in Palestine

Young people are murdered in Palestine almost every day for doing nothing other than going about their business. 

It's worthwhile remembering the Hollywood version of reality.

Sunday 11 May 2014


Louis Farrakhan on Darfur, Sudan - Arabs Enslaving Black Africans

I was just researching slavery and came across this very informative clip. Farrakhan is one of the straightest shooters you could wish to listen to. Especially when it comes to Zionists who claim human rights for places with oil interests. 

Like Michelle Obama above.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

A Dangerous Method

I wish I'd seen this first on the big screen. 

It's that good.

If you like beautifully manicured 1900's-ish clinical psychology with Swiss manicured lawns and erotic wailing Banshees in an opening scene then this movie is for you.

This is my favourite Jewish movie ever. It's better than Jaws and even better than Kramer vs Kramer, but it's not better than Five Broken Cameras which breaks category rules by being about reality shot in the first person.

If a movie is about making you see the world differently, then A Dangerous Method might work out as well for you as it did for me. By synchronicity I watched a Jungian Youtube interview only 10 days ago or so. In this respect it was sweet to see a younger dramatisation of the older gent who wrote about UFOs as a relatively nascent archetype, understood religion and generally fought hard not to always have conditional rules.

It's quite possible ambivalent people will be ambivalent about this movie but I always say take ambivalent people in moderation.

Tuesday 6 May 2014


I thought the visual I mocked up for Abby Martin was self evident Satire, but to be fair she did do an Apartheid State piece a few days later so that's good.

Here's one I did of her former colleague Liz Wahl and her Neocon buddy James Kirchick

Friday 2 May 2014

NIKE to make Air HEZBOLLAH(™) Sneakers

Sorry about the clickbait title. This information is censored on Twitter and Facebook. It's about Israel's instrumental role in 9/11.

The Israelis of course had assistance from their friends in the CIA, Pentagon and Justice Department but most of their help was from Zionist Jewish Americans, many with dual passports and listed in all the usual Neoconservative places.

Ry Dawson is an excellent researcher. I suggest people like Russ Baker who claims the Dancing Israelis were just students, is a hindrance to authentic journalism. 

His real mental obstacle is he can't conceive the inconceivable. 

Even when presented with the facts, of Israel's overwhelming role in 9/11.

Update: Original videos censored.

Stephen Fry

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Paedophiles, IRA, Priests, MI5 & Satanism

A little bird tipped me off about these two essential testimony videos. 

Some of the biggest arguments I've had on the net are with the Southern Irish who refuse to accept that MI5 et al ran the IRA and thus also ran The Troubles in Northern Ireland (divide and rule) through paedophile blackmail using Satanists, the Roman Catholic Church and Children's homes such as Kincora, though it also extends to Elm Guest House in West London.

What this chap doesn't know is that paedophile Satanists  activity runs all the way to Buckingham Palace and Downing Street and that even the head of MI6 Sir Maurice Oldfield was not only using it as a blackmail weapon but was raping boys for himself as well possibly being blackmailed by foreign intelligence agencies such as the CIA or Mossad who are best at this activity.

I don't write this because I expect a round of applause (ridicule is the normal response to people who haven't put some time into it), but because the quicker it is exposed the quicker it will go away permanently. 

I think the worst is over, but as so many are zombies to what has being going on, it's only a bright light shining into dark corners that will act as a permanent disinfectant.

It's worth looking into the links between mind control, paedophiles, spooks and Satanism to corroborate some of the information here. Cathy O'Brien is a good start, but the MKULTRA tag is fairly extensive on this blog.

Update: The Guardian runs a disinfo story with the usual blah blah blah.

Update: The Mirror confirms my claims as does Aangirfan.

Update: Facebook Post

Monday 28 April 2014

Easily The Best Interview I've Listened to this Year - Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist - David Cole

Even if you're not interested in the subject matter this interview is the best human inquiry I've listened to so far this year.

Tiny minds will claim this is holocaust denial but of course Jews did die in prison camps. 

Just no where near as many and not in the same way that is used to justify the Palestinian holocaust.

Therefore this topic is called Holocaust Revisionism as a field of study and it's illegal in countries that have to prop up the propaganda version. Personally I don't like the name as it was the British, Americans and Russians who were first to revise history in order to set up Israel after WWII.

David Cole is a really interesting person to listen to, and has a story that is more essential than the constructed holocaust narrative. In some ways it's also bigger because it includes all the death and destruction of WWII but also makes some sense out of it.

It will be decades before many people will have the courage to review this information. But that's OK because most people now see through the Israeli viciousness in Palestine.


I'm always on the lookout for movies that capture the seventies authentically and Rush does this better than any movie I've watched to date. It's about Formula One racing and more specifically the competitiveness between Niki Lauda and James Hunt.

The acting is superb and if you like motor racing the direction by Ron Howard is gripping. 

Rush is the Best move of the year for me so far though it was made in 2013.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Are Putin Admirers Being Two Faced?

Many people have figured out that NATO is the military arm of the 1% (or the New World Order if you wish). They have, along with their Zionist friends smashed up Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine.

I recognise that Vladmir Putin is a leader that the West can no longer produce. I've listened to most of his speeches and so unlike the knee jerk GayDumb™ suckers who are falling for the Anti-Russian propaganda in our corporate media, I identify with his candid manner.

I appreciate his defence of his country and the independence of Russia.

This doesn't mean I think Russia's action in say Chechnya (a Russian Palestine?) were anything but brutal, and so while many of us are grateful that Russia is an impediment against a world where humans are chipped up and work like insects for trillionaires, it's important to know the difference between right and wrong.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 

But sometimes they are. 

Everything is contextual.

Truth isn't a rule book.

That doesn't mean as a friend we can't call out Russia in the future should they do wrong.

This interview between Joshua Blakeney and Brandon Martinez is very much where my head is at when considering the idea that Russia is perfect. 

They're not, but the NATO gang is by far a greater threat to world peace and human sovereignty than any other factor on the planet.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Jewish Terrorists Kill British Troops In Palestine

British Pathe films have just released their entire collection on Youtube and there are some great historical contributions such as the one above.

The two main Jewish terrorist gangs to force the British out of Palestine were Stern and Irgun.

These terrorists are well represented by people like Netanyahu, Begin and Rahm Emanuel the Presidents former Chief of Staff whose father was a terrorist. 

That's a story the Western media edit out to keep the other myths going.

9/11 Suspects That aren't Muslims & Wear Suits


Kevin Ryan is a Chemist, Author and Researcher. If you are sceptical about the man in a cave conspiracy theory (Osama Bin Laden), and want to take a closer look at the security firms, financial companies, military psychos and twisted politicians that all had to be in the right time and the right place, and still fuck their jobs up for 9/11 to happen, this is the podcast for you.

It might not be so gobsmacking if you aren't familiar with deep state operators like Frank Cartalucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney, Richard Clarke and L Paul Bremmer.

Bonnie Faulkner is one of the best interviewers in the business. I listen to more interviews than anyone else I know so I think my opinion on this subject is more than average.

Update: Kevin Ryan has been outed as a holocaust evangelist proving once again that too many 9/11 researchers have insufficient bandwidth to study reality. His career is effectively over.

Saturday 19 April 2014

David Cole [Stein] at Auschwitz

The truth doesn't fear investigation. Watch it and make your own mind up but don't expect mainstream sources such as Wikipedia or the Guardian et al to be straight about Jewish prison camps in Germany during the second world war.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Zbigniew Brzezinski Confirms Ukraine Was a Western Sponsored Coup

Brzezinski confirms in the talk from 2011 that Yanukovych was democratically elected. When we couple this with the information by Victoria Nuland that the US pumped 5 Billion into destabilizing Ukraine we can see that it is the international banking cartel that are responsible. It is clear from this talk that Brzezinski is not part of that coup as he is against Israel who along with the Neocons (Nuland et al) are the main instigators of the process.