Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts

Monday, 16 December 2024

Candace Owens & Explosive Truths

Candace Owens has been dropping Napalm on Israel, Zionism and Jews who support Israel and Zionism all this year. It's been quite a phenomenon to observe as she takes her Catholicism seriously and researches her subjects well before giving them massively wider publicity than the secrecy and censorship they've long been protected by.

I was going to publish her findings about the Sabbatean Frankists (Jewish Satanists) a few months ago, but held off and I'm glad I did. Her recent expose of the Israeli attempt to sink the USS Liberty has garnered over 4 million views on Youtube and many more on X.

That information has long been published on this blog since 2013, but it's Candace who has cracked the silence on this disgusting and heart wrenching attack on innocent US sailors leading to 34 deaths and a 171 injured.

I'll drop some more Candace video clips below to provide a fuller picture of what she has been exposing this year like no other has done in history on this deeply protected subject.

The Jewish holocaust is the most historically riddled with embellishments, lies, inflation and maudling obnoxiously ridiculous narratives. That doesn't mean Jews didn't die in WWII but the cartoon served up as official narrative is in it's twilight months, and the truth is more complex, more manipulated and more leveraged than the reality which is disgusting enough as are any wars often driven by Zionism.

The people who sided up with Zionism and doctrinaire Israeli history are weak. They may appear powerful but those days are evaporating and a lot of weak sycophantic people including A list media personalities and Academia and so forth are going to be judged on their support for the most reprehensible synthetic history ever.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Former Australian PM Confirms Israel Bombed USS Liberty Killing 34 US Sailors

In this bombshell interview Australian Ultra Zionist Jon Faine is informed that Israel bombed the USS Liberty in 1967. Last month we had Australia's former Foreign Minister Bob Carr informing us that Israel runs Australia's foreign policy and now we have former Australian PM Malcolm Fraser telling the truth about Israel to a Zionist controlled media that can't report or even internalise reality.

Note how Jon Faine calls it a conspiracy theory. This is a grave insult given that classified documents have now been released confirming the sustained and prolonged attack that killed 34 US sailors. We will not forget those who defamed honourable American sailors to protect their careers through accusations of 'conspiracy theories'.

These are the kind of weak minded men who pick up a Newsweek at the Airport and think it is even close to reality. Oh the irony.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Digital Backflips

Well most of you know that I'm heading to the Wild East again and before I go I want to thank y'all. I've truly never met a more interesting and friendly bunch of people than in London this time round. It's been my fourth stay in our shining example of a multi-ethnic and cohesive metropolis that I love so much. I'll also miss the insanely rich architecture, chunky history, spectacular food, argy bargy pubs and most of all, you lot.

Sadly for me, but brilliant for you (hurrah), there will be internet restrictions for me in the future and this will probably mean less activty in doing what I love more than posting here, which is leaving comments on your blogs. It will also mean that this gaff will have less frequent posting and probably slow as hell comment moderation so I ask that you all kindly bear with me on being slow to respond or reciprocate in any digital way please? I'd really appreciate that and while Cocomment isn't as good as it used to be it's still the best at keeping an eye on incoming or outgoing comment activity.

But this is important to me because a blog is for life and not just for Christmas..... (chuckles)

OK I'm laying it on a bit but I'm quite fond of a little melodrama and it doesn't really work in Asia so cut me some slack this once. I'll be travelling quite lot, and able to post freely in the countries that aren't afraid of Blogger, Typepad and Wikipedia to name a few.

I also wouldn't be too harsh on countries that are still growing into the 21st century. You know, if we think about say the Balkans conflict, and multiply that by thousands, you get the big picture why a country cannot always give its people the full freedoms that we are so lucky to enjoy here in the West without it turning into a freaking mess. If indeed that liberty applies to the United States anymore, where as far as I can see even my educated and progressive American friends daren't say anything in the digital domain against the current regime in power. You know, stuff like invading another country for oil, lying about the motives for it, and all executed after one of the most questionable election victories in U.S. political history which we all forgot about because of that convenient terror terror terror terror terror (are you bored yet?) terrorist act. I say convenient because its not like the agenda was kept a secret or anything, by the well known names who signed the bottom of this declaration in 1997.

Anyway, many of you know that I have a deep affection for the United States. I grew up under its benevelont, generous and protectful arm during the Wirtschaftwunder of post war Germany. So its not through bitterness but sadness that I'm stirred up a bit like this. Particularly when the finger pointing begins about who fights hardest to secure the freedom which only ever really resides in our minds. Or as Ben Franklin put it best 'Anyone that is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety, deserves neither".

But getting back on track, the reason for this post is that its my first test post via email (and thus mobile phone...Kaching!). If you can can all bear with me while I go through lots of experimentation and make plenty of mistakes I expect to see Punk Planning looking a bit shabbier regarding formating or even just making much sense, while I play with the settings so that I can continue to break censorship rules. Because y'all know I'm fond of breaking rules right?

(sent via email with my standard signature below)

"The east shall shake the west awake
And ye shall have night for morn"

- James Joyce / "Finnegan's Wake"

America is not at war, the Marine Corp is at war. America is at the Mall