Saturday 26 January 2013

Belgian MP Laurent Louis Says The Unsayable - [Deserves To Go Viral]

Sandy Hook & Baudrillard

I don't know what the full story is but there's something not right about Sandy Hook and the coincidence theorists can scream and shout and throw tantrums in the mainstream media but the alternative media researchers are standing firm. If you don't have time to conduct an open minded investigation that's understandable but to quote Wittgenstein- Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must pass over in silence".

Thursday 24 January 2013

Pizza Hut

Did Prince Harry Urinate On Afghan Corpses From His Apache Helicopter?

Just to prove the old Jesuit saying, give me the child for seven years and I will give you the man it appears Harry is unaware his Granddad Philip ordered the death of his mother through Sir Richard Dearlove's MI6 and has now turned into a prize prick who shoots Afghan Shepherds dead from 14 million pounds worth of Apache helicopter killing machine.

We might not be fair in blaming him fully for turning into a socially acceptable psychopath but we must not flinch from explaining the wrong he is doing.

2012 Olympic Symbolism - A Royal Baby & NHS Sacrifice With Corona COVID-19 Preprogramming

Recent testimony revealed that Jimmy Savile conducted child sex-abuse Satanic rituals in an NHS hospital brought home the unsettling Satanic and Masonic symbolism at the 2012 London Olympics. This included the closing ceremony's creepy use of a Monarch mind control split identity baby (Monarchs are used in Satanic rituals), the  cauldron and Pentagon/Pentagram and Masonic symbolism including the Pyramid, square and compass. 

What mostly tipped me over into writing this post was the controversy of the Olympic "All Seeing Eye" mascots Wenlock and Mandeville.

The Universe has a habit of assembling things in such a way that it makes a chap think twice. You girls might want to as well.

Update: More information and visuals are coming through that the opening ceremony was pre-programming for the Corona or COVID-19 virus in 2020

Update: This is clearly Boris Johnson so we're looking at even more details of predictive programming.

Google's Search Algorithm Just Busted A Paedophile Network

You couldn't make this shit up. A search engine doing the job the corrupt police should be doing. Just Google all these names and paedophiles. 

Make your own mind up.

Has Anybody Arrested Leon "Meshugganah" Brittan Yet?

If Leon Brittan isn't a paedophile he should call me on +66 8 47 33 47 69 or failing that he should/could consider cutting an amnesty deal with reliable [not corrupt] police in return for naming names in the current political paedophile network. We know they are there. We know MI5 and MI6 place them in power and we know they make decisions because of blackmail and influence from Jimmy Savile type figures who move in and out of Royal and Downing Street circles with so much ease and fluidity it is preposterous to suggest they are not codependent on each other in some way shape or form.

David Steel comes out of this badly. He lived in the "Central Station" of political paedophiles  of Pimlico in London called Dolphin Square. It is rumoured he was fond of late night parties but it's his denial he knew anything about Cyril Smith that is most implausible (see his letters scanned above)

William Hague also lived in Dolphin Square and paedophile related questions are outstanding which he has not answered. We want to know how it is possible he didn't know Peter Morrison was a paedophile when Edwina Currie knew and why the investigation into Wrexham children's home sex scandal hit a brick wall with respect to his involvement and Peter Morrison's use of the children there 

Is William Hague a paedophile power elite child abuser and/or concealing acts of paedophilia by the political power elite. 

I've repeatedly asked him but he refuses to answer me. If anything I've written is unfair and needs to be removed then please call me on +66 8 47 33 47 69 or email me using the contact details on this blog.

My view is that if Jimmy Savile could rape children with ease and the British public aren't outraged then the information above will leave them unmoved. Is it mind control? Is Britain the sick man of Europe and unable to come to the aid of its own children?

The noose is beginning to close around the former Tory Home secretary's attendance at child sex parties.

Update: Simon Danczuk has mentioned Leon Brittan's name in a parliamentary committee as the Home Office minister who lost the VIP paedophile report that Geoffrey Dicken's MP presented to him.

Is Alex Jones - A Face In The Crowd?

I was hoping to see more scheming psychopathy in this movie and although "Lonesome Rhodes" brilliantly played by Andy Griffiths is a lunatic at the end I do remember that he uses his first TV performance to raise money for a homeless black woman when just bringing a black person onto TV was daring.

Other than this point? Yeah. Lonesome Rhodes is an Alex Jones figure though in my book Alex Jones would snitch and smear a friend in a heartbeat. I'm disgusted how he betrayed David Icke on Jesse Ventura over the most important subject we find the powerful try hardest to smear and cloak with the ridicule curtain.

The confluence of politics, celebrity, media and advertising is powerfully explored in this movie. Well worth downloading.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Banksy On Lance Armstrong

Everybody is pretending Lance Armstrong is the exception. Actually not. One has to be a sociopath, a liar and a cheat to get to the top of most pyramid like organizations. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Everything was going great till I found out the microphone was not working.

American Sports Is Just As Corrupt As Lance Armstrong

Great program from Robert Phoenix on the subject of fixed sports, gambling and the associations with militarism

The War On Africa (A Nice Little Earner)

The miners above are strip searched for diamonds by the staff of their White Colonialist owners. That's what Libya, Mali, Syria, Iran and the never ending war profit complex slobbering at the mouth while 100 000 Congolese women a month are raped and 5.9 million people were slaughtered in a genocide there to keep the smartphone market supplied with rare Earth Coltan.

Monday 21 January 2013

Half Of All Child Pornography Made In The United States - US Government Biggest Customer

A must listen interview on the protection that US Government workers have when caught using child pornography. United Satan America? Can't we send the Royal Family there?

Lupe Fiasco Shut Down At Obama's Inauguration For Saying The Truth

Now if he told lies he'd have got a Presidential medal.

Zbigniew Brzezinski - AIPAC Are UnAmerican

Amazing interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski who makes it very clear that the recent accusations by the AIPAC lobby against the proposed secretary of Defence of being anti Semitic are unAmerican. AIPAC are completely out of control and hissing toxic spew for far too long now. Their day is coming. I can sense it.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Carroll Quigley Author Of Tragedy & Hope [The Book The Elite Wanted To Shred]

It's a great story that Caroll Quigley's book on the Council on Foreign Relations came out as it did. They tried to shred it but someone got the plates and we still have it today. Anyone who thinks conspiracy doesn't operate at a global and network level need only read Professor Quigley's book. He was tutor for Bill Clinton.