Sunday 9 September 2012

THE MAN NOBODY KNEW: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby

This is the best portrait of the CIA documentary period. It would be easy tear into William Colby on a number of points but I found I liked some of his coldness and discipline. So I'll just leave one flower on the grave. When Colby was fired as director of CIA, more for symbolic purging reasons than any error on his part, he is filmed expressing a wish that an outsider next got the job. That man was George H.W. Bush and not even Director of CIA, William Colby was aware that George Bush had been on the books for so long he was instrumental in the murder of JFK. That's how deep the rabbit hole goes. Colby was just a clean face while the CIA needed it during the Church committee hearings.

It's an amazing documentary, absolutely stuffed with that Yale clique of secret society lizards who used the CIA and the Whitehouse to run the drug business with people like Colby unaware of it's meta purpose. If you pay attention closely you've got an Oval office audio recording of Averell Harriman pretending to be neutral while actually stitching JFK up with bad advice that the US puppet leader Diem in Vietnam needed taking down with a coup. One that Harriman was managing through his buddy Henry Cabot Lodge Jr the new ambassador in Vietnam. Colby is silent after indicating the pro and anti coup forces are evenly matched. Either he was too political to speak up for the country or just letting power do it's thing. Nobody will ever know. Nobody really knew him including his wife who has much that is likeable about her and much that is inconsistent. Hat's off to Cobly's son for making one of the most clearly framed portraits of an intelligence officer on film. Watch this documentary. You'll learn a lot.

Here's a Vanity Fair article:

On September 11, Carl Colby, a documentary filmmaker and son of the late C.I.A. director William Colby, was in Los Angeles watching the Twin Towers smolder on CNN. He was startled to hear former Secretary of State James Baker say that he believed the unprecedented attack could be directly traced to the dismantling of the C.I.A.’s ability to perform clandestine operations. It was a directive that came after William Colby testified before Senator Frank Church’s 1975 hearings on U.S. intelligence operations. In that post-Watergate era—four of the burglars had been found to have C.I.A. connections—and as Saigon was falling at the end of the Vietnam War, former C.I.A. Saigon station chief Colby’s blunt and controversial recounting of the agency’s more nefarious practices not only brought on Congressional oversight of the C.I.A. for the first time but also ensured Colby’s sacking later that year by President Ford.

In an effort to explain his father, Carl Colby’s new documentary, The Man Nobody Knew,which premieres tomorrow, offers a Who’s Who parade of former top-level C.I.A. and government officials as well as some of the most knowledgeable journalists who cover the agency—from Robert Gates and Donald Rumsfeld to Sy Hersh and David Ignatius. As they opine on the institution and William Colby’s influence, the film gives viewers a true sense of what it is to live a lie day after day and to hobnob at the highest levels in other countries—all while seeking to advance U.S. interests by whatever means necessary.

The dramatic events surrounding Colby’s career include a secret collaboration with the Vatican to defeat the Communist Party in Italy in the late 50s, his tenure as the head of the C.I.A. in the Far East during the buildup of the Vietnam war, the assassination of Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963, and Colby’s stewardship of the controversial Phoenix program—a measure that sanctioned the killing of thousands of suspected Viet Cong.
Carl told me he saw his father cry only two times: when his 24-year-old sister died of anorexia and epilepsy and when Saigon fell. He remembers his father yelling at him just once: when Carl denigrated Richard Nixon during Watergate. “Never call your president a liar!” his father burst out. Yet after his sister’s death, she was never spoken of again, and several years after William Colby was fired, Carl says, he abandoned his family with little explanation, other than to once declare, “I am taking myself off the pedestal.” He bought a red sports car to tool around Washington, got a flashier wardrobe, and married a much younger woman. Even William Colby’s death, at age 76, was fittingly mysterious. One afternoon in 1996, while staying at his Rock Island, Maryland, cabin, he paddled off in his canoe, and nine days later his body was found drifting near the shore. No foul play was suspected.

At its heart, the film is a poignant probing of an aloof and distant father who clearly excelled in compartmentalization, taking his family with him as he worked undercover at U.S. embassies. Did he ever really love his five children and Carl’s loyal and elegant mother, who also appears in the film—or were they too all merely cover for a calculating super-spy?

Maureen Orth: Do you think your father committed suicide?

Carl Colby: His death was ruled an accident—a stroke or a heart attack—but I think he was done. He didn’t have a lot left to live for. And he never wanted to grow old. He always refused the “senior discount.”
One day I told him that his old college buddy had been found sitting under a bridge suffering from advanced Alzheimer’s. And my dad said, “That will never happen to me. One day you’ll hear I’m walking along a goat path on a Greek island and I just fell into the sea.”
Growing up as the child of a C.I.A. agent, did you have any idea of what he did?
I was standing on a diving board at a club in Saigon when I was about 10, and some kid came up to me and said, “Your father is a spy. He works for the C.I.A.” So that afternoon I went up to him and said, “I heard you work for the C.I.A.” He told me, “I work for the embassy. Let’s just leave it at that.” It was like a pact. That was the time of James Bond, and I thought it was pretty cool—that’s why we spent weekends with Mme. Nhu or lived next door to the prime minister in Rome.
Then in 1966, I went on an elephant hunt in Indonesia and mentioned I had met a Mr. X. My dad just looked at me. “Don’t ever mention his name again.” Then I knew; this man lived under deep cover and by never repeating his name, this was my way of helping my dad perform his mission.
How do you think your father saw his career at the C.I.A.?
He felt he was on an honorable high moral mission—to bring providence, to make the world a better place. The world to him was a venal place, and he was one of those Americans who had seen the worst and practiced the worst. He thought a lot of Americans were optimistic and naïve but he saw it all for what it was, a dirty business.
That sense of mission must have become more difficult during Vietnam.

It was as if he were a Napoleonic officer or a general in Roman times—how to suppress the rebellion in Judea.

How did your father react after he was fired?
I think he was very bitter and angry. When he talked about it, I could see his upper lip quivering just a tiny bit. In our family that was a sign. We were taught never to exhibit vulnerability. He lost the center out of his life, and then he took off his trench coat and became a completely different man. He didn’t really need to be that guy anymore. He didn’t need my mother. He didn’t need us.
Your mother appears to have been very important to his career. She certainly seems charming on film.
I think of my mother as a Catholic Barbara Stanwyck with an Ivy League education. When they met, she liked my father because he was serious—everyone she knew left to go to war. She had a fiancé who died in the war. They were people ready to make great sacrifices. My parents weren’t that needy. These were men and women who were not interested in public adoration. It’s a graceless age now with reality TV and Facebook.
What did your mother think of the C.I.A.?
She saw it as “Catholics in action.” So many people in the C.I.A. then were Catholic. Her whole relationship with the family was predicated on [my father] doing the right thing. The C.I.A. was a necessary evil that she thought was driven by a moral rectitude that reflected all of our family’s Catholic values—Catholicism is one of the world’s great warrior religions.
Your mother was described as “the most loyal C.I.A. wife ever” by infamous C.I.A. counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton.
In the earlier days it was more fun. She would say to my dad as they were going out, “Who are we tonight?” Then, as Vietnam went on, the only people in the room at their parties were other C.I.A. men and their wives. At nine p.m. the men would go into another room and close the door with their cigars and conversation. The women stayed in the dining room.
What do you think is your father’s legacy? In the film you say he had to testify before Congress 32 times in 1975.
He took on the toughest, dirtiest assignments that the White House could throw at him, and then they used him up and hung him out to dry. He was the reformer who saved the C.I.A. from itself. The price he paid was becoming the sacrificial lamb. Somebody had to take the fall. I think he took on the whole mess and was in turn consumed by the flames. It was like he purged himself of all the guilt and then walked away and re-invented himself just like phoenix rising from the ashes.
Why did you finally make this film?
It was a way to get underneath, to learn what motivated my father. Both my parents were only children. My grandfather in Minnesota traded spices and sat with Sitting Bull. My grandmother, Margaret Egan, gave my father all the love he ever needed. The fact he got married and had a family—it was like an accessory. Who was he? What was it all about? Were we just a cover? We have to live with that.

The Royal Court of Thailand

Freshly uploaded. I'd much prefer to use an elegant visual but until the deaths of 2010 protesters are represented fairly and investigated properly I wont pretend things are OK. They're not. I don't accept the Royal Thai Army's use of live bullets to clear peaceful political protest.

NSA Wants To Reach Down And Touch Your Private Parts

The fake left make every excuse for Obama even though he promised to make transparency and the rule of law his Presidential signature. He encouraged and promised to protect whistleblowers but the fake left are completely unconcerned that his term in office has been far more harsh than his predecessor George Bush.

This New York Times video of NSA whistleblower William Binney is an excellent short introduction into the drift towards Nazism by the American security State. The NSA and all the other greasy snouts in the pork barrel security spending trough can never have enough of our money to justify their pensions and increasing brutality and intrusions of privacy. 

You should watch this excellent piece.

The Taiping Rebellion

When the British finally intervened in the worst civil war in human history it turned out to be a disastrous mistake. People like Ed Husain should listen to lectures like this if ever in doubt about the value of interfering in other people's affairs such as is occurring in Syria.

Dr. Stephen R. Platt, a 2008-2010 fellow in the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations' Public Intellectuals Program, discusses his latest book, Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War, at the Luce Foundation office in New York. The book is a military history of the nineteenth-century Taiping Rebellion, one of the largest civil wars in history. National Committee Vice-President Jan Berris moderates the event.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Patti Smith Sings For Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie was run over by an Israeli military bulldozer crushing Palestinian homes to make way for land stealing settlers, and the driver reversed over Rachel's body for good measure.

The King & Eye

I know I posted a clip yesterday but I had not idea these were available. Parts one and two don't quite make linear sense so there's repeition narrated continuously by Gielgud. It's not good manners to comment on the Royal Family and in this instance most of my mental projections came to life with the characters speaking English. It's very telling.

I Am Terrified of Mitt Romney

5 Broken Cameras

Each camera has a story to tell. Deserves an Oscar on artistic merit alone.

Busted Bibi - The Boy Who Cried Wolf Over Nuclear Iran

The first time I heard this story I thought it in my experience plausible, but it was too risky to republish in case it fell through as a hoax. I try and be careful about the stories I associate with and of course from time to time, as a human, I make mistakes. Well this is legit. Netenyahu illegaly smuggled nuclear triggers called Krytrons through a trading company from the US to Israel. The same nuclear triggers that Mossad accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons with a couple of years ago. 

The corporate media have imposed a wall of silence over this story including a wonderful NPR program where they cut off the journalist who exposed Bibi. We're at the special time in history where the rule of law is broken and the bubble is about to burst and the people will see through the illusion. I've no idea how this will finally manifest but this a great example of the great unveiling or the apokalypse as it's known in Greek.

Here's the story below, but do dig around the links especially this one where lots of information is held that the corporate, for profit media simply can't touch. There's a lot of money in this war on Iran they're selling and this story busts it open as another WMD hoax on the 99% dime:

The FBI partially declassified and released files linking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a nuclear technology smuggling ring that targeted the United States.  The declassified files are now available online at:

FBI agents interviewed indicted American smuggler Richard Kelly Smyth on April 16-17, 2002, at the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles. The secret interview report details how during trips to Israel Smyth's handler placed him in contact with Benjamin Netanyahu at Heli Trading Company. The FBI report suggests that "Smyth and [Netanyahu] would meet in restaurants in Tel Aviv and in [Netanyahu's] home and/or business. It was not uncommon for [Netanyahu] to ask Smyth for unclassified material."

Smyth was indicted in the mid-1980s for smuggling 800 dual use "krytrons" without proper export licenses through a multi-front company network.  Smyth fled the U.S. and lived abroad, supported by unknown means, until he was captured by Interpol and returned to the U.S. in 2001.  He was convicted in 2002.

During the 2002 Smyth counterintelligence debriefing, the FBI learned that the Israeli Ministry of Defense ordered and paid an Israeli company called Heli Trading for krytrons. Heli in turn sourced them from California-based MILCO in a clandestine operation codenamed "Project Pinto." The report reveals how MILCO illegally shipped other prohibited military articles under general Commerce Department export licenses rather than smuggling them out via Israeli diplomatic pouches.

Released on the Internet on July 4, 2012, the files have been the subject of reporting in the Israeli press, including Israeli National NewsMa'ariv and The Marker.  Some U.S. alternative media also explored the implications of the formerly secret files including Antiwar.comTikkun Olam,  Mondoweiss and CounterPunch.  WBAI radio and the Scott Horton Show have hosted interviews. 

Although the FBI report has now been sent to the New York Times, Washington Post, all members of Congress and United Nations members, no top-tier establishment news coverage, Congressional or UN investigations have been made public.  On Friday, National Public Radio syndicated host Diane Rehm immediately disconnected IRmep Research Director Grant F. Smith when he asked her reporter roundtable to assess the implications of the Netanyahu espionage ring.  An audio clip of the brief exchange is available at:

IRmep is a private nonprofit that studies how warranted law enforcement and civil action can improve U.S. Middle East policy.

Post Ironic Advertising - Be Careful What You Wish For

And while we're on the subject of normalizing consumption.

The Increasingly Creepy American Political Mirror

I just think there's a sickness when both sides are unable to see the lies that their heroes are capable of. Worse is that the broken promises Obama has made will most be felt when he's out of office. They're freedom and liberty issues that are baked in Nazi oven think tanks and secret societies. He might not use those laws but do you think the GOP are less inclined to use military arrests?

CIA Subscribes To Punk Planning

Oddly enough one of my passports is Maltese. So any time you wanna kiss my ring.... More on the Knights of Malta CIA love-in over here.

Canada Goes Warmonger

Stephen Harper, Canada's PM is another cookie cutter corporatist who will go to war for Iranian oil using trumped up Weapons of Mass Destruction lies like Bush did in Iraq. The Cookie cutter corporatists include Harper, Australia's Julia Gillard, UK's David Cameron and France's Francois Hollande and of course unghinged Hillary and her buddy nutty Netenyahu. 

Their agenda is globalist. It comes from places like the Council on Foreign Relations, The Brookings Institute, The Trilateral Commission and pseudo 'bombing for peace' groups like The International Crisis Group. Be on guard for their lies in the coming weeks.

I reject their greedy and corporate global agenda. 

It's against humanity and is for elites. 

Wise up.

Friday 7 September 2012

Frank Zappa - Biography Documentary

It's not a British documentary so it's not brilliant, as that's a genre the Brits are superior at producing. But it is OK and puts together an interview that is otherwise broken up into clips on Youtube. It was Dangerous Minds who put me onto Zappa but since I have been blocked for from leaving comments there I'll let you use a search engine instead of doing the courtesy of leaving a link.

Zappa was extraordinarily intelligent. He didn't indulge in drugs or drink and had very high standards from an unusually large musical entourage who all read music as well as classical musicians. In many respects I see Frank Zappa as the most serious contemporary musician of the 20th century and I'm looking forward to working my way through his enormous output till well into my old age. But it's worth pointing out one more time, that the man saw completely through the charade that is painted on the walls and presented as reality to the petit bourgeois consumer classes.

With his long hair and pointed beard he could have slipped into easily into a waistcoat and ruffled shirt and passed as a Viennese mad genius conductor. Secretly I think he knew this.

Mitt Romney's Mom

The video keeps getting removed so make your mind up if you're interested to watch it now. 

Yesterday I was reminded that most politicians in Washington have sexual scandal being used to blackmail them. I originally  heard it in some MKULTRA interviews but the content was so shocking I didn't want to quote it but yesterday was a pretty tame interview that made it clear that the allegations are true.

Why do I mention this? Well because Mitt gives me the creeps. Whatever it is he's interested in it's not the well being of normal people and I sense there's a different agenda that pushes him to do things that no decent person could ignore.

But all said and done his Mom comes across as a decent person. However, I also read earlier that his father George Romney was heavily involved with CIA MK ULTRA.

This is not an endorsement for Democrats. Both sides are owned by Wall Street.

BBC: Kings of Glam

Tricky to get the subject matter right because the worst excesses of Glam are so over the top. I've seen much better documentaries but it has some great points. It's strongest feature are the creative people associated to the cast of characters from the world of music. If a documentary gets this right and gets them talking in an interesting manner it's always doable. You can make a documentary about anything no matter how cheesy.

Lot's of working class boys from the Midlands in this one (shout out to Slade). Bryan Ferry drips style and there's a momentary glimpse of David Bowie at Marc Bolam's funeral getting into a chaffeur driven limousine and looking flawless. 

Sombre but perfectly flawless.

'76 or '96?

Fantastic quality. Exceptional. If she'd married him her name would have been Jerry Ferry.

The King's English

The first time I saw the Thai King was on Television in Frankfurt 1992 when the Royal Thai Military did what they do best which is killing Thai citizens. In 20 years despite occasionally being close I've never heard him speak English and this is the first time. It's as good a clip as one could wish to see and know a little of the man. 

The Video is via this post from Andrew Marshall who is one of the few journalists I respect as he resigned his position from Reuters and wrote candid journalist reports that prevent him returning to Thailand any time in the near future. He resigned from Reuters to prevent his colleagues from being exposed to any danger.

It's a massively complex subject but the bottom line is the military run Thailand as indeed they do in the US or the UK if you really scratch away at the facade of democracy.

Straight Shootin' Putin

There is no more straight talking politician than Vladmir Putin. I've listened to a lot of his speeches including a very important one at the 43rd Munich Security Conference where he acknowledged that the Western world isn't run by it's surface politicians. There's his 4 hour Q&A with the Russian people for the hardcore analysts or the nuclear weapons statement at the Sarov Nuclear Research Centre that I wrote about long before the corporate media decided Pussy Riot was the most important geopolitical lever on the table. But for the time starved just listen to his John McCain observation. You can tell a lot about this man in a short amount of time. He's straight, I know exactly where I am with his words and he's a man a serious person can do business with unlike the duplicitous West and their lackey media.

Lately even the The Guardian and The New Statesman have fallen into line behind the spineless William Hague in portraying Russia in a negative light due to the Pentagon's fury at their refusal to let NATO do another Gadaffi snuff movie in Syria.

We can talk about the nitty gritty of journalism in Russia but to watch the sheeple go off on one about Pussy Riot proves the irrelevancy of most's people grasp of foreign policy or their inability to discern that the corporate media just tell lies to justify their warmongering.

Don't believe me? Do the homework and get stuck in. When Putin speaks I listen. Cameron or whoever is pretending to run France these days don't get that respect. Not from me.

If It's On The Net It's Not Rare - T-Rex Live - 1972

An absolutely stonking last number of Get It On by T Rex Live at Wembley Empire Pool in the London Borough of Brent. Recorded live on March 18th, 1972 with Marc Bolan, Mickey Finn, Bill Legend, Steve Currie. (I was three years old).

Only 17 views and a couple of days since uploaded. Get in while it's still rare.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon - CIA Asset, Right Wing Nazi & Drug Trafficker

Sun Myung Moon ran the Asian arm of George H.W. Bush's global crime dynasty. Bob Fitrakis has written a solid obituary of the man though he hasn't picked up on the importance of Moon's drugs and arms trafficking through his partnership with George Bush's  in their Paraguay based operations.
The death of Reverend Sun Myung Moon hopefully ends one of the strangest chapters in U.S. security industrial complex history. The self-proclaimed "Messiah" who owned dozens of businesses including Kahr Arms, and who once claimed to have presided over Jesus' wedding posthumously in order to get the Christian savior into heaven, was ultimately a front in the United States for friends in the CIA like George Herbert Walker Bush.
Moon founded the Washington Times newspaper in 1982 and the Washington Post went out of its way to avoid any mention of the "the dark side of the Moon" upon his death Monday, September 3, 2012 at age 92. When George W. Bush faltered in New Hampshire in early 2000, it was Moon's shadowy cultish right-wing network that came to its rescue in South Carolina. Moon's forces helped turn a certain primary defeat into a double-digit victory by spreading Moonies, his zombie-like followers, throughout the state. As the Washington Post reported, "An array of conservative groups have come to reinforce Bush's message with phone banks, radio ads, and mailings of their own."
Meanwhile, Moon's Washington Times ran the headline "Bush scoffs at assertion he moved too far right." The bizarre, almost unbelievable political alliance between the Bush family and Rev. Moon is one of the dirty little secrets of CIA involvement in U.S. domestic politics.
To understand the historical significance of Rev. Moon and his Moonies, one must start with Ryoichi Sasakawa, identified in a 1992 Frontline investigative report as the key money source behind Moon's far-flung world religious/business empire. Sasakawa bragged to Time magazine that he was "the world's richest fascist."
In the 1930s, Sasakawa was one of Japan's leading fascists. He organized a private army of 1500 men equipped with 20 war planes. His followers were Japan's version of Mussolini's Black Shirts. Sasakawa was a key figure in leading Japan into World War II and was an "uncondemned Class-A war criminal." Following WW II, he was captured and imprisoned for war crimes. According to U.S. documents, Sasakawa was suddenly freed with another accused war criminal, Yoshio Kodama, a prominent figure in Japan's organized crime syndicate, the Yakuza. They were freed in 1948, one year after the National Security Act established the CIA as the successor to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In January 1995, Japan's KYODO News Service uncovered documents establishing that Kodama's release coincided with an agreement he had made with U.S. military intelligence two months earlier to serve as an informant. Declassified documents link Kodama's release to the CIA.
During WW II, Kodama activities, according to the U.S. Army counterintelligence records consisted of "systematically looting China of its raw materials" and dealing in heroin, guns, tungsten, gold, industrial diamonds and radium. Both Sasakawa's and Kodama's CIA ties are a reoccurring theme in their relationship with Rev. Moon.
In 1997, Congressman Donald Fraser launched an investigation into Moon's cult. The 444-page Congressional report alleged Moonie involvement with bribery, bank fraud, illegal kickbacks, and arms sales. The report revealed that Moon's 20,000-member Unification Church was a creation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The Moonies were working with KCIA Director Kim Chong Phil as a political instrument to influence U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. CIA was the agency primarily responsible for founding the KCIA after WW II. The Moon organization has denied any link with the U.S. intelligence agencies or the Korean government.
Moon, who is Korean, and his two fascist Japanese buddies Kodama and Sasakawa, worked together in the early 1960s to form the Asian People's Anti-Communist League with the aid of KCIA agents. The League allegedly used Japanese organized crime money and financial support from Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. The League concentrated its efforts on uniting fascist and right-wing militarists into an anti-Communist force throughout Asia.
In 1964, League funds established Moon's Freedom Center in the United States. Kodama served as a chief advisor to the Moon's subsidiary Win Over Communism, an organization that served as a conduit to protect Moon's South Korean financial investments. Sasakawa acted as Win Over Communism's Chair.
In 1966, the League merged with another fascist organization, the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations. The merger begat the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Later, in the 1980s, the retired U.S. Major General John Singlaub emerged from the shadows of the League to become caught up in the Iran-Contra scandal. As Chairman of the WACL, Singlaub enlisted soldiers of fortune and other paramilitary groups to support the Contra cause in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas.
Moon's Freedom Center served as the headquarters for the League in the U.S. During the Iran-Contra hearings, the League was described as a "multi-national network of Nazi war criminals, Latin American death squad leaders, North American racists, and anti-Semites and fascist politicians from every continent."
Working with the KCIA, Moon made his first trip to the U.S. in 1965 and shockingly obtained an audience with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Both "Ike" and former President Harry S. Truman lent their names to letterhead of the Moon-created Korean Cultural Freedom Foundation. In 1969, Moon and Sasakawa jointly formed the Freedom Leadership Foundation, a pro-Vietnam War organization that lobbied the U.S. government.
In the 1970s, Moon earned notoriety in the so-called Koreagate scandal. Female followers of the Unification Church were accused of entertaining and horizontally lobbying U.S. Congressmen while keeping confidential files on those they "lobbied" at a Washington Hilton Hotel suite rented by the Moonies. The U.S. Senate held hearings concerning Moon's "programmatic bribery of U.S. officials, journalists, and others as part of an operation by the KCIA to influence the course of U.S. foreign policy." The Fraser report documented that Moon was "paid by the KCIA to stage demonstrations at the United Nations and run pro-South Korean propaganda campaigns." The Congressional investigator for the Fraser report said, "We determine that their (Moonies') primary interest, at least in the U.S. at that time, was not religion at all but was political, it was an attempt to gain power, influence and authority."
After Ronald Reagan's presidential victory in 1980, Moon's political influence increased dramatically. Vice President George Bush, former CIA director, invited Moon as his guest to the Reagan inauguration. Bush and Moon shared unsavory links to South American underworld figures. In 1980, according to the investigative magazine I.F., the Moon organization collaborated with a right-wing military coup in Bolivia that established the region's first narco-state.
Moon's credentials soared in conservative circles. In 1982, with the inception of the propaganda tabloid the Washington Times. Vice President Bush immediately saw the value of forging an alliance with the politically powerful Moon organization, an alliance that Moon claims made Bush president. One former-Moonie website claims that during the 1988 Bush-Dukakis battle, Rev. Moon threatened his followers that they would be moved out of the United States if the evil Dukakis won.
Moon himself lacked clean hands. Moon was convicted of income tax evasion in 1982 and spent a year in a U.S. jail. Also in 1982, the Moon organization based at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio helped elect John Kasich, now Ohio's governor, to the U.S. Congress in 12th district. During the Gulf War, the Moonie-sponsored American Freedom Coalition organized "support the troops" rallies throughout the country.
The Frontline documentary identified the Washington Times as the most costly piece in Moon's propaganda arsenal, with losses estimated as high as $800 million. Still, the documentary asserts that his old friend Sasakawa's virtual monopoly over the Japanese speedboat gambling industry allowed money to continuously flow into U.S. coffers.
The Bush-Moonie connection caused considerable controversy in September 1995 when the former President announced he would be spending nearly a week in Japan on behalf of a Moonie front organization, the Women's Federation for World Peace, founded and led by Moon's wife.
Bush downplayed accusations of Moonie brain-washing and coercion. The New York Times noted that Bush's presence "is seen by some as lending the group [Moonies] legitimacy."
Long-time Moonie member S.P. Simmonds wrote an editorial for the Portland Press Herald noting that Bushes "didn't need the reported million dollars paid by Moon and were well aware of the Church's history." Other news sources placed the figure for the former President's presence at $10 million. Bush shared the podium with Moon's wife and addressed a crowd of 50,000 in the Tokyo dome. Bush told the faithful "Reverend and Mrs. Moon are engaged in the most important activities in the world today."
The following year, Moon bankrolled a series of "family values" conferences from Oakland to Washington D.C. The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "In Washington, Moon opened his checkbook to such Republican Party mainstays as former President Gerald Ford and George Bush, GOP presidential candidate Jack Kemp, and Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed."
Purdue University Professor of Sociology Anson Shupe, a long-time Moon-watcher, said, "The man accused of being the biggest brainwasher in America has moved into mainstream Republican Americana."
Moon proclaimed at his family values conferences that he was only one who knew "all the secrets of God." One of them, according to the Chronicle was that "the husband is the owner of his wife's sex organs and vice versa."
"President Ford, President Bush, who attended the inaugural World Convention of the Family Federation for World Peace" and all you distinguished guests are famous, but there's something that you do know now," the Chronicle quoted Moon as saying. "Is there anyone here who dislikes sexual organs? . . . Until now you may not have thought it virtuous to value the sexual organs, but from now, you must value them."
In November 1996, Bush the Elder arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, amid controversy over a newly-created Spanish language Moon weekly newspaper called Tiempos del Mundo. Bush smoothed things over as the principle speaker at the paper's inaugural dinner on November 23rd.
The former president then traveled with Moon to neighboring Uruguay to help him open a Montevideo seminary to train 4200 young Japanese women to spread the word of the Unification Church across Latin America. The young Japanese seminarians were later accused of laundering $80 million through a Uruguayan bank, according to the St. Petersburg Times. The Times also reported that when Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University faced bankruptcy, Moon bailed it out with millions of dollars of loans and grants.
In 1997 the New York Times wrote that Moon "has been reaching out to conservative Christians in this country in the last few years by emphasizing shared goals like support for sexual abstinence outside of marriage and opposition to homosexuality." Moon also appealed to Second Amendment advocates. In March 1999, the Washington Post reported that the cult leader owned the lucrative Kahr Arms company through Saeilo Inc.
It's the shadowy network around the Moonies and the CIA that helped propel both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush into the presidency. Recently the "Messiah's" newspaper has spent most of its time attacking President Obama.
Besides the Washington Times, the Unification Church had business holdings including the United Press International (UPI). Moon was often shown in the mainstream media presiding over mass marriages of his followers. More importantly was his marriage of convenience to the CIA and the Bush family. His corruption of American politics lives on.

Here is Neil Bush with Sun Myung Moon. Their organized crime business is a family affair.

4 White Rolls 80p 6 White Rolls 60p (Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad)

I love @chunkymark rants on Youtube. Politically he always nails it and from time to time I am rolling around laughing my nuts off. The end of this video a great example.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Joseph P. Farrell & GeorgeAnn Hughes - Cosmic Wars, Nazis, Lasers, The Reformation & Isotopes

I've been working my way through these and as I'm on part twelve and this episode is a particularly good one I thought I'd flag it up with a post. They will probably need listening to again as I listen to them in fits and starts through broken sleep but in this instalment it becomes increasingly obvious from other research resources that Alan Dulles and General Reinhard Gehlen struck a deal towards the end of the war that seems to have been on behalf of powerful dynasties like the Bushes to take over the world without the democratic institutions fully being in on the act. Besides Dulles and Bush went on to install all their people after the war and kept the war machinery going through a fake cold war that kept the Pentagon busy for decades after.

Anyway, you get such a broad range of subjects from hard science to out of the box thinking that they're very engaging.

Crying For Corrie

Is there anyone in the Israeli Defence Force who knows the name of the military bulldozer driver who, under orders, ran over Rachel Corrie with his bulldozer and then reversed over her for good measure? I'd like to look that person in the eye.

Die Antwoord - Dis Iz Why I'm Hot (zef remix)

Don't be fooled by the theatrics. These people are artists. Their latest video upload. Here's another.