Sunday 2 September 2012

Emilio de Antonio - An American Champ

Never confuse my criticism of the United States as anything other than a love for what America does better than anyone else on the planet. I can't believe my luck that there are four episodes of Emilio de Antonio on "Alternative Views" on Youtube.

Emilio de Antonio is interesting because he grew up in the Kennedy milieu in fact he was a class mate of Kennedy at Harvard.

We now know that the Bush dynasty had a much more important role in the death of JFK but Emile de Antonio's work stands tall as among the first to question authority.

A Cover Of "Call Me Maybe" By Two Geordie Girls

Lovely girls and a fun cover by May Arcade

Geordies are among the best people in the UK. If I had to move back it would need to be near Newcastle.

Crop Circle Movie

One of the purposes of crop circles (there are many) is to challenge scientific materialism and get people to celebrate the mystery instead of this pompous and dick tugging pseudo scepticism that the straight crowd cling to like a drunk to swinging door.

This new documentary looks good. Let me know if you enjoy it.

Banksy On Advertising

“People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like, wherever they like with total impunity.

Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.”

For further Banksy posts click the banksy tag below

Brazilian Unidentified Flying Object

The topic of UFO's is so frustrating and riddled with high end disinformation that I don't really follow it too much except to think about reasons for non interaction. The type of UFO's I like are the one's snapped in the 70's on colour film because we rarely see this type any more. The ones caught on Youtube are all just bright lights and that gets a bit boring after a while. 

I'm intellectually appalled by the idea of something so primitive as alien UFO hardware floating around the skies and yet orbs leave me a bit unexcited, although naturally they're a bit more spiritualised.

Anyway if the UK is crop circle capital of the world. South America is the king of UFO sightings and the one above is old school disc shapes in the sky filmed a couple of days ago. I've included a pic from Billy Meier's collection above it because again, it's preposterously old school but hey, even the Feds took Billy Meier seriously enough to smear his name.

Coincidence Theorists Euphoric - Bin Laden Raid Evidence Destroyed

Damn coincidence theorists win again. Instead of capturing the 'alleged' criminal of the century who had according to many reports died earlier in the decade and putting him on trail we've had the evidence destroyed forever. The United States special forces bungle the raid, kill some people and dispose of the body in a totally non Islamic way so that nobody can prove whether it happened or not.

Rumours in certain circles suggest it was the body of a guy doing the Bin Laden impersonation recordings. Barack Obama gets re-elected, the boogie man melts away and nobody feels too enthusiastic about doing fake recordings any more. Welcome to information warfare. You need your wits about you.

Saturday 1 September 2012

The CIA's Gushing Obamamania & That Fake Bin Laden Killing

It's almost like Obama is ahem, on the books, but let's put to one side that he worked for Business International a CIA front company in New York and his mother worked for CIA front company The Ford Foundation, This was around the time when the CIA toppled democratically elected Sukarno in Indonesia and installed their man Suharto. That was a million to a million and a half lives lost in that divide and rule execution but as I say let's move on from old history because the CIA are an organised crime outfit who traffic drugs globally and the cheerleaders at this presentation know less than you if you're reading this.

What does matter though is Panetta kissing Obama's arse for taking the 'ahem' brave decision to kill the fairy tale Osama Bin Laden. We now know it was not Obama's bravery because he turned down Hillary's scheme to do this three times before going ahead with the fiction.

There is not a shred of evidence that the CIA or Navy SEALS killed Osama Bin Laden. it's entirely up to you if you believe them. Personally I think they're a joke more interested in feel good cheer leading when the real bravery would have been to shut Guantanamo down. 

Like Obama promised.

He reads from a teleprompter, the discredited CIA cheer him like a brother and the American people are ever the dumber. The video below is just another fiction. It competes with other fictions. The elites can't even get their story straight.

Update: Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh confirms the Osama killing by the SEAL team is completely untrue.

Time Lapse Photography Driving Through North East Thailand

One minute of video condenses a 200 kilometre trip of driving through North East Thailand. It's a lovely sampler of doing the real thing. Via Isaan Life

Glen Kealey

Completely fascinating including hermaphroditic references (hence the Dogon visual), the war of the patriarchy against the feminine and a history of man going back 40000 years including descriptions of Neanderthal and use of soma that I've come across before. First thing I did at the end of this video? Go back to the beginning.

His explanation for long hair (it physically extends our DNA transmitters) feels very right.

Parts Two & Three:

Glen points out in the beginning of part three the similarity between the story of Jonah being picked up by the whale and George Bush being picked up by a submarine when he jumped out of his aircraft in WWII. There's something to that story however the third video is less important than the first two.

Knee Deep In Nixonian Nazis - Hank Paulson's Lesser Known Life

After the war Allen Dulles, head of the newly formed CIA drafted in the cream of the Nazis to the United States. They are still operational today. Hank Paulson is part of that milieu. His frequent trips to China are a point of concern for many researchers. Did he succeed in building the criminal links that prop up the United States today?

Al Jazeera - Goddam Conspiracy Theories Wont Go Away

Poor old Western media and poor old United States. So steeped in mendacity the people are completely divided and nobody knows what the truth is any more. The Conspiracy Theory 'expert' Kathryn Olmsted actually says "when you believe the President of the United States is not legitimate.....then why should you believe anything the Government says?".

Exactly Kathryn, unfortunately everyone in this studio wouldn't get a salary if they held a contrary view.

This is a brilliant piece of media and cultural analysis of U.S. dysphoria. The media have crafted the art of petty and trivial division so deeply they now congregate to take comfort from each other that the whispers are not true. 

Ha fucking ha.

Incidentally nobody says the emperor has no clothes and points out that colonialism is a bad thing and that's the end of D'Souza. But the reality is that for America, colonialism is a great thing because it's perpetual war economy around the globe props up the fiction that it the spreader of democracy instead of the most resource greedy, wasteful, toxic, bloody and immoral entity on the planet. 

Nobody can discuss the conspiracy that colonial wars are the lifeblood of the US economy. Nobody can say that D'Souza is vile and so are his attackers. 

The United States of talking heads.

Friday 31 August 2012

The Battle Over Citizen Kane


After storming New York theatre with Haitian Shakespeare versions of Julius Caesar and that War of the Worlds that shook up the US24 year old prodigy Orson Welles moved to Hollywood. There he portrayed media mogul William Randolph Hearst in his movie Citizen Kane but also included Hearst's girlfriend as an untalented drunk and made reference to a Rosebud which was Hearsts nickname for Marion Davie's vagina (see photo above).

He never made another film again.

This is one of the best documentaries on media, fame, genius, money and power I've ever watched. It's not perfect but I had no idea that Hearst was the kind of guy who urged the assassination of president McKinley in his newspapers and it actually happened.

I would bookmark this one. I had just watched the movie too, so it added a lot of depth to the documentary but I think you could do it the other way round without diminishing the enjoyment of either.

Update: The original documentary was pulled so I've embedded another. It's either that one or this one below I'm referring to. Sorry.

Did NASA Just Admit The Van Allen Belts Are Lethal?

Mr Van Allen discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts declared they were deadly. However since the Apollo missions that line has been retracted and NASA say it's safe for humans. I'm not too bothered either way, as my beef with the Apollo missions is the photography which uses a Hollywood technique of front screen projection. You might not be able to see the line between the stage and the backdrop below but once you do, you can't ignore them in any Apollo mission photography so here's a classic one for you. Once the brain groks the line you can't miss them ever again.

More importantly here is NASA describing the Van Allen belts as deadly. The original post is from here.
They were the subject of perhaps the first scientific discovery of the Space Age, and yet we still don't know much about them. The radiation belts that surround Earth are home to killer electrons, plasma waves, and intense electrical currents that can disrupt and destroy the electronics on satellites. But the behavior of the Van Allen Belts—named for James Van Allen, who led the team that discovered them in 1958—is wildly unpredictable.
This artist's conception shows the radiation belts (green), which are two doughnut-shaped (torus) regions full of high-energy particles that fill the near-space around Earth. The blue and red lines between and around the belts depict the north and south polarity of the planet’s magnetic field. The inner belt, a blend of protons and electrons, can reach down as low as 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) in altitude. The outer belt, comprised mainly of energetic electrons, can swell to as much as 60,000 kilometers (37,000 miles) above Earth’s surface. Both rings extend to roughly 65 degrees north and south latitude.
The radiation belts were discovered during the flight of the very first American satellite. Van Allen and colleagues had installed a Geiger-Müller tube on Explorer 1 to detect cosmic rays, and as the satellite made its eccentric orbit around the Earth, the readings periodically went off the top of the counter’s scale. It happened again during the flight of Explorer 3 several months later. Several followup missions proved that the space around Earth was not empty, but instead enriched with electrons, protons, and energy created by interactions between Earth's magnetic field (or magnetosphere), the solar wind, and (occasionally) cosmic rays arriving from beyond the solar system.
Fifty-four years later, NASA has embarked on a missions designed specifically to understand the space weather in the dynamic and erratic Van Allen Belts. At 4:05 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 30, 2012, the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) were launched into orbit on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. (Watch video of the launch here.) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) built and will operate the twin RBSP spacecraft for NASA’s Living With a Star program.
The identical twin spacecraft will fly in separate orbits across the inner and outer Van Allen radiation belts. The mission is starting near the height of the Sun’s 11-year cycle, or solar maximum. Activity on the sun influences the behavior of the radiation belts, though scientists are puzzled by that behavior. Sometimes a solar storm can swell the belts with particles and energy, creating havoc for Earth-orbiting satellites by accelerating electrons (aka, “killer electrons”) and creating electrical currents. Other times, the radiation belts grow very calm and depleted during Sun storms. Occasionally, no change is detected at all.
The RBSP satellites are designed to observe how and when killer electrons are energized, to sample the electrical and magnetic fields in Earth’s space, to count particles, and detect plasma waves of different frequencies. The ultimate goal is to improve the prediction of space weather; that is, how solar activity can cause geomagnetic storms that upset telecommunications and electronics.
  1. Further Reading

  2. Carlowicz, M., and Lopez, R. (2002) Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather. The Joseph Henry Press. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  3. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (n.d.) Radiation Belt Storm Probes Accessed August 30, 2012.
  4. NASA (2012, July 18) The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  5. NASA (n.d.) RBSP News. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  6. Science@NASA (2012) ScienceCasts: The Radiation Belt Storm Probes. Accessed August 30, 2012.
Image by T. Benesch and J. Carns for the NASA Science Mission Directorate. Caption by Mike Carlowicz.

Update: I've since come across the radiation level science and I'm open to further investigation.

So You Think You Can Spot A Conspiracy?

This only takes a minute and is very funny. It makes the point that humans are genetically wired to see what they trust and trust what they see. My hope from an evolutionary perspective is that this is a good thing in the long term for our species, but in the short term can lead to massive abuses of trust as I believe is the case from the power elite.

Sex Slaves, Body Parts & Human Sacrifice - The Life Cycle of CIA Child Trafficking

Ted Gunderson ran the FBI in Los Angeles. Even with his credentials he couldn't jail the ring leaders of ritual child sex abuse with links to the CIA and all the way up to the Oval Office in the Whitehouse.

Ted was hired by John Edgar Hoover and was loyal to him so I think we can believe his testimony that he interviewed LBJ"s mistress who told him that LBJ informed her JFK "wont be a problem tomorrow" the day before he was assassinated. This isn't new because we know LBJ is responsible for assisting President Kennedy's murder but is unlikely to be the mastermind. What is new is that LBJ's girlfriend told Ted Gunderson that J Edgar Hoover was present at that meeting.

We now know Lee Harvey Oswald was on the FBI's books and likely spying on the CIA for Hoover. When the CIA found this out they set him up to be the patsy for JFK's murder. This means Hoover was playing a very ambiguous game in the JFK murder where he hoped to finger Alan Dulles who was running the CIA, and gain even more powers.

At the end of the day we still don't know for certain who initiated killing JFK but what should be apparent to the researcher of corruption is that our elites are rotten to the core. 

Don't trust them.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Uganda - More Mobiles Than Light Bulbs

Last week, Mark Kaigwa gave one of the most interesting presentations at the Media Evolution conference in Sweden. Naturally, I missed the session entirely because I was attending another one at the same time, but I’m very happy to say I caught up with him to hear him out.
Kaigwa is a Nairobi, Kenya-based digital marketing expert, consultant, startup founder and advisor, writer, short film maker and online media entrepreneur.
The man runs a few popular sites, including African tech and innovation blogAfrinnovator and online artist community AfricanDigitalArt.
He’s also a super nice guy.
We talked about mobile usage and penetration – there’s expected to be 735 million mobile phones in Africa alone by the end of this year – and a number of interesting technology services coming from and stats about Africa.

Is AFRICOM Blackwater & DynCorp's New Cash Cow

GovCorp™'s AFRICOM which includes the military industrial complex companies DynCorp and Blackwater (Academi) are calling Africa the new Spice Route with semi unofficial bases all over the continent they've nicknamed lily pads

Get clued up to what's going on. 

This is an excellent video.

Impress Your Friends & Astound Your Enemies With Western Genocide Expertise

In my experience there are genocides and there are genocides. Everyone knows the typical ones from WWII and Rwanda or Cambodia even if they can't quote particular details like how Obama's foreign policy advisor (and founder of the Taliban) Zbigniew Brzezinski supported Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. So if you're going to quote a genocide the one documentary to watch is John Pilger's Death of a Nation - The Timor Conspiracy. It's the handiest one because nobody knew about it, the media didn't report it, journalists died reporting it and Australia, UK, US and Canada all had a hand in helping the Indonesians slaughter there way through Timor. It's just one of the more exotic genocides the imperial powers have assisted and turned a blind eye to. Nobody comes out of the East Timor episode looking good. It's like the Swiss Army knife of genocides at dinner parties or human rights discussions. You look good pulling it out and even more an expert as you extract the right tool for whatever country needs as a good clobbering.
 On December 7, 1975 Indonesia secretly – but with the complicity of the Western powers including the US, the UK, and Australia – invaded the small nation of East Timor. Two Australian television crews attempting to document the invasion were murdered.
In 1993, with the Indonesian army still occupying the country, John Pilger and his crew including director David Munro, slipped into East Timor and made this film. In the intervening 18 years, an estimated 200,000 East Timorese – 1/3 of the population – had been slaughtered by the Indonesian military. The C.I.A. has described it as one of the worst mass-murders of the 20th century.
Pilger tells the story using clandestine footage of the countryside, internment camps and even Fretlin guerillas, as well as interviews with Timorese exiles, including Jose Ramos Horta and Jose Gusmao, and Australian, British, and Indonesian diplomats.

The Statistically Impossible Deaths Around The Clintons

There's a ton of information about the Bush dynasty criminal activity on the internet but comparatively very little for the Clintons. The above is the usual right wing fare but most of it checks out and there are only a few names I'd not heard of about unusual deaths around the Clintons which were slipped in. 

Back in the day I used to write this off as conspiracy theory without even reviewing it but now I know how it works it's all so very obvious. The Clintons were much more prepared to use or turn a blind eye to murder than the Bushes if it meant their continued rise.

The CIA's SR-71 & Lockheeds Parasitic Relationship With Mickey Mouse Wars

An excellent multi person presentation on the Blackbird which still looks ahead of its time today but was from another planet in the mid sixties. I'm not into tech-porn but the Blackbird is beautiful and yet for me the obvious thought is imagine if we could have channelled this much genius and design into making the world a better place rather than a CIA plane that relied on Soviet Titanium (thus negating its very existence) while we gave them Ford factories that built trucks to shoot US Marines in Vietnam.

Bottom line is a lot of money rides on the backs of the people who put down their lives for an elite who really don't care all that much but don't mind having a technological edge and are prepared to keep a technocracy handcuffed to very nice GovCorp pensions and non disclosure agreements for life.

The plane looks like a different beast from every angle.