Thursday 30 August 2012

Military Types Around The World Go Naked For Prince Harry #Salute4Harry

All around the world military types are taking their kit off to show support for Prince Harry's nudity. We applaud this show of affection even if the IDF force used sub machines to cover their tackle (third pic down).

When are we going to toss out the cold hearted and stiff Windsor lizards and put a warm mammal blooded Stewart back at the head of the Royal Family? 

Facebook group is here and website here.

Mmmmm Monsanto Ad Copy - "GMO Food Is Yummy . Don't Worry About The Ingredients"

Alex Bogusky put me on to this ad against Prop 37. Amazing when the world's leading adman is courageous enough to say that advertising tells lies about the most critical issues.

If you ever wondered what a creative Prussian looks and acts like Alex is quite close. He'd look fab in an Officer's uniform and one those shiny spiked nickel helmets they wore.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

How Islam Began - Fred Donner

To understand Islam properly needs an understanding of Arabic so the Quran can be appreciated in its original transcribed language, which even when translated into English has parts that soar in terms of poetic language. 

Other than that I don't approve of Abrahamic religions at all and in principle I can pick holes in Buddhism and Hindusim too.  I like to pick the good bits out of all of them but I reserve the most disapproval for the Abrahamic religions.

That's Islam, Christianity (the one with the largest body count around the planet) and Judaism. All space cults.

Terence McKenna - The Definitive UFO Talk

McKenna's talking career began around this time when friends encouraged him to do his thing while being recorded. This is one of the earliest from 1983 and it's also one of the best. Great topic and only sixty minutes for those who can't make time for his weekend long recordings.

90+ Dead Unarmed Civilians Yet Royal Thai Army Snipers Claim: “We Used Fake Bullets”

Royal Thai Army snipers are now claiming they used fake bullets when called to answer in front of a civilian criminal investigation. General Prayuth Chan-ocha and the Prime Minister at the time Abhisit Vejjajiva should take responsibility but as you can tell from the malodorous lies (and the video above) there's no intention of being men about it. They shame the institutions they claim to serve. 

They let down the people they didn't kill. It's just business.

The Cosmic Giggle Is Irish

This made me laugh a few times.

FBI (Secret Police) Changed Evidence In Vince Foster's Murder

There's no moral difference between the crooked Clinton and Bush administrations but it's worthwhile remembering the evidence for the lies and coverup is well documented on Youtube. The corporate media has amnesia over these issues. It's not profitable to tell the truth. There's no money in it. 

Does anybody even remember the death of Vince Foster?

Update: I just discovered Linda Tripp was the last person to see Vince Foster alive. She was a toxic person in a corrupt Whitehouse. As I understand it she had connection with the intelligence asset milieu 

Joseph Atwill - The Roots Of Christianity

One of the reasons I'm attached to the Annunaki and Archon mythologies is that I want the Abrahamic faiths to be space cults so I can wash my hands of them all. 

It makes a lot of sense that we're being manipulated by off world forces and both the Sumerian Cuneiform clay tablets and the Nag Hammadi codices are among our oldest writings confirming this. 

They both say we're being manipulated. The latter explicitly the former implicitly if you read them with your mind on red alert.

Anyway, dear God and baby Jesus. Let it be so. Bit depressing otherwise. Listen to Joseph Atwill anyway.

2012, Terence McKenna, The Huxleys, Darwinism, Drugs and Evolution

Jan Irving has written an excellent conspiracy theory piece on the connection between Terence McKenna and a trumped up eschatology 2012, Esalen-proselytized, new age spiritualism. I say theory because he pulls back at the last moment and suggests Terence may have just been a useful idiot. My own view is he took a few Esalen cheques to put food on the table as the man lived frugally and was too broke to pay for the laser knife surgery he needed to remove the brain tumour at the end of his life. God knows we've all worked a few agendas to pay the bills haven't we? I have. Read this example.

However Jan's piece is well researched, makes strong and repeated connections and raises important issues that I had never come across before including the influence on Terence of Jesuit priest and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who was also responsible for the Piltdown man hoax to sell Darwin's theory of evolution. The similarities between McKenna's Novelty and Complexity theory which links directly into his 2012 timewave zero work is too close to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's Omega Point Theory. See for yourself.

Omega Point is a term coined by the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) to describe a maximum level ofcomplexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving.
In this theory, developed by Teilhard in The Future of Man (1950), the universe is constantly developing towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness, a theory of evolution that Teilhard called the Law of Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the universe can only move in the direction of more complexity and consciousness if it is being drawn by a supreme point of complexity and consciousness.
Thus Teilhard postulates the Omega Point as this supreme point of complexity and consciousness, which in his view is the actual cause for the universe to grow in complexity and consciousness. In other words, the Omega Point exists as supremely complex and conscious, transcendent and independent of the evolving universe.
Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God," and "through him all things were made."
Teilhard's term recurs in later writings, such as those of John Godolphin Bennett (1965), John David Garcia (1971), Paolo Soleri(1981), Frank Tipler (1994), and Ray Kurzweil, as well as in science fiction literature.

Call Me Ishmael

Recently I've taken to using art as a tool for the manifestation of the collective unconscious in a Jungian sense, and so as Moby Dick has been prodding me for over a year now since Hong Kong, for reasons I couldn't quite fathom, I set up an RSS feed and curated a mood stream of every new piece of original art being shared with the world on the topic, and supplemented that with bits of data plumbing Jedi Knightery, to see if I can compile an emerging narrative

The learning so far is unsettling and an anomaly in expressionistic terms when looking back at history. It seems one of the key themes is not just the death of Captain Ahab and crew, but the death of Whales. Spooky whales levitating above the sea as if drawn in a state of mourning; lamenting the transit to a marine afterlife.

And then I awoke up from a nap just now, and for the umpteenth time was reminded of the book by The Guardian who week in and week out out are echoing the questionably tinnitus driven peals, ringing in my head and then out of nowhere, I realised the part of Moby Dick I had been so eager to share when reading this unusually off-topic novel for me that I find hard to follow. I overcame the age and relative formality of its language through the time tested clamour of Bangkok Go-Go bars. I find the neon, noise and nubility more soothing than when left a difficult text, alone in the distracting silence of home.

In any case, I meant to write how extraordinary it was learning of the whaling business in its heyday with respect to being the precursor for the entire edifice of imminent planetary industrialisation. That is to say, built upon the global scale of a wind powered floating business, in singular pursuit of yet another of natures exclusive and historically irreplaceable organic yields. If asked it is for this reason I argue leaving the oil in the ground instead of fuelling jet engines in the air for an economy levitating on the hologram of endless financial growth. What if say quantum entangled oil is the spice melange of a future interstellar life? To me, the what-ifs are a full nelson on the what-the-fucks line of reason.

I'll leave you with Melville's passage that left a slow burning mark upon me with a lesson on gateway drugs of the monkeys (homo consumericus) obsession with whale oil that was only displaced  when the black stuff leaking from the ground, looked like it had something going for it. 

Why did the Dutch in De Witt's time have admirals of their whaling fleets? Why did Louis XVI of France, at his own personal expense, fit out whaling ships from Dunkirk, and politely invite to that town some score or two of families from our own island of Nantucket? Why did Britain between the years 1750 and 1788 pay to her whalemen in bounties upwards of L1,000,000? And lastly, how comes it that we whalemen of America now outnumber all the rest of the banded whalemen in the world; sail a navy of upwards of seven hundred vessels; manned by eighteen thousand men; yearly consuming 4,000,000 of dollars; the ships worth, at the time of sailing, $20,000,000! and every year importing into our harbors a well reaped harvest of $7,000,000. How comes all this, if there be not something puissant in whaling?

Moby Dick

Lurking around Youtube on the subject of Moby Dick last night/this morning I came across Cyrus Patel - Professor of English Literature at NYU. Each of these lectures on Moby Dick has around 5000 views (Jan 2011) which is rock star status for a lecturer on a subject that ostensibly doesn't pay immediate bills. 

He's amazing. 

I'm working my way through them but his lectures are a tour de force in video learning. Any more self-learning of this calibre and I'm flat out booked up on attention bandwidth for the rest of my life (or cloning is on the table). I've written a post about the process I'm going through with video learning that is still lurking in draft but this is brain crack stuff so I need to get it out there before I pop.

Was Jesus A Flavian Dynasty Propaganda Invention?

I've posted interviews with Joe Atwill before over here. He asks a great question. In an area where Qumran, Jericho and Jerusalem are a stone's throw from each other in 'shoebox sized' Judea how did the Christian story emerge with two conflicting narratives? One from the Dead Sea Scrolls talks about killing the gentiles and the other talks about turning the other cheek and rendering unto Caesar that which is his.

They also cover Aramaic scholar John Allegro's mushroom and the cross which I've posted about previously, and I recommend reading my Was Jesus An Arsehole Zadokite? and this Dead Sea Scrolls post.

There are so many conflicting accounts of Jesus that I just a pick a couple of lines here and there like, love thy neighbour, and hope they're the right ones to keep and are not elite manipulation of the kindness of humans. Religion has after all been their most powerful tool to get us killing each other. Their latest religious cult is called Government and a lot of people are hooked on it.

Here's the details from Jan Irving's post:

This episode is an interview with Joe Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah, part 2, titled “On Caesar’s Messiah, John Allegro, and mind control” and is being released on Monday, August 06, 2012. My interview with Joe was recorded on June 09, 2012.

This is our first video episode, so if you’re getting this in audio only, please go to the Gnostic Media website if you’d like to see the video version.

We had Joe on back on April 1, and today he’s back.

Joseph Atwill spent his youth in Japan where he attended the only English-speaking school in the country, St. Mary’s Military Academy. The school was run by Jesuits so removed from the events of the modern world that they did not even consider shutting it down during World War II, and taught a curriculum that had not changed since the eighteenth century. Atwill describes that, “The majority of every one of my school days was spent studying Greek, Latin and the Bible, which for some reason I found fascinating.”

After studying computer science in college, Atwill began working with one of the most renowned programmers in the world, David Ferguson. David had been granted the first two patents ever issued in computer software. Over the next twenty years, between 1975 and 1995, David Ferguson and Atwill started a series of companies including Ferguson Tool Company and ASNA. “After selling my interests in our companies to investors in 1995, I returned to my earlier interest; the origins of Christianity,” Atwill says of this time period.

Atwill continues, “Though I had drifted away from the Catholic faith, my study of Christianity never stopped. Over the course of my life I had read perhaps six or seven hundred books relating to the historical Jesus and early Christianity, but none of them left me feeling like I really knew anything about how the religion began or its founder.” Atwill contends that the more he studied Christian origins the more he saw the question of how the religion began as an open one. Atwill held this position in spite of the fact that in the popular mind, and in the minds of most scholars, Christianity began as a movement of lower class followers of a radical Jewish teacher in the 1st century CE.

Says Atwill, “I did not share in this certainty.” What contributed most to his skepticism was that at the exact time the followers of Jesus were purportedly organizing themselves into a religion that urged its members to “turn the other cheek” and to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”, another Judean sect was waging a religious war against the Romans and seeking a Messiah who would lead them militarily. Atwill continues, “It seemed implausible to me that two diametrically opposite forms of messianic Judaism would have emerged from Judea at the same time. So the Dead Sea Scrolls became of such interest to me that I began what turned into a decade-long study of them.” Like others, Atwill was hoping to learn something of Christian origins in the 2,000 year old documents found at Qumran. To assist in his understanding of them, Atwill began studying the history of the era.

It was then that Joseph Atwill came across the key that led to his discoveries. “While reading Josephus’ War of the Jews, and his account of Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE,” Atwill recounts, “I noticed some curious parallels. At first I could make no sense of the parallels between Titus’ campaign and Jesus’ ministry. So I tried to look at the Gospels with fresh eyes, as if I had never seen them before, giving up any preconceived notions about what they meant.” This perspective resulted in the discoveries Atwill presents in Caesar’s Messiah and his soon-to-be-published book, The Single Strand. A Roman imperial family, the Flavians, had created Christianity, and, even more incredibly, they had placed a literary satire within the Gospels and War of the Jews to inform posterity of this fact.

Understanding the symbolic framework for the Gospels opened up the hidden history of Western Civilization to Joseph Atwill. That framework enabled him to recognize the typology that underlies authors such as Marlowe and Shakespeare and see the incredible story their typology tells us, and is the basis for The Single Strand.

Joseph Atwill concludes, “I am an avid chess player and proud to state that I have more than 100 victories over Grandmasters and International Masters. I hold an ICC Masters rating of 2358.” It is this form of strategic thinking that enabled Atwill to uncover the strategy behind the Romans’ invention of the Gospels.

Books by Joseph Atwill include Caesar’s Messiah, Ulysses Press 2006, the best selling work of religious history in the US in 2007, and its German translation Das Messias Ratsel, Ulstein 2008, achieving #1 Best Seller status. Atwill’s upcoming book, The Single Strand is also slated to be published by Ulstein. The German Magazine Focus published a cover article of Atwill’s work: Issue #52 December 25, 2008.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Israeli Impunity Impugns Israel


The Man Who Fell To Earth

There's a great quote about this movie on IMDB. It says just because it's interesting doesn't mean it should be enjoyable. It's fair to say that in parts and in different ways The Man Who Fell To Earth isn't very good or even deliberately not good in my view like hiring flat actors so that Bowie doesn't look too bad (I've seen him do much better roles in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence and The Prestige). 

Right at the end the synching is so bad they have to be ripping off a Fellini movie and it doesn't quite work in colour so I would call this movie Fellini in New Mexico as it's filmed in Roswell UFO country. Bits of it are great including photography and costumes. Even the sex scenes are too ridiculous to be offensive.

Time For Brits To Give Windsors The Chop & Get A Full Blooded Spencer In

It's an open secret that Prince Harry is the son of Major James Hewitt. Nobody will ever sue me for saying that as a blood test will prove me right. This means Harry is pure Spencer and has no Windsor/Reptilian bloodline in him. You can tell because he likes sex, likes fun, is a real human being with emotions and is a chip off his mum's block.

It's up to the British but if they really like all that pageantry and like the tourists coming over, I say get rid of the lizards running UK PLC and install a real human being. 

Nice one Harry.

The Night Porter - Dirk Bogarde & Charlotte Rampling

There are much better reviews than I could write at IMDB on this film so I'll just add that it was a welcome piece of art after researching hundreds of hours on CIA organized crime and global drug dealing. There's no way a film could be made today that reintroduced a Nazi war criminal with a Jewish female victim for S&M scenes of relived sex and power. There's also a splendid homo-erotic ballet scene with Nazi officers standing around, silent but intensive. Like Leni Riefenstahl the Nazi politics are ugly but the Hugo Boss SS uniforms are evil sexy. Nazism is probably the best branded ideology of the 20th century in terms of aesthetic. Like corporate Western branded ideology it hides its savage destruction in the background but what's up front looks good if like advertising you like to wear black. For this reason we should interrogate all we have and all we do. Not just look at the surface.

Like Graham Green's The Third Man it is set in post war Vienna and if anyone knows any other movies from this time and location, particularly black and white I want to see more so do let me know please.

Here's a write up:

This is quite dark. If you are seeking material that can be described as "happy" or "light", you will not find it here. I didn't know anyone in this prior to viewing. This deals with Max, the night porter of the title, who has tried to put his past in the SS behind him. One night, he spots a woman, Lucia, and they both recognize each other... she was one of the concentration camp prisoners, and the two had a specific relationship with one another. The plot is captivating. This is deliberately paced, and those who have short attention spans, and/or wish for a lot of developments in a feature are not the intended audience for this. I found the behavior of all of the characters chillingly psychologically accurate, and this definitely takes a long, hard, unflinching and uncompromising look at human nature and the mind, and not everyone is going to like the observations. The acting is excellent. All of the leads disappear into their roles. They are all well-cast, too, talent as well as physical types. I don't know if anything similar to this has truly happened, but I can imagine it, and this does pay respect to the historical events. The editing mixes flashbacks and the present effectively. This has disturbing content, including violence, sexuality that is not graphic and explicit nudity. None of it is gratuitous. The DVD has credits and posters, and while the print starts out looking shabby, it turns out to be perfectly fine. I recommend this to anyone who believes they can handle it, and is mature enough, from reading this review. 7/10

Joseph P. Farrell - The Cosmic War Part 1

I got a bit pissed off with Dr Farrell a while back because it was obvious the alphabet agencies were flattering him with invites to write up potential Nazi influences on DARPA pieces and because he's not not quite radical enough to break from the status quo in terms of revolutionary thinking to rewire the current financial system.

However this series with the excellent GeorgeAnn Hughes on the Byte Show is first class. I don't agree with everything he says, I think he's naive for not realising that Lt. Phillip Corso told lies about everything from Roswell to the Warren Commission and simply isn't to be trusted. 

But in the final analysis nobody gives as much range as Dr Joseph P Farrell. From his PhD in Patristics at Oxford, to his grasp of orthodox physics, torsion fields and Paleo-physics, religion, history, alchemy and I could go on and on. 

He's a polymath and he thinks outside the box. Check his site out over here.

Ex MI5 WhistleBlower @AnnieMachon - Libya Was Bombed For Reasons Of Greed

Around the 10 or 11 minute Ex MI5 Annie Machon takes us through the Libyan leader wanting to disengage from the Petrodollar. Who could blame him? The West is printing worthless money and pointing a gun at countries that don't want to accept it. It's immoral and I hope you have a viewpoint on it because at some point the next city to be on the end of an RAF airstrike to keep your standard of living the same will be on the corporate media news.

In Memory Of Rachel Corrie


The Israeli Defence Force instructed the military bulldozer to run over peace activisit Rachel Corrie's body and then reverse over her lifeless body for good measure. 

I and countless others around the world will not forget Rachel Corrie and we don't care about criticizing Israel either. Each year our voices get louder and the days when criticizing Israel meant smear accusations of anti-Semitism are long gone. We criticize wrong doing and murder wherever it takes place and the murder of Rachel Corrie was an ugly murder where justice has yet to be done properly.

Pussy Riot Supporters Are Stinking Hypocrites?


I like anarchichal thinking. I believe humans don't need to be instructed what to do but are intuitively and instinctively brilliant at self organizing and problem solving. In this respect Pussy Riot appeal to me and I believe they raise the profile of other information/expression/art freedom fighters like Bahrain's Human rights activist Nabeel Rajab and Wikileaks' Julian Assange.

However Pussy Riot organizer Marat Gelman is a Russian Jewish art collector. He has been connected with previous anti-Christian art actions and so my question to you is if Pussy Riot did their demonstration in a synagogue; Is that anti-Semitic? The same applies to a mosque. Is it anti-Islamic? These are questions that I'd love your feedback on. The rest of the post from Philosophers Stone is below:

A British journalist marvelled: they produce no music, no song, no painting, nada, rien, nothing. How can they be described as “artists”? This was a severe test for their supporters, but they passed it with flying honours: that famous lover-of-art, the US State Department, paid for their first ever single being produced by The Guardian out of some images and sounds.

Pussy Riot never wrote, composed or painted anything of value at all. Chris Randolph defended them in Counterpunch by comparing them with “the controversial Yegor Letov”. What a misleading comparison! Letov wrote poetry, full of obscenity but it still was poetry, while the Pussy Riot have nothing but Public Relations.

Hell-bent on publicity, but artistically challenged, three young women from Russia decided – well, it sounds like a limerick. They stole a frozen chicken from a supermarket and used it as dildo; they filmed the act, called it “art” and placed it on the web. (It is still there) Their other artistic achievements were an orgy in a museum and a crude presentation of an erect prick.

Even in these dubious pieces of art their role was that of technical staff: the glory went to a Russian-Israeli artist Plucer-Sarno of Mevasseret Zion, who claimed the idea, design and copyright for himself and collected a major Russian prize. The future Pussy Riot members got nothing and were described by Plucer as “ambitious provincials on the make”, or worse.

Lately they have tried to ride on a bandwagon of political struggle. That was another flop. They poured a flood of obscene words on Putin – in Red Square, in subway (underground) stations – with zero effect. They weren’t arrested, they weren’t fined, just chased away as a nuisance. And they did not attract the attention of people.

Eventually the young viragos were mobilised for an attack on the Church. By that time they were willing to do anything for their bit of publicity. And the anti-Church campaign started a few months ago, quite suddenly as if by command. The Russian Church had 20 years of peace, recovering after the Communist period, and it was surprised by ferocity of the attack.

The alleged organiser of the PR, Marat Gelman, a Russian Jewish art collector, has been connected with previous anti-Christian art actions which involved icon-smashing, imitation churches of enemas. His – and Pussy Riot’s problem was that it was difficult to provoke reaction of the Church. Pussy Riot made two attempts to provoke public indignation in the second cathedral of Moscow, the older Elochovsky Cathedral; both times they were expelled but not arrested.

The third time, they tried harder; they went to St Savior Cathedral that was demolished by Lazar Kaganovich in 1930s and rebuilt in 1990s; they added more blasphemy of the most obscene kind, and still they were allowed to leave in peace. Police tried their best to avoid arresting the viragos, but they had no choice after Pussy Riot uploaded a video of their appearance in the cathedrals with an obscene soundtrack.

During the trial, the defence and the accused did their worst to antagonize the judge by threatening her with the wrath of the United States (sic!) and by defiantly voicing anti-Christian hate speeches. The judge had no choice but to find the accused guilty of hate crime (hooliganism with religious hate as the motive). The prosecution did not charge the accused with a more serious hate crime “with intent to cause religious strife”, though it could probably be made to stick. (It would call for a stiffer sentence; swastika-drawers charged with intent to cause strife receive five years of jail).