Wednesday 25 January 2012

Troy McLachlan - The Crimes of The Saturn Death Cult

Troy McLachlan returns to Red Ice Radio to finish up the program series on "The Saturn Death Cult". Our focus shifts from the mechanics of the Saturn system and the polar conjunction to the crimes of the Saturn death cult. Troy outlines his theory that explains why today's frightening sex-murder cults and secret societies are nothing more than a twisted, yet deadly legacy of a time when people yearned for the rebirth of the planet Saturn as our original sun and source of life and light. This is linked to the ancient practice of money lending and the consequences of this practice for today's international financial crisis. The conclusion is reached that there is a disturbing occult connection to the planet Saturn and its influence over a perceived worldwide collective march towards fulfilling a terrifying elitist agenda of 'justifiable' global genocide. "The Saturn Death Cult" discusses the existence of a worldwide malevolent occult culture that is fundamentally flawed to its core by an erroneous understanding of the ritualistic and mythological traditions surrounding the planet and god Saturn. This subsequently casts certain Saturnian-based occult groups and secret societies in a vastly different light where their trans-humanistic agendas are exposed for the fraudulent, yet dangerous nonsense they are - a set of rogue belief systems completely devoid of all legitimacy in their claims and ambitions to seek influence over the affairs of mankind.

Black Boxes Of History The Institutions Prefer To Ignore (Gunnar Thompson On Coast To Coast)

Gunnar Thompson and Donald K. Yeomans on Coast To Coast on the history of pre Christopher Columbus America. A lesson in historical indoctrination.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

John Lash: Sophia/Gaia, Rite Action & Eco-Sorcery

Nearly five hours of John Lash with the Time Monk Radio people who consistently ask the best questions from the best guests. I posted this before in fifteen minute segments, but as Awaken To The Truth have uploaded it in one go it's worth reposting and pointing out it's far superior to five hours of Wagner's The Ring Cycle.

I think the most important point he makes is how we prevent the psychos rebooting their systems after the impending breakdown. This is a crucial point if we're to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Update: Original video taken down.

Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion (Myopic Blindness In The Church Of Scepticism)

Rupert Sheldrake's use of the scientific method to map out our psychic abilities is irrationally rejected in the most unscientific manner by the church of sceptics who adhere to a fundamentalist religion as blind as the fiercest sects of the Abrahamic faiths.

His latest book The Science Delusion is selling very well in the UK and is to be released in the United States this May under the title Science Set Free. Stateside customers can order the UK version here.

Rupert's talk at Google is well worth checking out over here.

Big Oil & Corporate Vultures

Monday 23 January 2012

John Lash - Warrior Terms Of Engagement

Terence McKenna maintained that the best story wins and thus far I don't know a more potent story or storyteller. This talk is one of John Lash's densest, darkest, most technical and spelling binding talks to date.

Sunday 22 January 2012

John Lash Crew Notes #15

Erotic Shock

But what actually happens to sentient life on the earth if Gaia the planetary mother animal goes into throes of auto-erotic excitation? In 2012, humanity as a whole is due to undergo a near-death experience from which some of the species will be reanimated by the force of Eros. You can quote me on that.

Here's the full text:

CN # 15: Review and Preview of GNE
January 21, 2012

Greetings Crew!

In my previous notes -- designated 14 ½  by allusion to Fellini's magnificent film about finding the inner child, 8 ½ -- I noted the two challenges I initially proposed, to be undertaken in our group experiment of shared imagination: namely, to discover the initial conditions of the divine experiment underway on this planet, and to realize the pact Sophia made with the Anthropos when she dreamed this experiment -- "preemptively," as it were -- in the Pleroma, before her plunge. I indicated that the pattern of apogee surges in the FISHES, with  M 31 (the ANDROMEDA galaxy) above and CETUS below, present a timeframe for tracking the recapitulation of the Wisdom Goddess.  As she recalls those two factors, we can also realize what they are by tracking her recapitulation in real time, using the faculty of the second attention,  true imagination.

You may recall that I anticipated the moment of recall to culminate from December 15, coming out of the apogee stall in the belly of CETUS, into mid-January. So what's up? Has what I proposed come to pass? It's going now on a week since January 15.  What can the nav, speaking in his role as terton, report on his own experience of tracking divine memory? After all, it was I who set up the expectation that by this time in correction those two momentous factors would fall into place. And I did so with the implication that I principally would accomplish the act of retrieval. So how does it turn out now? Can the terton deliver on this promise?

As I have said all along, this is a collaborative venture. I count on your comments, intuitions, dreams, and insights.  If you stay within the framework of the Sophianic vision story, choosing the true imagination to guide you, any one of you can pick up significant details of Sophia's recall process. But to see the entire recapitulation in a coherent way requires telestic practice, of course.  You can't do it in an ordinary state. It has to be realized and learned in trance.

I need to say more about trance and how to attain it... Thomas recently nudged me on that point. Will do in upcoming notes and talks. For right now with these notes I am offering a review and preview of the Gaian Navigation Experiment, including a spoken commentary that will be accessible on As for what comes next, well...

First Telestic Session 2012

CN #16 (now in the works) has the title "Initial Conditions of This Divine Experiment." It also comes with a verbal commentary. It is easier to describe the initial conditions, recalled by Gaia-Sophia and captured by the terton in telestic trance,  in verbal form, as writing it all down would be quite tedious. Eventually it has to be written down, of course... But at this crucial point in correction, the practice allows for restoration of missing parts of the nine-episode vision story. Specifically, that part between episodes three and four when the Aeon Sophia, dreaming in the Pleroma, set the initial conditions for an experiment which she uniquely and unilaterally  previsioned. I can tell you right now that the missing parts of the narrative are massive and immensely rich in detail, nuance, and cosmic perspective. This is a huge part of the sacred narrative and it carries the vivid disclosure of cosmic activities among the Aeons. You can see how true it is when you realize what it enables you to understand about the world today, even about the situation of planet earth viewed in a larger galactic perspective.

I am thrilled to have recovered this material during a telestic session that doubled as a divinatory rite. Such rites are usually undertaken in the 5 days of the waning phase of the moon, the completion of a dakini shift. The practice involves close observation of the lunar crescent before sunrise, the lefthanded crescent. I undertook this practice just after the hinge of Mahakali, thursday - friday, January 19-20, when the moon rose before dawn in the body of the SCORPION. Not at the stinger but in the lower torso, around 20 Sagittarius or 260 ecliptic longitude. High over head was the LION with the red planet mars clearly visible in the loins. And to the east, saturn neck in neck with Spica in the VIRGIN. Orion was setting toward the West. Such was the setting of the divinatory ritual.

This setting recalls a moment pictured in Greek myth: when Artemis, the earth goddess who protected the animals of the Gaian habitat, sent the scorpion to kill the hunter Orion because he had exceeded his quota of prey. Reflect on that image.

The telestic practice of that moment fell three days after the limit date of January 15, the date that I had set for Sophia's recall in real time of her pact, signified by the alignment of the lunar apogee to M 31. Remember! I set up the expectation that by January 15 those two mission components would be revealed. And three days later, it came true. In a most deliciously lavish manner, if I may say so. Additional to capturing the initial conditions of the divine experiment she dreamed for us, came almost total and lucid recall of the conditions of the pact. Both components came in one download, one session of divine mathesis or telestic instruction.

For the Maine terton this was rather a new experience. I was not taking instruction directly from the Organic Light, as usually happens in telestic trance. Rather, I was tracking her memory process in real time, a different sort of operation, shamanically speaking. What I found was that to do so involved a different kind of trance attention, a lighter trance. No the deep trance I have described in certain passages of Severed Rose, but a kind of skimming trance with emphasis on auditory and tonal signals, rather than on intense visual immersion in the Organic Light.

To my delight I found that the light trance, of what I might call borderline trance, allowed me elicit material and retain it exceptionally well, by contrast to the deep trance in which the shaman always has to accept the loss of content drawn from the Nagual which cannot be retained in an ordinary state.

"Wisdom has no memory." This is a gnostic saying that refers to telestic illumination gained from the wellspring of the Organic Light, the primary substance body of Sophia. The wisdom so gained has no memory. It cannot be retained in the manner of ordinary memory contents.

You can see how you would not understand the saying, and would read it wrongly, without direct access to the experience.

My report on the results of the January 19-20 session comes in two parts, first, the initial conditions of the current experiment (CN #16) and then the specific terms of the pact she made, for she did indeed conceive our current experiment as an intervention scenario, or "avataric descent" (CN#17). When you know the initial conditions you also realize why, obviously, the experiment had to require an intervention scenario. Standard procedure for an Aeon, as it were.

Or, as Jan Kerouac would say with the mischievous glint of a mad scientist in her eye, "standard proceedcake."

Planetary Setup

We enter now into a phase of intense activity in this experiment, if you are willing, and it if is your pleasure. The nav will be presenting some new navigational parameters, including  specific graphics on the interaction of jupiter and the lunar apogee, the role of saturn as the lightship, and the role of mars which would now appear to come into play as mars commences a long retrograde loop in the LION: January 25, under the Matangi shift. So, it would appear that all three planets beyond the earth, out to the proper limits of the archontic celestial mechanism, are involved in correction and used for Gaia's purposes. Until now, she has not used or involved mars. The fact that she can now do so signifies a remarkable advance in her process of sovereign activity, self-propulsion and self-navigation.

The planets beyond saturn do not belong to the solar system proper, as it was initially formed by archontic powers and the Demiurge. The three trans-saturnian planets, uranus, neptune, and pluto, are not proper members of the archontic stereoma; rather they are something like probes sent into the system for monitoring purposes.

As for the intra-terrestrials, mercury and venus, they have no significant role in how Sophia sets the initial conditions of correction but may become significant  for close scrutiny of her self-navigation activities in post-correction.

You may well wonder how these archontic planets that capture the earth in an alien frame of celestial mechanics may serve Sophia in correction. Well, correction does not merely require her breaking free of capture but also of using the systemic components of celestial mechanics for her own purposes. Like a tantrika, she "turns" the negative or compelling or enslaving conditions to her intention.

Sound Effects

Finally, before referring you to the accompanying audio commentary, a review and preview of the GNE, I want to mention the dramatic occurrence of strange sounds across the planet that has been noted in this crucial moment, mid-January. Not timed to an apogee or perigee surge, but interestingly perhaps, right between the two:

Apogee surge 28 Aries (M31 alignment) January 3 -- perigee surge16 Scorpio January 17, right pan of SCALES (2nd or 4 hits in the right pan). Halfway between these moments is January 12 when the crescendo of these sounds appears to have been noted in several places around the world.

First of all, I have to say that not all these recordings are trustworthy, and some may be faked. The internet is the Disneyland of hoaxers. However, I am convinced that most of the recorded effects are real and come from the interaction of the living planet with currents in the galactic arm, as well as eruptions from the solid core of the earth itself /The latter are not merely seismic -- though we have plenty of those lately --  but involve another type of energy,  call it "Shiva force." This is a kind of an ELF-type wave emanating from the core of the earth, which warps and stresses the BEMA, the bio-electric-magnetic aura of the planet. It resembles the Chladni effects,  geometric patterns taking form in sand pread on a plate that vibrates to a musical note or tone. It can occur as a uniform hum -- which has been reported for over two decades now, in Taos New Mexico, for instance. Of course, ELF waves produced by human-made devices can also mimic this effect; but it would be erroneous, I belive, to attribute the "Taos hum" and other similar effects to military operations.

So, these sounds thaty broke out dramantically in January are a combination of external stress on the mother ship as she undertakes her own navigation, and internal stress on the hulk of the planetary vessel, erupting from within the core.

The fact that such stresses now become audible is reasonable and expectable. This would be a phenomenon that happens normally on a planet in self-propulsion and would be detected by sentient life forms on board. These auditory phenomena characterize the first stage of correction. I would venture to say that the final stage or correction, sailing into spring 2014, would demonstrate a corresponding set of phenomena of a visual type, rippling banded lights in the sky: Saint Elmo's fire flashing in the rigging of the mother ship.

You can read a vivid description of Saint Elmo's fire (long associated by sailors with the head stars of the TWINS, Castor and Pollux) in Melville's Moby Dick. As I have noted before, Melville's literary mythmaking is a precursor of the coming oceanic myth, the future vision of the earth in correction. This navigation experiment belongs to the genre of oceanic mythology.

Berkeland currents, as they are called, also cause the Aurora Borealis. Their discovery is a terrific story that might engage you. I have not been able to read a book or hardly anything else for almost a year now. Just can't concentrate for more than a paragraph or two before my attention strays -- one reason why I don't read the forum. I can't hold my mind on the material long enough, and the linear layout of the medium itself tries my patience (of which I have precious little) ... sorry, folks. But I did just barely manage to get halfway through a book recently: The Northern Lights by Lucy Jago, an account of the life and work of Norwegian scientist Christian Berkeland. A fantastic adventure story and beautifully written. Jago explains how Berkeland ascertained that the Northern Lights are due to disturbances in the electromagnetic field of the earth caused or incited by the sun, specifically the instreaming of electrically charged cathode rays.

Note that the auroral lights are a property of the earth's atmosphere that manifests when it becomes excited by solar emissions. Which does not preclude the possibility that the planet itself could generate the same effects --  say, by a process of self-excitation. By an auto-erotic action? Which indeed is what I expect to manifest at the completion of the initial conditions of correction in spring 2014.

Erotic Shock

But what actually happens to sentint life on the earth if Gaia the planetary mother animal goes into throes of auto-erotic excitation? In 2012, humanity as a whole is due to undergo a near-death experience from which some of the species will be reanimated by the force of Eros. You can quote me on that.

"In order to investigate nature, we must literally love the object of our investigation. In the language of orgone biophysics, we must have direct and undisturbed orgonotic contact with the object of our investigation.... Sensation is the greatest mystery of natural science." Wilhelm Reich, Ether, God, and Devil

In preparation for what's to come, I suggest as homework re-reading Coco de Mer 2: The Shock of the Beautiful. Or just the following excerpt:

To humanity Sophia imparts the germ of nous, spiritual mind. This is our wisdom endowment, the intuitive intelligence of the heart that enables us to know what it means to be human. Sophia imparts a special power to the earth, as well as to humanity (Anthropos in Gnostic terminology). The fact that She becomes embodied in the earth does not mean that all Her force is exhausted in telluric physics. As an Aeon, She is greater than any planet. Her deific power remains in excess of its physical manifestation. In short, Sophia is able to imbue the physical Earth with supernatural properties. The most potent and pervasive of these properties is Eros as described in codices II, 5 and XIII, 2 (On the Origin of the World, found in two versions in the Nag Hammadi cache):

"The earth was purified on account of the blood of the virgin (parthenos). But most of all, the water was purified through the likeness of the Pistis Sophia, who had appeared to the prime parent in the waters... Out of that first blood, Eros appeared, being androgynous. His masculinity is Himeros, being fire from light. His femininity, innate to him as well, is the soul of blood, the solution of the Pronoia... He is very lovely in his beauty, having charm beyond all the creatures of chaos. Then all the gods and their angels, when they beheld Eros, became enamored. And appearing in all of them Eros set them ablaze..." (NHL II, 5, 108.25 - 109.25)

Here again is a fragment of Gaian creation myth, an account of formative events framed in mystical and symbolic language. It would take too long to translate the passage line for line, but let's note that "the blood of the virgin" readily suggests volcanic magma, present from the earliest formation of the terrestrial globe. "The water purified through the likeness of the Pistis Sophia" may be mythic shorthand for the purge of oxygen from the primordial seas. This momentous event occurred over a 400-million-year stretch of time from 2.2 billion to 1.8 billion years ago. In the Archean period preceding this event, the oxygen associated with the forming earth was locked deep in the oceans. There was hardly any oxygen in the open atmosphere at all. Due to the action of a microscopic entity, the cynobacterium known as blue-green algae, oxygen was massively purged from the ocean and shifted into the atmosphere. The algae catalyst "swarmed in the photic zone, the region illuminated and irradiated by the sun and extending to no more than 100 hundred meters below the ocean surface." (Lynn Margulis, What is Life?, p. 105)

As a result of this massive shift, photosynthesis was possible, and life on earth entered its most lavishly productive phase, which persists to this day.
How does this activity indicate an effect of "the likeness of the Sophia?" Well, the action occurring in the photic zone of the ocean was bacterial, and confined to an ultra-thin layer of the primordial seas, but the effect of the sun interacting with the algae in this layer was similar to the growth of a culture in a petri dish. Let's recall that Aeons are hyper-porous, mass-free currents with autopoetic powers, and as such the mere presence of an Aeon in a field of atomic matter confers order upon chaos. The "likeness of the Sophia" was her autopoetic effect, a mirroring of Her form, for cynobacteria were the first life-forms to emerge as a direct reflection of Sophia's own life-force.

Flame to Flame
To enter imaginally into the Gnostic vision of the Fallen Sophia, we must conceive that the Aeon is forming into the earth, and forming the earth, at the same time. She is the dancer and the dance. The part of Sophia that remains an Aeon, mass-free and non-devolved, impresses its life-force into the materializing earth. One could say that with Sophia Her soul defines Her body. The Coptic texts and polemics make this distinction by using "Achamoth" for the part of the Aeon that materializes. (In some versions of the myth, Sophia does not entirely depart from the Pleroma, but a part of Her "substance" extrudes and materializes. I have chosen to follow the versions in which Sophia is entirely externalized.)

The bisexuality of Eros recalls the Tibetan yab-yum and mythic intuitions of the sexes associated with the Coco de Mer. Both genders of Eros are described in vivid ways: the masculine (electrical) aspect is "fire from light," and feminine (magnetic) aspect is "the soul of blood." Here the Gnostic cosmology refers to human biological features which are coeval with terrestrial events. "Fire from light" is the electrochemical component in the human organism, the hidden fire compressed in the lightning-like spinal current of Kundalini. The "soul of blood" is plasma, the watery component of our blood, yet because the blood carries iron, this watery component is charged with magnetism (desire).

The interplay of the two genders of Eros ("fire from light," the male, and "the soul of blood," the female) generates the soul-life of humanity: "And the first soul (psyche) loved Eros, who was merged with her, and she poured her blood upon him and the earth." (111.5-15) As the Gnostics saw it, human blood was formed coevally with complimentary elements in the planetary body. Earth and psyche, body and soul, co-evolve together from the earliest stages of life on earth.

Orig. World describes how Eros pervades the physical world: "Just as from a single lamp many lamps are lit, and one and the same light is there, but the lamp is not diminished. And in this way Eros came to permeate all the beings created from chaos, and was not diminished." (109: 10 - 15) Here Gnostic emanationism makes a perfect match with Tantric cosmology. Woodruffe explains that at "every stage of the emanation-process prior to real evolution (sensuous and physical processes)," Shakti, the supreme mothering power, "remains what it is," whilst ever producing new features of evolution. He specifies:

"In Parinama or Evolution as it is known to us on this plane, when one thing is evolved into another, it ceases to be what it is. Thus when milk is changed into curd, it ceases to be milk. The evolution from Shiva-Shakti of the pure Tattvas is not of this kind... It is a process in which one flame springs from another flame. Hence it is called "Flame to Flame." There is a second flame but the first from which it comes is unexhausted and still there (Shakti and Shakta, p. 180.)"
Shiva-Shakti" is the Divine Parent, paired Aeons. Tattvas are emanational stages in Hundu Tantric cosmology. The gnostikoi called them hypostases, down-scalings. Parinama is the equivalent of dreaming, rather than the presumed linear Darwinian-style evolution.

Now imagine that we have a force in us, a kind of alternating current that plays between the blood and the nervous system; hence it carries a rhythm, directly sensed in the pulsing of the blood, and an electrical charge, an internal buzz of excitement. These are, physiologically speaking, the gender functions (masculine and feminine energies) of Eros incorporated into our bodies. Yet imagine as well that the Erotic components installed in our organism do not operate self-referentially, as if in an empty field. On Earth, we are immersed in an immense sea of electromagnetism, the macrocosmic counterpart to the bipolar Erotic forces locked into our body structure. Tantrics teach that Kundalini exists in two forms: it assumes a compressed form in the human body, and a telluric form, Maha-Kundala, the massive "serpent power" of the earth. (The suffix -ini, like "eeny-weeny," means"small, miniscule.")

The Erotic charge in our bodies is imparted by the electro-magnetic field of the earth and responds to it, constantly. We are not given a limited dose of Eros and then left to our own devices, helpless to do anything as it gets used up and finally runs out. We are continually resupplied. Eros never runs out because the flame-to-flame dynamic permits constant renewal, orrecharge. It does run down, however, if we are not consciously receptive to the process. Just think of a certain kind of excitement you can feel that becomes more charged the more you express it. This is the euphoric hit of Eros. It operates flame-by-flame. Erotic euphoria is not diminished by imparting or sharing it, but by our closing ourselves off to receive it in the first place.

In other words, by shutting down the sweet blaze of the Erotic.

Audio File
This evening,  I sending out these notes and by the new moon on monday January 23, marking completion of the MahaKail shift, the mp3 file that goes with them will go to Stan to be posted on When he tells me it's up I'll pass the word on to you. This allows some time for you to read and reflect on these notes before listening to the audio commentary that accompanies them.

Clear sailing and safe passage to all,

your nav

PS SOS for assistance: I need a Word format document listing the titles and dates of the 15 sets of crew notes sent out so far. I can keep track of correction. Just barely, mamacita. What is more difficult at moments is keeping track of myself keeping track of correction! Any volunteers? J.

Is The FBI Rabid & Out of Control?

Former FBI Chief of the Los Angeles Office, Ted Gunderson, says that some elements of the FBI are behind many crimes – like the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and its total destruction in 2001. Oh, yes, and the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Naturally the FBI are unable to investigate themselves so instead the enemy is us.

Via Steve

Kangding Ray & Finn Johansen

I get a headache trying to remember the blog name. The music however kept me buoyant as I worked. Smooth sailing from Kangding Ray above and involuntary electro glossolalia with Finn Johannsen below.

The Prologue To Anthony Forword

I wrote the following comment on Duncan O'Finionan's blog because we all owe him a debt of reciprocity, gratitude and respect. Without Duncan I would never have examined closely what MKULTRA really is once the novelty headline subsides. I nearly missed its importance as a tool for State assassinations, unpaid sex workers for bribing D.C politicians and lobbyists, super soldier programs, sleeper cells, you name the problem, If it needs an identity switch on mission completion then MKULTRA washes whiter than white.

When we've isolated these small groups of psychopaths that dominate our elite institutions we will need a truth and reconciliation process for the history we're not adult enough to face up to without guided approval. I will take a close interest in that matter but in the mean time here's that comment I wrote:

I can tell from the Anthony Forword's opening weasel words he's a douchebag well versed in weasel word craft. (Note to Americans. UK douchebaggery is a lot less offensive. It's friendly criticism)

He writes to Duncan:

" I don’t have an opinion on your claims one way or the other"

Anthony Forwood immediately loses a golden opportunity here to remain silent and prove his claim to neutrality. However to compound his already plummeting reputation, he also instantaneously shreds his professional credibility as an author by writing at length the opposite of what he means and the reverse of what he believes. This is a tendency not uncommon with those who have an unduly high regard for themselves coupled with a wish to rise above the vanity press circuit without the skills to source original material of their own. Instead a smear book appeals to the least able writers and their largely least equipped to discern the difference readers.

Fortunately the likes of Anthony Forwood are diminishing in numbers as is the frequency of literary poison attacks. The sales volumes are down as the long-tail effect works its way through the alternative research genre. The kind of shadow institutions looking to discredit Duncan's powerful story can no longer rely on cooked up sales data for credibility. I'm not saying that's the story here. I'm saying don/t even think about it.

What kind of naivete thinks a fully documented and scholarly account of Duncan's history is missing here? That kind of narrative fascism is the reason why we've been so deceived by the institutions that pretend they protect us while shafting us with an education designed to train obedience free of challenge. 

Duncan's words shared in the spirit of enlightenment and coming from the heart is a different universe to the appalling letter by Anthony Forwood.

My view is that Duncan, Miranda and Dave and any MKULTRA survivor can amend any facts they wish, as many times as they wish because to demand otherwise is to lose sight of the essence of the grave injustice they have suffered and for which I stand by them as a fellow human beings. It's not only reasonable to expect this but madness to pursue otherwise. it's transmedia story telling across alter personalities. The people who know most of the linear narrative are so venal and amoral we have to assemble the jigsaw by our own means.

Anthony Forwood's odious letter is offensive to my sensibility. This type of nauseous character is parading as a person of amiable inquiry when the agenda is ostensibly a vehicle to sell books and/or wider disinformation/misinformation character attacks..

Before the internet many a good reputation was ruined by this genre of opportunism. It would be unwise for Anthony Forwood to pursue any obsolete literary vehicles for anything other than words of the highest integrity and originality. 

If he hasn't got anything good to say. A period of silence on his part would be most welcome.


Friday 20 January 2012

Early Adopters Read Shit That Doesn't Fit Their Reality

This is a really important talk on how reality is being shape by Google and Facebook algorithms. I'm very uneasy that my Facebook Stream is only loaded with people who agree with me (and there's not many of them either) but there was a time when I got exposure to new ideas and counter opinions. Not any more and I wonder if that means the internet is becoming a pajama party so much so that real life becomes a disorienting experience when people disagree with our views. This is actually a long an fascinating topic on how reality is painted and I suspect there's a glimmer of the good is being facilitated more than the bad, but not in a way that allows the good to deal with the bad when it is encountered.

Douglas Dietrich - Debunking Mickey Mouse History

The most important thing I've learned from Douglas Dietrich's work is how easy it is for English language press media and history books to spin a story that is at odds with the facts. In the case of Japan's much more cleverly negotiated peace treaty (than the myth of atomic defeat) they've not seen any advantage in talking about their negotiated settlement points and so the real ending of the war is a fairy tale.

Nick Pope's Lies - The Ministry Of Defence's Obsession With Controlling The UFO Story

Nick Pope used to work for the Ministry of Defence MOD as a UFO denier spokesman and now makes a living on the UFO lecture circuit as a UFO agnostic.  Regrettably he is wheeled out every time the British media want an opinion. In effect he is still on an MOD pension.

Colin Andrews has already called Nick Pope out as a liar on the crop circle and UFO connection to the Royal Family and Ministry of Defence as I've blogged twice and Dr David Clarke has written an expose of the MOD/Nick Pope duality online as well as in interviews.

For the media to invite Nick Fucking Pope for his opinion is like a new game show proposal for the Captain of the Concordia to tell us how to run a luxury cruise liner.

Was Saturn Once Our Sun? - Saturnalia & Coaxial Brown Dwarf Arrangements

It's not only Troy McLachlan who has a story of a different solar system in the past and if we're listening to John Lash and his Sophia's Correction forecast it may well have in the near future once again. The case for Saturn worship (death cult) from ancient times to the Nazis not only builds up but gains credence in a logarithmic manner. I appreciate the way Troy pays attention to the Kubrick, Saturn, Nazi connection. This post links in nicely with the Plasma Cosmology post.

Thursday 19 January 2012

John Lash - Planetary Tantra - Talk Five

The Federal Reserve Is Neither Federal Nor Has Anything In Reserve


Closer scrutiny of the Federal Reserve is one of those subjects that too few people understand the importance of. There will never be the change needed to rectify the problems of the planet till people spend a little time with that information and unite on both sides of the political spectrum to challenge probably the most powerful institution in the world. 

It really is in your interest if you still don't understand the role the Federal Reserve plays in manufacturing money out of thin air on terms that suit its owners first, Wall Street second corporations third and then way down the list the people who actually create the value for its existence. The ordinary humans that pay their taxes, buy the bulk of property, eat the bulk of food and travel the bulk of mileage that keeps the economy turning. Dylan Ratigan explains a little more of this in his latest MNBC show above and in some ways its remarkable that a mainstream show even allows a challenge to the integrity of the Federal Reserve to come from their show. 

The topic was also covered yesterday by The Real News Network which is another source of information that unlike most of the corporate media is interested in informing you instead of lying to you at worst or trapped in a conflict of interest at best. At some point Banker Bernanke must go.

Christopher Knowles & The Secret History Of Rock & Roll Interviewed By Future Quake


Wednesday 18 January 2012


I hope you can join me to campaign digitally against this iniquitous legislation that is ALL about keeping humans down. Doing nothing is not acceptable. Start with your Twitter profile here.

Go black, it's better than advertising.

Webbot Vs Webbot (Semantic Skirmishes & Information Warfare)

Lots of disinfo on the net portrays Clif High's Webbots as lame but the fact is they deliver and work for me. I wont share what exactly because I have five hundred dollars coming in as a result of keeping a keen eye on his work. It's all about semantics.

This is an older talk but a good introduction to the new comer. Welcome.

Ex Navy Seal Blows The Lid Off False Flag Terror & Area 51 Secrets

Bill Woods story is extraordinary. His looking glass testimony backs up Dan Burisch and as an Ex Navy Seal from Seal Team 9 we owe him a debt of honour for coming out on the side of humanity instead of the the inhuman side that keeps us oppressed and divided through wars and politics, toxic media as well as poisoning our food and our environment.

The Pentagon, the CIA and all the oppressive paternalistic hierarchical, secret obsessed and  immoral science fanatics are going to be flushed down the toilet once this is all over. They are insane and can't see it. The only people who can diagnose it are people like us and as they aren't listening it's a fait accompli.

Here's the blurb: 

An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

Marshall Vian Summers - Allies Of Humanity

Interviews like this would be more bearable without the interviewer's compulsion to point out her Camelot blessing and approval in a manner more familiar to Popes and Royalty. However just because there's an ego problem and a poor interviewing technique doesn't mean there isn't valuable information available in this interview.

Something about Marshall Vian Summers tells me that his warning, like many others from Charles Fort to Sir Fred Hoyle that we are a proxy managed planet is probably the best explanation for the divide and rule sentiment played out by elite structures on our planet against us human beings. In short we're cattle and there's a lot of evidence to back this up.

However there's something I didn't feel comfortable with during his fascinating talk and being a bit rubbish at remembering I've forgotten what exactly. I'll try to catch up on his other talks and see if I remember. It's well worth watching, despite the interviewer who is setting herself up for a fall. It seems American alternative researchers with a fondness for the camera simply can't help themselves.

Marshall Vian Summers says one thing about the universe that I've heard explained elsewhere in progressive science and esoteric circles. He says that the universe as an entity or being is intelligent and that nobody can hack it's operating system. He also gives an explanation for why civilisations that are over reliant on technology and scientific materialism are at a disadvantage to those that like nature worship frugality and cleverness over wires and depleted resource extraction from planets.

There's a good summary of allies of humanity over here.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

John Lash - Planetary Tantra - Talk Three

Lots of digging down into the Melchizedek question in this John Lash talk.

Lear Jet Heir & Former CIA Talks GovCorp & UFOs

Even if one outrageous claim is true the implications are healthy.

The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution with Tom Campbell

I've had a lousy day and even though so far I haven't heard anything I didn't know in this talk I'm enjoying listening to people and ideas that are just more real than a lot of what passes as the charade of reality currently being pimped by the for profit corporate media. Youtube is the new libary of Alexandria. If this grand experiment fails someone will burn it down and reduce us to scratching around the ruins for centuries. Tom Campbell is the scientist who wrote My Big TOE (Theory of everything) and his website is here.

Put 'Em Up Captain (He's So Good Looking)

Coastguard tells captain to return to ship (mp3)

As the corporate for profit war media crank up the propaganda for the war against Iran I didn't bother checking out a luxury liner going down. However I assure you this audio clip from the BBC with actors doing voice over of the Coastguard ordering Captain Schettino back to his sinking ship to rescue drowning passengers is unmissable. 

It's pure Kali Yuga and I expect to see much more unveiling throughout this year of the cowardice and venality of those who seek and are awarded privilege and responsibility.