Sunday 2 October 2011

Krystle Cole - Neurosoup

Krystle Cole is an ambassador for considering the responsible use of entheogens such as Ayahuasca, Psilocybin or DMT. I've written about her before as she has an incredibly interesting story that I can't imagine Hollywood ignoring if it gets over its two faced glorification of killing while too spineless to tackle the importance of meaningful issues such as the topic of sacred medicines.

Every time I listen to her I'm aware of her spiritual advancement and unique candid articulation. Not bad for a former Gothic stripper, nuclear bunker dweller and unfortunate victim of male manipulation and assault.

Update: Original video deleted. Krystle no longer takes psychedelics.

William Henry & Fruit Loop Stargates

One of the issues I've encountered with alternative view points is that the most   reliable information is held by groups who are funded by taxpayers and yet are able to inflict vast resources of disinformation. This divides the community of people who research subjects that are open to ridicule. We are de facto especially sensitive to the disinformation process. 

I think it's good that alternative researchers should acquire a tough rhino skin and/or subject their thinking to the rigour of reason but not under circumstances ridicule. It's uneccessary.

Which is why I urge William Henry and his ascension aspirations to refrain from the kind of calumny that demands people to scrutinze his own fruit vortex claims that Stargates and Light Beings exist. It would be so easy to crank up the Google juice so that he's forever associated with issues that currently provide no proof. 

Which begs the question. Is he making it all up to pay for the Egyptian linen bedding?

I think William is a solid researcher but if he wishes to rely on low vibratory calumny to make that point than go ahead, knock yourself out. 

Comments are open below. As they always are. That's how we roll.

Saturday 1 October 2011

If Ron Paul Came Close To Winning They'd Have To Kill Him

I like Ron Paul very much. His integrity is without blemish even though I don't think his economic libertarianism is as robust as he thinks. It's been a reality check to see how the corporate media portrays him as unhinged and to see that sentiment parroted in political forums by people who suck on the plasma screen rays and corn syrup juice, day in and day out. Frightening their reality has been spoon fed to these people. They are no longer able to distinguish right from wrong.

However I have one question for him. What makes you think you can break the central banking, perpetual war model without getting shot? 

As an aside he's close friends with Dr Jack Pruett who I've blogged about for his book on the Annunaki - The Grandest Deception. It's inconceivable to me that Ron Paul doesn't know his former colleagues belief that we're being manipulated by off world groups stretching back to ancient Sumeria and before. Radical I know but the evidence is set in stone (or rather those cuneiform clay tablets that are the oldest writings known to man).

So far the elite groups who choose the next President have used the ridicule curtain to keep the U.S. from taking Ron Paul seriously but if that doesn't work the game can only get nasty. Watch the video and tell me what you think of him.

Perfidious European Networks


It would be confusing if I didn't clarify the topic of Europe. I've always given my support to the E.U going back to the E.E.C and even further as the Treaty of Rome always struck me as a sensible way to integrate trade ties and avoid the carnage of war that was inflicted on Europe twice in the last century. 

I say inflicted as the Prescott Bush Bank through loans to I.G. Farben pretty much single handedly rebuilt Germany after the second world war and were very happy to let Adolf Hitler get the credit. They were going to both survive the next orchestrated war very profitably which they did, and both the Bush dynasty is still here as are the profit dynamos of I.G. Farben; Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and Agfa.

However I used to believe that the intentions of the E.U. were if overly bureaucratic at the very least honourable. They're not. It's run by the same clique of BilderbergersCommittee of 300, Trilateral Commission, European Council Foreign Relations string pullers that have a choke hold on government with most members who aren't members of these elite groups completely unaware. And so I give my support fully to Nigel Farrage  in this splendid video above who is a European Parliament superstar along the lines of do-it-yourself punk rock insurrection.

I just thought I'd articulate that as many of you know I'm a committed European (and planetary being) and would be tomorrow if the institutions weren't rotting at the head like a fish. Indeed I remain convinced of the urgent need for a planet-wide wise-council of men and women and some variation of Athenian democracy. But again the global institutions we have are rotten to the core. Psychopaths in expensive suits. So I hope that helps clarify things. I wouldn't want people to be unclear and under the false impression I'm changing my opinion as a weather vain blows in the wind.

Friday 30 September 2011

Tony Bologna - Crime Doesn't Spray


Jon Stewart's ripping satire into Anthony V Bologna of NYPD. I've yet to see main stream media report that a hundred line officers refused to work in support of the #occupywallstreet movement.

Justin Bieber's Face On Learning 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Is this the tipping point for the conspiracy movement?

Why The U.S. Had To Secure Libya

We all know that Libya was bombed so that the West could secure the oil supplies but this interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell takes it to the next incremental logical conclusion and casts a much larger light on why the US in decline needs to hold down it's capitalist competitors by choking them of oil supplies. 

Free market capitalism. It was never free nor a market.

What's interesting here is that it completes the picture that I have of the middle East deliberately held down by the US through the installation of the most regressive leaders it can find. Usually through the nastier fringes of Islam such as Saudi Arabia's Wahaabism.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Protect & Serve (Assault & Bully)


Lawrence O'Donnell joins the small list of news professionals prepared to say the truth. Nice guy. Human being.

We're Not The Tree & Bunny Huggers. We're The Intellectuals

Michael Tellinger is the only successful businessman (writer, scientist and artist among other skills) I'm aware of who has an alternative to capitalism that if implemented will mean his wealth creation efforts will start from scratch along with everyone else. I call that intellectual and moral honesty from one of the few vocal neo-renaissance men who walks the walk. It's called Contributionism and is based on Ubuntu.

Second Laugh Of The Day - T Mobile

Clif High Makes Mincemeat Of Yow Radio

Listen to internet radio with yowradio on Blog Talk Radio

Clif High would hate me saying that but I found the undertone of the interviewer with his slicker than deer guts on a door knob rhetoric stuffed with the kind of acidity that Clif eventually unveils when it becomes evident that the interviewer is unable to grasp that he's playing into the hands of the people he hates by being so anti Israel.

I also found the usual tell tale signs of disaster porn addiction in his voice. The podcast is also worth listening to for the single most cogent explanation of dinosaur extinction and believe me I've been looking and looking and looking and haven't found a theory yet that did the job till today. I've been impressed by the expando Earth model since March so please read up on it first if it's a bit too much for you.

They Hate Us For Our Freedoms

I've been arguing politics online since I discovered the original Twitter platform mIRC at University in 1994. Later in life I had an American political mentor who taught me the art of attacking both sides and raised my game another notch from the neoconservatives dominated channel of #political who schooled me in the art of grammar, logic and rhetoric through the trivium and by debating, right wing ideology and American political history on the internet. 

I created the term right wing nuts there and it became a meme with #politics channel dissenters, that finally got me kicked off in the end for being too clever for my own good. I have no idea if it entered broader use because of me. Things happen at the same time elsewhere so I'm not claiming it elsewhere.  It was finally pointed out to me by a friendly voice that I was hanging out with group psychopathy and it's true they are dangerously greedy ideologues fronted by fundamentalist Christian ideologues and draped in the flag.

I'm starting to see a split now that can never be breached. It's true that most people are unable to change their minds but it was always worthwhile if one or two could. That is no longer the case. America is 1984 with better clothes, freedom is doublespeak for shut your mouth, the Department of Defence is the department for attack, the Pentagon is the inside of the Satanic pentagram and protest is non existent, silence is imposed on 95% of my American friends who are too concerned for their own well being, client relationships or career to raise their voice in a Department of Fatherland Security environment. I don't make any judgement as my own political freedom and loud voice is the quid pro quo of other freedoms that have been taken from me. I use my voice as I can and repeat that speaking the truth even in a shaking voice is as good as as could be expected from anybody.

However there is now no time left to win over a few stragglers to the sides of decency and reason through grammar, logic and rhetoric. The kind of people who think the U.S. is a free country are detached from reality and let's be candid. There's been a war on for their minds through diet, television, media, business and don't forget the medical industries success of dubious vaccination programmes and diagnosing independence of thought in children and young adults, and then sedating it at best or framing it as a psychological problem. Last of all the U.S. with the highest prison population in the world locks up those who have no desire to be criminals but find a life of corporate psychopathy inconceivable. The rest the U.S. sends abroad to prosecute the perpetual war, central banking model. The finest minds work in Wall Street, The IMF or The Pentagon.

They're gone. They have been poisoned and are now poison. Hating isn't very productive but be aware, be vigilant and choose wisely. Friends are sometimes made in difficult situations but if that friendship is subservient to fanatical and deranged ideology it's no friendship. Choose people who place the highest value on human qualities. That's it. Next stage of the game. I'll still be letting of a bit of steam in various forums but not because I care any longer. I've cared for too long and basically the awake are awake.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Something And Nothing

When Lawrence Krauss made this presentation for the non existence of a designer (God) his assumptions are based on information that doesn't travel faster than light but that's changed in the last week so I don't need to make my case for semantic confirmation bias that I say he uses here and which is philosophical (not mathematical) and no stronger or weaker than his case. However Lawrence is still brilliant and one of the best arguments I've come across for a Godless Universe. It is essential to the debate.

Mark Dice, Shapeshifting Cephalopoda, David Icke & Reptilians

Self styled researcher and wannabe media pundit Mark Dice who specialises in conspiracies theories decided to attack his colleague in the conspiracy movement David Icke with an ad hominem assault on his character and research work on shapeshifting reptilians. This would have been more credible if he had done his homework and had a counter argument to John Lash's archons, Zecharia Sitchins' Annunaki, William Bramley's God's of Eden, Dr Jack Pruett, Stewart Swerdlow, Marshall Klarfeld and a whole lot more. He should also look at natures example of the subject as above.

I've written about this topic before and I'm much more interested in  David Icke's work in organised ritual child abuse at elite levels of society than shapeshifting reptilians but I think after this 'honour to meet you' interview that Mark Dice made when interviewing David Icke a few years ago it's safe to assume that I'm tasked with introducing his two faces to each other.

Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock & 1000 Feet Waves

@joerogan might be a comedian but I've loved every serious subject he's ever talked about. Somebody needs to write a thoughtful TV show for him to present and just send him around the world talking to interesting people. Graham Hancock is a national treasure.

It's Not Man Flu Till You've Watched This

Haven't got three whole minutes and thirty whole seconds? It's girl flu. Get back to your work. (However this trader is wrong in his assumption that capitalism is eternal. It's a hundred year or so aberration and is on its way out)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Super High IQ And Leaking It All Over The Net

Guys like this usually get their account suspended on Youtube but there's a cadence to his voice that doesn't fit the plucky amateur whistle-blower norm. Check out his archive and see if ya feel me.

Jay Weidner - Toroidal Vortices & The Gravitation Deception


I can't be arsed to tell you why this is such a great interview but if someone can confirm I got the Youtube playlist in sequential order (or not) I'll spill the beans in the comments. 

I made the title up but Jay 'n Tom 'n Ramone should be OK about it.

Monday 26 September 2011

Police Officer (Supervisor) Anthony V. Bologna NYPD

#occupywallstreet Please call Mayor Bloomberg: 212-772-1081 ext. 12006 and ask if Supervisor Anthony V. Bologna NYPD of Staten Island will face charges for calmly walking up to the two women pictured above and macing them in the face under zero provocation. Don't accept him being taken off duty as that will allow them to kick the ball into the long grass which is how the police deal with these matters.


Channelling Tibet With The Dalai Lama


Not a lot of people know that the Dalai Lamma consults with spirits from the Tibetan pantheon through an oracle or through channelling or a medium if you like. There are differences and there's a reason that channelling gained a specific name separate from psychic or medium by Jane Roberts who created the term through her contact with Seth starting in 1964.

My thinking on the subject of channelling came around the time I began to read some material that I only realised after the fact was channelled. It was so clean (that's the only way I can describe it) I stayed up till four in the morning going through the archives looking for a mistake or some discrepancy I could satisfactorily terminate the subject, but I couldn't. So on top of being the kind of guy who can stand my ground in quantum mechanic debates with top physicists (a lot easier than you would think, you only need to know three things) I also included two or three channelled sources for information which is when I realised that channelling was portrayed as ridiculous long before I understood what it was. 

I think the ridiculing is orchestrated by the same groups who as I've repeatedly demonstrated are well into their occult but drill home to the uninitiated that only the empirical is of value. Over and over again we see that corporate media sells a message of scientific materialism (and most are so brainwashed they are lost till the bitter end) and yet the real string pullers of power know their occult and mysticism far better than most would suspect. My point is that an idea I used as a joking term. i.e. "I'm channelling Kevin Spacey" and so forth had been ridiculed and undermined long before I even knew what it was and my working premise is that most of you don't know what it is either.

Like all good wannabe generalists I don't base my decisions on one source alone and there's a brilliant bit in this highly personal Dalai Lama documentary where he makes it clear his relationship to this kind of information, and talks about the interdependence of all things and so if it's good enough for the Dalai Lama it's good enough for me. I pick an choose what feels right and a bit of channelled information has taken me way further than I could have imagined a year ago when it was a term I ignorantly aped for ridicule. But like life, it's also a minefield.

This documentary is well worth watching just for the intimacy and frankness that the Dalai Lama shares, as well as the ideas such as if consciousness is not understood by science why would we undermine that which belongs outside the traditional realm of the subject?

That's a logic bomb if you missed it.

Here's the Youtube blurb: Cloaked in secrecy for over 400 years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical aspect of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This ancient spirit, which has inhabited a succession of thirteen human mediums, advises the Dalai Lama on matters of public and religious policy. To witness the eerie spectacle of a medium entering a trance state and being possessed by the Oracle is to confront profound questions about the very nature of human consciousness.