Friday 18 February 2011


I make no apologies for using this photo. I once had a girlfriend and her mother was stabbed to death. A photo of the dumped body was on the front page of Thailand's best selling newspaper Thai Rath. (Update this photo is disinformations. Princess Diana not only survived the crash but her Glasgow Coma Scale ensured that she must have been murdered in the ambulance.)

I have their logo tattooed on my heart. You can see it below with the still granulated blood from a photo that a young man from Taiwan kindly took for me on flight between Bangkok and London. I wrote about here. I also describe more about the event here.

I believe, the knife victims photo was pulled from Thai Rath, as soon as the body was identified. She was a 'society woman' of sorts, a well known writer. However, the practice still continues today with among others the death of David Carradine making the front page a while back.

The case attracted a lot of attention because anybody who knows Thailand questions the shoelace tied from his neck to his penis which isn't classic autoaspyxiation technique plus his hands were tied above him. My guess is he was killed in as humiliating a manner as possible. The post autopsy photo was published too. Strange that we both have heart tattoos.

I was a witness to unhealed lifelong traumas that photos like this published in the media can cause. Indeed, I'm still paying for it to this day. I recall many occasions of heartfelt cries of "missing Mom' with tears so many years after an event I had no part in. 

However I reject the sanitization of death if there is social merit. This is the case in the U.S and UK where dead soldiers are unable to be seen returning from the battlefield, but gratuitous and endless dying is ignored in hyper real gaming environments.

I apologise to anybody upset by this post so far. Today it's necessary. It's because I never bought a tabloid (or cared for irrelevant details) about other peoples private lives. It's  not without integrity as I deeply loathed the prurient obsession of the world with Princess Diana. I knew very little about the woman other than the barest of details that her marriage and divorce were desperately unhappy. 

I admired her worthy deeds such as campaigning against British arms industries selling land mines and caring for HIV victims. I understand she was also about to lend support to the Palestinian people who suffer so much even to this day. I've written many times that the same people who threw flowers on her funeral train went back to life the day after seemingly without self conscience bought the same tabloids that pursued her to death. After all it's not her grief the superficial society mourned. It was theirs.

I awoke the morning of her death in 1997 where I was living in Camden London, and as was my custom the radio had been on all night. I learned the sombre announcement of her death in Paris during the night. Inexplicably and for the first time in my life I started crying for someone I'd never really thought too much about. Only days before, her relationship with a Muslim man had been the latest of her personal and private affairs to hit the headlines and now my internal body alarm was tugging at me to say that all was not right. I guess I'm saying official autopsies were not going to make me any wiser. Many felt the same.

But the programming takes over doesn't it? The same conditioning which works to wonderful effect in repetitive messaging as in much of the fast moving consumable goods world of advertising, conditions us to the point where we doubt our intuition. To the point where we really believe that nature is doing just fine. 

I'm on record as saying anybody who believes the official narrative of 911 hasn't done their homework. But Princess Diana I reserved silence on till today. Just earlier I watched an MI5 officer share, an opinion that finally shifts mine to believe the Princess was murdered. And if the Crocodiles can murder a Princess....then surely you and I are no more important than battery hens?

If the real credit goes to the man in the arena, then in this case it's a woman and her name is Annie Machon. What a truly remarkable woman. I salute you. Sorry I took my time.

Wisconsin Teachers Protest

I've chosen the two that I most like but looking at the full selection it's very obvious that the Wisconsin teachers are really nice and decent people with a measured approach. However I've been saying there's more than a whiff of 68 in the air for a few months now and so Cairo and Tunisia were not so much of a surprise to me. These boards are so untypical of the United States that it marks the shift of something. 

I hope these people are treated decently. They deserve it compared to the bankers who made off with the loot.

Enter The RED Shirts

An 8 minute preview of the documentary.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Yuna Zarai

Rumour has it the young Malaysian singer is going down very well in New York right now. What a voice and what a credit to creative women of Islamic faith. Watch that space.

21st Century Living

And then you pay to see a movie on it. Via Mike

X Class

The satellite photo above is worth clicking on for a larger view.

I've been hanging out with some very interesting people and they all have a lot of insanely entangled threads interconnecting each other with narratives that are very hard to keep an open mind on. However, there is one scientific metric that I can point you towards as a sort of unifying theory without going down the rabbit hole of ideas. 

They all largely agree that the Sun is much more than some inanimate object and that its part of a system that responds not only to outside galactic phenomena but in some part reflects the collective consciousness/well being of the planet. A thought that is no more irrational (to me) than quantum mechanics and non locality/Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Personally I have a hard time figuring out how a sun burns for such a long long time. I don't buy conventional thinking on that point. You can see with the largest X Class Solar flare since 2006 above, that in so many ways it's about as fire-like it gets 

NASA writes: On Valentine's Day (ET) the Sun unleased one of its most powerful explosions, an X-class flare. The blast was the largest so far in the new solar cycle. Erupting from active region AR1158 in the Sun's southern hemisphere, the flare is captured here in this extreme ultraviolet image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The intense burst of electromagnetic radiation momentarily overwhelmed pixels in SDO's detectors causing the bright vertical blemish. This X-class flare was also accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME), a massive cloud of charged particles traveling outward at nearly 900 kilometers per second. Skywatchers at high latitudes should be alert for aurorae tonight.


Nice find from the Granite Studio. The poster says "With Japanese, Chinese, and Manchu working together, a Great Peace can be brought to the world". It's interesting that this kind of message could even be peddled given how brutal the Japanese were with rapes and competitive beheading and of course the Chinese population are itching with revenge now to take Japan out. I'm not exaggerating.

However we see below that some things don't change. it's a subtle form of propaganda though given that it was paid for by the Royal Thai army backed regime who had just slaughtered over 90 Thais and alienated the majority of the electorate. Many were assassinated by telescopic crosshair sniper units. This is the same Royal Thai Army who then went on to massively increase their military budget to include the first submarine as part of the overall military package.

This is from an army that has never picked on a decent opponent like the Burmese Tatmadaw as the Royal Thai Army has since the 1930's historically performed much better at shooting its own people on behalf of the wealthy elite.

Naturally this could never happen in the U.S but there are still too many political reportage sycophants out there who think Obama is a saviour. Neither he nor anyone in the GOP is. It's the way it is. More on my propaganda and advertising thinking over here.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Google One Pass

I welcome any experimentation with simple online payment models. Particularly in light of how Paypal was originally destined to be a game changer, but once the institutions got their legislative mitts securely on it, the model mutated into the greedy blood sucking vampire beast it is today

I hope Google's effort is better than this largely lacking in detail video (they really need an agency to tell them this is pants).

Zbigniew Brzezinski (More than a mouthful)

Real power doesn't sashay around the Whitehouse wearing a presidential pin as we learned from Dick Cheney. It's the brokers behind that count, as you can see from from both these videos. Zbig (as it's easier to call him) is all over the intellectual shop like a pissed up Freemason at a hen party. Zbig is a big fucking deal. He practically created the mujahedin by 'luring in the communists' into a 'bear trap' in Afghanistan decades ago, and then, well the rest is Taliban and Al Quaida showtime. 

Above he claims it's easier to drop money & arms (though he lies about the arms, an easy fact to debunk) into the wilds of the Pashtun border area than in the streets of Egypt. That border area is now an Afpak war zone because of his actions. Theoretically if you buy into the official 911 narrative (which if you do, you haven't done your homework) then this man is responsible for seeding the conditions that created 911. It's extraordinary that we should witness this kind of recorded revisionism within the same lifetime. A revisionism which I assure you doesn't end until our dear leaders are urging children to condemn their parents to cling on to power. To ignore this is to exalt falsehood over truth. It's that simple.

Some say he's the key to the power behind Obama's throne.


Elegant. Minimal. Via Conrad.

Perpetual Motion?

I've no idea whether this is a hoax but the topic is certainly popping up on the radar lately from Escher to a Youtube link I spotted Faris sharing on Facebook the other day.

Foo Foo and the Mickey Mouse State

Why does Thailand have a poodle promoted to Air Chief Marshall in the Royal Thai Airforce? Thanks to Wikileaks we now know more.

It's indicative of a country where the military elite turn a blind eye to this behaviour that while synthetically proclaiming the virtues of Royal institutions, they may well, one day, be subservient to the succession of a poodle. In this respect I'm  a staunch monarchist and relish the the scramble to whitewash history again. As indeed they must.

But Does It Float

My favourite art website is on cracking form recently in case you've noticed the change in style for visuals here. Tons of synchronicity too if you keep your pineal gland nice and squeegee clean.

Lucy Myers and Exopolitics

My Great Grandmother's name was Lucy Myers. She was a lovely old soul and I enjoyed visiting her on my own as a young lad to listen to her stories about life in the later Victorian/early Edwardian period of England. I'd heard she had a tough streak as a mother though I never saw anything but sweetness. A tired soul who wanted nothing more than to 'finish up her time here'. 

She had started life as a maid and after two world wars and retirment enjoyed a bit of gardening in her 90's but once she was too infirm for that, was more than eager to move on to the next stage of her existence. Whatever that may be as we never discussed it. We did however discuss that the sort of entertainment provided at visiting fairs during her childhood, were lead balls filled with water which could be purchased squeezed for fun before returning. I've never forgotten that something so simple could be the source of amusement in a our age of high velocity, uber-violent, real time and networked electronic gaming.

The reason I speak about Great Grandma is that when she died in my home town of Southampton, I made the mistake of carelessly speaking on the phone to my Sister in London where we both lived. Being a bit pragmatic about these things even though I had been very fond of Great Grandma I simply shared the news in about three words and my sister promptly broke down and cried. Later on my mother pointed out to me that I'd been insensitive and that there was a need to soften things up a bit and prepare someone for unexpected news. In my psychology this is not a good thing as by the time people get to spitting something I've parsed through a hundred times more permutations of possible surprising or shocking news than it appears other people are capable of and so I just prefer it straight up. No matter how surprising, upsetting, crazy or odd it really is.

There is a considerable section of the population who believe that anything really momentous and important is going to be announced in the Rose Garden of the Whitehouse to the Whitehouse Press Corp. That isn't actually the way it works if anybody has been paying attention to Wikileaks. We're no more treated like adults capable of handling the truth than the children we rear on a diet of small to disgraceful lies on every subject from sex education to the nature of Father Christmas ( a story worth exploring given its Shamanistic roots). If the news is really momentous it is leaked first hand. Whether willingly or unwillingly. Government never really govern if indeed they ever really have since the end of the Second Sorld War. (See military industrial complex for more on that subject).

The Vatican made a curious announcement during the Pope's visit to the UK regarding their their recognition of the right of aliens to be baptised. A matter not without importance given that it's only the sons of Adam who can enter the Kingdom of God. It's also worth noting that the institutions most at risk of losing authority are the top down hierarchical religions who seemingly are the least spiritual institutions on the planet.

Then it's always worth noting that the most respected and oldest science institution on the planet have begun to discuss what to do if extra terrestrial life is an impending realisation on our species. Regrettably the Royal Society still assumes people use internet explorer which might explain why they are on the same page as corporate owned media when it comes to stunning scientific revelations of this nature.

Then there's Dr Stephen Hawking the most famous and respected space cowboy on the planet recently warning us that we should hide from aliens as they may not be friendly. An idea so preposterous given the striking blue visibility of our planet and our current inability to manoeuvre it out of sight, that it fully matches the heights of his recent quantum and relativity work which finally concludes that God could exist, but scientifically doesn't need to. Silly billy.

The  latest addition to institutional approval of contemplative mystery (a mode of thinking strictly disapproved of till it's approved) is the emergence of a United Nations ambassador for Space in the shape of astrophysicist Mazlan Othlan of Malaysia. The selection of a national from a country that few people can pin point on a map to greet any alien life in an official capacity on behalf of planet Earth says bundles about the trust that currently exists with the most powerful people on Earth who usually get first dibbs at moments of history. It may well be the case that any future visitors have already shown their contempt for our traditional leaders.

Then there's the gossip that Hillary Clinton's urgent reconvening of 250 United States ambassadors back to the U.S. is to prepare the world for a radical shift in world politics. In the photo linked she is convening with Rockefeller back in 1995 and allegedly was gifted a book on aliens in Earth's history called "Are we Alone" by Paul Davies.

But the real clincher that encouraged me to come off the fence and suggest that we are about to be in for some hard core unlearning (i.e taken off the teat of government information) is that BUSINESS is being briefed at $4000 a ticket about alien business potential. In a recent summit of the Global Competitiveness Forum in Riyadh where former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others were told about evidence of UFOs and ET life. In short, world business leaders were told that flying saucers were real and that the advanced technology of extraterrestrial civilizations made possible a special kind of UFO for astute entrepreneurs – Unprecedented Financial Opportunities. A mystery participant to the GCF was former U.S. President Bill Clinton who spoke about advanced energy systems that await international development. A point not lost on the Saudi Arabian Government no doubt and possibly the reason for such an odd place to discuss the matter.

It's worth reviewing the videos I posted a short while back on unidentified activity over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Again, I only know they are lights but they act like nothing I've seen before and if the rumours of reverse engineered technology tucked away in the military industrial complex are true or even if we admit the record of false flag operations by Goverment is's hard to know what it is. I'm happy to call that instance an mystery but for the bulk of this post? You heard it here first but could have heard it earlier from Freeman.

Update: Islam is joining in the fun.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

All The Superbowl Ads

Edited like this they look a lot more 'idgy' than the write ups I encountered. However the production values are top dollar and I suspect that given all the new year sales indices are down, that this might be fin de siecle advertising.  But I've been wrong before.

Gnosticism & Hermeneutics

Yesterday I had a decisive epiphany listening to an interview of Jay Weidner that I not only could spend the rest of my life researching Gnosticism and Hermeneutics but that I likely will. The motivation is the seemingly unending nature of the task, it's widespread connections with most of what I am interested in and most importantly its indiscriminate approach to exploration of all that is interesting and related to conciousness. It's probably a little late in the day to pick up an interest in such a topic but I've yet to hear an authority on the subject come close to boring. Here's a little sample of on the Ouroboros above and a podcast video of one of the pre-eminent experts in the world John Lash. My only regret is not discovering this fascinating subject earlier.

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle. It has been used to represent many things over the ages, but it most generally symbolizes ideas of cyclicality, unity, or infinity. The ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations. More recently, it has been interpreted by psychoanalysts, such as Carl Jung, as having an archetypical significance to the human psyche.

The Ouroboros is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. The serpent or dragon appears in Aztec, Norse, Middle East, and Native American mythologies, as well as in Ancient Greek, Gnostic, Christian, Hindu and West African cultures.

Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, perfectly constructed animal.

Monday 14 February 2011

Sunday 13 February 2011

Are Brands Frightened Of The Future?

This ties into my Cosmic Capitalism post where I assert that capitalism and brands seemingly don't believe in the future. This prompts the question 'How can we believe in capitalism if it no longer believes in itself? '.

More of "Future Ford" over at But Does It Float

Saturday 12 February 2011

Space Time

So much is dependant on the velocity and vectors of space time as we perceive it. I was reading about meditation increasing the clock cycle of the brain and thus slowing time down ( I may have that the wrong way round) which is an insight into conciousness.


I'm totally behind this initiative though I would point out that real creativity is disruptive to the process of unmitigated wealth creation. The primary reason for the deplorable state of education in both the UK and the States is that it serves the State poorly to have independent, educated and free thinking creative individuals. There's no money in it.


More over at Boing Boing.

Friday 11 February 2011


Mubarak is gone. Well done the people of Egypt. What an inspiration and what courage in the face of State terrorist tactics.

Mubarak's successor Omar Suleiman is known as the CIA's man in Cairo, and is reported to have personally tortured Mamdouh Habib an Egyptian born, Australian citizen. Habib was seized at the request of the CIA in October 2001, and while detained (for extraordinary rendition) in Pakistan, was suspended from a hook and electrocuted repeatedly before being handed over to the CIA in Egypt. 

In his memoir My Story: The Tale of A Terrorist Who Wasn't, Habib was repeatedly electrocuted, immersed in water to his nostrils and beaten. His fingers were broken and he was hung from metal hooks. At one point, his interrogator slapped him so hard his blindfold was dislodged revealing the identity of his tormentor. Omar Suleiman.

Frustrated that Habib was not providing useful information or confessing to involvement in terrorism, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a shackled prisoner in front of Habib, which he did with a vicious karate kick. In April 2002, after five months in Egypt, Habib was rendered to American custody at Bagram prison in Afghanistan - and then transported to Guantanamo. On January 11, 2005, the day before he was scheduled to be charged, Dana Priest, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist of the Washington Post published an exposé about Habib’s torture. The US government immediately announced that he would not be charged and would be repatriated to Australia.

It was Suleiman who in 2005, vowed to stop the elections in Gaza in order to prevent Hamas from gaining control. Here he is talking to Shimon Peres of Israel.

More recently it was Suleiman who, wishing Gaza to go 'hungry' but not 'starve', blocked a final agreement for the Gaza Peace Flotilla to take sanctuary in Egyptian El-Arish. Turkish intelligence prevailed, though regrettably in vain. The IDF boarded and seized the flotilla's chance to ever take refuge 74 kilometres away.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Malcolm Gladwell

More over here

Steve Jobs First TV Appearance

Anybody else think he and Piers Fawkes look eerily like each other in this video? More details about this video over at Salon.


Very pleased to see that my hot tip of January 2008 Joy Island, is back in Beijing (after a spell at St. Martin's I think) and is being picked up by Neocha on her latest exhibition at Yang's Gallery in Beijing called Hermaphroditism.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Ancient Aliens

Over the weekend I kicked back and watched the entire series of Ancient Aliens. Irrespective of whether the evidence is conclusive or inconclusive it's some of the best and most interesting video content I've seen period. The episode below is an hour and a half of freshly uploaded video so unless you've seen it on TV it's probably new to you too. 

I've been pursuing a couple of key themes lately on quantum mechanics and mysticism, and there's a lot of barmy stuff out there but History.Com here have churned out some of the finest produced material I've come across. I've always had trouble switching off and relaxing but I spent a lot of enjoyable hours learning more than I ever expected.

In Particular (for me) my attention has narrowed in on the Sumerian culture who may possibly be even more interesting than the Egyptians; if anything could ever possibly be more interesting than the Egyptians given the pivotal role in contemporary and ancient world history. (Watch that space closely as it unfolds)

Cosmic Capitalism


If survival of the species is a worthwhile game-plan then application of logic can't be harmful.

My thoughts are we have three options:

There's enough history to argue that we are no more in control of our destiny, then there is evidence of why we exist in the vastness of the universe, apparently alone. Most of our discoveries are more a case of accidents then purpose-driven discovery, and so the solution is let it unfold without a plan. I have a deep conviction about transition of energy after death and don't fear dying, but it strikes me as odd that those who are least predisposed to this kind of thinking, are most unlikely to openly and vocally champion Capitalism's course of action. If one doesn't believe in life after death why hand over to those who are living?

This option requires a more immediate and locally self-sufficient discussion on managed population decline. In 50 years with one-family-one-child policies, as China has already shown, we could be in a position to conclude what that harmony means. How the resources are intelligently shared, how much untouched nature is to be contiguous with humans and how to rewire corporations to wean them off addiction to profits.

The picture of the Chanel logo on the moon was the first visualization that made sense to me.

It never occurred to me until recently that capitalism could be the solution to our problem. Not the mutant strain we are working. Currently capitalism is a shoe scraping cripple for unbiquitous wealth creation. It's the HIV of abundance, a malignant tumor on our collective hope for a better tomorrow. 

What explains the absence of truly awesome visionary branding, selling futures of cosmic   promises with travel or luxury brands (for example) vying with each other right now to brand the lunar surface as a terrestrially inspired vision. I'm talking about a celebration of firm conviction in cosmic capitalism, physically investing in the wealth needed to enable us to eject ourselves from the orbit of an uninhabitable Earth, and leaving behind a spent womb and bruised uterus ready for metamorphic change? A Goodbye-Earth lunar-branding experience, celebrating escape from orbit, and out of this solar system and onto the next.

With capitalism that has vision such as this I can roll with the costs of what is left behind. But the capitalism we have. It has no balls. It's a parasite. It has no future.

What say you? 

Doug Rushkoff & Social Media

As per Jon's advice I played around with the settings on the embed code (it's hard work and the width is 1020 if you're using blogger) and as it's such a far reaching thought piece on social media and the internet I'm reposting it. I still haven't figured out how to stop the autoplay so if somebody knows how to do that I'd appreciate some feedback.