Showing posts sorted by date for query qanon. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query qanon. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 23 June 2018

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Is QAnon Another Regime Change Psyop?

Why doesn't QAnon start with Regime Change at home by arresting the corporate media Zionists, HRC/Hussein and the Child Rape network?

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Jeffrey Epstein & QAnon

I used to say that Jeffrey Epstein was just a Mossad sexual blackmail operation run by a sleazy paedophile billionaire funded by Les Wexner of Victoria's Secret, but that there was no hint of Satanism or ritual abuse.

That was until QAnon dropped crumbs on the subject.

I no longer believe that, and it's only right I document my change of opinion as this blog has always been an ongoing record of my thoughts as I acquire new information.

Five years ago I used to think I was about 70% correct but I now think it's more likely closer to 55%.

Still better averages than the lamestream media.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wikileaks & QAnon

Waiting Frith

I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks. 

Sunday 13 May 2018

QAnon For Beginners - Praying Medic

An excellent introduction to the subject of Qanon. However for a more substantive comprehension the material has to be studied as the drops are made when the context is freshest.

One of the features of Q drops is that future proves past so old posts become reality later on.

Saturday 12 May 2018

QAnon - Black Hats & White Hats by Praying Medic

I've been working my way through the entire QAnon archive which (as it) stands at a couple of hundred pages of a self-created pdf document, although it is abbreviation-dense and somewhat cryptic to the beginner.

It's now clear to me that it's a Presidential back channel for what is going on behind the scenes. 

I don't always agree with their assessment/analysis of geopolitical dynamics, but I don't have the intel clearance they have, and even the Syria strikes amounted to very little damage.

More like optics to keep possession of the ball.

In this respect the Lame Stream Media are easily wrong footed every time, and their chants of conspiracy theory have blinded themselves to the most important intel drop in the history of information.

I've learned more from watching these military boys run a hybrid information warfare offensive coupled with geopolitical action than pretty much any other subject.

I've studied this subject and it's hard not to use the word genius from time to time, as it's all in plain sight, and completely grounded in the essence of human spirit, courage and intelligence.

My spy versus spy post was a reasonable description back in 2012 of what we are now seeing, take place.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Shall We Play A Game? - QAnon

It does look like QAnon is running with the Zionist controlled Netanyahu/Trump narrative that Iran is the evil player when in fact we know that Israel is the overwhelming historical player/problem after USS Liberty and 9/11 to name just two.

I've been wrong-footed before by QAnon, and I'm open to the idea that Iran has been weaponised by the corrupt Obama administration and the legitimate return of confiscated money however strategicaly disadvantageou, but if Q is a Zionist, he/they and their followers can pleasure themselves.

Patriots don't sell out. 

Patriotism doesn't sweep 9/11 under the carpet, and Patriotism doesn't peddle the obscene holo-cost narrative either as some kind of pistol whip of moral probity.

We shall soon see. 

Is this a transformational turning point, in what to date has definitely been a non mainstream media-outlet, providing insider information but may well be yet another limited hangout.

Thursday 26 April 2018

QAnon Analysis - Jordan Sather

This is the first time I've come across Jordan Sather, and although he may be young he's rather good, and has impressed me from the get-go with his communication style and ability to soberly analyse the QAnon phenomenon.

He mentions something that hadn't really occurred to me consciously. 

About 5 years ago a White Hat 'mass-arrests' narrative emerged online which was leaped on by less discerning conspiracy researchers. I never saw anything that gave me hope and frankly I don't believe in the messiah/saviour complex, so I never wrote about it, and it fizzled out after a few months, as the 'impending-arrests' narrative, never actually delivered.

I wondered at the time if it was a psyop? A way to data-mine the kind of people who have just enough knowledge to be dangerous but not enough discernment to research information for reliability.

In other words, perfect patsies in an electronic information war.

Later on we learned that it's quite possible a military coup against Obama was planned around that time, but even more important it paved the way for the idea to emerge again or echo in a more robust way. 

Sometimes I think a similar thing happened with my Spy vs Spy post, which isn't quite happening exactly as I wrote it back then, but as we now see, the Deep State is indeed in a war with Military Intelligence (who actually own the NSA, though clearly it's been used by the dark side since its inception for nefarious purposes).

I know that's quite egotistical for me to claim, but it is also at the very least a coincidence worth mentioning.

Now then, Just because I reject the messiah complex, that doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't do their jobs.

For example the FBI should be arresting the child sexual abusers instead of owning the child porn servers for revenue and blackmail.

The NSA should be apprehending those who share electronic information about ritual child sex abuse and other Satanic practices instead of being used as an alarm bell to protect those people.

The CIA should be just collecting intelligence threats from abroad instead of acting as the corporate espionage assets of USA/whoever actually runs it Inc.

In this respect the QAnon phenom is very refreshing. It feels that by and large Trump and his team are doing a job that makes a lot of sense with the QAnon back channel comms.

Despited that, I'm disappointed by the latest claims regarding Armenia which I recall from a couple of years ago is a tough country to dissect in terms of allegiance to the West or East. 

We activists are more interested in good versus bad, but the recent colour revolution there celebrated by QAnon's followers, more resembles the Obama/Hillary/McCain illegal colour revolution in the Ukraine which has obviously been a disaster for the people there.

That said, I've learned that old victims can become new oppressors very quickly, and so I'm entertaining ideas that Iran has been exploited by the usual players, and is no longer as innocent as it once was. 

I've not seen the evidence but I'm open to more information in that direction.

In the past I would have filtered it out before I digested it.

That's bias for you.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Q-Drop Decode: MIshel McCumber

The beauty of the QAnon phenomenon is the plausible deniability. We appear to have front row seats to behind the scenes action which is thankfully written off by the dopey corporate media as conspiracy theory.

That's very useful to us at the moment and one day I hope future will prove past that what's really going on is done in front of the eyes wide shut crowd who are heavily invested in a reality which bears little relation to the facts.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

QAnon - Deception Bytes - Mishel McCumber

One of the enjoyable dynamics of the QAnon narrative is the spectrum of knowledge that is dropped on 4Chan and 8Chan. This knowledge is fairly well established in conspiracy research circles, but is new to many of the Anons and their readers.

Nevertheless, the recent false flag chemical attack in Syria will determine if QAnon is just another shill or if Trump is really playing an unusual hand... complete with hand signals.

Mishel McCumber's analysis is as good as it gets and well worth reviewing even if for only understanding the phenomenon.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Jerome Corsi Discredits Himself. Over & Over Again #QAnon

On a personal level I like Jerome as much as the next chap. He's avuncular, soothing to listen to, better than average educated, and able to talk at great length in a calm manner on his world view.

It's just that his world view and lifetime network is toxic.

John Bolton (who works with MEK terrorists) is the least Jewish looking Zionist Neocon I can think of, but his devotion to the Occupation of Palestine by Israel is as devout as any Neocon wingnut including Jerome Corsi. 

In fact they're both lifetime friends. 

Corsi was also good friends with propagandist and nephew of Sigmund Freud Joseph, Edward Bernay. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Corsi (Jesuit educated) is devoted to the cause of bomb,bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran as much as Jock Strap McStain and John Bolton. 

You couldn't meet a better bunch of Zionist shills.

Jerome Corsi is either a willing or blackmailed shill. 

There's no other explanation for this level of stupid.

Update: I found subsequent documentation of Jerome Corsi's criminal alliances. I also had to replace the video as it was removed. Sadly the original evidence against Corsi is now erased forever.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

That Hillary Video Rumour #hrcVideo #RELEASETHERAWVIDEO #releasethevideo

We've known about this for quite some time. I posted credible testimony on this back in 2012, if not earlier.

When I read about deep fakes, I felt instantly that this technology had been released as a counter offensive to defend the perpetrators of child rape who have been captured on film for the purposes of blackmail.

Well, deep fakes for adult videos are one thing but fighting institutionalised child abuse is our focus for activism, so why take us seriously all of a sudden? I hear the raw video will be verifiable as raw.

It's coming.

Udate: @prayingmedic believes that the video will not be of a sexual nature.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Dustin Nemos: The Fruit of the Q Tree - #QAnon

Unfortunately the censorship is so brutal these days the research is deleted before I can finish a post.

Friday 16 February 2018

Dr Jerome Corsi Is A Very Confused Gentleman #QAnon

Jerome Corsi is doing interesting if somewhat speculative analysis of the QAnon phenomenon. However the stench of his self deception has to be documented to ensure that it's only the truth tellers who rise to the top.

Corsi claims he has an intelligence background/clearance working for the State Department in the past. If so how could he not know that MI6 stands for Military Intelligence Six not Military One Six as he has repeatedly stated in recordings?

Then I noticed he referred to Kazhakistan. I think he means Kazakhstan. This could be simple senility.

Earlier today I heard him refer to the Stoics of Ancient Rome, when they originated in Ancient Greece. Again, another slip that isn't important but does build a picture.

Finally he has implied that Kissinger is a White Hat.

This is the ultimate insult so I'll just remind him of his greatest Faux Pas.

ISIS are Sunni Muslims not Shiite, Dr. Corsi, and the West/Israel created them to stoke up the Sunni Shiite divide. Iran has been destroyed by the deep state and the money they got  back from Obama (admittedly an unorthodox deal) was their own confiscated money.

What Corsi hasn't figured out is Hezbollah are on our side, not the Deep State's side. I will shred him in any debate on this subject that he has the courage to engage with me live and recorded. 

I wont mention Israel's key role in 9/11.

Friday 2 February 2018

Trey Gowdy Leaving To Pursue Legal Justice

Qanon told us Trey Gowdy would be stepping down 17 days ago. Qanon has frequently informed us of events before they happen. Long before the toxic corporate media catch up on their increasingly self evident demise.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Qanon - An Existential Threat to Corruption

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI resigned yesterday. I think there's a lot of merit to this Praying Medic analysis posted above. 

Remember this will spread globally if it kicks off. It's like #MeToo. It isn't confined to a country but spreads like a global movement if the people can see it applies to them too.

it definitely started in the United States of America though, like #MeToo.

As ever, make your own mind up. I just research and share the presentations I think are most credible and worth investing some time in.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Jerome Corsi & Qanon

 I take no responsibility for this information. Make your own mind up.

Later I'll add the post script

Tuesday 23 January 2018

The Media Blackout On Obama & Hillary Spying Crimes

If you're consuming corporate media news this is a news-blackout in mainstream media but online is gathering momentum in reputable alternative media outlets. 

I'm not talking about neonnettle or yournewswire bullshit. 

I'm talking about True Pundit, The Hill and Washington Times as well as Judicial Watch.

The controversy has increased hugely in recent hours because yet again Qanon on 4Chan had correctly predicted today's news that members of the FBI not only conspired to undermine the election on behalf of Obama and Hillary, but actually talk about "harming" Trump as well as reference to an FBI "secret society".

I've learned in recent months there is no iniquity the Democrats will disavow in order to unseat Trump so it's interesting that he is being so hands off when it's clear that the momentum is moving towards some kind of arrests or punishment. What is clear is I can hear the howling of Democrats when that happens. They don't understand the difference between right and wrong.

Friday 12 January 2018

Edward Klein - Blood Feud - The Clintons vs The Obamas

I did this six hour audio book today. It's much healthier than checking out the the #QAnon shit, which even Jerome Corsi is peddling, confirming it has to be a psyop, as he's a servant of that creepy little Spartan state established in the Middle East by the Rothschilds.

It was good to revisit Ed Klein, the former NYT journalist's information. The Obamas and Clintons loathed each other on a level that a conspiracy analyst like myself has to integrate in some meaningful way. I have to remind myself it's self evident he doesn't know the connection to child sex trafficking in Haiti by the Clintons and that the Obama's must know this and their track record for murdering those that get in their way.

Obama's narcism was name checked again recently and I was reminded of this throughout the audiobook. That said I felt a sympathy for him that I haven't felt for some time. I was let down by so much of his weakness in achieving hope and change, that I'd forgotten that the job is pretty much impossible in any case, and that for better or worse he did achieve a sort of half hearted war mongering in Syria and Ukraine that kind of pissed everyone off including me but is actually a sign of semi even-handed leadership of something as Satanic as the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.

Ed Klein is good and has great insider connections for this story but once again we're confronted by a mediocre Jewish journalist elevated to a synthetically high level because of Zionist nepotism in the media. He name-checks every nuclear power in the world except the illegal one based in Tel Aviv and sounds about a thousand light years behind the times when he tars President Assad for killing his people, when it's well established that the UK, US and Israel created ISIS and genocided this beautiful significantly Christian country for a plethora of reasons including energy, Israeli hegemony and plain greed.

The silly fool doesn't even know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag initiatives.

The oldest trick in the book.