Showing posts sorted by date for query trauma. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query trauma. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, 18 December 2023

Right Here Right Now - Shaking Uncontrollably [Fatboy Slim - Praise You]

Fear of dying is a long term Roman Catholic mind control technique that pervades the pseudo Christian world to turn us into materialist 'he who dies with the most toys' is the winner robots. This is retarded and so if facing and fearing death, the Dimethyltryptamine in magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) is the best therapy. 

Also if suffering post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known as Ecstasy, is an empathogen–entactogen and that too is the best therapy. 

Millions of Palestinians are suffering and being traumatized (right here, right now) in a holocaust by the cowardly and obnoxious Israelis if  we bother to look at the Palestinian children shaking uncontrollably on social media videos despite the suppression by Musk and Zuckerberg et al. An empathogen–entactogen doesn't work till the trauma ends as it is a 'POST' traumatic therapy.

The 'Western' Allopathic medicine model is a scam well documented for those who bother to put 'Allopathic + Rockefeller' in a search engine. It's all there.

I mention this because I've requested two doctors at my surgery to spend ten minutes with the 2012 Bioethics Commission material before we have a candid  and complex conversation about what to do with any health conditions I have, and both have refused to do so, because they  are too frightened to know more about health. I can only conclude they know they're frauds and dishing out vaccines to children and infants with perfect immune systems for money money money. Disgusted with their reluctance to discuss child abuse through the Allopathic medicine model I've decided I'm going to write an affidavit and serve it to them. I did tell one of this intention over the phone. She was too busy refusing to know more about biology information to ask a single question of the multiple duty of care failures I was outlining to her.

These are just facts. Whether they suit us or otherwise.

Written without prejudice. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

How Did Zionists Steal Palestine?

I've always wondered how could Zionists after WWII and their trauma through perceived holocaust, be given a country (Israel) inside another country (Palestine), and then go on to holocaust the people who were there first?

After watching these short video clips of their memories I want to ask another question. I'm old enough to have met many WWI and WWII veterans as child because in the 70s and 80s their numbers began to dwindle. Not one of them, even when asking questions about their war experience ever laughed, smiled or talked fondly of their recollection. My Great-Uncle Bill was so traumatized by it that we were instructed not to ask him any questions.

My question is simple. Why are these veterans of genociding Palestine, gloating over it, patting their bellies and laughing their heads off? There's something not quite right about this and the only guess I can make is that maybe it's because they are all male. 

Is it circumcision that corresponds with no empathy at all?

Friday, 14 July 2023

Over The Target



Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Strategic Failure

The Pentagon has news for you about Ukraine. It's game over. Strategic failure as confirmed in Helsinki last month. If you notice the meeting at NATO with Zelensky at the top. He is isolated and will be dumped accordingly. If he is executed, you can be sure a lot of Ukrainians are going to tell you the side of the story they could not, due to the Nazi occupation we tried to informed you about.

We know through the Panama papers that Zelensky the comedian has a sprawling property empire round the world, but I guess the Miami residence would be his first pick.

They're going to need a news psyop to cover this affair and the current BBC attempt I don't think is going to cut it. Before Ukraine the news was 24/7 Covid and only a few nutters are masking up now.

I've included the female's testimony as so many of you fell for the Mariupol trauma porn. We will return to censored voices in due course. 

If you fell for Ukraine what else have you been suckered into?

Wait till you find out about the child trafficking and organs market.

Please notice our politicians at the NATO summit clutching each other like old friends. They just threw Zelensky under a bus and these people you trust and vote for would do the same for you and for me. That's the final lesson on the 'international community' the vapid think they belong to.

Update: The Times reports on the British Secretary of Defence and Ukraine fall out accusation.

Monday, 10 July 2023

Anneke Lucas


When the prefrontal cortex has been raped and then scraped of emotions there's a passivity and neutrality in the information delivery. Same for Cathy O'Brien and others tagged under MKULTRA.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

E Jean Carroll - Trump's Rape Accuser

The attempts to bring down Trump since 2015 are obvious to rational people and invisible to those whose hatred overwhelms their cognitive analysis. When E Jean Caroll accused Trump of rape, I could see what I've seen before, that she is a multiple (Dissociative identity disorder - Trauma Based Mind Control - MK Ultra etc). Recently she was interviewed, by top bloodline shill Anderson Cooper, and the confirmation was there.

Some very good people had taken over the handlers and reprogrammed her. Her answer so dissociative from her accusations they had to shut down the interview.

Her father was in the CIA. As I've explained for many years now, 'they do it to their own' as well as the innocent. Also, Cooper is CIA trained, it's in his Wikipedia entry. It's just part of his hidden background which recently shows that he also was paid 12 million dollars by Pfizer to sell the shit they put in the injections. When I say shit, I've thousand-word poems about all the toxins put in ya jabs. When the penny drops... gonna be a lot of people go berserk in the truest sense of the word.

The link to the 12 million bribe is by one of the team members who invented mRNA injections. It just gets worse for the jabbed doesn't it?

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Lord Finkelstein - What A Mensch

It takes a lot courage for a Jew to write an editorial like this in a prestigious national paper. I know very well the price that can be paid for Jews to cede any ground in the seemingly endless polarisation, which in my mind just took a very centred and grounded approach. It's a landmark piece that will slide under most people's radar but I know history when its made.

This is a seminal moment and not just in editorial-land (I've read more literature on The Shoah than most).

Did a lot of Jews die in WWII, no doubt about it. I would say most died being shot by retreating German troops on the Eastern Front but I'm always open to more information. 

Maybe one day we  can have an adult conversation about what trauma does to the psyche when bolstered by an impregnable and monolithic media narrative, that Danny has just instigated a small but tectonic shift within.

Under trauma, the mind dissociates. 

It doesn't want to feel that kind of pain and it's a subject I learned too much about through the vast MK-Ultra mind control programs. The only thing is I know who scooped up Josef Mengele through Project Paperclip after the war. 

Cathy O'Brien is just one of the living witness testimonies on the subject.

She's the reason I started writing off-piste. It's harrowing information

I'm sure Danny and I don't agree on too much but my heart feels good after reading him just now. I feel positive about the future. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Impending Food Shortages

As a former marketing and advertising kind of guy, I take a close interest in retail layouts, products and promotions.

My first question during the lockdown was how Poundland remained open as it must have been the biggest revenue boon ever for them, making money while other retailers were closed for the scamdemic.

For the open minded the documentation was published before the plandemic. Event 201 is just one search term  along with patents and orders for COVID supplies made long before the phenomenon itself. People who are invested in the mainstream media deception appear psychologically incapable of researching the abundant material available. I feel disappointed when given fake news but I'm never triggered.

However, I can trigger the fuck out of any Vaxxed/Save Ukraine womble. 

Don't believe me? Send me a message and I'll arrange the zoom so we can see who is unstable.

I've repeatedly referred to the revelation of the method on this blog. The controlling pseudo elites must show the flock what they're going to do in order to have their free will to then be subjugated or just plain murdered as the Midazolam and Morphine crowd discovered when Granny was taken-out under the auspices of healthcare.

I know a multimillionaire who went to hospital for insomnia and was knocked out, intubated and for months begged for help knowing he was being killed and then when they didn't die (physically a very strong man), he was shipped to the loved-up ward and the good cop, bad cop psychology worked a treat. He delivered them flowers afterwards, that's how powerful trauma based mind control is. Remember trauma based mind control? I've over ten years writing on the subject on this blog.

But back to Poundland. They dismantled their floor plan and where products were packed to the rafters, they've widened the aisles and have halved their inventory at least. The halving is because they can't get the products from China but also there's that deliberate commercial shipping backlog which is just as synthetic as the fires at foodplants.

If you think this is a batshit conspiracy theory, then stand by your principals and don't panic shop. They took the piss with the toilet rolls a couple of years ago but this next stage is for keeps. [We both know the normies will panic shop when the inevitable panic-chapter kicks in again].

All of the above is a pretext for a hybrid depopulation plan coupled with biometric tracking of those left behind to serve the cattle owning class. The trick is to do it slow enough so the herd don't stampede.

It's so obvious.

Update:  The arson continues.

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

In Defence of the Illuminati

Censored Image

I've been racking my brains for a bit on how to explain this subject, and finally, I had an idea of integrating my real-life conundrum to aim a spotlight on the subject from I hope, a useful perspective but which no doubt will be a rambling incoherency.

I need to bullet point part one as I'm prone to waffling and time is not unlimited, so here's the thought process in order of priority. Things I wanted to change in my lifetime.
  • Surely Fiat currency, fractional reserve as well as central banking are completely synthetic scams, or hoaxes if you wish, that however hard I try (you can too), I can never work out, quite how they were foisted on humanity? How did this happen without pushback, if not immediately, then subsequently? #Money
  • The conflict (war) machine is retarded. Might isn't right. This is logic. #War
  • Deception is a business model, but not an inspirational one. Is transparency not subterfuge more robust than say casting 9 spe11s and manufacturing the spellbound? #Tricks #Advertising #Illusion
  • Does one need to extract another's energy in order to extend the principle's reserves? Is theft too harsh a word? Why not rape? #Power #Energy
  • Nationalism is retarded. How can we explore the universe while squabbling over domestic resources? #Multiculturalism
  • Gender identity is superfluous. Who cares if the universe is male or female? #Gender
  • National identity is worthless, or at best negligible. #Ethnicity #Identity
  • Doesn't it make sense to subsidize and finance that which will cause great suffering... if allowed to fail? #Socialism

These are all points of thinking arrived at by assuming I now see, misguided good intent that as a young lad and now a half Century later burdens me (and maybe you too) if we look at ourselves in the mirror? 

What is striking is these early subjective social ideals that manifested for me, or are on the verge of manifesting, if we are paying attention is they aren't what I expected. I'm saying the Illuminati seem to have not been unresponsive to your average well-meaning lefty and what I and many others, I'm guessing, wished to see. 

I'm now constantly humiliated as I feel the burden of what once seemed simple obvious solutions but which are in fact, crude, ill-defined and facile answers. Be careful what you wish for.

Anyway to mirror part one: 

The Federal Reserve is on the back foot.
War is already obsolete. Mutually assured destruction still possible but no standing armies will fight for bloodlines again, and they know it.
Trickery or transparency is corpulent with unavoidable responsibility. There's no escape from reality, if you wish.
Conservation of energy isn't disputed. Inputs and outputs are empirical.
Multiculturalism has been weaponized such that identity to our next-door neighbours can now easily be framed as hate(speech).
Gender fluidity too has been weaponized such that identifying as being a woman or a man is now hate speech.
Nationalism has not escaped being weaponized, such that being bred in a country can now be a lower priority than new arrivals from places we bombed with laser-guided precision because the war profiteers subsidize our entertainment.
Why is it the only shared burden that can never take place, are new ideals of shared endeavour aimed at caring not neglecting?

Part II
This is not an exculpatory blog post in favour of the Illumined mafia, it's just a healthy attempt to look at the problem from their side... and then attempt to put it down in words.

Allow me to try, please. Clumsy as that may be.

A lot of people....used-to.... canned-laughter, double over at any mention of the nutjob subject known as the Illuminati.

Even though George Washington warned us in his own handwriting of the threat from this self-propelling trauma-based business model.

And, Natural philosophers (as indeed Faraday was), ditched their mathematics and physics careers to publish in 1797 Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison.

It's enough of a burden, just to manage our mortal lives, but this group..... this very special pioneering.... gang if you will, have assumed responsibilities for planning multi-generational objectives that defy convention.

History is replete with dynasties. This subject is not new. But, this is no ordinary dynastic intersectional collective.

Their track record of maintaining control is (debatably) unbroken. It is this function they outperform all other Secret Societies, Orders, Fraternities or Cosa Nostra on. 

While we think month to month, about mortgage payments or brothel bills.... ... this clique of bloodlines pride themselves on the long game.

Kinda like the Jesuits but tooled-up with a fairly extensive body of research-work, on genetics and mind control.

They are phenomenally successful in the entertaining us to death business, but in a broader sense, it seems they understand the unlimited firepower of social engineering.

Mind Control if you wish.

Culture, perhaps more succinct.

One of the surprising factors about the Illuminati, is they are no hypocrites. 

If obliged to do to their own offspring, what they do to other people's children, they will do it. They impose the same rules on others, that they apply to themselves. Trauma-based mind control is self-evident in Bush Jr for example.

They are ideologically pure, for what it's worth.

It is us who have incoherent explanations for reality, not them.

Are we presented with an unsolvable multi-generational, trauma-narrative rubbed in our faces through the easy peasy to learn (if inclined) language of symbolism?

It's not about the money money money (we don't need your money, money, money).

It's way more interesting than that. 

If you have a strong stomach.

Saturday, 17 August 2019


Trauma based mind control is not a pleasant subject. 

Both C and W are alleged to be victims. 

It's a conversation worth having.

Monday, 30 October 2017

The War Business & Trauma Porn

Don't get me wrong, the creative execution really tugged at my heart strings in a big way. 

Great track by Queen, authenticity in the execution and a bit of fun had along the way.

I'm also revolted that we seem to be just as slick at healing child-trauma programs as we are in creating the trauma in the first place. I guess 

I need to contact War Child and find out if they know the full picture. 

Click on the ISIS tag below if you're still in the dark.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Trauma Based Mind Control = Multiple Identity Disorder OR Dissociative Identity Disorder

The list of groups that know the art of Trauma Based Mind Control includes but isn't limited to the CIA, Nazi Doctors in WWII work camps, the Illuminati and ordinary coven Satanists. The psychiatric profession is also complicit in concealing this knowledge by rebranding it from multiple personality disorder to dissociative identity disorder and then smearing the victims with "false memory syndrome". However as these documentaries show there are good people inside the system.

The information presented is excellent because we even get a glimpse of demonic entity programming, which is something I've come across quite a few times in the literature on the subject, and of course in multiple interviews available on the web for those who wish to research the first hand testimony outside of the documentary format. It is not important whether you believe in these entities, you are not the victim, though you might want to observe the woman who needs to remove her ordinary identity glasses for her childlike identity in the supermarket to see the products on the shelf. Nobody can explain this supernatural phenomenon, or indeed the ability of alt identities to speak languages they have never learned.

Multiple Identity Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder (Dissociative mind states as a result of trauma and torture such as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)) is a weapon in the hands of the wrong people. These videos are of victims who weren't necessarily meant to be programmed mind control victims as they were all sexually abused as children and learned dissociative states to cope with the suffering of being raped. However that dissociative state is where the programming work begins in the hands of groups that require different alters such as Beta Sex Slaves, Kitten Programming, Monarch Mind Control and so forth.

The key point is that the condition can be a result of deliberate programming or just a by-product of trauma such as child sexual abuse. This is why the intelligence agencies are most interested in sexually abused children. They get the blackmail out of the matrix and the mind controlled victims. It's kind of a win-win all round.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Mind Control Testimony

Excellent MKULTRA testimony from a survivor of dissociative identity disorder (DID) formerly multiple identity disorder. Neither description conveys that the condition is created by trauma (torture), caused by people who serve deep state entities (including corporations) that have a vested in interest in mind control.

The beginner will find this information fantastic.

However for the determined, I have years of study documented in the tags below and can answer most questions for those who wish to understand more. It's a very complex and large topic that is more industrial than bespoke.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

MKULTRA - Survivor Cathy O Brien

Under interrogation, Cathy O'Brien's testimony doesn't hold up as well as some uninformed interviewers and commentators would like, but that's to be expected by someone who has had their mind smashed with dissociative programming techniques.

The broad thrust of her testimony on George Bush Sr, Gerald Ford as child rapists stands up and then her mentions of Mitt Romney's father is exactly the sort of info that surfaced when Ted Cruz's father was connected to the JFK assassination during the Trump Presidential race.

I've been blogging this information for years and it's only now that people are beginning to understand that trauma and pain are the most powerful programming techniques though it's thought newer techniques are now in use. One need only watch Kanye flip flop from week to week to see the programming break down.