Showing posts with label zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zionism. Show all posts

Thursday 13 October 2016

James Perloff on Christian Zionism and the New World Order

Good quality conversation between James Perloff and Tim Kelly. Christian Zionism is a rotting corpse. It is anti Semitic and predicated on the death and destruction of Jews. The corporate media don't mention this because the media is controlled by the same people who depend on this not being known. Christian Zionists aren't smart enough to say to themselves, you mean we have to fund and worship Israel so we can destroy Jerusalem later. They're probably the largest group of useful idiots on the planet.

Friday 2 September 2016

The Untold Story of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers and Racial Laws (2003)

It doesn't get more mainstream than C-SPAN broadcasting the untold story of Jewish Soldiers in the Wehrmacht. Basically the tale concocted after the war to sell the war (ie. 60M dead people died to rescue 6M Jews) is complete BS because the winners write history.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Celtic Fans Unite For Palestine

The Zionists will punish Celtic for this like they did to FIFA not so long back, and play straight into the ever quickening story of their own demise. The Zionist story is one of theft, genocide and hatred for humans other than their own synthetically created colony.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Rothschilds & The Overthrow Of The Ottoman Empire

When I first listened to this information a year or so ago I wasn't quite ready for it but as I've turned my attention to the Masonic Zionists, the Sabbatean Frankists, the Crypto Jews and the Donmeh that are ubiquitous at every turn in key historical events from the Ottomans to 911, it's clear that the rabbit hole has few if any more masks to yield.

Regrettably Daryl Bradford Smith's radio show The French Connection (he's an American based in France) no longer exists and his website, a scholarly archive on the subject of the manipulation of humanity has been taken down as "Je Suis Charlie" France is now a persecution state for those who challenge power.

It's understandable that an aging gent would not wish to go to jail for the remaining years of his life.

Fortunately much of Daryl Bradford Smith's work is distributed around the internet including this wonderful and scholarly interview with the extraordinary Muhammad Rafeeq. It's not for the beginner as the information is too overwhelming, but for the serious researcher there comes a time when information like this just connects the Jigsaw Puzzle up together.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Ha Ha Ha - 15 Years Later, Alex Jones 'Learns' Israel Did 9/11

This is a seminal moment in history. The shill Alex Jones, is told who the architects of 9/11 were. 


Update: Original video removed.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Wingnut Zionists

 @charlesfrith @mike28tt @StandWithUs @PorkinsPolicy You make BULLSHIT ACCUSATIONS against Israel? You are DEFINITELY antisemitic!

Monday 21 March 2016

Jacob Cohen - How Zionists Used Anti Semitic Attacks To Populate Israel

Jacob Cohen is a Moroccan Jew who as a young man was invited to join a Zionist secret society. It was in this time as a young man in the 50's he learned how the Zionists created waves of clandestine violence against the Moroccan Jewish ghettos in order to drive immigration into the newly established Spartan state of Israel.

The same tactics were used in 1939 Germany and led to the holocaust. In this respect Zionism is a key driver of the death and persecution of Jews. In this stunning interview he talks about the Sayanim network which is a de facto global army of Zionist assets who collaborate with Mossad in everything from false flag attacks like 9/11 and The Lavon Affair.

He also talks about the manufacture of holocaust inflation in the 70's, a subject that had no name in the 50's and was synthesized into an episode that is now the primary hammer of emotional leverage against the transatlantic world.

Thursday 17 March 2016

The Obnoxious Anti Semitism of @TonyGreenstein

Academic Tony Greenstein is the kind of person who claims to be a Palestinian activist but has a cowardly propensity to throw around the anti Semitism calumny. Couple this with his inability to check simple facts and the conclusion is self evident. (It is I who is Semitic not Mr Greenstein)

The reality of the Zionist project is a de facto conspiracy by the parasitical banking dynasty Rothschilds to divide humanity. This is not only detailed in their own archives before Theodor Herzl was hired by them, but also in newspapers from long before the official records claim.

The likes of Tony Greenstein are so far entrenched in their own pseudo reality they simply lack the backbone, courage and intellectual rigor to learn how deep the conspiracy tunnels through our collective history.

There will be no apology forthcoming from Greenstein, and you can rest assured his indignant self righteousness will continue as is normal with apologists for an obvious carcinogenic ideology on the human species. 

The tumour called Rothschild Zionism.

Update: Tony has a conviction for credit card fraud and other misdemeanours.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

הציוני האחרון - טריילר | The Last Zionist

Dov Yermiya died on Saturday at 101 at the kibbutz in northern Israel where he lived. Yermiya was a leading Israeli dissident who had fought in Israel’s war of independence but renounced Zionism in 2009, in the wake of the “crimes” of the assault on Gaza. From Ronnie Barkan’s Facebook page:
Dov Yermiya, a Zionist founder turned into dissident, passed away at the ripe age of 101. may he rest in peace…
Yermiya was [a] founder of the Zionist state and held many key roles to that effect. He was born in Palestine and had tried to create a moral kind of Zionism, an attempt which he later admitted to have failed miserably. At the ripe age of 95 he had officially renounced Zionism and its crimes.
Yermiya became famous for an antiwar book he published in 1982 called My War Diary, and today he is remembered for a letter he wrote in 2009, quoted by Uri Avnery.
I, a 95 year old Sabra (native born Israeli Jew), who has plowed its fields, planted trees, built a house and fathered sons, grandsons and great-grandsons, and also shed his blood in the battle for the founding of the State of Israel,
Declare herewith that I renounce my belief in the Zionism which has failed, that I shall not be loyal to the Jewish fascist state and its mad visions, that I shall not sing anymore its nationalist anthem, that I shall stand at attention only on the days of mourning for those fallen on both sides in the wars, and that I look with a broken heart at an Israel that is committing suicide and at the three generations of offspring that I have bred and raised in it.
…[F]or 42 years, Israel turned what should have been Palestine into a giant detention camp, and is holding a whole people captive under an oppressive and cruel regime, with the sole aim of taking away their country, come what may!!!
The IDF eagerly suppresses their efforts at rebellion, with the active assistance of the settlement thugs, by the brutal means of a sophisticated Apartheid and a choking blockade, inhuman harassment of the sick and of women in labor, the destruction of their economy and the theft of their best land and water.
Over all this there is waving the black flag of the frightening contempt for the life and blood of the Palestinians. Israel will never be forgiven for the terrible toll of blood spilt, and especially the blood of children, in hair-raising quantities… ”
As a veteran of the 1948 war, who was already wounded in face to face combat two weeks before the Declaration of the State, I feel obliged herewith to return the invitation to you, as Minister of Defence. I do so regretfully but see this as my duty.
I consider you, Ehud Barak, as one of the top military commanders and prominent political leaders who were responsible for converting the army from ‘the Israeli Defence Force’ to an army of occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people and defender of the criminal settlements in their country.
Forty years of occupation have utterly corrupted the Israeli army and all strata of Israeli society.They are both characterized by the nationalist ‘east wind’ [the east wind brings the chamsin and locusts ]which blows and kindles conflagrations of endless wars, which threaten our people and land with the third and final destruction. Your share in the responsibility for all this is enormous, and therefore I return your invitation to you, without thanks…

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Zionism 101

I always learn a little more with each Christopher Bollyn presentation on Israel's history. I believe he's mistaken about the relationship of Saudi to 911 because Zionism and Saudi are the twin pillars of all the carnage in the Middle East and beyond. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Director of Defence Intelligence Agency | Michael Flynn vs Mehdi Hussein

This is an extraordinary interview by Mehdi Hasan. Neither of course talk about the Israeli involvement in 9/11 so we can't claim that either side is being candid, but what we can identify is a level of Beltway/Washington Consensus programming and mendacity on Michael T Flynn's side that is self evident to any rational human being.

The man is a bonehead, an unoriginal thinker, a danger to world peace.

Update: Here he is with Liz Crokin who has done sterling work on Pizzagate but is literally an bimbo airhead who has never picked up a history book. Tell her that, I'll debate her and Bonehead Shekelgruber Flynn TOGETHER. Two on one and I'll wipe the floor with them. 

Mehdi is a classic neoliberal hack.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Is The Sunday Times Attacking Twitter Activists?

I claim that through phone hacking, News International must have known about the scale of child abuse by VIPaedos and I've been calling out their journalists for some years on this

Lately they (and the media in general) have tried to impose the narrative that pro Palestinian activism is pure anti Semitism. This is a gross corruption of the word Semite as my blood is Semitic unlike Caucus converts to Judaism who have no claim on the holy land as the Palestinians have.

The Sunday Times appear to have contacted me for feedback and I responded that all questions must be in the public domain (so that I am not misrepresented). The question and my reply was both the same in public and in private Direct Mail on Twitter as you can see above.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Is @louisemensch Stalking Me?

A little birdy told me McAlpine chum and devout Rabbi Shmuley/Zionist brown noser Louise Mensch is stalking me and taking screen grabs of my tweets. Personally I think she was in on that McAlpine scam a while back. 


Saturday 2 May 2015

To The Jew Bashing Idiots

Ryan Dawson's work on Israeli connections to 9/11 is monumental. I don't agree with all his views and find his conspiratard monologues damaging, and often more a reflection on his own ignorance on much wider  and diverse subjects, but pretty much everything he says about Jews, Zionism and Israel is how I feel.

A few points to consider:

1. I am Semitic. Any one who wishes to do the Molecular DNA test with me has an open invitation. Please call +66847334769 or email me
2. I have Jewish friends
3. I'm anti psychopath not anti Jewish
5 No other group is more protected from criticism by media, institutions and speech restriction laws than Zionists and this includes the holocaust religion.
6 Jews disproportionately dominate the media and Hollywood and this is the words of  respected Jews not I.
7. Most Jews are not Semites. There is in fact nothing more anti Semitic than Zionism.