Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Sunday 30 September 2012

Award Winning CNN Journalist On CNN Propaganda

Amber Lyon of CNN turned down their corporate media buy-off money to silence her after her Bahrain reporting was axed because it told the truth that the USA supports regimes where there are oil or geopolitical interests. 

This extraordinary interview from Emmy Award winning journalist talks about the chilling effect of Obama prosecuting more jounalists and whistleblowers than any President in history. Hope and Change? Hopeless Change. You'll see.

In fairness to Amber the specific response that Alex Jones isn't a conspiracy theorist is about the TSA no fly lists for reporters who speak up. I disagree with plenty of Alex Jones as much as I agree with plenty of Alex Jones. That's what real opinion formers do. They form opinions rather than take their instruction from an agreed list of voices.

Hat's off to Amber Lyons for taking a stand. We applaud her courage and stand for truth and journalistic freedom.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Larouchepac - Jeff Steinberg On Benghazi

Larouchepac maintain that the British Empire never dissolved. It's an interesting and at times (look at MI6 involvement in the drug trade) persuasive argument. I neither dismiss it or proselytize it. I have my own variant of Laourchepac thinking and that involves the other city state than D.C and the corporation City of London. The Vatican.

Go ahead. Take a drink.

Sunday 16 September 2012

A Victory For Justice , Decency & Ordinary People

I've never accepted the noxious practice of reading tabloid newspaper. The damage that these newspapers have done to people's conciousness such that they no longer identify with the pain and suffering they cause has always made me angry and has upset me.

I am not a football fan but I can assure you there are many other reasons why The Sun deserves to be made an example of. The British public in particular have an unusual hypocrisy when it comes to dissociating what their extended actions mean through media choices and militaristic, ceremonial or pageantry indulgences. They simply don't stop to think.

I never thought I'd see the day when a shop sign would indicate that The Sun would not be sold for reasons of decency. There is so much more to go but my God this is a start if we are to be heroes and champions of life.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ben Swann of FOX 19 Shreds My Conspiracy Theory

I've been raving about Ben Swann's incredible show on FOX 19 for a couple of months now (click the FOX tag below) and I finally concluded that maybe he was part of some Rupert Murdoch plea bargain package. 


Turns out the station he works for isn't really a FOX station but a FOX affiliate and that the guy actually knows how to ask questions to political power. On top of that he actually lucked out getting that interview with Obama who does local media on his travels and so we had a real journalist asking real questions in Cincinnati Ohio.

Ben Swann is the real deal. He's a real journalist. I'm gob smacked. Delighted but gobsmacked. Hat's off to Raycom Media and Ben Swann. Superstars.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Is Rupert Murdoch Being Blackmailed To Tell The Truth?

Murdoch owned FOX19 is the only major media aperture that is asking questions about real issues. The corporate media is silent on NDAA, Drone Executions and Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya. Given that Murdoch's New York Post yesterday headlined that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance can I post a conspiracy theory?

Is Rupert Murdoch being pressured to ensure his media ask good questions and tell the truth?  It only makes sense that some sort of plea bargain took place given he got off so lightly in the disappointing Leveson inquiry?

It's important to note that Obama confirms that he will never use the NDAA law he signed. May I remind the American people that the GOP party will have no hesitation to lock people up using this law. Look at Obama's body language. It's not very confident is it?

Sunday 26 August 2012

Apollo 12 - Redux (For Hardcore Lunar Hoax Geeks Only)

Bravo. The most detailed, professional, granular and comprehensive take down of NASA I've seen and heard yet. 

However I think the real genius of this work is how it takes the viewer into space and lets them live out what a space lunar mission is all about. It's a postmodern irony that to do this so extraordinarily well it had to dramatise the lies, falsification and mendacity. I will be posting this on my blog. It deserves a wide audience.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Syrian Rebels Force Prisoner To Be Suicide Bomber - @BBC Pulls Video

The BBC is obliged to support UK Govcorp so when a video emerged that revealed the Syrian Rebels (Actually Al Qaeda terrorists in many circumstances) forced a prisoner to become a suicide bomber they removed it.  Fortunately we're on top of it so you can see for yourself if the BBC are brainwashing you into thinking that the Syria story is a simple black and white good against evil narrative. It's not and NATO meddling in Syria has led to massacre after massacre. Be awake to what is going on. Watch the video. You'll be shocked.

Friday 24 August 2012

British Broadcasting Corporation Caught Pulling Propaganda Video

NATO backed Syrian terrorists tried to dupe a captured soldier into driving a suicide truck bomb by telling him it was a prisoner exchange. The video was originally on the NYT and BBC sites but as it goes against the fairy tale propaganda they've been spoon feeding the British and Americans both sides had to pull it. The full story is over at Infowars.

You'd have to be mad to believe a flickering TV propaganda box in your life these days. But I understand they're quite popular with the Sheeples. 

Saturday 11 August 2012

Libya, Syria & Iran Are All Preplanned Pentagon Wars

It's important to point out that General Wesley Clark is just as much a self serving weasel as all Pentagon Generals now seeking political office. He nearly dragged us into an unnecessary world war three with Russia over Kosovo but for the purposes of this post we can exploit elite Pentagon division and listen to him confirm that the wars on Libya, Syria and Iran are preplanned and thus the Free Syrian Army or whatever bullshit the mainstream media are spewing is just that. Don't be a fool. Wise up and be in the know.

Oliver Stone, Michael Moore & Chris Hedges On Hollywood Propaganda

I didn't know that Charlie Wilson's War originally made the link between the U.S. funding the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and their subsequent evolution into the Taliban much stronger. That cut was left on the edit room floor. It's a shame really as that link would have moved the movie from good to great. Interesting observations in this recent interview by Al Jazeera on the close links between the Pentagon and Hollywood meaning that not only is all American war portrayed as just but that the truth doesn't get a chance to be heard if it needs to use Pentagon hardware.

Information Warfare - Misinformation/Disinformation How To Spot It

A very good post on the subject from over here. The example of lie big, apologise quietly is the tactic most used over Syria. All those massacres were largely NATO sponsored and a little bit of digging means you can prove that to yourself. Naturally if you rely on television to inform you than not only are you poisoning your data streat (without doubt) but also framing a reality that is going to punch you in the metaphorical nuts in the future. Quiet when I don't know but there's no money in the truth and that's a precarious position to be in.

So of the most hypnotised people are those who take the obviously fake left and right political divide seriously. There's little hope for these people and it's best to move on and wipe their keyboards of the spittle from time to time.

Some of the main tactics used by the mainstream media to mislead the masses are as follows: 

Lie Big, Retract Quietly: Mainstream media sources (especially newspapers) are notorious for reporting flagrantly dishonest and unsupported news stories on the front page, then quietly retracting those stories on the very back page when they are caught. In this case, the point is to railroad the lie into the collective consciousness. Once the lie is finally exposed, it is already too late, and a large portion of the population will not notice or care when the truth comes out. 

Unconfirmed Or Controlled Sources As Fact: Cable news venues often cite information from "unnamed" sources, government sources that have an obvious bias or agenda, or "expert" sources without providing an alternative "expert" view. The information provided by these sources is usually backed by nothing more than blind faith. 

Calculated Omission:
 Otherwise known as "cherry picking" data. One simple piece of information or root item of truth can derail an entire disinfo news story, so instead of trying to gloss over it, they simply pretend as if it doesn't exist. When the fact is omitted, the lie can appear entirely rational. This tactic is also used extensively when disinformation agents and crooked journalists engage in open debate. 

Distraction, And The Manufacture Of Relevance: Sometimes the truth wells up into the public awareness regardless of what the media does to bury it. When this occurs their only recourse is to attempt to change the public's focus and thereby distract them from the truth they were so close to grasping. The media accomplishes this by "over-reporting" on a subject that has nothing to do with the more important issues at hand. Ironically, the media can take an unimportant story, and by reporting on it ad nauseum, cause many Americans to assume that because the media won't shut-up about it, it must be important! 

Dishonest Debate Tactics: Sometimes, men who actually are concerned with the average American's pursuit of honesty and legitimate fact-driven information break through and appear on T.V. However, rarely are they allowed to share their views or insights without having to fight through a wall of carefully crafted deceit and propaganda. Because the media know they will lose credibility if they do not allow guests with opposing viewpoints every once in a while, they set up and choreograph specialized T.V. debates in highly restrictive environments which put the guest on the defensive, and make it difficult for them to clearly convey their ideas or facts. 

TV pundits are often trained in what are commonly called "Alinsky Tactics." Saul Alinsky was a moral relativist, and champion of the lie as a tool for the "greater good"; essentially, a modern day Machiavelli. His "Rules for Radicals" were supposedly meant for grassroots activists who opposed the establishment and emphasized the use of any means necessary to defeat one's political opposition. But is it truly possible to defeat an establishment built on lies, by use of even more elaborate lies, and by sacrificing one's ethics? In reality, his strategies are the perfect format for corrupt institutions and governments to dissuade dissent from the masses. Today, Alinsky's rules are used more often by the establishment than by its opposition. 

Alinsky's Strategy: Win At Any Cost, Even If You Have To Lie 

Alinsky's tactics have been adopted by governments and disinformation specialists across the world, but they are most visible in TV debate. While Alinsky sermonized about the need for confrontation in society, his debate tactics are actually designed to circumvent real and honest confrontation of opposing ideas with slippery tricks and diversions. Alinsky's tactics, and their modern usage, can be summarized as follows: 

1) Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. 

We see this tactic in many forms. For example, projecting your own movement as mainstream, and your opponent's as fringe. Convincing your opponent that his fight is a futile one. Your opposition may act differently, or even hesitate to act at all, based on their perception of your power. How often have we heard this line: "The government has predator drones. There is nothing the people can do now..." This is a projection of exaggerated invincibility designed to elicit apathy from the masses. 

2) Never go outside the experience of your people, and whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy. 

Don't get drawn into a debate about a subject you do not know as well as or better than your opposition. If possible, draw them into such a situation instead. Go off on tangents. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty in your opposition. This is commonly used against unwitting interviewees on cable news shows whose positions are set up to be skewered. The target is blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address. In television and radio, this also serves to waste broadcast time to prevent the target from expressing his own position. 

3) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. 

The objective is to target the opponent's credibility and reputation by accusations of hypocrisy. If the tactician can catch his opponent in even the smallest misstep, it creates an opening for further attacks, and distracts away from the broader moral question. 

4) Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. 

"Ron Paul is a crackpot." "Gold bugs are crazy." "Constitutionalists are fringe extremists." Baseless ridicule is almost impossible to counter because it is meant to be irrational. It infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. It also works as a pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. 

5) A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. 

The popularization of the term "Teabaggers" is a classic example; it caught on by itself because people seem to think it's clever, and enjoy saying it. Keeping your talking points simple and fun helps your side stay motivated, and helps your tactics spread autonomously, without instruction or encouragement. 

6) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. 

See rule No. 5. Don't become old news. If you keep your tactics fresh, it's easier to keep your people active. Not all disinformation agents are paid. The "useful idiots" have to be motivated by other means. Mainstream disinformation often changes gear from one method to the next and then back again. 

7) Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose. 

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. Never give the target a chance to rest, regroup, recover or re-strategize. Take advantage of current events and twist their implications to support your position. Never let a good crisis go to waste. 

8) The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

This goes hand in hand with Rule No. 1. Perception is reality. Allow your opposition to expend all of its energy in expectation of an insurmountable scenario. The dire possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization. 

9) The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. 

The objective of this pressure is to force the opposition to react and make the mistakes that are necessary for the ultimate success of the campaign. 

10) If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside. 

As grassroots activism tools, Alinsky tactics have historically been used (for example, by labor movements or covert operations specialists) to force the opposition to react with violence against activists, which leads to popular sympathy for the activists' cause. Today, false (or co-opted) grassroots movements and revolutions use this technique in debate as well as in planned street actions and rebellions (look at Syria for a recent example). 

11) The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Never let the enemy score points because you're caught without a solution to the problem. Today, this is often used offensively against legitimate activists, such as the opponents of the Federal Reserve. Complain that your opponent is merely "pointing out the problems." Demand that they offer not just "a solution", but THE solution. Obviously, no one person has "the" solution. When he fails to produce the miracle you requested, dismiss his entire argument and all the facts he has presented as pointless. 

12) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. 

Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. The target's supporters will expose themselves. Go after individual people, not organizations or institutions. People hurt faster than institutions. 

The next time you view an MSM debate, watch the pundits carefully, you will likely see many if not all of the strategies above used on some unsuspecting individual attempting to tell the truth. 

Internet Disinformation Methods 

Internet trolls, also known as "paid posters" or "paid bloggers," are increasingly and openly being employed by private corporations as well governments, often for marketing purposes and for "public relations" (Obama is notorious for this practice). Internet "trolling" is indeed a fast growing industry. 

Trolls use a wide variety of strategies, some of which are unique to the internet, here are just a few: 

1. Make outrageous comments designed to distract or frustrate: An Alinsky tactic used to make people emotional, although less effective because of the impersonal nature of the Web. 

2. Pose as a supporter of the truth, then make comments that discredit the movement: We have seen this even on our own forums - trolls pose as supporters of the Liberty Movement, then post long, incoherent diatribes so as to appear either racist or insane. The key to this tactic is to make references to common Liberty Movement arguments while at the same time babbling nonsense, so as to make those otherwise valid arguments seem ludicrous by association. In extreme cases, these "Trojan Horse Trolls" have been known to make posts which incite violence - a technique obviously intended to solidify the false assertions of the think tank propagandists like the SPLC, which purports that Constitutionalists should be feared as potential domestic terrorists. 

3. Dominate Discussions: Trolls often interject themselves into productive Web discussions in order to throw them off course and frustrate the people involved. 

4. Prewritten Responses: Many trolls are supplied with a list or database with pre-planned talking points designed as generalized and deceptive responses to honest arguments. When they post, their words feel strangely plastic and well rehearsed. 

False Association: This works hand in hand with item No. 2, by invoking the stereotypes established by the "Trojan Horse Troll." For example: calling those against the Federal Reserve "conspiracy theorists" or "lunatics"; deliberately associating anti-globalist movements with racists and homegrown terrorists, because of the inherent negative connotations; and using false associations to provoke biases and dissuade people from examining the evidence objectively. 

 False Moderation: Pretending to be the "voice of reason" in an argument with obvious and defined sides in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true into a "grey area" where the truth becomes "relative." 

7. Straw Man Arguments: A very common technique. The troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if he does not, and then attacks that point of view. Or, the troll will put words in the mouth of his opposition, and then rebut those specific words. 

Sometimes, these strategies are used by average people with serious personality issues. However, if you see someone using these tactics often, or using many of them at the same time, you may be dealing with a paid internet troll. 

Stopping Disinformation 

The best way to disarm disinformation agents is to know their methods inside and out. This gives us the ability to point out exactly what they are doing in detail the moment they try to do it. Immediately exposing a disinformation tactic as it is being used is highly destructive to the person utilizing it. It makes them look foolish, dishonest and weak for even making the attempt. Internet trolls most especially do not know how to handle their methods being deconstructed right in front of their eyes and usually fold and run from debate when it occurs. 

The truth is precious. It is sad that there are so many in our society who have lost respect for it; people who have traded in their conscience and their soul for temporary financial comfort while sacrificing the stability and balance of the rest of the country in the process. 

The human psyche breathes on the air of truth. Without it, humanity cannot survive. Without it, the species will collapse, starving from lack of intellectual and emotional sustenance. 

Disinformation does not only threaten our insight into the workings of our world; it makes us vulnerable to fear, misunderstanding, and doubt: all things that lead to destruction. It can drive good people to commit terrible atrocities against others, or even against themselves. Without a concerted and organized effort to diffuse mass-produced lies, the future will look bleak indeed.

Saturday 28 July 2012

British War Propaganda, The Red Arrows & A Dog Called Nigger

The Daily Mail's portrayal of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk is obnoxious propaganda that has the British welling up with tears of pride and comments like 'good job boys' in the Daily Mail when the reality of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk's handiwork is in the video below. 

Go on. I dare you to look at it. RAF Marham should be closed down when these pilots answer charges of war crimes and genocide.

Update: I subsequently learned that the dog pilot propaganda imagery is a Dambusters nostalgia trigger using of all things a dog called nigger. This will excite the 'good job' demographic even more. All we need now is a Red Arrows flyby and the next military hardware bill will be rubber stamped for national security reasons and paid by the unwitting British people who think killing machines are normal. They're not and I see a world where we don't need to fawn over the ceremonial death of others. It's inhuman to do so.

Update: 24/08/22 - I told you the Red Arrows were toxic. It's like flag wanks. The people who love to sanitize war because they're cowards are the first to swoon over a flyby of genociders and, well read it for yourself.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

John R. Stockwell - CIA Whistleblower

Only a handful of brave individuals have had the patriotism and courage to tell the American people what they don't want to know. John Stockwell is thoughtful, caring and candid enough to admit he stayed in the CIA for too long because he enjoyed being a feudal lord in a foreign country. In this instance he was station chief in Angola when things were kicking off there in the 70's. This is an excellent couple of hours research into the CIA, Africa, political corruption and the lowest end of the espionage business where thousands or even millions of deaths is just business for the United States of Holocaust deniers.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Iran Is Not Our Enemy

Looks like Syria isn't going to hold out against NATO sponsored terrorism so it's back to defending Iran (the real reason NATO is attacking Syria). This short video nails the back story to bombing Iran.

Monday 16 July 2012

North Korean Comment On Consumer Society Mind Control

Whatever one thinks of North Korea this is an essential deconstruction of Western cultural toxicity. It really is a North Korean production with obvious intelligence fingerprints on it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't land punch after punch after punch.

The US killed 30% of North Korea in the 50's. It's probably an unprecedented number for a country to suffer. Give them the dignity of listening to how we look from the other side of the fence.


Here is the formal statement I gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012: 

On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine). 

Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film's extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as 'defectors' specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter. 

Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because - regardless of who made it - I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.


I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.

0:00 Introduction
6:54 Creating Ideas & Illusions
16:48 Fear
19:35 Religion
25:00 Beware the 1%
28:10 Emulating Psychosis
31:21 Rewriting History
41:15 The Birth of Propaganda
45:49 Cover Ups and Omissions
54:10 Complicity
58:05 Censorship
1:01:50 International Diplomacy
1:06:14 Television
1:08:11 Advertising
1:14:36 The Cult of Celebrity
1:22:34 Distraction
1:28:01 Terrorism
1:35:00 The Revolution Starts Now 

Please share and discuss with as many people as you can, and if you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please do so below or go to:

Friday 13 July 2012

Winston Fucking Churchill

History is a lot more deceptive than we are led to believe. FDR was a much darker character than I ever thought but in both good and bad ways. In fact I get the feeling that nobody has ever nailed quite what FDR was up to if we look at what he was doing and saying in private. It's so inconsistent with the official and authorized biographies that it's clear to me there's a story nobody has yet managed to tell. Did you know for example that FDR was planning war against the British Empire before Pearl Harbour and that British spies were tipping off Japan about FDR's war plans in their direction too? 

Uh huh.. Lots going on with FDR when you factor in the occult dimensions of the Pentagon building he commissioned (before Pearl Harbour) and the Dollar Bill he designed. It's like he knew he was heading into a spiritual war and that innocents were the cost of winning it.

However I'll save that post for another day as I just want to promote this spectacular take down of Winston Churchill who basically dragged the British into an unnecessary war. Hitler was quite happy to withdraw from Poland and Czechoslovakia if he could keep the border bits he wanted and he would have left it at that. But Churchill you see was beholden to a shadowy financier group. Once in power he ditched them too but he was already committed to war with Germany as that is what they paid him to champion. That's half a million British lives sacrificed just so Churchill could have his statue in Parliament square.

Yes he was a brilliant orator and purveyor of witty one liners in much the same way that Tony Blair is a gifted manipulator. However the bottom line is Winston Fucking Churchill was a piss head, a liar and a coward of unimaginable correlation to the mythical figure that history lucked him out on.

Don't believe me though. Listen to the professional historian David Irving. He is our only historian that speaks fluent German and researches from original records not historical publications.

Thursday 12 July 2012

An Introduction To The Council On Foreign Relations - Warmongers Parading As Think Tanks

The Council on Foreign Relations set the establishment line. By reading their reports and articles a person can be ahead of the mainstream media and politics by a few days or weeks. They do allow the occasional dissenting voice but when they are behind their next invasion or preparing for war there's no ambiguity about the propaganda they are selling. Many mainstream journalists never question the Council On Foreign Relations even though their manipulation of political power, embedded corporatism and totally asymmetric representation of the Jewish Georgetown Professor in favour of bombing Iran stereotype is self evident. Their influential publication Foreign Affairs is far more militant than PRAVDA in its day and it's writers are indiscernible from psychopath savages found at lynchings if one removed their suits and visible signs of prosperity and vulgar over-education.

Sunday 4 March 2012

007 - Baby Food Propaganda (How MI6 Really Works)

I think most people realised James Bond is a bit of fun and nowhere near the Hollywood glamorous spy portrayal. But what if it's the other way round? The CIA connection to the drug trade is well documented but this takes it one more level up the food chain.

Update: The video has been removed. It's a shame but not surprsing. It was the most lethal kick in balls delivered to MI6 on the net. Ten minutes of "holy fuck British MI6 run top level drug trading". It's still worth researching the topic. 

You know how to use a search engine.