Showing posts with label mind control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind control. Show all posts

Thursday 2 August 2012

Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila, celebrity personality of dubious fame, first rose to prominence in popular culture due to her number one slot by garnering the most MySpace friends. From there, she enlarged her following and is well known as one of those celebrities dubiously famous for being famous.
Though mention of her generally elicits an instant eyeroll, I want to stress that this should not, in our opinion, negate what she has to say about the Illuminati influence in the music industry. Not necessarily.
We have seen in the past gross attempts to discredit whistleblowers, and celebrities, dubious and otherwise, are easy targets. Remember that the media is very involved in controlling public perception and managing opinions and feelings. In fact, Ms. Tequila herself mentions the hypnotic electronic signals designed to do just that which have been developed to emanate out of televisions.
I’m going to cause even more controversy here by saying that I was perhaps one of three people in the world who is not immediately discounting the fact thatLindsay Lohan claims her brakes failed in her most recent smash up.
Maybe she is lying, but with the Illuminati involved in multitudes of celebrity sacrifices (Heath Ledger springs to mind for starters), should she suffer a tragedy we would all do well to at least ask the questions to determine the details of what actually happened.
I hope that this is not the case, but despite what the media feeds us I would posit that there are very few people who know the real story or what Ms. Lohan is really like as a person. Especially with parents (term used loosely) who have acted much like handlers.
Ms. Tequila (Nguyen), who suffered a brain aneurysm which some suspect was caused intentionally after she began speaking out, wrote on her blog (which has since been removed) the following via Zen Haven:
Hello Dear Ones,
Now, before you start bashing me for thinking that I am “HATING” on Lady GaGa, let me please tell you first that I am not, nor is this post about that.
I just wanted to bring light to something that I have known for a VERY long time. Maybe some of you remember me going on about an hour tweeting about these “secrets” that I know of, a long time ago on my old Twitter account.

A lot of people knew what I was talking about and was in awe or shocked that I knew so much about it. Other’s who don’t know much about it just thought I was talking “crazy” and “nonsense.” However I feel as though it is my duty to start bringing to light the truth behind what is going on in our world today. So unless you have an open mind, then I digress for you to not continue reading my post.

However if you indeed DO have an open mind, or know of these “HINTS” I am dropping to you, then please continue reading. Just letting you guys know, that I will start posting more and more about this, in bits and pieces, as I don’t want to come out and straight up say the whole thing. But if you follow my posts about this, you shall understand my subliminal message that I want to send you, so you can understand what is happening to you and what “THEY” are doing to you.
Ok first of all, do you guys notice how lately, music video’s have a VERY DARK AND SATANIC vibe to them?? For instance a few years ago, pop music video’s were fun, sexy, cute etc. Sorta like when Britney Spears was at the peak of her career and had fresh pop music video’s like “Stronger” or “I’m a Slave For You” “Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know” etc. You get my point. Compare music video’s from back then until just now. VERY RECENTLY in the past few years. ESPECIALLY once Lady GaGa stepped on the scene, all the music video’s has turned very DARK & SATANIC! I am not joking.
Even Beyonce is now in on it. I don’t want to tell you all of what I know, RIGHT NOW, because “THEY” are watching. As a matter of fact, I had a HUGE battle with “THE OTHERS” for a long time and I must admit, they are powerful. But there needs to be someone, anyone, to stand up against them and for our world to be restored back into peace and harmony once again.
Hmmm… How can I put this. Well, all of Lady Gaga’s Video, even Beyonce’s new video, and XTINA, Miley Cyrus. They all are all of a sudden very DARK & SATANIC! There are TONS of hidden messages in the video and symbols that prove that they worship satan. Please don’t take this as a joke. It is not and it is serious. The Government even now has a way to send out frequencies on your TV that you cannot hear, yet it highly affects your brain and mixed in with all the visuals from the music video’s, you become hypnotized without you even realizing this. That sounds crazy right? Well it is true. I have been studying about this for the past 7 years now and kept quiet about it for a long time, except when I chat with other groups of people I know that also know about “THE OTHERS” if I told you the ENTIRE THING, it will really blow your mind away, but I feel it is SO IMPORTANT for people to know what is happening to them.
Say what you will about her as a “personality”, but if she is aware of this, how many others in the industry are too who have have kept silent? There is a wealth of information and testimony that supports what she is saying. We applaud her courage.
For more on the subject, go here and here.

This post was originally at Duncan O'Finionan's & Miranda Kelley's. Both survivors of MKULTRA

RFID Chip Gang Stalking - 21st Century Greed

Another must listen interview by Randy Maugans as we hurtle into the 21st century of mind control and gang stalking. I didn't fully understand what gang stalking victims were talking about even though I researched it and saw it happening on video, until I listened to this interview. 

In short James Walbert designed a multi million dollar innovation that would compete with the beverage industry's ready to drink canned sodas, and that's like stepping into the Cola wars. It looks like the corporations paid for an associate to drug him. He woke up bleeding after being out for the count for a weekend and a sore ear canal from what a later MRI scan proved to be an RFID chip implant. Then he started to be followed around by strange vehicles with $30000 dollars worth of aerial equipment alone. What I learned from this interview is how the RFID chips are placed near hormone creation glands so not only can they measure the victims biochemical states but can also activate them. It's like a William Gibson novel has arrived. 

Next stop Shibuya.

Update: The interviews have been lost.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

MKULTRA, Dark Night Rises & UN Gun Control

The United States like Europe is bankrupt and using force of violence abroad to prop up it's corrupt financial system. The last country to stand up to using petrodollars was Gaddafi's Libya. The West was so outraged at this they made a special effort at creating a snuff movie of his execution where he was sodomised before being shot and put on display.

Lord knows I don't agree with guns or violence and I think cooperation with the police is probably wiser in most instances but you would have to be drooling saliva 24/7 to cede any gun ownership to Govcorp right now. When the financial system collapses under the absurdity of it's own unfairness and weight (and it will), the consumer society is going to learn what Just InTime food distribution is all about including three days of food for the average US city. The outside world only want's to be paid in gold or bartered products it cannot produce for itself.

Maybe the Pentagon and Lockheed and Northrop Grumman and Raytheon can swap stealth bombers for a while and the outside world can bring some love that the American people have been exporting abroad for mindless decades?

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Dr Amy L Goodman - CIA Approved Remote Mind Control

The experienced researcher will note the disengaged and hesitant approach of the chair Dr Amy L Goodman and will do a background check on her and discover she has very little academic background and that she operates in the same state in a hospital with links to the CIA.

The keen observer will note the gentleman whispering sotto voce into her ear when a victim demands representation on the bioethics committee and the pro forma response so quick to invoke Obama's name as an empty appeal to authority.

The testimony in these hearings is explosive and repeated over and over again. The US is remotely controlling thoughts, feelings, pleasure and pain of US victims across the coutnry. There's plenty of discussion on the net of the methodology by Dr Nick Begich invoking directed energy  but the reality is we just don't know how they do it.

Friday 2 March 2012

Versace Tries To Break The Industry Record For Sleb Programming References

The blatant references the sleb fashun/booty/movie/song industry make in their commercials and shows like the recent Superbowl and Grammy ritual feeding frenzy are no longer the subtle cues and symbolism once used. There's a tonne of evidence to suggest a lot of photographers and stylists even pay homage to it as if it doesn't ruin lives and poison young minds. 

Oh well, some people got their 'They Live' glasses and some aint. Thanks to Robert for pointing this out in his terrific new Friday podcast 'Free Association Radio' FAR show.

Update: Original video removed. Replacement is similar.

Friday 13 January 2012

Project Camelot Interviews James Martinez (Tribute To Walter Bowart)

On the advice of Bill Ryan from Project Camelot, I listened to James Martinez. Before this I had a vague knowledge of Walter Bowart's name but I think it's fair to say no discussion of mind control programmes such as MKULTRA is complete without a nod to a man who was punished for being the first to share the secrets of what is more clinically known as dissociative identity disorder. A condition that agencies such as the CIA and military have made extensive use of at unimaginable cost to unknown thousands or lives. We honour Walter Bowart by publishing his work here and wherever we can to ensure that it never happens again.

Here's the blurb:

James Martinez was a business colleague and close confidant of Walter Bowart - the author of the groundbreaking, whistleblowing book Operation Mind Control published back in 1978. This is a fabulous audio interview which will be of enormous interest to all who (like myself) benefited greatly from Bowart's seminal work. We learned from James how Bowart, who died two years ago, in many ways 'regretted' having written the book - and how he had had profound ET contact: something never before revealed, and which he had been unwilling to talk about when he was alive. We learned of his philosophy, his hope for the human race, and his awareness of the importance of the expansion of consciousness. James summed it up by stating that for Walter, it was all about the liberation of the Human Spirit.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

MKULTRA - Project Monarch - Mind Control Interview

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Excellent podcast interview with researcher Fred Burkes on the topic of MKULTRA, Project Monarch and mind control. It matters most because the ordinary person on the street should be able to receive some news and discern whether there is a possibility of dissociative identity disorder which is a slightly misleading name for mind control as it doesn't imply that outside agents are responsible for inflicting this on innocent people. In this podcast we learn that the CIA have even done it on their own agents.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Brice Taylor's MKULTRA Gift From The CIA

I've posted three of these videos so far from three extraordinary American women who emerged unintentionally from the CIA's mind control program called MK ULTRA and Monarch Programming. All were used as sexual slaves in a satanic abuse matrix that includes figures who are named. 

If those names were innocent then I'd have thought they would pursue libel through the courts. It's telling that they don't. You can decide for yourself by listening to their testimony, or maybe do some background research for yourself on MK ULTRA and Monarch Programming. To the detractors of these women I ask why they would feel the need to endure further ridicule at absolutely no possible gain for themselves? At one point in one of these brave women's interviews they reveal that it took six years of daily therapy to relive and relieve all the horrors that they endured. On that occasion the memories only surfaced after a car crash when her head went through the windscreen. At one point her therapist in a quiet suburb gets up and notices the unusual presence of two men waiting in a car outside her practice. This is how it works when one crosses the resources of the State.

I found watching and listening to Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor's testimony distressing and uncomfortable. It's hard to consider matters of sexual abuse when sex for real humans is a matter of pleasure and/or creation. One of mutual respect and love. These brave women were brutalised by the State and powerful people both psychologically and physically. Those elements are the dark scummy ring at the top of society that profits from war, controls the media and peddles ignorance like it's going out of fashion at a Primark end of season sale.

I applaud David Icke for being one of the few people who has championed their cases. I applaud the bravery of these women in coming forward against all odds and showing us how it really works and who is manipulating us with horror in one hand and ignorance to spoon out in the other.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Rupert Sheldrake's Google Talk - The Extended Mind

I find the Google Talks held at Mountain View are more generous than the TED talks in terms of depth as they permitted to go on for longer. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University.

While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots. 

From 1968 to 1969, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life.

From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College,Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco, and a Visiting Professor and Academic Director of the Holistic Thinking Program at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. 

Books by Rupert Sheldrake:

A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981). New edition 2009 (in the US published as Morphic Resonance)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions) 
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network)
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)

With Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna: 
Trialogues at the Edge of the West (1992), republished as Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (2001)
The Evolutionary Mind (1998) 

With Matthew Fox: 
Natural Grace: Dialogues on Science and Spirituality (1996)
The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (1996) 

Sunday 27 November 2011

Top Ten Twitter Tips For Filtering Out Reality

Never have a cause
Never tweet about war
Never tweet about protest
Never comment on political matters
Only follow people in your field of work
Only ever retweet people in your line of work
Do not ever encourage dialogue with new followers
Only tweet about your work (and the occasional amuse gul)
Only tweet on the geography that matters to you and your work
Always consider your job safety and corporate loyalties before tweeting

Sunday 20 November 2011

How Did John Wayne Brainwash US Citizens To Consume But Not Care?

Nobody is doing finer 20 minute pieces to camera analysis without a tele-prompter than the great David Icke. With nothing more than an iconic symbol behind his back he first strips the lady bare of her freedom simulacra and illuminati connection to masonic-Paris, and then moves on to a withering critique of the Department of Attack blindly known as the Department of Defence in the occult shaped building known as the Pentagon. Hidden in plain sight as the in-crowd put it.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Charlotte Iserbyt - Rewiring Education To Make Children Conform & Adults Compliant

Charlotte Iserbyt's father and grandfather were (like John Kerry and George Bush) Skull & Bones members and so her qualifications to comment on the matter of using education to programme children to be wired for obedience later on in life, and in the corporate environment are solid. She explains how the process is designed so that children are stripped of the ability to question, interrogate, push for better solutions and solve problems and thus obedient later on as a profit unit within the corporate machine. In short Charlotte blows the lid off the illusion of school as education when it no longer is. She is bright, lucid and articulate and has worked at a senior level within the Reagan administration.

Only a fool could watch this interview and fail to conclude that elite groups conspire to keep the masses stupid. But then how could you tell if you are stupid? 

Here's your chance. Don't blow it.

Friday 11 November 2011

Stewart Swerdlow - Universal Truth Evolution

Great interview of Stewart Swerdlow by a couple of people who know what they are talking about so there's no naive jaw dropping or half hour introductions. Straight into the information and very good it is too. Some great explanations of time and timelines in this one. Stewart is a survivor of the Montauk Project.

Thursday 10 November 2011

The War On Drugs Explained By Graham Hancock

Drugs can mean a lot of things so use a little intelligence. Graham Hancock is author of the splendid book Fingerprint of the Gods and all round top fella.

Sunday 16 October 2011

1984 & Brave New World

I've been meaning to download the John Hurt interpretation of Winston Smith in George Orwell's 1984 for some time as I've not seen it since it was released in the eponymous year. However somebody recently uploaded this early British Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence version and at the same time I learned there's a full length version of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and so I'm posting them both after watching the Orwell.

It's always worth contemplating that both Huxley and Orwell were cut from similar Etonian fabric, were privy to Fabian Society inner secrets and both happened to have written the most prescient totalitarian books ever. You might call that a coincidence but like P.W. Bridgeman I believe a coincidence is what you have left over when one applies a bad theory. More on those slightly inexplicable Orwell and Huxley connections on a previous  post I wrote over here.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

The Market For Mind Control

Most people are unaware that mind control is the holy grail of the demonics who prowl the Pentagon. It sounds so evil and unlikely that its easy to dismiss. However projects like MKULTRA and Montauk are well documented and more contemporary manifestations still want to create the perfect soldier and control the other chaps army through mind control and research in this area takes psychic power much more seriously than the message pumped out by the complex's media interests. The interview above caught my attention as Nick Begich is the most informed and authoritive person I've heard to date. His low key manner belies his understanding of what is ticking and how. 

His interview starts at 52 minutes if my memory serves me correctly. There's information here that advertising psychopaths will drool at. Nick is sparing with that information but drops enough search words for the curious to pursue.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

RIP Ted Gunderson

Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson died on 31 July. Ted pursued the truth about ritual satanic sex abuse and child sacrifice at elite levels and without his work I'd never have taken David Icke's work seriously or the testimony of brave souls like Cathy O'Brien. I'd never have believed that MKULTRA was for real or that it's not a few bad eggs at the alphabet agencies but that they're in on the action.

Former free energy scientist and astronaut Brian O'Leary also died a couple of days ago and I can't help but get the feeling they've done the job they agreed to do. Without their constant questioning the 2nd and 3rd generation wouldn't be as close as we are today. 

All it takes is a handful of people to change the world. Ted and Brian will be watching from a different place and will be able to see the fruits of their labours in the near future. I rescued his videos from Google before they shut down their video site and while they are not great they changed the game. I honour them.

Monday 1 August 2011

Psychic Attacks & Self Defense - Robert Bruce, Greg Hunter


Coast 2 Coast audiences are sky-rocketing during this eclectic age of time folding in on itself like a recursive fractal. George Noory is one of the most seasoned radio host pros I listen to and from a wide range of alternative media. I skipped ahead to the main guest on this so if it's a bit boring to begin with click around till you hit on something that grabs your attention.

Monday 16 May 2011

Dominic Strauss-Kahn's God Daughter To Press Sexual Assault Charges

As I predicted the disinformation in support of Strauss Kahn was immediate. The media have universally portrayed the man as facing political smear from Sarkozy. Then the Daily Beast via the auspiciously named Christopher Dickey portrayed him as a man with ' female relationship issues'. I'd say an accusation of sodomy rape is nothing to do with female relationships, and I also don't buy the subsequent story change to forced oral sex because teeth are the natural defence against any unwanted intrusion. Needless to say Dickey didn't have the stones to address my concerns as to his shill like language directly. Why would he if he's a paid mouthpiece? It's just business right?

There is a possibility given the context, that Strauss Kahn may have been baited, as he has many enemies, but let's not portray him as a ladies man when his own God daughter now wishes to press sexual assault charges on him in France. He's a widely known sexual predator as this full listing in Rue 89 details, and his game is up, irrespective of what the Daily Beast or other triggered brains are proselytizing.   What goes around comes around. Word.