Showing posts with label jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jews. Show all posts

Monday 16 October 2023

Message From The Be'eri Kibbutz in Israel

Easily the most powerful and profound piece to camera I ever watched and listened to from a Jew. If you can't learn one thing from her, it's because you're not sentient. You have no business getting involved.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

The Woo That May Be Named Is Not The Woo

The Elohim sung by @flowerpowered, arrived on this planet a quarter million strong and immediate full spectrum dominance. 

That figure is the first time by anybody that an informed estimate has been reached.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Lord Finkelstein - What A Mensch

It takes a lot courage for a Jew to write an editorial like this in a prestigious national paper. I know very well the price that can be paid for Jews to cede any ground in the seemingly endless polarisation, which in my mind just took a very centred and grounded approach. It's a landmark piece that will slide under most people's radar but I know history when its made.

This is a seminal moment and not just in editorial-land (I've read more literature on The Shoah than most).

Did a lot of Jews die in WWII, no doubt about it. I would say most died being shot by retreating German troops on the Eastern Front but I'm always open to more information. 

Maybe one day we  can have an adult conversation about what trauma does to the psyche when bolstered by an impregnable and monolithic media narrative, that Danny has just instigated a small but tectonic shift within.

Under trauma, the mind dissociates. 

It doesn't want to feel that kind of pain and it's a subject I learned too much about through the vast MK-Ultra mind control programs. The only thing is I know who scooped up Josef Mengele through Project Paperclip after the war. 

Cathy O'Brien is just one of the living witness testimonies on the subject.

She's the reason I started writing off-piste. It's harrowing information

I'm sure Danny and I don't agree on too much but my heart feels good after reading him just now. I feel positive about the future. 

Tuesday 1 November 2022


I did listen to his words, there are lots of celebrity insider info drops there, but that's not really my space. What I do find unbalanced is the vilification without provision of the material that ignited the fireworks.

If it was me who wanted to shine light in a dark corner, surely it's representative to publish the stimulus material, and so there it is above, for others to make their own minds up. 

Or not.

It's frustrating... boringly iterative if you will, as the history of Judaics is convoluted with different claims made under the same umbrella. For me it's a desecration of language to conflate a colonial ideological[genocidal] mindset with a religion. Particularly as the observant Synagogue Jews have a witheringly corrosive and ideological parasite, subcutaneously inserted and unnoticed by the religious patriarchs despite war-crime force and concentration checkpoints backed up by tanks and F-32s, with all opposition silenced in global political discourse, as if the theory of coincidences prevails over any other narrative?

It's a schoolboy error by YE and many others, to sweepingly mislabel it Jewish hegemony, Jewish oligarchy and last but not least Jewish plutocracy, when they are all without exception, ardent Zadokites and singularly unobservant on the days of worship, except where ostentatious donations are made and seen by the most, not just the many in the Synagogue.

Most Zionists are not Jews. 

Cowardly yes, but observant?

Not a chance.

Friday 2 August 2019

My Blog Statistics Go Bananas For A Few Days

Punk Planning used to receive about 40,000 hits a month before Google's search engine buried any researchers and writers sharing information the corporate (Fake News) media are unable to. 

I've continued updating Punk Planning, as I still get mentions and links on other larger (alternative media) sites, and I'm happy with a few thousand hits each month from people who do deep dives on search engines.

For some reason it recently picked up massively again for about five days before returning to normal. I've no idea why, but I thought it might be worth a post and tagging in statistics, as I've been booted off Facebook for publishing the Israeli artist Natalie Cohen Vaxberg's art.

It's interesting isn't it?

Every Western icon from Shakespeare to Mermaids can (quite rightly) be portrayed by any other culture/skin-colour than Caucasian, but when it comes to Israeli or Jewish icons, they are sacrosanct. 

It's almost as if hatred of white people is an issue for some very powerful people.

Mass produced ballpoint pens were invented after the alleged Holocaust.

History is written by the victors, and as much of my research documents, the allies did not win WWII. 

Update: I think something is teasing me. 

Update: Google Analytics says I'm talking out of my arse.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Comedian Doug Stanhope's Sketch Removed From Youtube

I uploaded this to dailymotion in anticipation of this day 4 years ago. Doug Stanhope's witty and insightful sketch about Jews has been deleted by Youtube.

I reserve the right to mock all religions.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Sarah Silverman & Ahed Tamimi

I was disgusted by Sarah's comments on abortion and eating fetuses last week, yet I'm equally astonished that she published the above in support of Ahed Tamimi.

If more Jews had a backbone about calling out the unconscionable occupation of Palestine we would be in a far better place than we are now. Zionism is not Judaism. Period.

Thursday 27 July 2017

My Jewish Great Grandmother - Lucy Myers

For a number of years my father was obsessed with genealogy. He uncovered that our Great Grandmother (in the middle with my sister to her right and my brother to her left and me on the concrete), Lucy Meyers, was a Polish Jew. 

I recall ultra Zionist Blairite Marko Atilla Hoare questioning my Semitic credentials so let me put this down in writing. I challenge him and any other doubters to a molecular DNA test to determine who is more Semitic. I've been throwing down this gauntlet online for years.

Nobody has taken me up.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Why No Diversity In The Media?

The same people who demand open borders around the world and diversity in the work place are mathematically over represented in the media while also refusing to discuss Israeli open borders and diversity within Israel. 

I could share the numbers at the New York Times and BBC et al, if anybody disputes the mathematical facts but this clip of Ann Coulter describing CNN's epic Jewish over representation  is indisputable.

Here's another fact. The media is racist and it's Zionist.

Monday 20 February 2017

Pewdiepie - Dropped by Disney

The biggest Youtube star has been dropped by Disney for doing a satirical piece that mocked the internet's ability to hire Indians to do anything through a company called Fiverr. Naturally the fake media ignored the context and positioned it as anti Semitic, though they've shot themselves in the foot. 

There are now 6 Million Youtube people subscribers to Pewdiepie who just got woke on who runs the media. I believe the number of subscribers has been interfered with but you get the picture.

Friday 2 September 2016

The Untold Story of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers and Racial Laws (2003)

It doesn't get more mainstream than C-SPAN broadcasting the untold story of Jewish Soldiers in the Wehrmacht. Basically the tale concocted after the war to sell the war (ie. 60M dead people died to rescue 6M Jews) is complete BS because the winners write history.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Mehdi Hassan Grills Islamophobic Reporters

A must listen for those who spray the anti Semitism calumny around like holy water. Regrettably Mehdi Hassan is poorly educated on false flag social engineering.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Jewish Voice For Peace Interview

Fascinating podcast of smart young snippy Jews who interview a Jewish Voice for Peace member, though not without occasional snark from some of the podcast team. 

Nevertheless it's educational to the Semite student though the person who claims BDS is anti Semitic is clearly an automaton, and to be candid the person who suggests Jews are better in bed than the Irish should ask themselves. 

If an Irish person said that would it be anti Semitic?

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Saturday 13 June 2015

Janner, Brittan Epstein & Other Muslim Paedophiles

A well articulated Youtuber touches on a subject that I've been looking into for a couple of years. I've noticed others are starting to notice now.

Saturday 2 May 2015

To The Jew Bashing Idiots

Ryan Dawson's work on Israeli connections to 9/11 is monumental. I don't agree with all his views and find his conspiratard monologues damaging, and often more a reflection on his own ignorance on much wider  and diverse subjects, but pretty much everything he says about Jews, Zionism and Israel is how I feel.

A few points to consider:

1. I am Semitic. Any one who wishes to do the Molecular DNA test with me has an open invitation. Please call +66847334769 or email me
2. I have Jewish friends
3. I'm anti psychopath not anti Jewish
5 No other group is more protected from criticism by media, institutions and speech restriction laws than Zionists and this includes the holocaust religion.
6 Jews disproportionately dominate the media and Hollywood and this is the words of  respected Jews not I.
7. Most Jews are not Semites. There is in fact nothing more anti Semitic than Zionism.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Edward I - King of England - The Warrior King - Hammer of the Scots

King Edward I "Longshanks" (1239-1307) - Pt 1/3 by charlesfrith

Most Kings throughout history are tainted by bloody carnage and ego fueled power if not full on psychopathy. It goes with the territory so to speak and the current Queen of England's vast global ownership of land and close connections to the privately held Bank of England and legal exceptionalism of the Corporation City of London make her (and her parasitic family) no exception to misery and death around the planet.

Edward I is no different, but it's worth noting that this King was the  historical pioneer of the United Kingdom. He fought against Braveheart and Robert the Bruce as well as abroad in the 9th Crusades and also expelled the Jews of England for usury.

It is this last action I think that has kept him swept under the carpet by the historians but I'm open to other interpretations if people wish to persuade me otherwise.

Edward's father was behind the creation of Westminster Abbey and Edward built most of the historic castles in Wales after defeating them, including Caernarfon 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Jewish & Roman History | Titus Flavius Josephus AKA Joseph ben Matityahu

The lecturer Henry Abramson is too conflicted in this presentation to offer much value on the subject of Josephus ben Matityahu  but it's not a bad introduction for those studying Roman and Jewish history.

This yarmulke wearing historian is unable to say a single word critical of Judaism which is perplexing because he can't call out Josephus as an obvious Jewish traitor and Roman disinformation agent.

In addition Abramson suggests ideas like the Roman Empire no longer exists. 

Does he even look at the architecture of D.C or the symbolism of Oval office pronouncements?

It seems not.

Josephus seems to have had a role in the creation of the Jesus mythological character though it's fair to say that the full story is probably a mixture of little bits of real and fiction in spades.