Showing posts with label hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hollywood. Show all posts

Thursday 25 May 2017

Marilyn Monroe's Murderer

It makes much more sense that Marilyn was a Beta/Monarch sex slave than she was a great gal who slept with everyone she met including John and Robert Kennedy as well as her shrink (handler?).

That's what Monarch sex slaves do. They fuck when triggered by their abusers who have the keys to their dissociated minds.

Did you know that Marilyn died from a drug enema?

I don't think many of the claims in this podcast makes sense as the authors are too quick to present an hagiography. It is however self evident that Marilyn was murdered, and RFK connected, though considering he was shot by the network, I can also imagine that they would have tried to smear his reputation through this after.

There's an excellent Beta Kitten article on Marilyn over at Vigilant Citizen.

Wednesday 10 May 2017


By now I've been thoroughly humiliated with my claims that Hollywood makes only crap movies. I still think most of its output is complete underpants, but there's no way Deadpool falls into that category. It's also probably the most crackling script since Pulp Fiction with lots of funny lines that a second viewing (or even a third) can yield.

Update: Part II was a stinker.

If you want to make God laugh... tell God your plans.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Constantine - 2005

Keanu Reeves acts as an exorcist and freelance occult consultant in this movie. I'm not a huge fan of Keanu, though his work isn't offensive and he has many solid movies under his belt. This is one of them.

The only thing worth knowing about the occult is that while we are programmed to scoff at it, the higher up the food chain a person climbs the more likely, no, the more unavoidable it is.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Edge of Tomorrow

Unlike most of his movies, I immediately warmed to this Tom Cruise playing an anti-hero character wishing to stay as far away from war as possible. This is a much more authentic stance than his usual military industrial complex peddling. 

The movie is fresh, well scripted and corresponds with my understanding of the many worlds theory mashed up with John Titor time travel lines.

This movie is Groundhog Day meets Hamburger Hill/Predator. It's the opposite of what I expected it to be in terms of Hollywood movie making and I couldn't have been further wrong. Watch it.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

How Toxic Is Disney Princess Programming

Why do we entrain little girls to aspire to be a Princess when a Royal daughter is the opposite of the democratic process, enlightened society is supposed to be in favour of?

This subject goes back to Miley Cyrus when she was a Disney Club child being prepped for the hyper sexual and useless future inseparable from Hollywood grooming and celebrities.

The discussion above is excellent. I have no idea why Freeman is so knowledgable but has subsequently come across as an egotistical douche. Maybe he's on the team. Something is not right.

Sunday 5 February 2017


There's nothing wrong with being a Chosenite but conflating Zionism and Judaism is anti Semitic. I know because I'm a Semite. Words have meaning and Palestinians are the Semites not the Khazarian/Ashkenazi imports. It's extraordinary how few know that Israel is Rothschild banking project to divide humanity. Here's the 1829 newspaper headlines that document this but which only a handful of people know about.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Miley Cyrus - Pizzagate & Hotdogs

Her MK Ultra credentials (whatever that means in 2016) are well documented with my first post on the subject going back to 2011. However last December I became interested in Miley Cyrus' stage, song and video work for about two months, till I figured out the message.

If we pay attention to her costume changes (nobody has ever done more) and the songs she sings there's a considerable amount of agenda and biography, with some touching moments of raw honesty like the song with her MK (victim) godmother Dolly Parton (just listen to the lyrics). Nashville is/was a centre for programming and I suspect that seeps out in Robert Altman's eponymous movie if we're paying attention to the plain weirdness and inconsistency of the characters in it.

Nevertheless, Miley's obsession with dripping-in-cheese Pizza, for a self proclaimed lactose intolerant, is self evident for its symbolism. Please note the top photo is doctored with Pizzas but its too good not to use. The original is over here.

Macauley Culkin & PizzaGate

Don't judge it till you've watched it. 

Pizza is nomenclature for child sex among paedosadists.

When a young boy or girl is anally raped the mix between blood and semen looks like pizza topping.

It's a simple and effective way to refer to degenerate tastes in way that wouldn't be recognised in normal use. 

I'll post the Miley Cyrus one next because the symbolism is just as troubling and her credentials as a celebrity puppet are well established.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

How To Do Intermittent Fasting And Never Get Hungry

I'm not suggesting mildly narcissist Hollywood wannabes are a good role model for all intellectual and personal development, but they are often obsessed with the latest information that works in terms of dietary and exercise information.

We're constantly bombarded by food imagery, and if living on my apartment floor, also surrounded 24/7 by some of the best chefs in Hong Kong, creating the most incredible aromas of tasty cooking wafting through the window. Last night the scent of gorgeous roast potatoes was heavy in the air. 

I realise that makes no sense at all in Causeway Bay but it is as it is. 

The only way to overcome this temptation to stuff my face is to deprogram with these excellent informative videos, and I think you'll find this one is excellent.

I'll go so far as to say that intermittent fasting is the single most interesting cult I've come across, and that it will be massive in the years to come and, forever after, for people seeking ways to overcome modern health and dietary challenges. Everything makes a lot of sense when considering what the human body was designed to do in an evolutionary setting, unlike that updated paleo information I came across recently.

NB: Creepy isn't it, how close Dave Dees illustration used above echoes the protest in North Dakota of Standing Rock Sioux Indians protesting an oil pipeline that was diverted away from white neighbourhoods and routed through their ancestral burial lands.

Friday 28 October 2016

An Open Secret: A Documentary on Hollywood Paedophiles

Powerful award winning documentary about the child abuse networks in Hollywood. The grooming works differently than those in Politics, Masonry and Royalty where they can just pluck the victims out of children's homes like Kincora in Northern Ireland, Bryn Estyn in Wales and Haute de la Garenne in Jersey. Thankfully there's not a whiff of Satanism in the Hollywood pool parties, and it comes across as men exploiting young boys who want to become famous. 

There is some very brave testimony in this documentary and frankly a lot of creepy guys.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Holocaust Huffing Hollywood

Michael Hoffman is a superb intellect and academic. He doesn't suffer fools gladly. 

I know because he chastised me abruptly from time to time if I got something wrong on Twitter for questioning the Hollywood version of events.

The Historian David Irving was one of the most respected in his field once. His books sold internationally. Christopher Hitchen's applauded them and Irving's early investment in working in the steel factories of Germany, after the war, where he learned to speak German, paid off as he could interview living witnesses such as Hitler's last secretary and read the original archives, unlike the well paid Historians of today who peddle the fictitious inflation of 6M and the obscene lies about gas chambers.

A movie to smear David Irving's name is out. It will be quoted by those who lack the backbone to investigate the subject themselves.

Monday 5 September 2016


For a long time the establishment (police, judges, lawyers) and their complicit criminals the corporate media tried to say Snuff Movies were conspiracy theories. Eventually The Guardian came clean they do exist, though like all unpleasant truths they only get said once while the 'theories' label is used for a long time. 

Anybody who has studied the sickness that dominates our leadership becomes used to the power they like to exercise over the helpless. There are occult reasons for this, psychological reasons, hierarchical and social reasons and straight up kicks but one of the most misunderstood is that it takes weakness to rape, butcher and murder a child on film.

Not to the Satanists. They see it as a sign of great strength that only the most strong are able to do it and that's why they occupy a disproportionate percentage of the power elite.

8MM is a journey into that story, though I am reliably informed that Nicholas Cage got his Hollywood break by doing depraved 'favours' and pimping children and prostitutes to Hollywood suits.

Maps To The Stars

If you like Hollyweird being box-cuttered to death, Maps to the Stars is the best I've seen yet. 

At the 38th minute Julianne Moore playing Havana Segrand experiencing visions of her mother asks John Cusack "Am I a multiple". It's the only popular reference I've seen to reality's dirtiest secret that mind control is used on a wide cross section of prominent society from celebrities, sports stars, Presidents and yeah if you wish assassins and intelligence operatives too. However most mind control is movie and corporate media programming. It's also very effective at that level and easy to prove.

It only gets a mention because Cusack's films are just enough, off the radar to get away with it but I'm grateful for it because each sliver of evidence builds a pointillist picture.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Thursday 24 December 2015

Space Dude, In Your Space Suit, In Your Space Boots, Space Dude

Is Miley Cyrus the new David Bowie

Probably not, but Space Boots is an indication that someone's creativity resonates with authenticity and art on this track, and that took me by surprise.

I realise contemporary celebrity music requires a phalanx of songwriters, posses of producers, session musicians, mixers, voice artists, plug junkies, electrical engineers, processed audio cheese slices, studio rats, money worshippers, Sleb sycophants, groupie thinkers, OCD fame mania, explicit soul selling and relentless veneration of drugs and sexual promiscuity aimed at our impressionable young, who are least able to discern dystopian social engineering from pop culture.

However I claim Space Boots is not only punctuated with moments of brilliance but to my simple ear has the quirkiness and counter-intuitive solutions that emerge when a real artist takes control and externalizes their interpretation through song. I hope that artist is Miley Cyrus as not much else is wholesome in the globe trotting music biz.

Saturday 21 February 2015

American Sniper by @adamkokesh

It's easy to unveil the mindlessness of Pentagon propaganda movie lovers but Adam Kokesh has done an excellent job of patiently hearing out a group of them before holding a mirror up to them so that they begin to feel uncomfortable with their own reflection.