Showing posts with label gnosticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gnosticism. Show all posts

Sunday 13 November 2011

The Gnostic Teleste Connection To Kubrick, Dick Cheney, Arthur C. Clarke & HAL

Probably the definitive talk on the idea of, as yet, open-ended and open-source Gnostic Gaia/Sophia myth making by John Lash. This is a theme that crops up a lot on the net to those able to cast a sceptical eye on channelled messages. Voices whispering 'now is the time to visualise and imagine what you wish for the world'. 

John informs us that the Gnostics described and used a particular Coptic word to describe how the Archons operate. It was HAL. It means to simulate or to copy. You might say a virtual reality. It is detected wherever a false substitute is on offer. It is a hoax.

The two top search terms for HAL are the computer in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Dick Cheney's Haliburton (HAL) stock listing.

Update: Original video replaced.

Saturday 12 November 2011

John Lash - The Transhumanists Need Their Own Planet To Pave Over

The full two hour interview.

Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash is one of the foremost exponents of the power of myth to direct and shape an individual's life, as well as history itself. Described as the true successor of Joseph Campbell, John is a teacher of world mythology, Gnosticism, the pre-Christian Mysteries, along with many of his other expert talents. He has traveled widely and lived in Japan, the UK, Greece, Norway, France, Spain and Belgium.

His unpublished and in-progress works include original studies of alchemy, the Dendera Zodiac, eonic cycles in the World Ages ("parallel history"), psychonautics and entheogenic shamanism for the future. He is the leading exponent of the new discipline of metacritique (radical analysis of belief systems).

In 1981, John founded the Institute for Creative Mythology in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ICM offered an open forum to explore universal "directive" - psychologically active - myths and their expressions in culture and daily living. At ICM John gave lectures and interactive seminars on a broad range of subjects, including Gnosticism, the erotic psychology of the Troubadours, Mesoamerican calendars, and Goddess rites of participation in the seasonal cycles of nature. Over several years, he developed a long course in alchemy that resulted in an extensive syllabus and study guide entitled "The Great Work: Alchemy and PsychoEcology."

For over 35 years, John Lash has specialized in studies of sidereal mythology i.e. myths found in all cultures around the world relating to the visible patterns in the skies. He has a unique technique of observation, combined with an original method of reading those patterns and relating them to the way we live and view the world. He is recognized as a leading scholar on ancient astronomy, the Zodiac, and precession of the equinoxes (World Ages).

John Lash is also co-founder and principal author of, a unique source of gnostic and pagan perspectives, including Planetary Tantra, a open source vision for interactive magic with Gaia. The purpose of this site is to challenge unexamined beliefs and foster a future myth centered on Gaia-Sophia, the living planet.

John's published books:

The Seeker's Handbook: The Complete Guide to Spiritual Pathfinding (Crown, 1991)
Twins and the Double (Thames & Hudson, 1993)
The Hero - Manhood and Power (Thames & Hudson, 1995)
Quest for the Zodiac (Starhenge Books, 1999)
Forthcoming: Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief (Chelsea Green Publishing, November 2006)

John Lash - Archontic Influences, Divine Sophia & Chaldean Channellers

There are only two points of difference (thus far) between myself and John Lash. The first is that I believe that crop circles are largely other world communications rather than terrestrial indications of White Hat overtures to humanity and the second is that I believe 9/11 was subject to two possibly three methods of destructions (not including the planes impacting the twin towers, that did comparatively little). 

Yes Dr. Judy Wood's work is the most convincing but like much Trilateral alchemy the use of three reasons for a single task is as old as we can trace back for disinformation and confusion.

Other than that John Lash is brilliant and interesting. His contribution to lifting the veil is up there with Jay Weidner, Clif High and Dr Joseph Patrick Farrell. Each of these men are giants of truth wrangling and masters of side stepping deception.

Friday 11 November 2011

John Lash - The Nag Hammadi Codices & The Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets

Nobody took the implications of the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets more seriously than I, but as time went on I started to question why would I take the word of the Anunnaki seriously? Particularly with their longer-term perspective of time it would make perfect sense to throw a few tablets of disinformation into the mix. 

John Lash also came to this conclusion (though long before I started to think about these things) as he outlines in this splendid interview. I'm more or less finished with the Anunnaki mythology for now, and increasingly focused on the Nag Hammadi codices, though obviously it's interesting, as all disinformation is, to analyse and look for motives and behavioural clues. If there's one talk about the Anunnaki that I urge everyone to listen to it's this one.

John also reminds us that most of the cuneiform tablets are transactions like the one above for sheep and goat tallies. They were the Goldman Sachs of their day. Which is one of those coincidences that makes a lot of sense if we think it through?

John Lash - The Gnostics

Thursday 10 November 2011

John Lash - The Abrahamic Faiths & The Archons

John Lash has been called the true successor of Mircea Eliade and the rightful heir of Joseph Campbell. Unlike those two world-class academics, John Lash is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology: that is, the application of myth to life, rather than its mere interpretation. He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems. On, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the earth and the human species from the galactic core.

Biographical notes

Since October 2008, John Lash is teaching Planetary Tantra and interactive magic with Gaia through the archetype/icon of the Shakti Cluster, the Tantric Tree of Life. This material is intended to orient the general public toward free-form experimental mysticism grounded in an intimate commitment to the earth. His more controversial writings on Kala Tantra, Gaian sexual magic, can be found on KaliRising: Intimations of a Mystical Hedonist.

John Lash is the only scholar of comparative mythology so far known to have rewritten a classical myth, giving it a different outcome: Orpheus and Eurydice.

His published works are: The Seeker's Handbook (1991) , Twins and the Double (1993) , The Hero - Manhood and Power (1995) , Quest for the Zodiac (1999) , Not in His Image (2006).

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Nag Hammadi Texts, Gnosticism, The Archons & Dead End Transhumanism

Good to hear John Lash back on his specialism of comparative mythology ground unveiling the historic presence of Archons in human history. There are still questions that emerge from here and one get's the impression that John Lash doesn't have enough people challenging him or maybe he just doesn't listen. In any case his understanding of Gnosticism and the Nag Hammadi texts is the most solid explanation of an alien parasitic mind presence on planet Earth. Indeed it's probably the oldest and most recurring phenomenology we can cross reference using the latest data available.

However it doesn't support his assertion here that abduction is a mind trick as that begs the question what purpose does it serve to wipe it from most abductees memory? Again it feels like John Lash doesn't get tackled by many people and wonders off into easy to bring down speculation. Still, it's a great Archontic interview, even if a confrontational  interview style (like BBC Hardtalk) tackling his internal contradictions at some point would raise his game.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

John Lash - The Gnostics (Meta-history)

Until this interview I was still unclear what exactly the Gaia/Sophia story was really about, and here John Lash explains it clearly. There are some differences but it's not unlike the idea of Pandeism (once again) except for the notion of our living planet as a god in much the same way that we are too. John is a real scholar of lots of inter threaded topics such as gnosticism, shamanism, myth and psychopharmacology. His technical vocabulary is intimidating though he explains every new word introduced. There's also a full explanation of the organic light in this interview, and I finally discovered that the connection is made through the use of sacred medicines such as psilocybin or ayahusca. Great interview if you can spare the time and are inclined to learn more.

I've yet to encounter a single reviewer who hasn't highly praised John Lash's best selling  Gnosticism book 'Not in his image'.

John Lash - Contemporary Dementia, Sophia & The Organic Light

I've been listening to John Lash for a few days now. His message is quite unusual in so much as he makes bold spiritual claims in his talks. I stepped away for a few seconds while listening, and heard something crash in the next room immediately. I returned to see my speakers had both been thrown in splendid poltergeist fashion from their carefully positioned stereo sound placement. 

I thought to myself Lash was either saying something completely heretical or prophetic right at that moment so I set the player back a minute or two and re-listened. I wasn't going to post this audio as it's unlikely to be interesting to anyone but me, though as something threw my speakers down and broke one of the feet I'm spreading the word.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

John Lamb Lash - Planetary Tantra - Sophia, Melchizedek & The Archons

John Lash delves into the subject of the Archons towards the end suggesting we focus our dissatisfaction with negative planetary dynamics on the figure of Melchizedek as seen on the left statue holding a cup at Chartres Cathedral. He is the icon of the opposition working against humanity. The discussion prior to that is spell binding too including Shamanic discourses of Sophia sessions through the inner female voice. 

The number of Skype or telephone call interviews that are cut off or interrupted when discussion of information that hasn't seen the light of day in a broad and easy to access way for centuries is extraordinary. I'd say somewhere in the region of 80%. It's like an in joke these days and almost the definition of an interview with important information surfacing and worth paying attention to.

A Beginner's Guide To The Nag Hammadi Texts & The Archons


Some people on the internet say the Archons are no longer with us and that their lieutenants in the guise of secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati are the only remaining obstacle between us and emancipation. 

They're the one's looting the planet and supervising the largest transfer of wealth through planned economic crisis if capitalism still turns you on.

I'm optimistic about the future but found this to be a useful summary of much I've learned in six months from the gnosticism of the Nag Hamadi texts to video testimony of humans who have suffered. it's a complex tale about an unholy alliance between extra dimensional parasites and willing human servants. Make your own mind up though.

One topic I firmly believe in since studying this area is the idea of transdimensional entities. All the science and mythology points towards a world we perceive as a meadow but which our farmers see as a cattle pen. I think the Jewish word is Goyim though the Jews are just as much, if not more the victims or religious manipulation. From their own in many cases.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Advanced Joseph P. Farrell

More interesting for people familiar with Dr Farrell's work but good free range thinking on a lot of subjects if you're like it erudite.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Gnosticism & Hermeneutics

Yesterday I had a decisive epiphany listening to an interview of Jay Weidner that I not only could spend the rest of my life researching Gnosticism and Hermeneutics but that I likely will. The motivation is the seemingly unending nature of the task, it's widespread connections with most of what I am interested in and most importantly its indiscriminate approach to exploration of all that is interesting and related to conciousness. It's probably a little late in the day to pick up an interest in such a topic but I've yet to hear an authority on the subject come close to boring. Here's a little sample of on the Ouroboros above and a podcast video of one of the pre-eminent experts in the world John Lash. My only regret is not discovering this fascinating subject earlier.

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle. It has been used to represent many things over the ages, but it most generally symbolizes ideas of cyclicality, unity, or infinity. The ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations. More recently, it has been interpreted by psychoanalysts, such as Carl Jung, as having an archetypical significance to the human psyche.

The Ouroboros is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. The serpent or dragon appears in Aztec, Norse, Middle East, and Native American mythologies, as well as in Ancient Greek, Gnostic, Christian, Hindu and West African cultures.

Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, perfectly constructed animal.